Mission 118: Endless Poem (part 1)

Oct 04, 2012 22:41

wyverncakes has entered the room. 9:12 pm
arachnion01@gmail.com has been invited. 9:13 pm
daviddarsh has been invited. 9:13 pm
griefgathering has been invited. 9:13 pm
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has been invited. 9:13 pm
howmuchineedyou has been invited. 9:13 pm
mistergiggl3s has been invited. 9:13 pm
godannar1138@yahoo.com has been invited. 9:13 pm
Daviddarsh has entered the room. 9:13 pm
vertigojockey@gmail.com has been invited. 9:13 pm
blackmagerulz101@gmail.com has entered the room. 9:13 pm
godannar1138@yahoo.com has entered the room. 9:13 pm
griefgathering has entered the room. 9:13 pm
mistergiggl3s has entered the room. 9:13 pm
overmanzs1 has been invited. 9:13 pm
vertigojockey@gmail.com has entered the room. 9:14 pm
arachnion01@gmail.com has entered the room. 9:14 pm
carceroth@gmail.com has been invited. 9:14 pm
carceroth@gmail.com has entered the room. 9:14 pm
OvermanZs1 has entered the room. 9:15 pm
jaywillis18 has been invited. 9:16 pm
jaywillis18 has been invited. 9:16 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 9:16 pm
howmuchineedyou has entered the room. 9:19 pm
wyverncakes 9:19 pm
(9:19:27 PM):     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFCU68Gim3o
ultimatesalsa has been invited. 9:20 pm
ultimatesalsa has entered the room. 9:20 pm
wyverncakes 9:22 pm
(9:22:54 PM):     After the stop at the Litner village, the Chalice is currently heading back to the Americas!
(9:23:40 PM):     The weather is great, the ocean is peaceful, and thanks to everyone's effort the Chaice is looking like its old self again!
(9:23:51 PM):     Well, looking more like its old self than after that massacre at the DC base
(9:23:54 PM):     So how's everyone doing?
Overman Zappa 9:24 pm
(9:24:35 PM):     Hixar's pretty gewd.  Hayana's behaving, so, he's debating on leaving he alone to g osee Momo
Spirit of Justice 9:25 pm
(9:25:14 PM):     Gai's doing swell. He's hard at work on making sure his next upgrade plan doesn't horribly fail.
Mister Giggles 9:25 pm
(9:25:17 PM):     Char's just having a drink at the observation deck. Relaxing. He kind of likes the ocean.
Atrament Corel 9:25 pm
(9:25:20 PM):     Well, Nanoha just got back from training! So she's chilling and at the same time, trying to catch up with what happened while she was gone.
howmuchineedyou 9:25 pm
(9:25:24 PM):     Lockon is trying to take a nap, but instead laying awake wishing he wasn't napping alone.
Jay Willis 9:25 pm
(9:25:39 PM):     *Allelujah is trying to relax and just enjoy the weather, but it's been made difficult by the fact that Hallelujah is on edge and is effectively pacing in the back of his mind, like a feral animal before a storm...
Atrament Corel 9:25 pm
(9:25:43 PM):     Pray that she isn't serious about looking for Luger's drawings.
Joseph Fischer 9:26 pm
(9:26:10 PM):     Setsuna's in his Gundam running multiple checks on the systems
jaywillis18 has left the room. 9:27 pm
jaywillis18 has been invited. 9:27 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 9:27 pm
wyverncakes 9:28 pm
(9:28:29 PM):     Yes, it's certainly a fairly quiet day... but then anyone up on the observation deck might notice up in the sky above the Chalice, a particular bit of it starting to sparkle a reddish orange...
(9:28:55 PM):     Dan: "Huh... wonder what that's about-"
(9:29:15 PM):     But before he can even finish, suddenly a massive beam shoots out, raining down and crashing into the Chalice once more!
(9:29:16 PM):     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKfAXy5jwB8
wyverncakes 9:29 pm
(9:29:51 PM):     The damage is comparatively less than what happened before, but the alarms begin to blare once more and Captain Smith begins to start running around, panicking and trying to save his golf clubs!
(9:30:12 PM):     Ayame: "... Dammit, not again!  Everyone, get into position to sortie!  We can't allow another shot through!"
(9:30:33 PM):     But the sky lights up once again, another beam lancing down at the ship!
drake_fortunis has entered the room. 9:30 pm
Overman Zappa 9:30 pm
(9:30:43 PM):     Hixar: "Honestly..."  
    Hayana: "Under attack. Under attack"
wyverncakes 9:30 pm
(9:30:44 PM):     Dan: "Too late!  This is gonna be bad!"
howmuchineedyou 9:30 pm
(9:30:56 PM):     "What the!" Lockon jumps to his feet in an instant, scooping up Haro in his arm. "I knew something was going to happen. Looks like it's time for the live fire test, don't you Haro?" And Lockon is off to the hanger!
Joseph Fischer 9:31 pm
(9:31:02 PM):     Setsuna: Setsuna F. Seiei, Exia, Launching! *off he goes!*
wyverncakes 9:31 pm
(9:31:02 PM):     However...!
(9:31:23 PM):     Sumeragi: "Chalice!  Lower altitude and adjust your bearing by fifteen degrees!"
Mister Giggles 9:31 pm
(9:31:27 PM):     Char: Damn it. On my way.
wyverncakes 9:31 pm
(9:31:28 PM):     Dan: "What in the-"
(9:31:33 PM):     Ayame: "JUST DO IT!"
Atrament Corel 9:32 pm
(9:32:02 PM):     "Uwah?!" Already? Nanoha didn't expect anything to happen this quickly...but then again...the Chalice.
Jay Willis 9:32 pm
(9:32:04 PM):     "Dammit, Hallelujah, why do you always have to be right about these things!" Allelujah had taken off for the hangar as soon as he realized what the light was!
wyverncakes 9:32 pm
(9:32:04 PM):     The second beam comes crashing down... but then it is ultimately stopped!
(9:32:29 PM):     Now, just barely positioned above the Chalice is none other than the Ptolemeios, its GN Barrier soaking up the damage in the Chalice's stead!
(9:33:29 PM):     Sumeragi's voice sounds somewhat strained by the woman is still in control as she continues to speak, as several more blasts come pouring down only to be tanked by the barrier!
(9:33:52 PM):     Sumeragi: "This level of punishment, the Ptolemeios can handle!  But right now... you need to flee!"
wyverncakes 9:34 pm
(9:34:04 PM):     (Player characters can comment during all of this, incidentally)
Joseph Fischer 9:34 pm
(9:34:32 PM):     Setsuna: Miss Sumeragi, if we do that you'll be shot down!
wyverncakes 9:34 pm
(9:34:44 PM):     And Setsuna, as you sortie you can see a number of Federation warships coming down from the upper atmosphere!
Overman Zappa 9:34 pm
(9:34:49 PM):     Hixar: "Fleeing?  I think there's something more effective we can do."
wyverncakes 9:34 pm
(9:34:58 PM):     (Bakai-class: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/baikal.jpg)
Joseph Fischer 9:35 pm
(9:35:09 PM):     Setsuna: The Federation? Here?
wyverncakes 9:35 pm
(9:35:20 PM):     And leading them is a rather large, golden mobile armor, the source of the blasts!
howmuchineedyou 9:35 pm
(9:35:34 PM):     "Miss Sumaragi! We're already moving out! " Before he scales his Gundam he looks around the hanger to his  other Mesiters for one last reassuring smirk, before he climbs in an start up the Dynames. "Dynames Launching! "Right behind you Setsuna!"
wyverncakes 9:35 pm
(9:35:39 PM):     (Alvatore: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gnma-xcvii.jpg)
(9:36:02 PM):     Sumeragi: "The Chalice has already been hit... and you can't afford to take any more damage.  Not just as the ship's in working order after the incident at the DC Base!"
Jay Willis 9:36 pm
(9:36:30 PM):     "Setsuna, we need you in front!" Allelujah shouts as he hits the lift and is zipped up to Kyrios's cockpit. After a few moments... "Kyrios, ready for launch!"
wyverncakes 9:36 pm
(9:36:35 PM):     "Leave a skeletal defense force and we'll regroup elsewhere.  The Ptolemeios will run interferance!"
(9:36:58 PM):     "We can't afford for the ship to stay here as it is, and this still may be an attempt to lure the ship into a trap.  Just stay on guard!"
Joseph Fischer 9:36 pm
(9:36:58 PM):     Setsuna: That Mobile Armor... Are those GN Particles?
wyverncakes 9:37 pm
(9:37:18 PM):     (For the record, there's five Bakai-class ships present)
Overman Zappa 9:37 pm
(9:37:49 PM):     Hixar: All the more reason for us to take care of matters ourselves.  We do have a job to do... Eliminating war."  Hixar's finally getting in his Gundam.  "Sadalsuud; hunting the target"  And the blue Gundam takes off... only to 'vanish' as usual
Mister Giggles 9:37 pm
(9:37:54 PM):     Char: "Federation? My specialty."
wyverncakes 9:37 pm
(9:37:57 PM):     There is a brief period of silence from the Chalice's bridge before Ayame responds.  "Very well then... anyone who wants to stay and help, feel freeto."
Atrament Corel 9:38 pm
(9:38:45 PM):     Nanoha: Alright!
wyverncakes 9:39 pm
(9:39:11 PM):     And with that, the Chalice begins to withdraw, keeping the Ptolemeios between itself and the Federation forces, though its hangars open up for anyone who wishes to stay behind and help the Celestial Being forces!
Atrament Corel 9:40 pm
(9:40:30 PM):     Sure, the people who launched are in Gundams, but she doesn't really feel out of place. "Winds to the sky, stars to the heavens, and the unyielding soul to this heart! Magic to these hands! Raising Heart, set up!"
wyverncakes 9:40 pm
(9:40:43 PM):     In the meantime, the Federation forces begin to reach a more normal level in the atmosphere, and a transmission gets sent from the pilot of the golden mobile armor!
Atrament Corel 9:40 pm
(9:40:57 PM):     And after a burst of pink light, Nanoha takes off!
wyverncakes 9:41 pm
(9:41:08 PM):     ???: "Ah.  So Celestial Being chooses to stay behind, acting as a human shield for the sake of the White Chalice."
(9:41:15 PM):     (Alejandro Corner: http://www.shoutwiki.com/w/images/ggenwars/2/2f/Alejandro_Corner.png)
Mister Giggles 9:41 pm
(9:41:18 PM):     Char: "Char Aznable, Hyakku Shiki Newtype Custom. Launching."
jaywillis18 has left the room. 9:43 pm
jaywillis18 has been invited. 9:44 pm
howmuchineedyou 9:45 pm
(9:45:25 PM):     "You wanna fight Celestial Being? We're Right here!!"
jaywillis18 has been invited. 9:46 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 9:46 pm
wyverncakes 9:48 pm
(9:48:49 PM):     ???: "I must admit though, your ship and its Gundams are the greater prize for me though."
(9:49:39 PM):     ???: "And more importantly... I will be rewarded greatly for your defeat as well.  Enough to put me on the fast-track for promotion in the Titans."
(9:50:02 PM):     Sumeragi: "... So you've made us a target then?"
Mister Giggles 9:50 pm
(9:50:03 PM):     Char: "From what I understand, the Titans don't have a very high survival rate. Don't they mostly rely on AI's, now?"
wyverncakes 9:50 pm
(9:50:22 PM):     Not that any of you can see it, but she's frowning now.
Joseph Fischer 9:50 pm
(9:50:30 PM):     Setsuna: Who are you?!
wyverncakes 9:51 pm
(9:51:08 PM):     Alvatore pilot: "Ah, but yes.  You have a point, Red Comet.  The Titans do employ more Mobile Dolls now... which is exactly why I brought... these."
(9:51:57 PM):     And with perfect, mechanical precision the hangars for the Bakai-class ships open, reveal rows upon rows of GN-Xs which begin to open fire on all of you at the first available opportunity, even as they launch!
(9:52:00 PM):     (React: everyone!)
Jay Willis 9:52 pm
(9:52:02 PM):     Allelujah: "Setsuna, we need you out there right now; make demands after you've launched, please! Lockon and I need you as a frontal force!"
wyverncakes 9:52 pm
(9:52:36 PM):     (GN-Xs: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gnx-603t.jpg)
Joseph Fischer 9:52 pm
(9:52:52 PM):     *Setsuna curses as he's forced to use the Avalanche's extra particle tanks to increase speed to weave between the beams!+
wyverncakes 9:53 pm
(9:53:02 PM):     Sumeragi: "No doubt about it... he's got to be the one responsible for that hacking incident...!"
howmuchineedyou 9:53 pm
(9:53:27 PM):     Lockon falls back only slightly, only so he can make clear shots between the friendly forces or the depolying enemy retuning their fire just as quickly as they dish it out. +
wyverncakes 9:53 pm
(9:53:36 PM):     Alejandro: "And that's right... you've never had the misfortune of facing the Federation's new Mobile Dolls in combat, have you?"
Overman Zappa 9:53 pm
(9:53:58 PM):     *Shouldere shields fold foward fairly quickly, but, on top of that, luckily, he's at least camoflauged, hopefully making him that much harder to hit. +
Atrament Corel 9:54 pm
(9:54:49 PM):     *Nanoha opts to use her small size to her advantage. The Axel Fins on her feet glow a little brighter as she tries to weave between the beams!+
Jay Willis 9:55 pm
(9:55:11 PM):     *Allelujah rolls as soon as he's out of the hangar and blasts to the side at a 90% angle from his prior tract, weaving in and out and, more importantly, AWAY from the Chalice
Spirit of Justice 9:55 pm
(9:55:46 PM):     *Cutting its thrusters for a brief free fall, 2nd L suddenly reactivates them and darts away before getting blasted apart+
Mister Giggles 9:56 pm
(9:56:57 PM):     *Char makes use of his Newtype senses to attempt to predict where they fire. He attempts to dodge all of them, and hope whatever glancing blow he takes are mitigated by the Hyakku Shiki's anti-beam coating.+
wyverncakes 9:59 pm
(9:59:06 PM):     [Everyone] As you all begin to dodge and weave through the shots, you'll unfortunately find all of them are also... horrifyingly precisely aimed!  The countless shots you all dodge end up just smashing into the Ptolemeios, straining its shield more as Alejandro chuckles a little!  However, what with not dodging much, Dynames takes a few glancing shots that damage its armor a bit, and relying on your Newtype senses to predict the attacks of a non-thinking enemy isn't so smart, Char!  The Hyaku-Shiki's beam coating does tank some damage, but the machine's already scorched in a few areas!
(9:59:22 PM):     (Enemy lineup: Alvatore, GN-X x 90)
(9:59:29 PM):     (Oh, and Bakai-class x 5)
jaywillis18 has left the room. 9:59 pm
wyverncakes 9:59 pm
(9:59:39 PM):     (Lineup: Setsuna, Gai, Lockon, Nanoha, Allelujah, Hixar, Char)
jaywillis18 has been invited. 9:59 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 9:59 pm
wyverncakes 10:00 pm
(10:00:13 PM):     (Setsuna, Gai)
(10:00:19 PM):     Alejandro: "Impressed?"
Overman Zappa 10:00 pm
(10:00:41 PM):     Hixar: "Not particularly.  No."
wyverncakes 10:00 pm
(10:00:47 PM):     "By removing crew quarters, the Titans have been able to install their ships with larger hangars."
Spirit of Justice 10:00 pm
(10:00:48 PM):     Gai: We've dealt with worse.
wyverncakes 10:01 pm
(10:01:36 PM):     "A soldier needs time to train and gain experience, but these Mobile Dolls let us cut out the necessity for an ace pilot for our machines... truly the greatest spoil of the Federation's alliance with Adventus!"
Joseph Fischer 10:01 pm
(10:01:39 PM):     *Setsuna uses the rest of his speed boost to shoot straight towards one of the Bakai class and try and destroy its bridge with a beam dagger!+
wyverncakes 10:02 pm
(10:02:09 PM):     And as Exia begins to surge forward at one of the Bakai's, Alejandro continues to speak!
jaywillis18 has left the room. 10:02 pm
wyverncakes 10:02 pm
(10:02:13 PM):     "And more notably..."
jaywillis18 has been invited. 10:02 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 10:02 pm
wyverncakes 10:03 pm
(10:03:08 PM):     [Setsuna] At once, a trio of GN-Xs move to flank you... practically predicting your every action before you can make it!  One fires a number of GN beam shots to herd you in one direction, and then the other two slash out to cut you down!
Spirit of Justice 10:03 pm
(10:03:10 PM):     *Moving to back up Setsuna, Gai is bringing up the Tactical Arm's gatling gun and opening fire at whatever GN-X may try to intercept the Exia.+
wyverncakes 10:03 pm
(10:03:11 PM):     (React: Setsuna)
wyverncakes 10:03 pm
(10:03:44 PM):     Alejandro: "We can program these AIs... custom-tailoring them for each mission in a fraction of the time a soldier would need to drill for it!"
(10:04:54 PM):     [Gai and technically Setsuna] The Blue Frame's gatling cannon does manage to destroy one of the GN-Xs, but don't get too complacent, Gai!  Because now another four GN-X's are coming for you in a spiraling, crazy formation!
(10:04:58 PM):     (React: Gai)
(10:05:03 PM):     (Lockon, Nanoha)
Atrament Corel 10:05 pm
(10:05:31 PM):     # Gai?
wyverncakes 10:05 pm
(10:05:45 PM):     (Approved.  Then take your turn)
Mister Giggles 10:05 pm
(10:05:58 PM):     # Setsuna
Joseph Fischer 10:06 pm
(10:06:03 PM):     *Setsuna curses as he's cut off from his goal, drawing his GN Beam Sabers to block the enemy beam sabers, then dive between the gap and slice both in half!+
wyverncakes 10:06 pm
(10:06:23 PM):     (Gai was already kinda support defending Setsuna, so denied)
(10:07:24 PM):     [Setsuna] Fortunately Gai helped provide you with a gap in the Mobile Doll defenses... and a good thing too!  Their formation was just too damn perfect... like these things were specifically designed to counter you!  But with that hole though, you cut straight through that GN-X!
howmuchineedyou 10:07 pm
(10:07:51 PM):     Hanging back Lockon has time to line up each shot. "Time to go to work Haro." The improves targeting system Hixar built is about to show it's worth. "Targeting and..." He lines up his shots carefully, picking out the forward most GXs, aiming for their torsos with each precision sniper rifle shot. "Firing!" +
Atrament Corel 10:08 pm
(10:08:26 PM):     *Nanoha takes quick action, Raising Heart switching to its new Buster Cannon Mode while being aimed at the four GN-Xs. "Shoot!" She lets loose a pair of large beams, though not as large as her usual ones, intending to force the enemy to break off their attack.+
Spirit of Justice 10:08 pm
(10:08:28 PM):     *4 GN-Xs is a bit much for Blue Frame, Gai is backing off and zipping around firing the gatling to hopefully bring some down before they overwhelm him+
wyverncakes 10:09 pm
(10:09:33 PM):     [Lockon] Your shot lances out... but the GN-Xs aren't going to just sit and let themselves be sniped to death... especially when Celestial Being has two snipers!  One of them gets blown apart and another one gets clipped, losing its beam rifle, but another six rocket forward, firing precise, coordinated shots to cut off your means of escape and dispose of that sniper rifle first and foremost!
(10:09:35 PM):     (React: Lockon)
Joseph Fischer 10:09 pm
(10:09:56 PM):     #Lockon
wyverncakes 10:10 pm
(10:10:01 PM):     (Approved)
Joseph Fischer 10:10 pm
(10:10:39 PM):     *"LOCKON!" Setsuna's throwing the Beam daggers into the backs of two GN-X's while drawing his GN-Blades to cut down another!+
wyverncakes 10:10 pm
(10:10:42 PM):     [Gai] The GN-Xs are, notably, a hair slower than the Blue Frame... and as you throw up your hail of gunfire they do fall back, one of them getting hammered a bit but immediately getting shielded by the others!
Atrament Corel 10:10 pm
(10:10:52 PM):     *And after that, she targeting system pops up as another beam is prepared! "Divinee...Buster!!!" The trigger is pulled, sending a much larger pink laser in the direction of those GN-Xs!+
wyverncakes 10:12 pm
(10:12:22 PM):     [Nanoha] Aaaaand here is where the biggest flaw of the Mobile Dolls becomes known!  Nanoha's attack, something they've never seen before, lances out... blowing apart those three GN-Xs that were shielding the damaged fourth!
(10:13:33 PM):     [Nanoha] And it seems like Nanoha is on a roll as the Divine Buster is unleashed... but the GN-Xs still break off and the Alvatore surprisingly moves in to tank the shot!  Its own GN barrier tanks the attack with ease, just as a red and blue blur suddenly shoot past it from one of the Bakai-class!
(10:13:47 PM):     http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00v/gnx-604t-deborah.jpg
(10:13:54 PM):     http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00v/gnx-604t.jpg
(10:14:13 PM):     Blue GN-X pilot: "... Alejandro... making us go after a kid...?"
Atrament Corel 10:14 pm
(10:14:31 PM):     Nanoha: "Eh?"
howmuchineedyou 10:14 pm
(10:14:32 PM):     Lockon lets a volley of  his own missiles fly, hoping to take out this approaching missiles with his own before they reached him, trying to fire at rest and clear himself an escape path out of this. "You're not going to get me that easily!!"+
wyverncakes 10:14 pm
(10:14:42 PM):     Alejandro: "Because you are my fallback plan."
Joseph Fischer 10:15 pm
(10:15:04 PM):     Setsuna: Actual Pilots?
wyverncakes 10:15 pm
(10:15:13 PM):     [Nanoha cont.] And suddenly these new GN-Xs then split off at two angles, before unleashing a stream of beam rifle blasts at you!
(10:15:20 PM):     Allelujah!
(10:15:28 PM):     Also Hixar!
Mister Giggles 10:15 pm
(10:15:42 PM):     # Allelujah
wyverncakes 10:15 pm
(10:15:42 PM):     As these two come out on the field, you can almost feel something strange in your heads... something coming from these two!
(10:15:53 PM):     (I haven't prompted Allelujah for any reacts yet)
(10:15:56 PM):     (React: Nanoha)
Mister Giggles 10:15 pm
(10:15:59 PM):     (withdrawn)
Overman Zappa 10:16 pm
(10:16:10 PM):     Hixar gets a little ping of familiar feedback... "What's this now... Who are those pilots?"
Jay Willis 10:16 pm
(10:16:42 PM):     Allelujah flinches and presses a hand to his eyes. "Ahh...! Wh-what the hell is this?"
wyverncakes 10:17 pm
(10:17:33 PM):     [Setsuna and Lockon] Setsuna's intervention does manage to catch two of the GN-X rifles and open a path... but Dynames still loses a leg as it flees!
(10:17:45 PM):     Red GN-X pilot: "G-rrrgh... what in the-"
(10:18:03 PM):     (Allelujah, Hixar, Char)
(10:18:10 PM):     And Char!
(10:18:20 PM):     Now you're beginning to get a weird... feeling.
Atrament Corel 10:18 pm
(10:18:24 PM):     *"Nnh!" Nanoha responds by taking up a defensive stance, while Raising Heart spends two cartridges! <
> The beam shots should be intercepted by the strengthened barrier around her, but she can only hope it'll hold!+
wyverncakes 10:18 pm
(10:18:40 PM):     It's not like sensing another Newtype... not even like sensing the pilot of that huge, black Gundam!
Overman Zappa 10:19 pm
(10:19:22 PM):     *Hixar, camoflauged, is already doing his best to get into enemy lines.  If he can get closer to the enemy ships, he begins picking off GN-X's from THEIR side of the battle.  Surely they didn't see that coming! +
howmuchineedyou 10:20 pm
(10:20:19 PM):     "It's just a scratch. You'll have to try harder than that!" Lockon silently curses his blindspot.
wyverncakes 10:20 pm
(10:20:41 PM):     [Nanoha] Your barrier is thrown up, being hammered by the shots of the two pilots.  Unlike the Mobile Dolls though, the shots are much more aggressive, straining your shield and even cracking it in a few places!
Mister Giggles 10:21 pm
(10:21:44 PM):     *Char senses that feeling, and tries to ignore it, for now. It's not like anything he's felt, before. It feels... wrong. Instead, he's going to provide fire support for Hixar, following on his six. The Celestiel Being Mobile Suits seem to have the Dolls under command. Instead, Char's going after that red GN-X, and lays down a volley of beam rifle fire as he bursts forward. &
(10:22:03 PM):     control* not command))
jaywillis18 has left the room. 10:22 pm
jaywillis18 has been invited. 10:23 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 10:23 pm
hyprknux1 has been invited. 10:23 pm
HyprKnux 1 has entered the room. 10:23 pm
Jay Willis 10:24 pm
(10:24:24 PM):     *Allelujah regains control of himself, and rolls again as he sets his course towards the outer edge - favoring the side where Lockon is. The unit rolls into flight mode and blasts in, guns blazing and engines maxed!
(10:25:36 PM):     +
wyverncakes 10:26 pm
(10:26:20 PM):     [Hixar] The problem with that camoflauge stuff now is that there's two enemies on the battlefield who can actually SENSE you now... and the red GN-X is already moving to intercept as its female voice calls out!  "... Don't know how we're connected, but I'm not gonna complain right now, because hiding won't help you~" Another two GN-Xs get destroyed by your stealthing tactics, right before the red GN-X fires RIGHT where you are, Hixar!
wyverncakes 10:26 pm
(10:26:24 PM):     (React: Hixar)
Atrament Corel 10:26 pm
(10:26:53 PM):     Nanoha glances at the cracked barrier. "It won't be good if this keeps up...!" Clearly, she'd have to try something new this time.
wyverncakes 10:27 pm
(10:27:32 PM):     [Char] And as it moves after Hixar, the blue GN-X's voice calls out!  "Healing, you've got-" "Already on it!"  And the red GN-X dodges deftly... and now you've got the blue GN-X charging at you and slashing down with its beam saber!
(10:27:34 PM):     (React: Char)
Overman Zappa 10:28 pm
(10:28:03 PM):     *Hixar didn't just do this blindly.  Little by little, he dodges towards the enemy's flagships.  So long as he can continue to not get hit... surely the ship behind him, will!  But since just dodging is stupid, Hixar pops off a shot or two in return, more interested in evasion than landing a hit for now.
(10:28:06 PM):     +
wyverncakes 10:29 pm
(10:29:53 PM):     [Allelujah] Kyrios shoots through the ranks of the GN-X's, but the machines are already prepped for your offensive!  Another three get blown apart by your guns, but their counterattacks and accurate shots still manage to hit one of Kyrios's wings and cause its movement to falter... just as the Alvatore just outright RAMS into you, causing the machine to spiral down into the sea!  "... Now be careful!  We need to preserve the GN-Drive!"  And with that more of the GN-Xs open fire on the Gundam!
(10:29:57 PM):     (React: Allelujah)
Mister Giggles 10:30 pm
(10:30:15 PM):     *This is where Char's Newtype senses do come in. As the red dodges the shots, he can already sense the blue coming in. In its free hand, Char draws his own beam saber, juking to the right with a boost from one of the foot thrusters. The beam saber comes up to attempt to parry the blow from the blue GN, and Hyakku Shiki pivots slightly to face the side of the blue GN. As the saber attempts to parry the other saber, Char brings up the beam rifle directly to the side of the blue GN, and attempts to fire a point-blank shot directly into the cockpit.+
Jay Willis 10:31 pm
(10:31:19 PM):     *As he's fired on, Allelujah has a moment of panic; the signal he's getting from the two GN-X pilots aren't helping. However...
(10:31:27 PM):     Somehow, his fingers punch out the keys to change forms mid-fall, and blasts to the side far faster than should have been possible!
wyverncakes 10:31 pm
(10:31:53 PM):     [Hixar] Your evasive measures do manage to keep you alive... and a few of the red GN-X's shots actually do strike the lare Bakai-class, causing a few explosions.  But this pilot isn't a half bad shot herself... and one of your minimal dodges is a bit TOO minimal!  In a flash and explosion, your Gundam's left arm is blown apart at the elbow!
Jay Willis 10:32 pm
(10:32:31 PM):     "Please, Allelujah, you're not going to quit now are you? Fine then, I'll take over!" Allelujah's voice was... slimy. Harsh. Not the usual calm, caring note that came with his voice...+
howmuchineedyou 10:33 pm
(10:33:34 PM):     "Sounds like it's time to get serious."
wyverncakes 10:33 pm
(10:33:42 PM):     [Char] It's a case of predictions right now!  Your sabers crash and you begin to move for that finishing shot... but before you can pull the trigger, the Hyaku Shiki is kicked away forcefully by the GN-X, crumpling the mobile suit somewhat!  "Now... now the Red Comet is more my liking.  Actual work required and all that!  Not like a kid!"
wyverncakes 10:33 pm
(10:33:56 PM):     (Setsuna, Gai)
jaywillis18 has left the room. 10:34 pm
jaywillis18 has been invited. 10:34 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 10:34 pm
wyverncakes 10:35 pm
(10:35:10 PM):     [Allelujah(?)] The shots are just too perfectly positioned... as if they'd know exactly how you'd dodge.  But still, in the space of a heartbeat Kyrios escapes without taking any more damage!
(10:35:51 PM):     Alejandro: "What in the...!  Kyrios escaping with that kind of damage?  With a pilot I was prepared ofr?"
Mister Giggles 10:35 pm
(10:35:54 PM):     Char jerks back a bit in his seat, seeing the metal dented a bit. Clearly underestimated this one.
Overman Zappa 10:36 pm
(10:36:42 PM):     Hixar: "Tch... well, it'd only be worse if I were visible...  I guess I'll take this seriously now
    Hayana: "Get Serious. Get Serious.  Busta Wolf"
wyverncakes 10:36 pm
(10:36:57 PM):     Sumeragi: "... Then it just means you weren't prepared for everything then."
Jay Willis 10:37 pm
(10:37:28 PM):     Allelujah (?): "Sorry to disappoint... but I'll be running the show from here!" The cackle that goes across the airwaves is cruel and sadistic. "Make this interesting for me!"
wyverncakes 10:37 pm
(10:37:51 PM):     "And it's a bad sign when you've lost so many Mobile Dolls already.  In fact, I'm willing to bet there's not enough disk space in all of them for every pilot the Chalice has at its disposal."
(10:38:14 PM):     And another grunt of annoyance from the colored GN-X pilots!
(10:38:31 PM):     Red: "... Dammit... is this guy trying to turn me off pain or something?"
Joseph Fischer 10:38 pm
(10:38:59 PM):     *Setsuna is flying towards the red GN-X, GN Blades at the ready as he puts out one last boost from the Avalanche equipment before forcibly purging it after it runs empty! He swings!+
jaywillis18 has left the room. 10:39 pm
jaywillis18 has been invited. 10:39 pm
jaywillis18 has entered the room. 10:39 pm
wyverncakes 10:40 pm
(10:40:54 PM):     [Setsuna] And Exia is off like a bullet, charging at the distracted GN-X as it flounders for a moment!  But before it can strike the final blow, it's tackled out of the air by another red machine, which emerged from... the water?
Joseph Fischer 10:41 pm
(10:41:08 PM):     Setsuna
wyverncakes 10:41 pm
(10:41:12 PM):     Ali: "... Thought of going for the easy kill, weren't you Krugis?  That's good!"
Joseph Fischer 10:41 pm
(10:41:21 PM):     Setsuna: What the-YOU!
wyverncakes 10:41 pm
(10:41:23 PM):     (Gundam Throne Zwei: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/gnw-002.jpg)
Spirit of Justice 10:41 pm
(10:41:25 PM):     *Now that he's not being hounded by GN-Xs for the moment, Gai actually moves to finish off what Setsuna started and opens fire on the bridge of that Baikal he was charging earlier+
wyverncakes 10:41 pm
(10:41:52 PM):     In fact...
(10:42:11 PM):     Suddenly a number of other GN-Xs rise up from the water underneath the Ptolemeios... and suddenly charge at it!
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