Mission 099: World Without Lies part 3

Jul 20, 2012 21:23

Aero (05:28:11):(Can I get an enemy count?)Tengusaur (05:28:20):Enemy List: Imperial Valley (HL-1), 5*Rush Valley (2 damaged), 4*Stray Valley, Overman Planeta (Kashmir)Tengusaur (05:29:01):The Rush and Stray Valleys move in to attack!Tengusaur (05:29:23):All land targets get shot at with giant green hand-mounted beams by the former - Light Blazers!Aero (05:29:24):Ichitaka: "Now you're making me feel like that some of that was my fault."Tengusaur (05:29:54):While air targets get swarmed by the latter, slashing with knife-like Pheasant Cutters and firing with the quadraple Sparrow Guns!macprysm (05:29:57):Cynthia: As for you two who can still move...take down that Planeta so that we can finish things here! He can't read YOUR empty brains, so you shouldn't have any issues with hitting him!Tengusaur (05:30:08):(everyone react accordingly, Ichitake also take a turn)brewsyourface (05:30:22):[is this an all react?]brewsyourface (05:30:27):[derp]Tengusaur (05:30:41):(I will not penalize counters too hard here)EricOverbringer (05:31:03):(What are we reacting too? I'm lost)Aero (05:31:24):(You're being fired at by Stray Valleys)VJockey (05:31:46):Terui: *Beam rain? Pity he doesn't have an upgrade right now, but he'll just RIDE RIGHT THROUGH THE BEAM STORM!+cubey@aol.pl (05:31:47):*Memento Mori dances around the beams, evading at top speeds, leaving an afterimage of light - as Exemplum Mode is still active. Quickly, before Alessandra's concentration wanes, she moves up to an enemy Rush Valley and stabs its face with her heavy rapier!+Overman Zappa (05:32:08):*Gainer throws up the photon mat again, defending himself from the Strays, while waiting for an opportunity to gete at the Planeta.  The second that fire lets up +brewsyourface (05:32:50):Resnick: [He stomps on the jump jets again, seeking a building roof. once up there, and if the building doesn't collapse, he'll look for another bombardment target.] I have the high ground. Feed me more targeting data for my LRMs. This means you, bondsman Keijinan. Physically move your dorbeck's camera if you must but get me a target.EricOverbringer (05:32:56):*Kincaid dodges, jinks, and generally newtypes inbetween the shots as he attempts to close into melee range again.+macprysm (05:33:25):*Cynthia throws up her own photon mats to cover both herself and her two guns that can't be mind read. She's not about to lose them yet. Maybe after they deal with their old boss.*Tengusaur (05:33:35):Kejinan: "Easy to say, this wreck is all in pieces now!" But he manages to send some data anyway.Aero (05:33:40):*The Laplace Wall is raised again, as much as he wanted to he could not use the Dimension Storm in an area like this. +griefgathering (05:33:58):*"Damn." Yuunagi switches weapons yet again! The left hand of the Straybird now wielding a Crow Submachinegun and letting loose a hail of beam fire on the approaching Stray Valleys (and those nasty anchors of theirs if possible)! If the ones with the knives get too close for comfort, he'll use his own to counter - slashing straight at their torsos while his afterimages distract them.+Tengusaur (05:34:25):Cynthia and Ichitaka manage to protect themselves fully from the incoming strikes! In fact, the latter got some extra energy in the process.brewsyourface (05:34:30):resnick: Excellent. You may not be assigned to the laborer caste after all. [Whatever Keijinan painted will get a hail of LRMs. Running a bit low on them now...]brewsyourface (05:34:31):+Tengusaur (05:35:12):Kincaid gets in melee range of a Stray Valley! But it reaches for a Pheasant Cutter the moment it spots him... (react/continue?)Tengusaur (05:35:44):Gainer gets hit by a few stray shots, but that's nothing serious. He's fine.Tengusaur (05:36:14):Terui flies straight through a damaged Rush Valley, which explodes!Overman Zappa (05:36:15):(more importantly he was attacking Planeta from behind too)EricOverbringer (05:36:22):*After a complicated feint with his sword, Kincaid disdains the beam zanber entirely and attacks by way of kicking, a daggerblade emerging from the bottom of X-1's foot+brewsyourface (05:36:26):Resnick: Climb up here and take shelter if you wish. I will try not to step on you.Tengusaur (05:36:28):(I'll get to that in a sec, yes)Tengusaur (05:37:08):So does the one stabbed in the face by Alessandra. Exemplum Mode really gives her an edge against these guys.Tengusaur (05:38:29):Resnick's jump wasn't a complete success, the legs of his 'mech suffered damage from the giant beam! He can still land well, at least. And the Rush Valley is thrown away by the cannonade coming into its direction, though it still stands on its legs somehow.Tengusaur (05:39:10):Kincaid cuts the enemy in two before it can slash at him! They fall to the ground, uselessly.Tengusaur (05:39:56):Yuu avoids all the incoming gunfire and cuts straight through another Stray Valley.Tengusaur (05:40:23):Gainer's attack at Kashmir proves to be... a failure. He dodges again, as if he could read your thoughts. Oh yes, he can.Tengusaur (05:40:54):Kejinan climbs out of his unit and onto Resnick's mech's leg.Tengusaur (05:41:03):"Alright! You saved my ass! I love you, man!"Tengusaur (05:41:11):Enge: "I thought you love Big Sis Adette."Tengusaur (05:41:22):Kashmir: "Enough about love! You sicken me!"brewsyourface (05:42:07):Resnick: Great Father help me...macprysm (05:42:10):Cynthia: ...thinking about it....You three! How do you block the Overskill?Overman Zappa (05:42:17):Gainer: Overman Zappa (05:42:28):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgUfIAnBNwITengusaur (05:42:42):Jaboli: "Kashmir can turn it off, I'm sure. There's no other way!"Overman Zappa (05:42:52):And Gainer starts shouting at the top of his lungs.  Like, for real.  And thinking too.Overman Zappa (05:43:01):Gainer: "HOSHI!  I LOVE YOU, HOSHI!"ZebulonCrispi (05:43:13):Nadia: Tengusaur (05:43:15):Kashmir: "...What?"Overman Zappa (05:43:21):Gainer: "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, HOSHI!"EricOverbringer (05:43:22):Kincaid: macprysm (05:43:27):Cynthia: ....Wait, what?Overman Zappa (05:43:30):Gainer: "I'VE LOVED YOU SINCE THE DAY WE MET!  THAT'S NOT ALL! I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU!brewsyourface (05:43:41):Resnick: Bondsman Keijinan, take your shielding o-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!Overman Zappa (05:43:43):Gainer: "I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!Aero (05:43:49):Ichitaka: -Wow...-Overman Zappa (05:43:53):Gainer: "I WANT TO HOLD YOU HOSHI!  HOLD YOU SO TIGHT THAT I COULD CRUSH YOU!Overman Zappa (05:44:01):Gainer: "I'LL DROWN OUT MY MIND'S VOICE WITH MY HEART'S CRY!  HOSHI! I LOVE YOU!VJockey (05:44:20):Terui: ..........................Overman Zappa (05:44:28):Gainer: "I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, HOSHI!"VJockey (05:44:34):Terui: I think I'm going to be very...very..sick in a momentTengusaur (05:44:40):Kashmir: "Shut up! I don't want to listen to this lovey-dovey bullshit!"brewsyourface (05:44:53):resnick: [He clutches his head and groans in pain. This is causing neurohelmet feedback.]griefgathering (05:45:00):Yuunagi: ...cubey@aol.pl (05:45:10):Alessandra: "How... incredibly touching and romantic! I feel the extreme emotions bursting from my chest... figuratively speaking of course!"Overman Zappa (05:45:14):Gainer: "I'VE LOVED YOU SINCE THE DAY WE MET!  THAT'S NOT ALL! I WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU!Tengusaur (05:45:47):Captain Smith: "Well shiver me timbers, this lad's love is so pure I feel moved!"macprysm (05:45:51):Cynthia: ......hm....*She's blushing a bit now.* ....Dammit, go with it! Everyone, join in! Overman Zappa (05:45:52):Gainer: "I WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!Tengusaur (05:45:58):Captain Smith: "More people should do something like this!"griefgathering (05:46:21):Yuu: I hope that doesn't happen anytime soon.ZebulonCrispi (05:46:31):Nadia: "Sorry, I'm not really involved with anyone!"VJockey (05:46:42):Terui: [he turns to GLARE at the Dominator] Over. my. dead. body.ZebulonCrispi (05:46:45):Nadia: macprysm (05:47:15):Cynthia: Isn't there anything you care about? Something you feel more strongly about than anything?EricOverbringer (05:47:38):Kincaid: "A gentlemen never tells" **brewsyourface (05:47:46):Resnick: Oh Great Father I cannot...A....AThere will be a time when our descendants Return to reclaim what is our right. With honor swelling their hearts, they will crusade Against the dark emotions that have dimmed.macprysm (05:48:32):Cynthia: It... ...doesn't have to be a person! It could be a code of honor, or love of... ...strategy or even just your machine! Just be loud with it! Tengusaur (05:48:40):You can hear the people on White Chalice confessing at this very moment too! (Assuming there are some, but I'm sure there will be some)Overman Zappa (05:48:41):Gainer: "I WANT TO HOLD YOU HOSHI!  HOLD YOU SO TIGHT THAT I COULD CRUSH YOU!Overman Zappa (05:48:48):(there will be)Tengusaur (05:48:51):It's... Yeah, it's kinda sickening, actually.VJockey (05:49:15):Terui: ..That is none of your business!.. >...Cynthia, I think you'll regret that, as there's some...pretty frighteningly violent and angry thoughts now - though with Gainer's yelling its less aimed at Isaka Shunkurou and more at Gainerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syLQC0Cdj7Ebrewsyourface (06:10:32):Resnick: [As the Imperial Valley is distracted, he'll take the opportunity to unload everything he's got at its back. Heat spikes, and he slaps the shutdown override. A good hit but...Damnit! Heat shutdown!]brewsyourface (06:11:29):Resnick: [He jams the startup button over and over] Savashri freebirth! Start up! +Tengusaur (06:11:30):The giant beam engulfs the Imperial Valley right before it can land its powerful blow! Its figure slowly disappears inside the light...cubey@aol.pl (06:11:34):*Memento Mori is darting around sneakily, and picks up the axe so carelessly discarded in an attack against the Imperial Valley. "Finally, my thoughts are only my own! Let me express my appreciation!" Its weapon wielded in both hands, the unit now leaps at the remaining Rush Valleys, swinging wildly to decapitate and take limbs off.+VJockey (06:11:57):Terui: *WELL SCREW THE WHIP! HE'S PUNCHING THAT TOO!+ "I'LL MAKE YOU PAY FOR HAVING ME SIT THROUGH THAT IDIOT'S CONFESSION TO THAT SHE-DEVIL!!!"Tengusaur (06:12:25):But then, when the light is gone, the machine turns out to be still there. It's thrown to the ground heavily, covered in burns all over and barely holding together.Tengusaur (06:12:52):HL-1: "Damage... Damage levels critical."griefgathering (06:13:02):Yuunagi: Damn it's tough...Tengusaur (06:13:12):HL-1: "All forces, retreat! I will be back, Yu! Wait for me!"griefgathering (06:13:34):Yuunagi: Kh-!Tengusaur (06:13:37):The GreAT forces, at their commander's order, start to run away!macprysm (06:14:05):#?Overman Zappa (06:14:23):Gainer: "Did she just say... wait for her?  Wait... did she confess too?"Tengusaur (06:14:37):The pilots of the units that can't move, including the one Alessandra just beheaded and disjointed, punch out instead.Aero (06:14:54):Ichitaka: "I...think she did."griefgathering (06:15:18):Yuunagi: I don't want to think about it...brewsyourface (06:15:35):Resnick: [He pops his cockpit, aims his laspistol and tries to kill the closest ejecting mook with it] macprysm (06:15:40):Cynthia still needs to vent some rage! Any targets left?Tengusaur (06:16:11):It's also worth noting that if not for Resnick's cannonade, Imperial Valley's axe would probably hit before Yu finished charging up...Tengusaur (06:16:32):And the only enemy left is Kashmir!Tengusaur (06:16:44):Kashmir, whose whip was just cut in two by charging Terui!Tengusaur (06:17:09):Kashmir: "Damnit to hell! I will not retreat, I will not retreat! I can still kill you all!"VJockey (06:17:34):Terui: [Charging Terui who is STILL CHARGING AT YOU KASHMIR! He happens to be yelling really loudly too.]Tengusaur (06:17:42):His unit starts to fire its only remaining gun wildly at everything that is still moving around!Tengusaur (06:18:00):Kashmir: "Don't you know who I am? I make the trains run on time! It's all me! All meee!"Tengusaur (06:18:27):(Everyone, react and possibly counter)cubey@aol.pl (06:18:48):*Alessandra is hiding behind the wreckage of a unit she just dismembered.+macprysm (06:18:57):And Cynthia's Overman begins glowing from red to gold, as it's Overskill kicks in, shifting to mirror a form similar to a Rider's outfit...no, different....Ultraman?!Overman Zappa (06:19:35):*Unspectacularly, Gainer just puts up the photon mat since clearly, when Dominator goes gold, he can just sit back and watch+cubey@aol.pl (06:19:43):Alessandra: "Oh no, a case of permanent insanity just occured! What a tragic way to spoil the mood."Aero (06:19:49):*Ichitaka is also charging straight at Kashmir also, he looks like he's going to try to kick Kashmir like a soccer ball here.+macprysm (06:19:53):*Whatever the case, it's mirroring Terui's motions near perfectly! You now have two charging fists coming at you, Khasmir!*_VJockey (06:20:11):Terui: *Terui is NOW back into bike form and roaring full speed at Kashmir's overman again! "Well your train's here..... TO TAKE YOU TO HELL!" He's going to punch his wheel into the damn thing and grind it in half+Tengusaur (06:20:14):Kashmir: "I haven't gone crazy! It's the whole world that's gone crazy! I will straighten you all out!"griefgathering (06:20:37):*Yuunagi is going to dodge if any of those shots if they come too close and return fire with a few Prava Grenades!+brewsyourface (06:21:03):Resnick: [Reactor Online, Sensors Online, yeah yeah shut up...He closes the cockpit just as the barrage knicks him and the cockpit glasstic. Out of regular LRM ammunition, he switches to inferno rounds and paints the enemy overman. Bwoooooom, 20 warheads containing something like napalm but much much stronger converge on Kashmir. How many hit?+]macprysm (06:21:56):Cynthia leaps forward to catch the Planeta as it's impacted from Terui's attack, fists slamming into it once, nullifying its momentium....twice, reversing it....and a gigantic kick sending it right into Resnick's Alpha Strike!+Tengusaur (06:22:07):Kashmir final, desperate attack turns out to be surprisingly accurate! But since he keeps spreading it between multiple targets it's not too powerful, and those who tried to dodge get only minor damage at best...Tengusaur (06:22:41):And he doesn't even try to dodge at this point. Everything hits him heads-on! All the missiles, the kicks and punches...brewsyourface (06:22:47):[not an alpha strike but that works! It should actually make his overman's heat spike enough to force it to shut down if it works] Tengusaur (06:23:20):Kashmir: "Ah ha ha ha! Everything makes sense now! I straightened everything out...!"Tengusaur (06:23:28):And the Overman Planeta explodes violently!Tengusaur (06:23:41):All that's left is its burning wreck, and remains of its Overcoat.Aero (06:23:49):Ichitaka: "That was rough..."Tengusaur (06:23:56):Enge: "That was disturbing."brewsyourface (06:24:11):Resnick: That was...profitable. I claim this overcoat as isorla. Tengusaur (06:24:14):Jaboli: "Says the guy with a crush on a little girl."cubey@aol.pl (06:24:20):Alessandra: "Is the show of insanity over yet?" Memento Mori peeks from under the wreck cautiously.macprysm (06:24:33):Cynthia: God in his schedule, all's right with the world. *The Ultra-Dominator folds its hands over its face and nods, before reverting.griefgathering (06:24:38):Yuunagi: Looks like it...Tengusaur (06:24:45):Kejinan: "Woohoo! I'm alive!"VJockey (06:25:09):Terui: [Walks away from the burning wreckage.. people may wish to note.. that he happens to be on fire as well.] "I need something for this before it gets painful... then I need to punch people. Lots of people..." [His tone was... not the most pleasant to hear.]Aero (06:25:20):Ichitaka: "Sooo Yuu where did you meet that girl."griefgathering (06:25:46):Yuunagi: Right here...wait...it's not what you think!brewsyourface (06:26:08):Resnick: Oh, and we should bring the Chalice in, for the civilians. Keijinan, you are with me. Walking. macprysm (06:26:10):Cynthia: We're in Alaska. Get some snow for that...um...fire thing.VJockey (06:26:40):Terui:.... [GLARES AT CYNTHIA.]Tengusaur (06:27:04):Kejinan: "Oh, right. We're with you guys now, aren't we...?"Tengusaur (06:27:15):Jaboli: "Hey, you're not thinking about bailing, are you?"Tengusaur (06:27:21):Kejinan: "O, of course not!"Tengusaur (06:27:52):Enge: "Can I join that Wolf thing too? It sounds kinda cool. That should fit me."Aero (06:27:53):Ichitaka: "I guess going off on my own won't be of much help anymore."VJockey (06:28:24):Terui: [Congrats Cynthia, you may have made Terui's punching list for your snow idea.]macprysm (06:28:38):Cynthia: *looks away from Terui's death glare, only shivering a bit...she heard those murderous thoughts too, after all.  Enge, Jaboli! ....actually, Resnick, you want em?brewsyourface (06:28:46):Resnick: If you do I will skin you. As for you, well we might possibly run you through the tests to see what caste you belong in...If you prove trustworthy. Tengusaur (06:28:47):In any case, the Terrible Trio gets to extinguishing the fires, or whatever you order them to do.cubey@aol.pl (06:28:56):Alessandra: "Joyous day! We stopped many a murderous machine, and acquired allies both new and old!"brewsyourface (06:29:04):Resnick: I...ah...We shall see if they prove worthy. Tengusaur (06:29:26):Kejinan: *gulp* "Not sure if I like the sound of this..."Tengusaur (06:29:35):For once, it was a mission where you gained something, not just lost!macprysm (06:29:57):Cynthia: Don't hold your breath...I mean, good luck, you guys! Maybe you'll see big sis Adette onboard if you stick it out!Tengusaur (06:30:04):Ichitaka is back, you saved the city from destruction, and you have a few new minions.Tengusaur (06:30:16):But what welcome will await you on White Chalice...?Tengusaur (06:30:28):With all those love confessions and everything...Tengusaur (06:30:32):Do you really want to find out?Tengusaur (06:30:35):MISSION COMPLETE
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