Mission 085: Heroes Among Us

Jun 02, 2012 19:53

Shaun: Previously on SWRUG@:


Shaun: Scott and Yoshika have located both the Flux Overthruster and have returned to the Chalice!

General Maloney has given the order to disband the Strike Witches!

Tenaya and the others dropped in unannounced!
Shaun: All this and more, on Super Robot Wars UG@!


Shaun: Everyone, what was once a previous chat has turned south. Dan pops up across the ship board.
Shaun: Dan: Everyone, we've got invaders. I need a small team to go up and clear them out.
Shaun: Everyone already on deck, reactions to this bad to worse scenario?
CantaAkino: "I'd love to, but I just got fired," Scott answered, more than a little smugly.
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...THIS was the girl who Scott dated?! Hey wait, that's a Neuroi core!"
CantaAkino: "It was an expression, Yoshika," Scott added a second later.
OvermanZs1: Mio looks like she's about to get up from her wheelchair herself, but... No, rather, she just grips the armrests in frustration.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:.... [pulls his cigarette from his lips... then looks at it...] did I get a bad pack or something....
HyprKnux1: The sounds of a motorcycle echo through the halls as Gen arrives, already suited up as Kamen Rider Fourze. "Oy, someone call for help?"
notmannotelf: "Major? Your orders." She didn't care if they had been disbanded, but the Chalice had become her home. If Mio and the others felt the same way she was going to make a run for it for her strikers and her gun.
Shaun: Maloney: What are you doing? Protect us from those... those things!
CantaAkino: "Sir, you fired us," Scott pointed out. "All of us."
OvermanZs1: Mio: "I'm sorry sir, but our forces have been disbanded. We're not longer authorized."
xSaintjade: Lynette: "..."
*** speximillian has joined the conversation.
Shaun: Tenaya: Well looks like this is going to be easier than I thought.
xSaintjade: Lynette: "With all due respect, Major, I don't believe we should obey that. We've still got friends in here."
HyprKnux1: Gen looks at the Witches and the Rangers, then shrugs. "Guess I'll hafta settle it one one one then!"
Shaun: Dillon: I have no qualms about that.
OvermanZs1: Mio fully expects the majority of her squad to act against protocall anyway. "Meaning you're free to act as you will. We're still crew of the White Chalice! All available hands, deploy!"
Shaun: Tenaya: Well, this should be interesting then. It's funny how a little appearance can make such an interesting situation.
Shaun: The skies darkened at that point, as a huge shadow appeared overhead. It was a huge spiral black cloud, and to many was familiar.
notmannotelf: Lucchini: "Alright!" She grinned. "Gentarou! Hold them for a minute, then we'll show them how to fall!"
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Alright. I'll give you that time!"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: ... [Luger looks up.]... and me without an umbrella... oh well. [Luger walks over cheerfully to General Maloney.] Hey General Baloney, could you do me a favour?
Shaun: Tenaya: Huh. Eager to die huh? That's fine with me.
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...The Neuroi!"
Shaun: Maloney: What's that?
xSaintjade: Lynette smiles. "Yes, Major!"
notmannotelf: Lucchini: We'll knock out some of the bot's on the way to deal with it!
HyprKnux1: Gen: "This is nothing...!" Yeah, Gen's ignoring the new development.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: [Was smiling widely and creepily.] I need your sidearm. [He puts out his cigarette on the bridge of the General's nose before yanking said gun from the General's holster.]
Shaun: In no time flat, the girls are ready, despite the Grinders best efforts to prevent them. Maloney is sputtering right now, and the Warlock is impassive at the moment. And Tenaya, being a big sport about it, smirked.
Shaun: Tenaya: It's still several dozen against one. Lets start this off right.
Shaun: Tenaya: We're here for that Neruoi core of yours. Our master has a lot of interest in it, and we'll be taking it. It and your Warlock Machine. Master Venjix has decided it'll make a perfect addition to the upgrades.
Shaun: Tenaya: GET THEM!
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K: "Ranger Operator Series, deploy and... be careful," says a garbled voice.
Shaun: Maloney: Deploy the Warlock!
Shaun: (Grinder Airships: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g56/shaungarin/PowerRangersRPM-S17E02-FadeToBlackHDTVXviD-dekabrokenavi_snapshot_0324_20120229_102603.jpg )

(Grinders: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g56/shaungarin/PowerRangersRPM-S17E02-FadeToBlackHDTVXviD-dekabrokenavi_snapshot_0626_20120302_185749-1.jpg )

(Attackbot: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g56/shaungarin/PowerRangersRPM-S17E11-DoctorKHDTVXviD-dekabrokenavi_snapshot_1609_20120525_120333.jpg )

(Tenaya: http://images.wikia.com/powerrangers/images/d/d1/Tenaya_7.jpg )

(Warlock: http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g56/shaungarin/StrikeSStrikeWitches11DVDD7ABF7A0mkv_snapshot_0119_20120530_165714.jpg )
CantaAkino: "Got it, Doc," Scott answered. "Ready guys? RPM, GET IN GEAR!" And in a flash of light, he morphed into Ranger Red.
Shaun: (Enemy Count: Grinders x50, Grinder Airships x10, Attackbot, Tenaya (red), Warlock (yellow))
(Initiative: Scott, Lucchini, Luger, Gentarou, Yoshika, Lynne)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: DEPLOY THE WITCHES! GET THEM THEIR BROOMS! [Luger cackles madly as he twirls the gun he appropriated from the General]
*** mistergiggl3s has joined the conversation.
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Kamen Rider Fourze! Let's settle this one on one!"
Shaun: [Scott, Lucchini]
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUZnmY1lcXg
notmannotelf: Lucchini took to the air as soon as she was back on deck, rolling as she fired straffing fire at the grinders. "Yeah well WE're not letting you take the Core we're gonna destroy it! Right Yoshika?"
Herc061881: Yoshika: "Right!"
CantaAkino: *"Nitro Sword!" Scott ordered, smacking his weapon against the charging Grinders. They weren't his priority, though. Tenaya was. Once he was close enough to her, he struck with the Nitro Sword.+
Shaun: [Lucchini] The Grinders returned fire, several of them being blasted backwards from her rapid fire machinegun fire. Laser blasts rocked across the deck as a couple of airships strafed Lucchini. [React]
Shaun: [Scott] Tenaya met him in a whirlwind of motion, blocking his swing at the wrist and kicking out to take him down at the legs. [React]
notmannotelf: Lucchini rolled away using her sheild when needed turning to try to ease up the playing field a little. "You're going to try a little harder than that to take me out!"
Shaun: [Lucchini] Blasts hammered into the shield, some of them glancing off it. You're okay, just a little shook up from the impacts.
Shaun: [Luger, Gentarou]
*** emfltlead@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
CantaAkino: *Scott just twisted away from her kick, aiming a kick of his own. But instead of aiming his foot at her, he made sure to hit with his leg. One of the wheels on his boot was spinning wildly, grinding against her. He also held up an arm with the same spinning wheel to block any further attacks. "Doc, what can you tell me about the attackbot while I'm busy here?" +
Shaun: (Revised Lineup: Scott, Lucchini, Luger, Gentarou, Yoshika, Lynette, Mobius 1)
HyprKnux1: *Look out Grinders! Fourze leaps at the mooks, swiping them with a kick+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: [Stops spinning the gun and grins.] Depth Perception's for wimps! *with a cackle he proceeds to fire off shots from the hip at the grinders, generally acting like an insane german cowboy+
Shaun: [Scott] Tenaya pushed back, the grinding noise screaming with metal against metal as she mule kicked Scott backwards. She grunted.
Shaun: Tenaya: Not bad, Ranger Red.
Shaun: [Gentarou] Several of the Grinders are knocked backwards as a couple of the bigger ships zoomed downwards and started shooting up the area where the Rider was standing. [React]
CantaAkino: "Thanks, Tenaya," Scott answered. "I try my best."
RafflesiaSky: *Dr. K's working quickly in the RPM garage, typing so that she can give the Ranger Operators a full analysis on the attackbot that's there. "Ranger Operator Series, I've pinpointed on what this attackbot does.
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Not this time!" *Gen boosts upward, intending on flipping and dodging the blaster shots+
Shaun: [Luger] Several Grinders went down from the half-hazard shots, but there is motion from the Attackbot which steps forward and reaches for it's chest plate. Opening it up, it captures Luger's gun in its reflection -- and a second pistol appears! It returns fire! [React]
RafflesiaSky: It reflects whatever you have and uses it as a weapon against you. Be extremely careful with this."+
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7u8ayCqS5g
CantaAkino: "Well, that's going to be fun," Scott deadpanned. "Guys! Watch yourselves around that 'bot! It copies anything you've got!"
HyprKnux1: Gen: "...that's bad, right?"
Shaun: The attackbot's powers revealed, it turned towards Lynette and captured her Big Boy in its reflection! It cocked the rifle and fired at you and Yoshika with three blasts! [React Lynne, Yoshika]
Shaun: Tenaya smirked as she pointed out needlessly, "I see you found our little toy to be amusing."
Herc061881: *Yoshika's shield appears within seconds to deflect the blasts, one at a time+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: GOTT! *DUCK AND COVEEEER! Luger hits the deck, rolls and then probably crashes into someone+
Shaun: [Gen] The Grinders and the attacks missed, but one of them winged your foot. Might want to be more careful.
Shaun: [Yoshika, Lynne, Mobius 1]
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Ow... too close!"
xSaintjade: *Lynette tries the same -- though in her case, she reinforces Yoshika's shields. With both combined, there would be a bigger resistance towards the units+
Shaun: [Lynne/Yoshika] Your defenses shudder but hold. Clearly the impact is really heavy though, it feels like you just got shot by, well, Lynne.
OvermanZs1: Mio: "There has to be a limit to what it can use against us. I would hope magic is one of the few things it can't return.
Shaun: At that moment, the skies darkened as multiple warnings started to flare.
CantaAkino: "Doc, what about physical or magic attacks?" Scott asked. "It can't copy those like weapons, can it?"
Shaun: Dan: Everyone, I hate to be the bearer of bad news... but we've got more Neuroi!
HyprKnux1: Gen: "...okay. Now it's bad."
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1:"That is a lot of targets."
Shaun: And the skies were beginning to darken as more neuroi began to appear in droves that were higher than normal. 10, 20, 50...!
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K looked up the designs one more time before shaking her head. "No, it can't. It's vulnerable."
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...I've never seen THAT many Neuroi!"
Shaun: [Lynne, Mobius 1, Yoshika don't forget about your turns.]
xSaintjade: Lynne: Neuroi!?
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:... Wait... wait wait wait... it COPIES things?!
CantaAkino: "Yeah, but not physical attacks or magic," Scott explained. "But now we've got THESE guys to deal with."
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xQWIX8bVgA
Shaun: It's at this time that Maloney smirked.
Shaun: Maloney: The Warlock will deal with them.
Shaun: The machine spreading its wings, it shot up towards the Neuroi as it spiraled towards them, scientists working on controlling its flight.
OvermanZs1: Mio: "Lucchini! Your attack is probably going to be the most useful here. Find a way to pick up speed!"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:.... [Grins widely.] I think I just had a brilliant idea
notmannotelf: Lucchini grins a moment, only to have it fade when things got darker. "We keeping score?" Lucchini was still flying between the grinders taking off pot shots. Hearing Mio's orders she thought a moment. "Fourze! Can you give me a boost?"
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"I'll follow
xSaintjade: *With it, Yoshika needs to focus herself. She tries leading Yoshika to follow her, and eventually splits up. She attempts to fire a few distraction shots against the attack bot, trying to flank it. The moment it turns, it will get an even worse shot to hit it.+
Herc061881: *Yoshika's tempted to face the Warlock...she doesn't trust it one bit, but that attackbot nearly hurt Lynne! Then again, there's the Neuroi to deal with...she takes a breath, then goes to fire at the attackbot+
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Kicking the Afterburners and activating the search Radars+
Shaun: [Lynne, Yoshika] Your attacks pepper the Attack bot as it staggers backwards. Looking for another weapon, he turned towards Scott -- and captured the street saber in it!
Shaun: [Luger, Scott] The Attackbot stanced in a familiar stance, and it was the Street Saber Strike! It hurled at the pair, slashing as it does so! [React]
Shaun: [Mobius] You successfully tail the Warlock and what you see there is shocking! The Warlock is floating there -- and it has taken control of all of the Neuroi at once! All of them, standing eerily still...
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: *once more the German sniper runs like the madman he is, but there was a purposeful glint in his eye as he threw himself into another roll+
Shaun: And then without warning, the Neuroi start FIRING ON EACH OTHER! Beams scream across the skies as they start shooting each other out of the sky!
CantaAkino: *Scott dove out of the way to avoid the attack, still feeling the strike hit his leg, however. Shaking it off, he took off after the Attackbot, striking with his Street Saber. "Let's see how your copy does against the real deal!" +
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Wait,enemy fire?"
Shaun: [Luger] Surprisingly you only get your shirt torn from the attack as the Attackbot passes by, by Tenaya is right there, kicking you in the chest! [React]
Shaun: [Scott] The attackbot clashes with you and there's a moment of force between the pair, before you break off, the machine landing a ways away.
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Cimbs to higher altitude, going to dive on them+
Shaun: [Mobius] You've got several fliers on your tail, and the Grinder pilots are firing at you! [React]
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Zoom Cling with full afterburners. Hitting mach in a few+
Shaun: [Mobius] Several opponents crash together, taking out at least three of the fliers. You're safe, for now.
OvermanZs1: Mio stares in shock as the Neoir take themselves out. "No... That unit has control of the Neuroi. It... actually works..." She didn't wnat to give Maloney any credit for it though
Shaun: High above, the Warlock goes silent, the enemy fire having destroyed everything in sight.
Herc061881: Yoshika: "Lynne! Sakamoto, Lucchini! LOOK! The Neuroi are...!"
Shaun: But then, that's where it goes all wrong.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: *That of course he didn't see coming, he gets kicked in the chest and groans like a stabbed walrus - now rolling backwards and clutching his chest.... and now he was rolling back and forth in pain, his back now facing Tenaya. "shiesse shiesse SHIESSE! That Hurt!!!" The moment he rolled back to face her though his gun was pointed at her face. And he fires+
Shaun: Its hull darkening to an angry black and red pattern, it flew towards the Attackbot, and said Attackbot looked up at it. It reacted by opening it's chest compartment -- and there was a brilliant blast of light.
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Bogey Dope? Anyone need air support?"
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Ahh..."
xSaintjade: Lynette: "What...."
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1:"any critical targets?"
Shaun: When the light settled, there stood a massive combination of attackbot and warlock. The new Warlock Attackbot opened its chest compartment, and captured everyone's weapons in sight! It bristled with guns all of a sudden -- and fired on everyone with curving beams of energy! [React]
Shaun: [React EVERYONE]
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf0Xz36uLJY&feature=relmfu
Shaun: (Updated Enemy List: 30 Grinders, 7 Fliers, Warlock Attackbot, Tenaya)
HyprKnux1: Gen: "WOAH!" [Rocket On!] *With that, The Rocket Module kicked in, pulling Gen away from the firefight... hopefully+
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Rolls toward the ground, thrust vectoring pulling it's weight+
Herc061881: *Yoshika doesn't hesitate, flying toward the Warlock Attackbot with her shield deflecting any beams heading her way. THAT was the enemy! The Neuroi who had tried to be her friend was gone...!+
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Break now!"
OvermanZs1: (Did it just copy all the weapons, or actually steal them away?)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:... oh no.... *Luger said the words as flatly as he could manage before attempting to roll away from the beams of death, judging that any attempt to get to his feet may as well take too much time!+
Shaun: (Copied all weapons)
Shaun: (and then made them all beaaaaams)
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Poping Flairs, if that helps+
notmannotelf: Lucchini: "Huh, okay that's not good..." She's hovering in the middle of the battlfield a moment watching what happened to the Worlock. She used her shields to block the beams at her. "WAI Come on you guys aren't supposed to do that!"
CantaAkino: *Scott was thrown by the force of the explosion, rolling to cushion his landing. "Dr. K, I know it's risky, but are the Wheel Blasters ready?" +
Shaun: [Everyone] Your attempts at dodging helps, flares, and shields and plain old dodging. This has gotten worse and worse as the Warlock flew into the air, preparing to take on the Witches that were zooming around it.
xSaintjade: *Lynette gasps, but seeing Yoshika moving in, she tries moving to the side by taking a living grinder as cover. Trying to do a haphazard shot against the Warlock. For the moment, her concern is keeping herself and Yoshika safe, not so much on a precise shot.+
OvermanZs1: Mio knew that pattern. "The enemy, as well as the Warlock have become Neuroi! Find the core and destroy it with extreme prejudice!"
And NOT having a turn here, Mio can freely lift her eyepatch and NOT unveil some sort of festering horror. Rather a glowing purple eye she uses to locate Gradius cores
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K: "Yes, they are. ... You're not planning anything stupid or reckless, right, Ranger Operator Series Red?"
xSaintjade: Lynne: Yes, Major!
Shaun: [Scott, Lucchini]
Herc061881: Yoshika: "Yes, ma'am!"
Shaun: Mio you will notice it has a single core, located behind the reflex bot's original chest. It's well protected, but knowing neuroi composition...
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1:"Mobius One engaging the target"
OvermanZs1: Mio: "There's a lot between us and the core. We're going to need high calibur weapons. Mobius One, what can you provide?"
Shaun: [Mobius] The Warlock sees you coming, and it fires a salvo of beams at you. [React]
notmannotelf: Lucchini: Yes Ma'am! [Lucchini moves to cover Yoshika's other side.] Yoshika, you're the one that saw this, you take lead. [She flashed the other witch a smile.]
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Roll, while locking on with a pair of Quick AAM's Thrust Vectoring Missiles+
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Fox Two!"
Shaun: Meanwhile Tenaya is smirking at her success. This was wilder than anything she had expected, and she decides to go after Scott and Luger, being they were grounded with a double blast from her arm gun. [React Luger]
Shaun: [Mobius] You take a little damage, your wing begins to smoke a bit but you're still servicable. The Warlock is peppered by damage as it shields itself with a hexagon-like barrier.
CantaAkino: *"I'll let you know if it doesn't work," Scott answered. "Wheel Blaster, Engine Cell activate!" Pressing the symbol on his belt, he summoned a new weapon, with his morpher installed on it. He then whirled around and fired at Tenaya. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Whqq7b2XhYI +
Shaun: [Scott] Your attack catches Tenaya off guard as she's thrown into the air from a kalishplosion. But she lands gracefully as she glares at the Ranger.
Shaun: Tenaya: You really are being persistent Ranger Red. Reflex bot!
vertigojockey@gmail.com: (Is the General still around? It's relevant to Luger's action)
Shaun: (yes)
Shaun: [Yes]
CantaAkino: (Am I go to react?)
Shaun: [Not yet. Wait for it.]
Shaun: The Warlock opens its chest to copy the wheel blaster. [React Scott]
emfltlead@gmail.com: X-02:"Alert Wing damage"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:.. *was now scrambling like a terrified one eyed rat to use a certain General as a human shield. Because hey. Nobody here liked him and he didn't want to get shot+ Get over here General Disaster! You're my new best friend slash meat shield!
CantaAkino: *And Scott turned out of the way, throwing an object in the way of the copy attack--the flux overthruster. "Hook, line, and sinker!" +
Shaun: [Luger] The explosion throws both the General and Luger into the air and you land with painful impacts. Nothing is broken though.
Shaun: [Luger, Gentarou]
Shaun: The flux overthruster copied, a second appears on the ground. Someone take that up and get it to Dr. K!
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K: "...Ingenious. Get the duplicate flux overthruster to me immediately!"
Shaun: Ziggy: I got it!
Shaun: And Ziggy takes off like a bat out of hell, running back to RPM's makeshift Garage.
HyprKnux1: (Enemy count again?)
Shaun: {30 Grinders, 7 Fliers, Warlock, Tenaya)
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:...*gets to his feet shakily, taking a step forward... and putting his boot down on the floored General. He ignores the ensuing cry of pain to keep moving forward to the attackbot& HEY! UGLY!
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1:"Wish I had some anti armor weapons..."
Shaun: The Attackbot turns towards Luger... it seems annoyed.
HyprKnux1: *Skies need to be cleared at the moment, so Gen's going to launch himself into the skies, and Rider Rocket Punch one of those Grinder Fliers!+ Ally does need help!
Shaun: And it opens its chest again...!
RafflesiaSky: *The moment Dr. K receives the flux overthruster, she puts it next to the other one and begins to type as quickly as possible so that the Zenith Megazord can be fully powered for this.+
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: *he pulls something out of his pocket and points it in the direction of the attackbot!... ITS! ITS!.... his pack of cigarettes. Goddamit Luger.+
Shaun: [Gentarou] A mighty Rocket punch FELLS the Grinder, knocking it into another and the two Fliers explode. Three more circle in on them however, firing on Mobius, Gen, Yoshika, Lynne and Lucchini. [React all of you!]
Shaun: Cigarettes copied. A new pack materializes at Lugers feet.
*** mistergiggl3s has left the conversation.
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1, "let's see how you like this!"
Shaun: Tenaya has had enough, and she charges at Scott, firing at him rapidly. [React!]
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Four XLAA Missiles drop from under the plane, guiding themselves to four different targets+
Herc061881: *"Ehhh?! M-me as the leader?!" Yoshika doesn't have time to contemplate Lucchini's declaration, moving swiftly as she can while dodging the attacks heading her way+
notmannotelf: *Lucchini keeps Yoshika covered as she spins off to the left when one of the ariel grinders are close opening fire on it's underside.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: [Grins in satisfaction as he snatches the Cigs off the floor! VICTORY!]
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Whu-oh!" *And as Gen tries to evade the shots, he quickly switches on Radar and Launcher, attempting to fire missiles at the Fliers in retaliation+
xSaintjade: Lynne: I am confident in you, Yoshika.
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K: "Ranger Operator Series, I'm working on the configurations right now for the Zenith Megazord. It should be up soon. Keep the bot and Tenaya busy for now."
Shaun: [Lucchini, Yoshika, Mobius, Gen, Lynne] A few more blasts rock across the wing of your plane Mobius, and Gen you're knocked back into the deck by a powerful blast. The witches feel considerable strain against the attacks but they're still airborne.
Shaun: [Yoshika, Mobius, Lynne]
OvermanZs1: Mio: "Lucchini is right, you have the most intel on the Warlock. You'll have field command, Miyafuji!"
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Time to plaow the Road!"
HyprKnux1: Gen: Bounce. "Ow!" Bounce! "Ow!" Bounce! "Ow!" Skid. "Owwww... okay... that wasn't good..."
CantaAkino: *Scott spun and twisted around several of the shots, minimizing the number of hits he took. He took the chance to fire off a shot at the Warlockbot before joining the other Rangers, who joined their weapons together. "RPM Enforcer! Engine Cell activate!" Plugging in one of the Engine Cells, the Ranger let off a powerful zord-shaped shot from the weapon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvWIskvNXO8 +
notmannotelf: Lucchini: "Besides Yoshika, with me and Bishop backing you up you can't fail!"
CantaAkino: (Action toward Tenaya, sorry)
Shaun: [Scott] Tenaya was sent flying, caught flat footed as she was knocked backwards into a pile of Grinders who caught her for the most part. She grunted in pain as she staggered up to her feet.
Shaun: Tenaya: This isn't over, not by a long shot!
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Charges the warlock, Cannon blazing! 25mm's of power+
Herc061881: Yoshika: (She'd thank Lynne and Lucchini, but she's blushing furiously instead) "...Yes, ma'am!"
Shaun: [Mobius] The warlock defends from several blasts from Mobius's guns as it retaliated with a thick salvo of beams. [React]
Shaun: [Yoshika, Lynne, don't forget about your turns.]
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Roll and dive, a Spit S Turn+
Herc061881: *Yoshika waits for the beams to stop firing before flying forward. Targeting the core, and hoping to connect with it if not hit, she takes careful aim and fires.+
Shaun: [Mobius] You're able to dodge away from the beam, the tail of your machine smoking.
xSaintjade: *Lynette moves forward. Taking height amidst the battle, she tries taking the clouds -- Something not to let herself be seen. WHile Yoshika fires away... She tries taking aim.
Shaun: [Yoshika] The warlock takes the hit -- and staggers! It was clearly not expecting that as it stumbles under the attack! Bullets penetate the hull as it backs up -- into Lynne's line of sight! Lynne!
xSaintjade: And she takes the chance. Once it is forward, she doesn't think that she is in danger. She fires. A magic-charged shot. Meant to tear through plating like orange peels.+
Shaun: [Lynne] And the bullet penetrates the Warlock, and for a moment its eyes go dim and then shuts down, falling to the deck with a crashing thud.
Herc061881: Yoshika: "CONGRATULATIONS LYNNE~!"
Shaun: For a long moment, it seems like you've done it. It was shut down, and the Grinders were holding back.
CantaAkino: "Here it comes," Scott said.
Shaun: The core shattered, the W-Attackbot collapsed under the might of the enemy fire! It exploded into a small contained fireball. But despite this, Tenaya smirked.
OvermanZs1: Hey! Mio's on deck. IN A WHEEL CHAIR... That's going to be a problem
Shaun: Mio's well away from the violence, don't worry. Dillon's got her.
Shaun: Tenaya: You didn't honestly think that was just one round, did you?
CantaAkino: "We know, we know," Scott answered. "Begin the download..."
Shaun: Energy swelled in the W-Attackbot as it stood back up and in a massive flow of energy, it expanded into a enormous being, standing ATOP the Chalice! It's massive weight is almost threatening to break the ship in half!
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...EHHHH?!!"
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Oh, it's big..."
Shaun: 55 meters of pure massive FURY!
CantaAkino: "Dr. K?" Scott asked.
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwPyPiwM7c0
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Ohh Jammer blimp that's big"
xSaintjade: Lynette: But... But I destroyed it!
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: [Watches as everything is happening around him, calmly lighting a new cigarette with shaky fingers. He didn't have one throughout the fight.... he then looks up at the Attackbot.. and promptly made to check his new cig.] .... huh.... it really is that big.... [Runs into the Chalice screaming like a little girl! TO THE HANGAR!]
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K: "Yes?"
xSaintjade: And she tries flying towards the Major, once she sees her, her hreart stopping.
xSaintjade: "Major!"
OvermanZs1: But, you know, Mio's not really inclined to scream out for help either, so hopefully... she won't roll off deck
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Oi... OI! Get back here you coward!"
CantaAkino: "Are we go for Zenith Megazord configuration?" Scott asked.
notmannotelf: Lucchini: Wha... [She's going to hover there a moment.] Shirley! Major! [Yeah she's going to be flying for the Chalice nao]
Shaun: Shirley's got Mio. No worries. Ain't no way she was letting her fall.
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K: "Yes. I'm sending the zords out now."
Shaun: The rest of RPM join Scott on deck. Ready for Downmorph.
CantaAkino: "This thing's more powerful than the usual kind. Can you cover our backs?" Scott asked, downmorphing the Eagle Racer.
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Well if everyone is going back, I'll just have to bother tiny till they get back"
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...Yes!" If she can help in anyway...she'll gladly do her best. And she knows the others will do the same.
Shaun: The good news is that all of the Grinders were crushed by the supersizing. Tenaya's stepped back to watch and the last two fliers come in to pick her up.
OvermanZs1: Mio: "So long as you can get into it's armor and attack the core. Our weapons, as it, won't get too far into it.
RafflesiaSky: *And then, when Dr. K is finished with that, she picks up her violin that's plugged in to her computer and begins to play a melody to harm Tenaya. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiyPRqP5glY +
Shaun: [Megazord, Lucchini.]
Shaun: Tenaya: AUGH not the violin again!
RafflesiaSky: *Aw, yes. It's THAT violin. The one you despise so much, Tenaya.+
OvermanZs1: Mio: "Team! You'll be shifting to support tactics, but don't waste a shot at the core if you can take it! Help the RPM crew get through that armor. Mobius One, Luger, I expect your coooperation." Mostly that's just anger at Luger and cooperation. She knows Mobius will comply
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9qGYisZoHQ
Shaun: Luger you're rejoined the battle by now, in your Leo.
CantaAkino: *"Gotta admit, I was expecting the fridge cannon," Scott said. "Zenith Megazord!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjpyRlx4U80 The six zords came together in one much larger mech. It kicked out at the W-Attackbot, one of its Croc Carrier mouths crunching.+
notmannotelf: Lucchini hears the order. "Right have you located the core yet?" Yeah she's forming an idea in her head.
Herc061881: Yoshika: "Yes, ma'am!"
HyprKnux1: Gen: "I feel very odd..." With all of these better-armed fighters, Gen now swapped into Rocket States seems... out of place.
OvermanZs1: Mio searches for the core, though she imagines it hasn't moved
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: Yeah yeah. Don't get those panties in a twist herr major [Luger's ready to put some hole into things. Big holes.]
Shaun: [Megazord] The Warlock blocked, metal screeching as it defended, pushing it back as it kicked up the megazord, pushing it aside with the grinding of metal on metal. Some of the shoulder is strained however, and a bit of the wing fin is bent.
Shaun: Mio, you find that it's moved to the head in fact!
OvermanZs1: Surprising! "The core's moved to the head! That should completely destory the enemy if you cna take that out.
Shaun: [Lucchini don't forget about your turn.]
Shaun: [Gen, Luger]
emfltlead@gmail.com: *M1 Flies over it dropping a round of flairs and missiles over it.+
*** cubey@aol.pl has left the conversation.
xSaintjade: Lynne: Yes, Major!
notmannotelf: *Lucchini heard the target had moved. Spinning at it she decides to try to bust a hole for the Megazord to have better access.
Shaun: [Please wait for a prompt for action first, M1]
HyprKnux1: *Swinging around, one of the Rockets seperates, allowing Gen to activate Drill Module, then goes into Limit Break. "Let's tear open a hole! DOUBLE RIDER ROCKET DRILL KIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!" With that, Gen boosts forward, intending on tearing a good piece off of the Warlock+
Shaun: [Lucchini] The attack shears off a bit of the head, but astoundingly the core is not seen! The Attackbot stumbles backwards and opens up its chest once more. Catching the Megazord in its appearance, it starts copying Arm and leg modules!
Shaun: [Gen] The attack actually shears off one of the attakbots arms in a fountain of whit eenergy but it replaces itself with a replica of the Wolf Zord
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: *Blinks when he saw the Attackbot open it's chest. "wonder how much more bad luck I'd get if I broke that... oh well. I'll do it anyway!" and with that he fires at the Attackbot's chest!+
Shaun: [Luger] Despite your good intentions, the mirror does shatter but moments before it, it's done copying most of the Zenith! Turning towards you, it raises a giant foot and performs a powerful kick!
Shaun: [M1, Yoshika, Lynne]
*** emfltlead@gmail.com has left the conversation.
*** emfltlead@gmail.com has joined the conversation.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: Shi- *was GALACTIC PUNTED INTO THE SKY+
Shaun: [M1, Yoshika, Lynne as a reminder]
Shaun: Star finish. Luger we hardly knew ye.
Shaun: [Luger removed from initiative]
Herc061881: *Yoshika flies toward the head, making sure to stay out of range of any attacks...this isn't JUST a Neuroi, or the Warlock Attackbot anymore...but she takes aim at the head and fires+
xSaintjade: *Lynette takes the chance. From her position, she stays quiet. Nobody pay attention to the tiny witch, up in the clouds, all happy with her rifle aiming at a warlock's head.
Shaun: [Yoshika] The giant Warlock looks at her, and its eyes glow as it takes the shots, and for a brief moment it's exposed, the core! But then it fires at the Megazord in retaliation! [React Megazord]
xSaintjade: This is witch turf, you bastards. This bullet full of runes is the way to prove her.+
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Hey look at the plane! fires more Quick AAm's+
Shaun: [Lynne] The attack punches a hole through its 'eye' and it stumbles back, snarling as it holds its eye. There's more attacks than it could regenerate fast enough. So...
Shaun: At that moment, every red part on the machine glowed and spammed beams everywhere, the majority of them headed for the Megazord! Rangers, you're rocked as Dillon, Ziggy and Summer are hurled OUT of the Megazord onto deck!
Shaun: [React Witches/Gen/M1]
*** xsaintjade has left the conversation.
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Chaff, Flairs, AESA focus, Every countermeasure the plane has to A/B behind it+
Herc061881: "Waaa!" *Yoshika's shields pop up immediately, doing their best to deflect and repel the beams!+
Shaun: [M1] The attack also damages it and even with beams rocking everything, you're safe for now.
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Woah! Hey! Watch it!" *Gen's busying trying to evade attacks now, hoping not to get hit by them!+
*** xSaintjade has joined the conversation.
notmannotelf: Lucchini yelps as she holds her sheilds returning fire with her gun, because this fly will stay annoying thank you
Shaun: That last shot also threw Flynn out too.
xSaintjade: Lynne: "How many do we have to take it? We are going to need more firepower!"
CantaAkino: "Great," Scott moaned, struggling to control the Megazord by himself. "Witches! I need some copilots in here!"
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...Ehh?! R-really?"
Shaun: [Everyone] You're tired, exhausted, and yet, the Warlock attack bot seems to be slowly regenerating... better do it fast!
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"If I can land, I could grab some anti tank missiles"
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kYPqm0il4c
Shaun: Witches, go join Scott in the Megazord!
*** daviddarsh has left the conversation.
Shaun: That Warlock is standing still. It's still regenerating too. Better do this fast!
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...Okay!" She nods once, flying toward the Megazord and climbs inside. It looks amazing!
Shaun: One more space. Better get in there too Gen.
notmannotelf: [Lucchini retreats to the megazord.] You know this isn't anything like our strikers. [She's game for it though]
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"I'll support you guys, as I can't stop in mid air"
HyprKnux1: Gen: "H-Hey, wait for me!" And Gen's going to jump at the chance to take a cushy Megazord seat!
Shaun: [M1] It fires several beams at you, not paying attention to the by-play. What could tiny girls do?
Shaun: [React]
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Time to show you what I can do!"
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K: "Rangers, Witches - I've figured out what you need to do to take the attackbot down. You need to channel your magic and your powers into the megazord itself for a finisher."
emfltlead@gmail.com: *Uses every flight surface to dodge+
HyprKnux1: Gen: "So, uh... By Your Powers Combined, then huh?"
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...Yes, ma'am! I-I mean sir!"
Shaun: [M1] Beams streak by you, raking your machine with random shots that manage to hit, but as it stands, this is buying them the time they need!
xSaintjade: Lynette: "We're going to defeat it! We won't let the Neuroi win!"
CantaAkino: *"All right," Scott answered. "Everyone, Wheel Blasters! Engine Cell, activate!" He powered up his Engine Cell, prompting the others to power up the weapons too...
xSaintjade: Taking a seat, she prepares...
notmannotelf: [If she knew the refference there would be a captain planet wise crack here, but since she doesn't Lucchini's mumbled a 'Yes sir' as she follows Scott's instructions]
HyprKnux1: [Rocket Super-1] [Radar] [Launcher] [Drill] Ka-CHINK! [LIMIT BREAK!]
Herc061881: *"Right!" Yoshika channels in as much magic as needed for the attack.+
HyprKnux1: Gen: "Alright, you stupid copycat! You're gonna get a taste of true power! This is the might of the Power Rangers, Strike Witches and Kamen Rider COMBINED!"
Shaun: The Warlock Attackbot really has no room to dodge, not if it wants to keep regenerating...!
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"..."
CantaAkino: (Waiting on Lynne)
xSaintjade: For her part, she does the same. Focusing what she has on her magic, focusing on the destruction of the Neuroi, she does her part.+
CantaAkino: *"And FIRE!" Scott ordered, blasting at the W-Attackbot. A MASSIVE blast of energy, shaped like the Eagle Racer zord, the Witches, and Fourze, slammed into the 'bot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8caTlNsiHU&feature=relmfu +
Shaun: The Warlock took it full on, and it strained against the power seconds before being overhwelmed by its force! The head discintegrated and BOOM, the core exploded! The attack pushed the enemy up into the sky where it exploded in ORBIT!
Shaun: For a moment there was nothing. And then it started to rain sparkling neuroi bits.
Shaun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS5VjwZTSRI
Herc061881: Yoshika: "..."
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"..."
CantaAkino: "Dr. K, shutdown confirmed," Scott announced.
notmannotelf: Lucchini: WE did it! [she's laughing]
Shaun: Across the way, the Neuroi hive -- began to dissipate until there was nothing left.
HyprKnux1: Gen: "WHOO! That was awesome!"
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"Target Destroyed"
Shaun: It seems so. That neuroi hive that has plagued the world for so long has finally been destroyed. Venjix had also been thwarted in his plans as well, and everyone was safe.
xSaintjade: Lynette: "We did it!" With it, she takes the time to hug her team.... And stares in amazement to what follows. "THey will not have Britannia! We did it!"
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1" O'er azure skies"
Shaun: Yes, indeed you did it. Shutdown was confirmed, everything was all well, and down below RPM was picking themselves up and watching with bright grins under their helmets.
notmannotelf: [Lucchini pulls Gen and Scott into the hug as well!]
Shaun: Maloney: I can't believe it... all that work gone in an instant...
HyprKnux1: And Gen can't help but laugh as he's pulled into the hug. "Victory!"
Herc061881: Yoshika: "....We did it!" (Yoshika hugs Lynne and Lucchini as well, surprised that she had led a team...and they'd won. And THEN teamed up with Scott and Gen to win again.)
emfltlead@gmail.com: (Can I get on the Generals Frequency?)
Shaun: [yes]
Herc061881: "Thank you, Scott!" Yoshika gives Series Operator Red a grateful smile.
CantaAkino: "By the way, General Maloney," Scott called in from the Megazord. "Just so you know, Alphabet Soup's days are numbered. Anything you've been planning in there, you might want to abandon, since for the past year, we've had Rangers Gold and Silver bombing their facilities from their zords. FYI."
Shaun: Maloney sputtered.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: [If anyone was listening.... very..very carefully. You can hear wind whistling. And there is an insistent clicking on everyone's comms. Like someone was trying to make contact.]
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1"This is what happens when you tried to win with a superweapon"
emfltlead@gmail.com: [Tuning radio freq]
CantaAkino: "Just a little thank you from Gem and Gemma for those years of care," Scott added with a grin.
Shaun: Maloney couldn't say anything, as he was being cuffed and led away. Only seethe.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger: Hello? Hello?! Are any of you dummkompfs listening to me? General Beardface? Are you listening too?
notmannotelf: Lucchini: we hear you... thought you made it back already
Herc061881: Yoshika: "...Is that Luger? Do you want me to tell my family what you did in my next letter? Okay!"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:... Actually... I'm still on my way back. Now that you're all listening I just need to say something...really...really important
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1:"Coms cleared"
RafflesiaSky: Dr. K seems to smile at the mere mention of Gem and Gemma as a single tear rolls down her cheek, her fingers relaxing on the keyboard.
HyprKnux1: Gen: "...and that is...?"
notmannotelf: Lucchini: You're bringing snacks? Because I'm starving.
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:... [The german takes a deep breath and then-] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! *The whistling noise got LOUDER as the Leo came into view from the sky.... it hits the deck hard, one hand landing UNCOMFORTABLY close to General Maloney and the people taking him away.+...... ow
Herc061881: Yoshika: "I don't think we'll be getting those snacks, Lucchini~"
HyprKnux1: Gen: "We'll just raid the kitchen."
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1:' I found some spare 'Survival Sticks' if anyone wants them?"
xSaintjade: Lynette: Eeeh!?
CantaAkino: "You guys go on ahead," Scott insisted to the others. "I've got something I need to take care of back at the ruins. I'll meet up with you when I'm done."
xSaintjade: Lynette: The kitchen is off limits! I take the time to prepare everything!
Shaun: Shirley: They really did it, huh, Major.
Herc061881: Yoshika: "She does~! And I make sure to help!" Yoshika gives Scott one more hug before heading back to the deck.
Shaun: In the year 20XX, the Neuroi threat has been neutralized, by the brave actions of the 501st and their allies. History will mark this down, as one of the days the world has experienced peace.
notmannotelf: * See this look Lynn http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/110760153/38347320 All for you]
emfltlead@gmail.com: "we have taken back our Shattered Skies"
vertigojockey@gmail.com: Luger:... yeah yeah that's wonderful and all... but can someone help me?...anyone?.... anyone?
notmannotelf: [Lucchini will help Lugar up]
HyprKnux1: Gen is busy hopping out of the Megazord and getting ready for the party!
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1: Mission accomplished
Herc061881: Yoshika's gonna make sure things are done right in the kitchen. Aside from Tsukasa, Lynne and a few others...she doesn't trust many people who aren't trained properly to handle the food.
emfltlead@gmail.com: M1: What IS a Neuroi anywise?
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