Mission 008: "Angel Attack!"

Jul 27, 2011 00:36

Session Start (overmanzs1:srwugamission008): Tue Jul 26 19:22:46 2011 -0500
Session Start (overmanzs1:!aol://2719:10-4-srwugamission008): Tue Jul 26 19:22:47 2011 -0500
Session Close (srwugamission008): Tue Jul 26 19:22:47 2011 -0500

*** OvermanZs1 has joined the conversation.
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*** Tengusaur has joined the conversation.
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EricOverbringer: ((Can I get an OOC chat invite?))
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OvermanZs1: ( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w )
OvermanZs1: Ahh, the beautiful city of Tokyo-3. Well, beautiful compared to some of the wreckage, wastland and Siberian tundra you've been seeing these last weeks. BUT NOT IS NOT TIME FOR SIGHTSEEING!

OvermanZs1: To make it short and sweet, you've been briefed on the impending Angel attack already. Those of you from the White Chalice have been asked to support the local military while NERV makes their preparations. You're already on the field, ready for combat, so feel free to banter and check your systems.

OvermanZs1: (Char, Alexi, Werter: feel free to talk shit)
OvermanZs1: Below, inside NERV, the Eva pilots are sitting at the ready. You're on the same channel as the support from the Chalice, so feel free to talk at them as well.
MisterGiggl3s: Char: Asuka mentioned Angels before... *sips wine slowly.*
OvermanZs1: (kENSUKE, Asuka, this means you)
Nerdorama09: Misato, for her part, is already onto her part of the mission, which involves tearing up this prefecture's remaining freeways in her Renault.
OvermanZs1: Misato: have some driving music (Link: http://youtu.be/TPdDw-Ffz9k)http://youtu.be/TPdDw-Ffz9k
Deusexcaeli: Asuka is already sitting inside her beloved Unit 02, just itching for deployment!
OvermanZs1: Meanwhile, Shinji and Wendell, you two have just happened to pass eachother at an intersection; strange as not a single other person are on any of the roads. You're free to have a chat, but you two might have some other things to take care of!

Deusexcaeli: Asuka: (Alright, Asuka. This is it. No room for screw-ups.)
equilibratum: Shinji is trying to call, well. Someone back home, or maybe his father
equilibratum: He's not even sure because all the damn phones are not working.
*** arachnion01@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke fidgets nervously inside his Unit 4, his hands are sweating inside his plug suit, but despite his fear, he is always excited beyond belief. "I can't believe I'm really going to do this..."
llamaqueen190: Wendell offers a friendly smile, though it seems a little forced. He's dragging a rather large suitcase with him.
MisterGiggl3s: Char: *finishing his wine, he opens the cockpit to the MSN-02 Perfect Zeong Char Custom, boots up the Psycommu system, and waits deployment.*
equilibratum: Shinji then noticed the other person as he just closed his flip phone.
OvermanZs1: And soon, it approaches. Designated the 3rd Angel ((Link: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/132/01angel0.jpg/)http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/132/01angel0.jpg/) With the Angel now in sight, the local military opens fire, turrets and helicopters, with a veritable Itano Circus of missiles.

equilibratum: But he didn't say anything, since he... doesn't really trust strangers
Tengusaur: Werter's robot is waiting in the Gunbust... I mean, with its arms folded, staring into the direction of the incoming enemy. "Fighting huge monsters is exactly what we're best at, eh Prometheus?"
OvermanZs1: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZGvEhNVPQ8)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZGvEhNVPQ8
OvermanZs1: [Char, Werter, Alexi: you're welcome to open fire from afar.]
equilibratum: He then looked at the picture that came alongside whatever Father sent him.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka is watching the action on some surveillence cameras, clenching and unclenching her fists around her controls.
equilibratum: Shinji: "...she's late."
MisterGiggl3s: Char: Char Aznable. Zeong. Launching. *The Zeong rockets out of the catapult, and attempts to take up a strategic angle near a few buildings. He's going for the classic 'hit and run' strike.*
OvermanZs1: (You're already on the field, and no melee yet)
Tengusaur: Werter: "Although this guy is big even by 'huge' standards... Here we go!" He creates spinning disks of plasma that drive on the ground towards the Angel like wheels!+
MisterGiggl3s: (Not melee. Trust me, I know what I'm doing.)
OvermanZs1: But in the meantime, Wendell, you seem to know where you're going. As you break into and unsheltered warehouse, you find just about what you were looking for.
((Link: http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff449/pileofrobots/39ca38a8c4c97024a88140c75b6bcaea.jpg)http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff449/pileofrobots/39ca38a8c4c97024a88140c75b6bcaea.jpg) An old, dusty, idle mech. Maybe it still works though, it's undamaged at least.

fenrirarma: Alexei connect himself to his AMS Tether. Already the Wahrheit is feeling unfamiliar... He looks up, scanning the target. "Alright...let's see what the League's power is... Wahrheit operational! Beginning long range targeting!" The Wahrs massive frame begins to move, dropping onto one knee as its massive sniper cannon locks down into place on its back. Alexei lines up his shot, zeroing in on the angel, firing a massive armor piercing shot with a deafing BOOM!
llamaqueen190: Wendell slows down, in awe of the giant machine before him. He sets the suitcase he's been hauling down carefully, before turning back to the mech.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke watches the camera's on his Eva screen, already he is loosing his faith in himself to do this. Just pre-battle jitters, he knows. "Asuka, how can you be so calm at a time like this?"
OvermanZs1: A voice, echoing in both male and female at once, speaks up when you draw near.
???: Hmm...? What is this mortal We sense?
Deusexcaeli: Truthfully? Asuka isn't.
Deusexcaeli: But on the outside, she's all grins and confidence.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Heh! What a pointless question!
llamaqueen190: Wendell: Are you Somnian? I was told that, hidden away from the world, there exists a being who can control the souls of the dead.
OvermanZs1: [Char/Werter/Alexi] Valiant as your efforts were, as well as those from the other forces, it would seem not a single shot phased, or even landed, upon the Angel. As it continues to approach, it extends a hand out and impales a helicopter with a red spike of energy!

Deusexcaeli: Asuka: It's because I'm brilliant, of course! And you'd do well to learn from my shining example!
OvermanZs1: ???: Thou art correct... We are the one known as Somnian.
fenrirarma: Alexei grits his teeth. "Cheap BFF weaponry...of course it didn't make a dent..."
llamaqueen190: Wendell: *Hesitating, he turns to the huge luggage he so carefully protected earlier. Opening the item reveals a young girl with dark hair, seemingly asleep, if only she were breathing.* She was killed for she had a cursed fate. Please, I need you to bring back her soul...
OvermanZs1: Somnian: *A mocking laugh!* Souls that are once lost cannot be reclaimed... Is that not the law of mortals? With that maiden's soul... however... it may not be impossible.

llamaqueen190: Wendell: Really? *He does not hide the desperate hope in his voice.*
OvermanZs1: Somnian: In this world there exist cores of power, scattered far. These cores can only be defeated by this weapon before thine eyes, and will protect themselves from thine actions. If thou defeat those cores, We shall do as thou wish.

howmuchineedyou: Kensuke nods! Oh course that was the answer, it made perfect sense! He pushes up his glasses. "Yes, you're right! I'll be be following your example, so I don't make any rookie mistakes today."
llamaqueen190: Wendell: I understand.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Hm... doesn't look like things are going so well up top, though.
OvermanZs1: Somnian: But heed this, the price you pay may be heavy indeed.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka is indeed watching events transpire with some hesitation.
Tengusaur: Werter: "That's one tough bastard... They have to move away from it! "
MisterGiggl3s: Char: *remains eerily silent.*
llamaqueen190: Wendell: *He glances at the unmoving form of the girl near his feet.* It doesn't matter.
OvermanZs1: Somnian: Very well... The first is close...
fenrirarma: Alexei: "Any ideas...?"
OvermanZs1: The fates have chosen to pile onto the situation. From the hillside, in the exact opposite direction of the Angel's approach, a creature forms. The hills, trees, dirt, and a few buildings are ripped from where they sit and form around a glowing core.

OvermanZs1: Of course, this is already on TOP of the approaching Angel!
MisterGiggl3s: Char: What the--...
OvermanZs1: (Initative: Char, Alexi, Werter)
(Enemies: Sachiel (3rd Angel), Weird mass of rubble)
fenrirarma: Alexei: "Great...just what we need."
OvermanZs1: (Char, Alexi; show the military what a real pilot can do!)
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Tengusaur: Werter: "Another elemental...? No, it's something different."
MisterGiggl3s: Char: Enough talking. This... thing needs to be destroyed.
*** vertigojockey@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
equilibratum: The sounds of combat doesn't go unnoticed as Shinji well. Kinda freaks out at the sight of giant robots attacking a strange creature... make that creatures.
equilibratum: ...make that really freaking out
equilibratum: Shinji: "What the...!?"
MisterGiggl3s: Char: *With the Zeong reaching its position, Char boosts into the sky, sending the Zeong airborn. He fires two shots from each megaparticle gun from the Zeong's torso.*
OvermanZs1: (your target?)
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke is not worried too, and he takes his glasses off to clean, and then realizes while submerged in LCL there's not way TO clean his glasses. "This doesn't look good at all! We should go help them!"
MisterGiggl3s: (Sachiel, sorry.)
Deusexcaeli: Asuka sighs with frustration.
fenrirarma: "Activating AMS. Synchonization one to one. Let's show some mobility!" Alexei fires up the Wahrheit's thrusters, taking to the sky nearly instantaneously. He keeps a close eye on his EN count...stable. That's unusual for a NEXT... He folds down his back mounted sniper cannon and pulls up the railgun instead, switching to the arm mounted sniper cannon. "Let's see how concentrated fire works..." He fires the railgun first, then the sniper cannon, one ontop of the other, aimed at the Angel.+
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: You're telling me! What are those NERV blockheads making us wait for?!
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: The true angel of the battlefield has yet to descend!
OvermanZs1: [Char] This time, not clouded by a wall of missile, you can see your canon fire hits some sort of barrier before spreading over it. The Angel stops moving a second, but continues it's march.
MisterGiggl3s: Char: A barrier. Damn.
OvermanZs1: [Alexi] As the Angel stomps forward, it pauses a second as the heavy artillery fire hits the same wall. This, at least, gets it's attention, as the Angel raises a hand. A large pink pile-bunker is headed in he Warheit's(sp) direction
OvermanZs1: (react alexi)
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke only nods, completely enamoured by the fiery power of Asuka's willpower and determination. He wishes he could be so self confident! <3
Deusexcaeli: ♥, Kensuke. But your admiration is appreciated (and expected).
fenrirarma: "It'll take more than that..." Alexei blinks in and out as it dodges the large pile bunker, a large, wide plasma blade forming from the Wahrheit's left arm to slice at the pile bunker halfway down. "To take out a NEXT!"
OvermanZs1: After a couple of minutes a creature has formed ((Link: http://images.wikia.com/shadowofcolossus/images/f/f5/F6ef7a454ca6b3601f605ba37e8652911227969683_full.jpg)http://images.wikia.com/shadowofcolossus/images/f/f5/F6ef7a454ca6b3601f605ba37e8652911227969683_full.jpg ) And is approaching Tokyo-3! However, from the aforementioned warehouse, another, significantly smaller mecha emerges.

OvermanZs1: (New Initiave: Char, Werter, Alexi, Wendell)
(Enemies: Sachiel, Valus (1st Colossus))
Tengusaur: (who moves now?)
OvermanZs1: ((Wait... uh... didn't mean to switch initative like that.
OvermanZs1: (Werter, Wendell; try not to get yourselves mixed up and ACTION)
Tengusaur: Werter: "This red gem in its chest either shoots beams, or can be hit for massive damage. I'm going to risk it!" He runs towards the incoming Angel and leaps up, a drill lance appearing in Prometheus' hand! It starts whirring loudly as Werter aims at the red core!+
OvermanZs1: [Alexi] While you successfully dodge the attack itself, striking down on the pink spike only causes a large electrical-like burst. Your arm still functions, but the blade's device is fried!
fenrirarma: Alexei grimmaces and backs off. "Well...so much for Rosenthal ingenuity..."
OvermanZs1: [Werter] As the heavy drill forms, it spins with success, but doesn't proceed past the same wall previous attacks are being stopped against! Switching arms, the Angel extends it's palm for another stabbing strike (react!)
*** Saraanne13 has left the conversation.
Tengusaur: *The white robot tumbles away to the side, creating a small burst of plasma in its free hand to propel itself away from the ground and jump further away.+
llamaqueen190: Wendell's mech... *stumbles* out into the open. It's clearly pilotted by someone who has no idea what they're doing. It nearly trips before righting itself to face off the battle scene. Surprised that others are there, Wendell attempts to make sense of the display before him. There seems to be a highlighted spot on the colossal creature. "... Okay. I can do this."
llamaqueen190: The mech begins an ungainly lope towards the monstrous golem-like creature. Somehow, Wendell manages to get the sword out of its sheath *without* taking his own head off. His subtle plan of 'stab it' showing quite clearly.+
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] Your flailing gets you no cool points. Matter of fact, the large creature barely acknolodges you as it lumbers into the city. Swinging it's massive club it wrecks a building, sending heavy debris your way! (react)
OvermanZs1: The Angel strikes out again, using the same energy spike and sweeping it across, clearing out several helicopters from it's path. One of these unfortunate machines comes crashing down, guided right. For. Shinji.

OvermanZs1: (Holy crap someone save Shinji!)
Tengusaur: #
fenrirarma: #
llamaqueen190: Wendell brilliantly flails at the controls, somehow making the mech run in a different direction of the debris.+
equilibratum: *Shinji is screaming like a pansy and running!+
Deusexcaeli: Asuka just blinks.
OvermanZs1: (Unfortunately, denied for the sake of plot)
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: ...who's that dumb kid running around on the battlefield?
Deusexcaeli: Seriously, Shinji, why so stupid?
Nerdorama09: (If you say so)
MisterGiggl3s: Char: *strangely having flashbacks from the OYW watching a fail pilot*
Nerdorama09: Suddenly, a sports car skids to a halt in front of Shinji, passenger door being thrown open for him.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Get in!"
equilibratum: Shinji doesn't waste any time and gets in!
*** Wyverncakes has left the conversation.
equilibratum: He didn't want to die
OvermanZs1: [Misato/Shinji] Just as the car peels out, the choper crashes into the ground!
Nerdorama09: Misato speeds off before he's even seated, let alone seatbelted or has the door closed. "Sorry I'm late!"
OvermanZs1: Death averted!
Deusexcaeli: Dammit! Think of all the future angst Asuka has to suffer through now!
equilibratum: Shinji is hyperventilating for a bit. He...'s going to take a while to recover.
equilibratum: ...okay not really but he's still catching his breath.
equilibratum: Shinji: What... were those?
OvermanZs1: ???: Alright. Send out Units Two and Four.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka perks up!
Deusexcaeli: Could it be?
Deusexcaeli: CHANCE GET?
OvermanZs1: The ground and buildings shift aside as two towering structures rise from the ground. For those from the Chalice, a familiar RED mecha rises, but not far from it, is a SILVER machine of similar design.

OvermanZs1: (Asuka, Kensuke; prove your worth against the Angel!)
Nerdorama09: Misato: "That's a long story. Here." She throws a rather large manual over to the passenger side.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke swallows the lump in his throat, and nods to himself. "Let's do this!!"
fenrirarma: Alexei: "Reinforcements? About damn time..."
equilibratum: Shinji: What is this?
equilibratum: Also holy shit that manual is quite large.
Deusexcaeli: Unit 02 strikes a dramatic pose as it rises to the surface!
Deusexcaeli: But first, addressing the small fry - Kensuke, namely.
MisterGiggl3s: Char: *Watching Unit 02 with interest.*
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Listen up, kid! Just let me handle this!
Nerdorama09: Meanwhile, she's driving the hell out of downtown and towards an entrance to the Geofront. Especially since the old men were sending out the other two active units in her absence.
fenrirarma: Alexei instantly sweatdrops. "...there's no need for poses on the battlefield, pilot. And heroes always die first, so just do your job..."
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Oh, I'll do my job, alright...
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: And show up the rest of you peons in the process!
fenrirarma: Alexei: "Back up those words with action, now hurry up!"
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Watch carefully, Red Comet! This is how miracles happen!
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke's entrance is much less dramatic, as he retrieves his huge shield, and smash hawk from the launcher. "I've got you covered. It's your show."
equilibratum: Shinji is just being silent in the car.
Tengusaur: Werter: "Showing off isn't exactly hard when your robot is three times larger."
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke's cockpit fills with sparkles and shojo heart bubbles for Asuka.
OvermanZs1: Still lumbering around there's a giant with an earthen club. Swinging again, it's just clearing itself a nice little path. Char, a stray piece of building is coming your way as well! (Wendell, Char, react!)
Tengusaur: #
Deusexcaeli: Recklessly, Asuka charges ahead! She's wielding her trusty axe, and lunges for the Angel! +
OvermanZs1: (support approved this time!)
Tengusaur: *Werter stabs the drill lance into the ground and extends both of Prometheus' hands into the direction of the incoming rubble, creating a green plasma field to protect Char and the unknown newcomer!+
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke's Unit 04 follows 02, less gracefully, he trips over some power lines and nearly falls on his face. He recovers quickly and hurries in behind unit 02, flanking around to her right. "...she's amazing..."+
OvermanZs1: [Asuka] The axe heavily crashes into the Angel's barrier again, but, at least this time you not only make the Angel stop moving, but get's attention. The barrier looked a little...
OvermanZs1: more impacted than the other attacks
Deusexcaeli: Of course it did!
Deusexcaeli: This is the great Asuka Langley Soryu we're talking about!
Nerdorama09: Misato takes her eyes off the road long enough to yell some unheard technobabble about focusing on neutralizing the phase-space FIRST at the inside of her car's window.
equilibratum: Shinji's just staring.
howmuchineedyou: Unit 04 leaps forward, and puts both hands on the the shield. Focusing as hard as he can, he channels his meager AT field through the Shield, and slams it against the Angel's barrier, throwing his shoulder into it. Not the best idea, but it's a start.+
equilibratum: And not quiiite sure who she's talking to.
OvermanZs1: [Werter] The plasma just barely reaches the unknown in time to save him. The defence for Char is a bit less effective as massive chunks of building still ding across one of the legs. Oh no, you've lost the lower half of a leg Char...
Nerdorama09: Getting her eyes back on the road for a second, she remembers that her current responsibility is this kid.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "I'm Misato Katsuragi."
equilibratum: Shinji: "...Shinji Ikari."
equilibratum: He then averts his eyes from the woman, and goes back to staring at the roads.
Tengusaur: Werter: "At least this still works semi-reliably here... New robot, can you hear me? Need help?"
OvermanZs1: [Kensuke] Ramming the shield into the Angel only puts more pressure onto it's own AT field! However, it's not as easy as you'd like, and the Angel aims it's hand, and pink pile bunker down into your shield (react Kensuke)
OvermanZs1: (Char, Alexi, ATTACK again!)
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Ack! Attacking so soon?!
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Watch out!
llamaqueen190: Wendell: "Uh- yeah. I'm okay."
MisterGiggl3s: Char: Damn. *Oh well, nothing that can't be repaired. Char banks to the left while airborn, raises the Zeong's left hand, and fires shots from the finger-cannon at the back of Sachiel's head/neck thing while strafing.*
llamaqueen190: Wendell: *He glances at the towering colossus, then back to the other mechs.* "I think some help would be nice, if you're not busy."
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke tries to duck out of the way, but looses his balance and teeters on one foot for a moment, before regaining it's balance and using the forward momentum of his recovered footing, to swing his smash hawk at the Angels knees with one hand, the other struggles to defend himself with the huge shield. "This was so much easier in simulation!"+
fenrirarma: Alexei dashes around. The Wahrheit's speed...it's not half bad~ He closes the distance and ejects the Rosenthal beam blade, replacing it with another arm mounted blade stored in its bunker slot. "If the core is the weakpoint...then the core it is!" He folds over both shoulder mounted guns and lets loose a barrage of high powered shots, aimed directly at the Angel's red core. He makes sure to fire the railgun first to try and disrupt that barrier.+
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Simulations are nothing compared to the real thing, dummkopf!
OvermanZs1: [Kensuke] This is no ordinary sumulation, boy! Your stumbling actually works in your favor as the pile bunker only clips over the left shoulder. The axe still crashes into the AT field with not much sign of giving in
OvermanZs1: [Char] With the wall-like barrier focused on the two Eva's, the canons seem to get through, but only get stopped inches before actually hitting he Angel itself. Will nothing get through this wall!
Deusexcaeli: Asuka's fist will!
Deusexcaeli: Probably...
OvermanZs1: ((Werter, Wendell, proceed!))
llamaqueen190: Wendell pauses, taking a moment to try to make more sense out of the flashing display in front of him. It doesn't help. Trying an actual plan, Wendell pushes his mech to run, *leap*, and latch onto the colossus' lower leg.+
llamaqueen190: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1JNuvDyrv4)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1JNuvDyrv4 ))
Tengusaur: Werter: "Seems I can't do much about the other massively oversized monster. I'll help you out!" He creates a rough plasma javelin and throws it at the colossus' shoulder! The missile has a green tether attached, leading to Prometheus' wrist.&
Tengusaur: * (above)
Nerdorama09: Misato's physics-defying driving eventually takes her and Shinji through a heavy security door in the mountainside (fortunately while it's open)
Nerdorama09: The NERV logo is prominently displayed on the door and everywhere around.
equilibratum: Shinji: "...this is where father..."
equilibratum: He looks again at the letter on his lap.
equilibratum: ...It just said. "Come."
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Yeah. Do you know what your father does?"
equilibratum: Shinji: "...not really."
OvermanZs1: [Alexi] The Angel turns it's head towards the Wahrheit's fire. It almost looks like you'd land a hit, but, once more, the railgun fire hits a wall, as does the blade. Yoru blade doesn't break this time, but it takes a direct clawed swipe at you (react Alexi)
Nerdorama09: Misato: "I see. Oh, you father sent you an ID, right?"
OvermanZs1: [Wendell, Werter] Unintentionally combined, this works out. The javelin hits the creature's shoulder, making it stagger. It's long enough for Wendell to et a grip on it's leg! (Wendell, proceed)
equilibratum: Shinji then holds up the letter, attached on it is the ID.
equilibratum: Shinji: "Yeah."
OvermanZs1: [Werter] Now that you've enraged the beast, it raises it's heavy earthen club and swings it overhead for the Promethus!
fenrirarma: "Damn! No good!" He stops and pulls his blade away, watching at the claw swipes. "Overd Boost!" A large turbine opens up on the back of the Wahrheit. With a loud whirrrr, it charges up and quickly propels the Wahrheit away!
OvermanZs1: (Asuka, Kensuke! GOOOOO!)
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Good! Make sure you read that book I gave you."
equilibratum: Shinji then stares at the book again.
llamaqueen190: Wendell clings like a boss to the monster's leg. In a moment of relative stillness, Wendell stabs the colossus' calf with his sword.+
Deusexcaeli: Getting a little impatient at this point, Asuka disregards axes and acquires FISTS as she attempts to punch a hole in the Angel's AT Field, while simultaneously expanding her own. +
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Just die already, would you?!
Deusexcaeli: She's just going to keep punching until the point of exhaustion. Because punches solve everything.
OvermanZs1: [Alexi] Jesus christ! Why are you dodging so fast! You escape... too easily
Tengusaur: (Is my react needed?)
OvermanZs1: (I'll get to your resolve after Werter's react)
Tengusaur: *Werter swings on the energy line like he was swashbucklin' on a pirate ship, makes it disappear and jumps towards the roof of a building on the other side of the colossus!+
OvermanZs1: (Wait, nevermind that...)
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] The stab to the leg sends the creature falling to it's knee. It falls so heavy and hard that it actually BREAKS the limb off! But, slowly, the leg is reassembling itself from the debris it's created
howmuchineedyou: Comically, Kensuke carefully lays his shield against a building, trying to to squash anything with it, and out of Asuka's way, he leans back and put both hands on his smashhawk's handle, swinging it over his shoulder and bringing it down hard, in an overhand strike against the Angel's barrier, then pulls back for another round of pounding it. He wasn't sure what to do but follow Asuka's lead.+
OvermanZs1: [Asuka] The punching echoes over the battlefield, crashing into the AT field! The Angel doesn't take too kindly to this as it's own AT field is being pushed closer to it's own body! (You may keep up the pressure, Asuka)
OvermanZs1: [Kensuke] Your crashing and flailing of your axe is contributing, but, the Angel doesn't budge, only it's AT field pushign closer to it's body. But it seems that you're it's favorite Eva punching bag, and it draws it's hand up for another piercing strike (react Kensuke)
Nerdorama09: Misato: "...you don't seem happy about the idea of seeing your father. You don't get along with him, do you?"
OvermanZs1: (Char, Alexi, your turn)
equilibratum: Shinji: "..."
equilibratum: Shinji: "...I guess you can say that."
Nerdorama09: Misato: "We're the same, I guess."
Deusexcaeli: Asuka just continues to hammer away... while simultaneously trying to grab the AT Field and pull it apart.
Nerdorama09: At that point, the car ride gets to the point where Shinji can see the impressive vista of NERV's elaborate and incredibly not ominous underground base
Deusexcaeli: She may or may not be getting a little too into this, judging from her frantic yelling.
llamaqueen190: Wendell: "It's... reforming?"
equilibratum: Shinji is obviously amazed at the sight.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke's eyes go wide, and thrn tried to dive out of the way, leaping away and rolling, most likely through buildings. "I just can't seem to get the hang of this." With out his shield in hand he's pretty defenceless.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Give up already so I can rip you to BLOODY PIECES!
MisterGiggl3s: Missing half of one leg, Char has no choice but to stay in the air and hope that his fuel will last. Contuing to strafe to the side, Char is now facing the side of the creeature, and aims another round of finger-cannon fire at the side of the creature's head, in a verticle pattern.
OvermanZs1: [Asuka] For your efforts, the Angel rewards you. Pushed to it's patience, it looks at you. That's it. Looking... It's eyes shine and suddenly... CROSSPLOSION set to go off in front of you. (React, if you can)
Deusexcaeli: Dodge roll to the side! Like a boss!
Deusexcaeli: While lashing out with a drop kick!
MisterGiggl3s: (Creature being Sachiel by the way.)
equilibratum: Shinji: "This is a geofront!"
equilibratum: ...oh god that is amazing indeed.
fenrirarma: "It's no good, Wahrheit's weapons aren't taking to the shield." Despite this, he turns the Wahr around quickly, drawing all of his weapons to bear that can fire at long range. "Concentrated firing...it seems to be working for them..." He fires each of his weapons in quick succession, there's got to be a way to break down that shield! He fires as many high powered shots as he can while his Primal Armor regenerates from Over Boosting...
OvermanZs1: [Asuka] You do get to dodgeroll, but your intent to dropkick is denied by the explosions's impact. You're sent crashing through a building, and the majority of a second!
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Yep! NERV's headquarters, and the cornerstone for rebuilding this world..."
OvermanZs1: (is that all, Alexi?)
Deusexcaeli: Ow. That hurt a little.
fenrirarma: +
Deusexcaeli: Unit 02 shuffles unsteadily back to its feet, with Asuka wincing.
Tengusaur: Werter: "That thing started as a core of some sort, didn't it? That's probably what needs to be destro-gah giant explosion!"
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Stupid abomination... don't think you've won yet!
OvermanZs1: [Char] It's barrier has gained some ground now that the two Evas have stopped their pressure. It's yet to continue moving, so there's that much. Yet as it begins to look at you Char...
OvermanZs1: [Alexi] It's attention is turned away from the Zeong by the long range fire of the distanced NEXT. The wall still has no sign of giving, and now it's starting to lumber forward once again.
OvermanZs1: (Wendell, Werter)
llamaqueen190: Wendell: "I think it did. There's a lot going on on my screen and most of it doesn't make sense."
llamaqueen190: Wendell wastes no time in jumping to a higher location on the colossus, clinging like mad. The flashing on his monitor tells him to climb higher. "I think... I think I need to reach its head!"+
fenrirarma: Alexei: "...Char, think you can get it's attention again?"
MisterGiggl3s: Char: Most definitely. What do you have in mind?
fenrirarma: Alexei: "I need enough time to close the gap... If raw force can push the field in, I may have a solution."
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] Now that you're on it's back, it starts to stand again. But lacking most of one leg, it doesn't do so very well, and thrashes side to side trying to shake you off!
Tengusaur: *Werter: "I'll just have to make it appear. The for on this thing looks mightly flammable!" He reaches into Prometheus' back generator and pulls out a large glop of inflammable (though harmless on its own) semi-solid plasma. With a wide swing, he throws it at the Colossus!&
Tengusaur: (*fur)
Nerdorama09: After some time and only a LITTLE getting lost inside the base - Misato's been in North America for weeks, dammit - she takes Shinji to the heart of NERV's operations...the cages.
Nerdorama09: Where he sees (Link: http://www.collectiondx.com/gallery2/gallery/d/78626-1/Evangelion+Unit-01+in+cryostasis.jpg)this thing
equilibratum: Shinji: "What is that?"
equilibratum: Also creepy giant robot thing is creepy.
llamaqueen190: Wendell: *Being violently shaken back and forth...* AAAAAAAAH
OvermanZs1: [Werter] The colossus does not dodge well. It's far too big for that! It's quite easily splattered with the plasma. But this doesn't stop it from shaking Wendell around! (but proceed anyway
Nerdorama09: Misato: "That is mankind's ultimate multipurpose mecha, the synthetic humanoid 'Evangelion.'"
OvermanZs1: (Asuka, Kensuke!)
equilibratum: Shinji: "Evangelion..."
Nerdorama09: Misato smiles. "Ritsuko told me to say it like that."
equilibratum: Shinji: "Is she your friend?"
Deusexcaeli: Asuka has progressed past the point of impatience and is now in the dangerous territory of rage.
Deusexcaeli: Which is bad news for just about everbody.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Our science chief and the head of Project E."
equilibratum: Shinji: "...so, why did father call me here for?"
Tengusaur: *Werter jumps towards the Colossus, stabbing with the drill lance where the plasma is at its thickest. And it starts to spin, sending sparks flying everywhere - sparks that inflate the goo, causing a large explosion!+
howmuchineedyou: While the Angel is trying to blow up Asuka, Kensuke pushes unit 04 off the ground, and then leaps at the back of the angel, pulling out his prog knife mid air, and coming down on top of the barrier, trying to jam the knife into it, with all his weight and momentum. At the very least, he can pull the heat back on himself so Asuka can do something more constructive.+
Deusexcaeli: She charges forward with a yell, spraying the Angel with the rifle strapped to Unit 02's back and leaping high into the air, meaning to break through the AT Field with one well-aimed kick. +
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Take this!
Nerdorama09: (Doing some NPCing with active-mod permission!)
MisterGiggl3s: @
Nerdorama09: Gendo Ikari, way the hell up high: "It's been a while, Shinji."
OvermanZs1: (Approved, Char)
equilibratum: Shinji: "Father...!"
equilibratum: Shinji looks up at his father.
OvermanZs1: [Werter] The dril digs into the shoulder, making it crumble away. Easily, the sparks ignite the flame, setting the grass on it's back aflame. It seems more irritated by the drill however, as it swings it's club horizintally at Promethus (react)
MisterGiggl3s: As Asuka sprays the angel with rifle fire, Char activates the funnel-capabilities of the Zeongs hands, launching them from the rest of its body. They then join Asuka in firing at the Angel.
Nerdorama09: Gendo doesn't look back for more than a second. "Director, we need every available unit on the surface."
Deusexcaeli: Asuka will totally fangirl over getting assisted by Char later.
Deusexcaeli: Right now, kick of doom!
Nerdorama09: Misato: "W-wait, you're going to use Unit 01 NOW? Don't tell me..."
Nerdorama09: Misato: "You're going to have him pilot, aren't you?"
equilibratum: Shinji: "W-what!?"
Nerdorama09: Gendo: "That's exactly correct."
OvermanZs1: [Kensuke] The knife rams into the AT field, but, rather than anythign else that just bounced off of it, it seems to actually DO something! The knife is slowly passing through the barrier...
equilibratum: Shinji: "You called me here just to make me pilot that...!?"
equilibratum: Shinji is not a happy camper
Tengusaur: *Werter jumps high up, letting the club swing below Prometheus!+
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke doesn't let up, he tries to cling and push the knife, grunting loudly as sparks fly back at him from the AT field collision. "I'm getting in!!"+
Nerdorama09: Gendo: "You're required, and no one else can do it. That is all."
equilibratum: Shinji just going to say one thing:
OvermanZs1: [Char/Asuka] The combined fire, on top of Unit 04's efforts are wearing on the AT field for once! The field moves back under the assorted fire. It's Asuka's kick that seems to do more damage than anything. It's still only a foot hitting a wall, but, the Angel backpedals a step to maintain space!
equilibratum: ...okay, make that one sentence
Nerdorama09: Gendo: "If you're going to get in, do it now. Otherwise, go home."
OvermanZs1: [Kensuke, Char, Asuka] Enraged,even if it doesn't show it, the Angel's eyes blink again, and there's a pink glint forming right in front of the three. (DODGE IT!)
equilibratum: Shinji: "FINE! I'LL GO HOME!"
equilibratum: ...and he's going to start storming off.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Shinji!"
Deusexcaeli: Asuka is reluctant to pull away, but she dashes behind a pile of debris for cover.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Why did you come here?"
equilibratum: Shinji's going to stop.
equilibratum: But he's... not answering.
MisterGiggl3s: Char's Newtype senses go wild, and he's floor's Zeong's propulsion systems to dodge hard to the right and backward. The Zeong's hands rejoin the Zeong in the meantime.
equilibratum: He came here because of his father.
equilibratum: Because his father asked him to.
Nerdorama09: She walks around to look the kid in the eye.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "You mustn't run away. Not from your father, and not from yourself."
MisterGiggl3s: *correction: and he floors
equilibratum: Shinji: "..."
OvermanZs1: The explosion scatters everyone, even taking one of your newly minted hands with it Char! In the mass of the explosion, it's removed one of the buildings the Eva's entered on, exposing the deployment shaft, leading into the Geofront.
OvermanZs1: (In all that, I haven't forgotten. Char, Alexi)
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke tried to backflips off the angel, but his novice skills cannot follow through, and he tumbles to the ground, and by luck lands beside his shield, he grips it quickly and hold it over his unit, praying he doesn't get blown up.+
equilibratum: Shinji: "He called me here to die, Misato-san."
Nerdorama09: Gendo: "Tch. The bastard knows we're here. Fuyutsuki, wake up Rei."
equilibratum: Shinji: "I'm not doing it."
OvermanZs1: Fuyutsuki: "Are you sure? "
Nerdorama09: Gendo: "She's not dead."
OvermanZs1: Fuyutsuki: "Yes sir. Right away."
OvermanZs1: ( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMSNw4q05BQ)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMSNw4q05BQ )
A pair of suited men start wheeling in a gurney. On it is a heavily bandaged girl, sho begins to struggle just to sit up
equilibratum: Shinji's eyes widen at the sight.
equilibratum: ...is his father seriously...?
OvermanZs1: And the girl is just about to fall off the gurney just to stand. Well, no, she does roll off the side, IVs and tubes popping free form her skin as she falls heavily onto the floor
equilibratum: Shinji is going to catch her!
OvermanZs1: The girl strains and struggles to keep standing. She seems determined to go out there despite her condition
equilibratum: ...and when he does, he's going to notice her being....well. Very weak.
equilibratum: And struggling.
equilibratum: And bleeding.
equilibratum: ...He noticed the blood on his hands.
MisterGiggl3s: Char: "Damn!" Losing his hand, he is going to have to rely on his other megaparticle guns. Buting seeing the shield let up, Char charges up two shots from his heavy megaparticle guns in the Zeong's torso, aiming for the Angel's face again.
equilibratum: Shinji: "I musn't run away, I musn't run away, I musn't run away, I musn't run away, I musn't run away..."
equilibratum: Shinji: "I'll DO IT! I'LL PILOT THE EVA!"
OvermanZs1: (finished Char?)
fenrirarma: Alexei sighs, noting Chars attack. "Let's test the mobility of this. Purging, all weapons!" The Wahrheit reacts, dropping its railgun and two sniper cannons, to reveal another blade on the opposing arm. Both flicker to life. "Overd Boost!" The Wahrheit goes full power, charging in at well over 1000 KM/H to smash into the shield of the Angel with both of its blades!
fenrirarma: +
MisterGiggl3s: +
MisterGiggl3s: (sorry.)
OvermanZs1: [Char] The Angel tries to lumber forward taking progressive steps towards the opening, but the Zeong's canonfire stop it from progressing yet again.
OvermanZs1: [Alexi] And you effectively smash into the AT field, ALMOST LITERALLY! The blades don't make the same impact the tiny prog knife did, but, it's distracted enough that it won't progress any further for a moment
OvermanZs1: (Wendell, Werter)
llamaqueen190: With the colossus no longer shaking for a moment, Wendell climbs further up its back through the engulfed grass. One message on the screen is clear: the head is where the weak point is. Nothing to do except climb for now.+
llamaqueen190: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWaMfX6U2Do)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWaMfX6U2Do ))
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] The colosus shakes and twists, trying to both blow out flames and throw off the tiny climbing mecha. But your grip holds for now. Proceed
Tengusaur: *Werter can see where the newcomer is going. He throws another tethered energy javelin at the Colossus' head! "Climb the plasma rope!"+
OvermanZs1: [Werter] In it's thrashing, the javelin misses the head, but, it still piles into it's ear. That's still close, right? Wendell, you now have a rope to climb! (proceed some more)
OvermanZs1: (Asuka, Kensuke!)
llamaqueen190: "Ack!" Wendell clings blindly for a moment, before opening his eyes to see the rope swaying nearby. Frantically, he grasps for the rope. "Please don't fall please don't fall..."+
Tengusaur: Werter: "Be fast, it won't last for lonf."
Tengusaur: *long
OvermanZs1: [Keep a'climbin Wendell!]
llamaqueen190: Wendell hears the advice and redoubles his efforts to scale the beast. It's a short moment before he reaches the head, but it felt like much longer to Wendell. With one last tug, Wendell practically throws himself up onto the head, grasping for anything to hold onto.+
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] Fortunately, there's still some grass-hair there to cling to. so you get to grasp to that, but your grip is starting to slip, fast!
llamaqueen190: Scrabbling against the monster's head, Wendell glances down. A mistake. "O-oh damn..." Forcing his gaze back to the task at hand, the monitor in front of him starts going wild! The weak point is right under his hands. Flailing terribly, he brings his sword out again, awkwardly trying to stab downward into the colossus' head.+
Tengusaur: Werter lets go, since the generator is running low on power and he can't uphold the plasma construct for much longer. The javelin and its rope disappear. "Is he gonna make it, I wonder..."
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] The first stab slips just to the side. But the next finally plunges INTO the weak point! The Colossues thrashes it's arms about, but the head stays relatively still... compared to the previous thrashing!
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke, who had been turtle-ing under his shield, jumps up and let's the sheild drop again, this time no caring where it lands. He spins his prog knife in his fist and then charge at the angel again, this time, both fists are flying, one bladed and on not. He hasn't much idea what to do only that it can't be let down into the geo front.+
Deusexcaeli: Asuka (who has been hanging back to strategize, totally not to catch her breath), watches Kensuke carefully.
Deusexcaeli: The idea of teamwork reviles her, but... well, all in the name of saving humanity, right?
OvermanZs1: Shinji! Finally, you're all... well, you've got the head clips, but not an official suit. Is your body ready for deployment?
equilibratum: Mentally? Not really.
Deusexcaeli: So Asuka rushes in, too, aiming for the same spot as Kensuke with Unit 02's axe, trying to open up a weak point. +
Nerdorama09: In that case
Nerdorama09: Misato: "LAUNCH IT!"
equilibratum: Shinji's going to grit his teeth as the Eva is well.
OvermanZs1: [Kensuke/Asuka] The prog knife punches into the AT field again, making the Angel pause and reapply pressure to it's shield. Asuka's efforts make it struggle harder to do so, the barrier inching closer to the Angel as the prog knife AND axe strain and split it's defences!
OvermanZs1: ((Adding to the initiative, Shinji! You've been deployed BEHIND the Angel... but you have to get there first))
Deusexcaeli: Asuka is gritting her teeth, too.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Just a little... more...
equilibratum: Shinji: "R-right... what now?"
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Shinji, just think about walking for now!"
equilibratum: Shinji: "W-walk, right."
equilibratum: Sounds easy enough.
equilibratum: *The EVA begins taking... shaky steps.+
Deusexcaeli: The deployed Evangelion does manage to distract Asuka, though.
OvermanZs1: (Wendell, FINISH HIM)
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Huh? What's that idiot doing?
Deusexcaeli: Shinji, have Asuka bitching through your comm line!
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Hey, idiot! Quit lollygagging and get over here!
equilibratum: Shinji: "H-hu- WHOA!"
fenrirarma: Alexei: "Fun, more reinforcements..." He looks over. "Oh...god he's green..."
equilibratum: ...also to Asuka, he probably looks like a wimp.
OvermanZs1: [Shinji] What are you doing trying to take big boy steps? No. Due to your own ...first time piloting, you fall. On your face. Nevermind the car you just crushed that explodes over your crotch.
Deusexcaeli: At least it's a pretty one?
llamaqueen190: Wendell laughs in disbelief. "It's working..." He uses the slightly calmer moment to grab a firmer grip onto the colossus's head. Raising his sword for a strong, but carefully aimed, strike, Wendell waits. Watching the colossus's movements closely, he powers up as much as possible until the very last moment... "NOW!" And down came the sword.+
Deusexcaeli: Damn right you look like a wimp!
Deusexcaeli: And did you seriously just trip?!
equilibratum: Yep. Apparently he did.
howmuchineedyou: KEnsuke "Mines chrome..." U no lik mah shiny eva, Asuka?
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] As the sword cuts into the monster's head, it begins gushing a chunky black ooze, not unlike blood but... far more gross and sewage like (fortunately, it's not sewage)...
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] The colosus drops to it's other knee. It's arms crumble and fall off. From under the head, the core cracks, shatters and spews forth a wavering black mist. Mist that forms tendrils.
llamaqueen190: Wendell doesn't let go until he's sure that the colossus has stopped moving... then drops to the ground.
OvermanZs1: [Wendell] The mecha does nothing to save you as the darkness pierces the cockpit and straight into your heart and soul!
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Asuka, lay off. Everyone, you need to surround the Angel as best you can!"
OvermanZs1: (Char, Alexi. You heard the woman.)
OvermanZs1: (Shinji, pick yourself up already! You silly newbie.)
llamaqueen190: "GGHHK!" Wendell's vision immidiately darkens, then goes black completely. The mech stumbles, then falls over in a heap as Wendell passes out.
equilibratum: *Shinji's going to try standing up, but well, he's still new to this, so its getting up. Slowly.+
equilibratum: *The EVA I mean.*
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Shinji, just stay calm and focus. You'll be able to feel what the Eva feels, but remember it's not your own limbs."
Tengusaur: Werter: "That doesn't look good..." He runs forward to see what the deal with the tendrils is, and looks over his shoulder at the other fight, with its giant crater and a new Eva lying on the ground. "That doesn't either."
fenrirarma: Alexei: "Just one more...one more second!" He keeps the pressure with the blades on. "Everyone! BACK OFF!" He has a little more Primal Armor left...and with it, he charges it into his next. "Activating Assault Armor!" With a massive blast, the Wahrheit releases its Primal Armor in a massive explosion surrounding the next, hoping that the Primal Amor is stronger than that barrier!
howmuchineedyou: "Alright Miss Misato!" Kensuke nods, and keeps up the heat on the angel, in the back of his mind wondering about this new EVA, but he figure he can worry about him later, if their not all dead that is.
fenrirarma: +
Deusexcaeli: Asuka grumbles, but continues to chop and pry away at the Angel's defenses.
Deusexcaeli: Rest assured, Shinji, you will get a thorough examination later.
MisterGiggl3s: Char: "Right. Pulling back." Char uses his remaining leg to position the Zeong backwards, and then activates his thrusters as he can to boost backwards.
OvermanZs1: [Alexi] The massive radial burst surrounds the Angel for the most part. In a way, it's own AT field protects Asuka and Kensuke from the blast. The pressure is on, as the barrier is only but inches away from the main body! Things are looking good.
OvermanZs1: [Shinji, you manage to stand. And there's a nice open space for you to approach the Angel and get some action in!
equilibratum: Shinji: "...um, Misato-san, does the EVA has any weapons?"
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Reach over your left shoulder, you'll find a progressive knife! That should do it at this range!"
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: So long as you don't fall flat on your face like a clown again, anyway!
Nerdorama09: Misato: (41% sync rate or not no way am I pointing this kid at a gun yet...)
equilibratum: Shinji: "Right."
fenrirarma: The Wahrheit drops to the floor, then boosts away to hide behind a building. "It's all yours...good luck kid..."
equilibratum: Shinji's going to have the EVA reach to its left shoulder, and after the Pylon opened and deposited him the knife...
equilibratum: *The EVA activated the knife, and shakily ran towards the Angel, aiming for a stab!+
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: (Such poor form! Whoever he is, he's a disgrace to Eva pilots everywhere!)
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: (He's worse than I am...)
MisterGiggl3s: Char: *shaking his head in disapproval at Asuka's constant outbursts.*
equilibratum: ((Oh right: (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9e4csjwvH8)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9e4csjwvH8))
OvermanZs1: [Shinji] The knife pluges into the Angel, as you clumsily run into it's AT Field. With all the pressure, you get pretty close! But, the angel does not play fair. It fills it's hand with Unit 01's FACE
equilibratum: This can't be good.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Shinji!"
OvermanZs1: [Shinji] You're his new Eva punching bag! Kensuke is relieved of this title! Using that pink pile bunker, it crashes right into your face with such force it rams you int oa building
equilibratum: Shinji: ARGH!
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: Scheisse! What the hell are you doing?!
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: MOVE!
equilibratum: The pain, the pain, the pain, the pain...!
OvermanZs1: [Shinji] Over and over, it punches into the armor, repeatedly, until the pile bunker FINALLY punctures the armor, and YOUR FACE
OvermanZs1: Unit 01 is SHUT DOWN...
equilibratum: ...and Shinji's going to well. Spit out blood, and is KOed.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka is...
Deusexcaeli: Well, horrified isn't quite the right word.
Deusexcaeli: Enraged is more like it.
OvermanZs1: At least the colossus was taken out.
equilibratum: (((Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgBorDzOb-4)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgBorDzOb-4))
OvermanZs1: MISSION FA-
equilibratum: W-wait, the EVA...
equilibratum: Is it actually moving!?
equilibratum: Yes, it is!
MisterGiggl3s: Char: He's... alive?
equilibratum: The restraining face armor breaks, as the EVA let out a mighty howl.
Nerdorama09: Misato: "What? Shinji! The sychro graph...it's reversing!"
Deusexcaeli: But what's going on here?
Deusexcaeli: Asuka pauses and stares ahead at the awakening Unit 01...
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: W... what is he...
equilibratum: The EVA then crouched down.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "What is happening to him!?!"
equilibratum: ...it looks like its not even bothering to assume a human stance.
OvermanZs1: Even the Angel is questioniing what's going on...
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: !!
OvermanZs1: [Berserk Eva] The Angel staggers back as it's AT field deploys to push the Eva away!
MisterGiggl3s: Char: Asuka... does this normally happen with EVA units?
equilibratum: The EVA seems to struggle a bit at that! But...
Deusexcaeli: Asuka can only stammer in response to Char.
equilibratum: ...its deploying its own AT Field to counteract it!
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: N-not that I know of. This is crazy!
equilibratum: *+
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: (It's like it's alive..!)
OvermanZs1: [Berserk Eva] It's a battle of AT Fields! Who's is stronger! Who's will give in first!? The Angel rears a hand back to try and attack with it's pink pile bunker again! (react)
equilibratum: *The EVA is going to just sacrifice one arm to block the Pile Bunker while it continues to break through! -
equilibratum: *&
OvermanZs1: [Berserk Eva] The Angel tries to pull it's hand and spike back from the Eva's grasp (proceed0
*** howmuchineedyou has left the conversation.
OvermanZs1: [Berserk Eva] And doing so breaks the spike in it's hand. In a way the Angel shrieks out in pain and rage.
*** howmuchineedyou has joined the conversation.
equilibratum: *The EVA is going to respond to that by... grabbing both of Sachiel's hands and... &
OvermanZs1: [Berserk Eva] Stop doing things that stop it from attacking! This is... madness! (proceed0
equilibratum: *The EVA is going to just. RIP ITS ARMS OFF ITS SOCKET!+
equilibratum: While roaring and looking crazy
equilibratum: *Sachiel's arms, that is.
OvermanZs1: [Berserk Eva] Well, this isn't good. If you're going to play like that, then it wn't play nice either. Ignoring it's form, it expands, swells, and engulfs Unit 01's face and chest (take that Shinji... I mean, Berserk Eva)
Deusexcaeli: Asuka is just staring speechless.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke put his hands over his mouth in horror. This was not what he had been prepared for
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: (How is he so good of a sudden? How... why... dammit!)
equilibratum: *If the EVA shows any notice to that, well... Its going to try and rip the core off Sachiel, if... Sachiel doesn't blow up first that is.+
OvermanZs1: [Berserk Eva] Nope, sorry. It's actually going ot do JUST THAT! THe core and Angel begin to bubble as it contracts the space around Unit 01.
OvermanZs1: (EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE) (Except you Berserk Eva. Take your punishment)
Nerdorama09: Misato: "Self-destruct?! Everyone, get out of there!"
Deusexcaeli: Yeah, Asuka's a little reckless, but she's not stupid. She's hightailing it. Leaving Shinji to his fate.
MisterGiggl3s: Char gasps, his Newtype senses suddenly screaming at him to get out of there. He floors the Zeong's boosters, flying in the opposite direction at top speed.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke takes off in a different direction vaulting smaller buildings in an attempt to get away.
Tengusaur: *Werter: "Even by the standards of what we just witnessed, this looks really bad!" He runs away, grabbing the unknown mecha (read: Wendell) on the way.+
OvermanZs1: [Everyones] The Wahrheit included, everyone manages to get the hell out of there just as the Angel explodes over Unit 01. Yup, an explosion like that, tipped with a rippling pink cross, nobody would make it out of there alive. Not... one... thing...
equilibratum: Except...
equilibratum: The EVA-01 is standing tall.
equilibratum: Apparently not affected by the explosion
equilibratum: Heck.
howmuchineedyou: Kensuke: "WOAH!! HE looks soo AWESOME!!"
equilibratum: Its even walking out of it.
equilibratum: Before deactivating, and still standing.
MisterGiggl3s: Char: How... how is that possible?
OvermanZs1: Unit 01 topples over afterward.
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Deusexcaeli: Asuka isn't saying a word.
OvermanZs1: The Angel has been defeated. Even the addtional intrusion of a Colossus was removed. All in all, all the wreckage of Tokyo-3 aside...
Deusexcaeli: She's busy pounding her controls in anger.
Nerdorama09: Misato is simply staring dumbfounded.
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: (Showing me up like that... unforgiveable!)
Tengusaur: Werter: "I can see why Japan is almost completely wasteland and ruins."
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howmuchineedyou: Kensuke moves closer to the downed Eva. "Should I pick him up, or....?"
Deusexcaeli: Asuka: (Never, ever again...)
Deusexcaeli: Kensuke can help if he wants. Asuka's already turned her back on Shinji, moping back to HQ.
*** deusexcaeli has left the conversation.
MisterGiggl3s: Char watched the entire thing mute. Taking a look at the blinking lights on the Zeong's controls, it's in severe need of repair, and heads back to the White Chalice. Dan won't be pleased.
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Session Close (!aol://2719:10-4-srwugamission008): Tue Jul 26 22:31:48 2011 -0500

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