Mission 078: Red in Track and Jaw

May 11, 2012 01:27

Session Start (overmanzs1:ugamission078): Thu May 10 22:12:23 2012 -0500
*** overmanzs1 has joined the conversation.
*** Llama (SRW) has joined the conversation.
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*** Raptor (SRW?) has joined the conversation.
*** Knux (SRW) has joined the conversation.
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*** Tenebrae (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** Arach (SRW) has joined the conversation.
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*** Corel (SRW) has joined the conversation.
*** speximillian has joined the conversation.
*** Steam (SRW mod) has joined the conversation.
*** Dessa (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Raptor (SRW?): hello
*** Prof (SRW) has joined the conversation.
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*** Hedge has joined the conversation.
Zappa: (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-FQcyuz_row ))

*** Shaun (SRW mod) has left the conversation.
Zappa: Ladies and kinfolk, thanks kindly to this little birdie, you're all en route to a seaside establishment there this bird, and a gradually stronger distress signal are emiting from.

Zappa: But, despite all that, you guys still won't be there for a while. Feel free to discuss a game plan though.
Steam (SRW mod): Josh is kinda wondering how exactly this'll be playing out
Hedge: (Link: http://ll-298.ea.com/spore/static/image/500/405/298/500405298322_lrg.png)(the bird in question)
Steam (SRW mod): Last time they were by the Bearing Straight it was just how they got to Russia
Dessa (SRW): Rinon's in her cockpit, grumbling about how they only get to go to the beach on a mission, and not for fun.
Llama (SRW): Wendell's not exactly a plan-maker, so he's going to leave the ideas up to others.
Hedge: (there's an audio message with the distress signal. the voice on it sounds scared, a girl's with a very slight japanese accent)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma's... just standing there, waiting. He's not a planning person, either.
Zappa: Meanwhile: on the battle front...

Camiu (SRW): Setsuna's sitting in his cockpit, he's wondering what will happen.
Dessa (SRW): Plans? What are plans? Those things Jamie always tries to get Rinon to follow, and she pointedly ignores?
speximillian: Cynthia's got a handheld with her today. Playing some kind of wartime strategy game on it. She's not too familiar with any of the pilots with her, save the famous Getter Pilot. He's pretty cool, I guess.
Hedge: audio message: Any Green Storm units out there...This is Doctor Oenone Zero, with the Ressurection Corps...The townies have slipped through the Bering straight somehow....I'm at the town of Seahaven...Springwheeled is trying to eat it! My stalkers can't hold it! Is anyone out there? Help!
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "... So something's trying to eat a town."
Steam (SRW mod): "... How big do you think it is?"
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "I hope it isn't as big as the colossi."
Zappa: Dr. Zero, you're already knee deep in combat with the mobile city of Springwheeled. Well, as knee-deep as you can be given the situation at hand. Surely, all you need to do is hold out until help somehow, hopefully arrives.

Zappa: ((Initative: Dr. Zero))
((Enemies: Springwheeled (mobile city), 2 ZakuTank, 1 ZakuTank HW (Duufmon), 1 Juaggu (Apou)

Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: It would depend upon the size of the town, wouldn't it?
Zappa: Springwheeled: (Link: http://eleth89.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-chase-209096450)http://eleth89.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-chase-209096450 (obviously the bigger one)
ZakuTank: (Link: http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/MS-06V_Zaku_Tank
Juaggu: (Link: http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/MSM-04G_Juaggu

Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Not big enough."
Zappa: Springwheeled mayor, Quinn B Sampson: I, aaah, insist your move your piddly, aaah, defences. We're taking, aaah, Shellyville. And we'll, aaah, be putting them to good use for our own city's, aaah, prosperity!

Hedge: (defending forces: (Link: http://momentoftherose.livejournal.com/577.html)http://momentoftherose.livejournal.com/577.html )
Zappa: Apou: Dis is difinitly not de city of Shellyville. Dis is Seahaven
Quinn B: Whatever. Just, aaah, crush them
Zappa: ( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bk81CaV9Vc)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bk81CaV9Vc )
(Action: Dr. Zero)
speximillian: Cynthia smirks. "I've seen bigger mobile cities than this one. And they went down fairly easy."
Hedge: Dr Zero (she's trying to sound brave): Th-This is the Green Storm Ressurection corps! We w-won't move! You've heard about our st-t-t-talkers right? *The stalkers have dug in in front of the town, forming a large enough trench that if Springwheeled tries to drive over it its wheels might get bogged down. But it's only a matter of time before the city forces break through...*
Hedge: The mobile suits aren't very impressive, but the mobile (Link: http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs51/f/2009/329/5/e/Traction_City__London___Sketch_by_Patty1234.jpg)city they're supporting on the other hand...
Zappa: [Dr. Zero] the city's mobile forces arrive before the city itself, and the two rather mooky ZakuTanks open fire at you (react)
Hedge: Zero: (From her airship, parked in the town, she directs her Stalkers to swarm the nearest mobile suit, hopefully forcing the others to turn back and help shake the ressurected monstrosities off it)+
*** Corel (SRW) has left the conversation.
Zappa: [Dr. Zero] With full intention on taking the city and squishing the little things in front of them, the ZakuTank proceeds forward, swinging a claw down at one of the Stalkers (react)
Zappa: EVERYONE ELSE! Now that you see the rather large city on wheels, you can also see several gun placements on the city aim their barrels down at one singular spot: a rather tiny little building.

Zappa: *Rather, an airship, not the aforementioned building. What do I know with my pre-writing
Steam (SRW mod): Josh takes a moment to pause and look at it all.
Steam (SRW mod): "... Huh."
Steam (SRW mod): "Don't see that every day."
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "... nope."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...you gotta be kidding me."
Hedge: zero: (She directs the stalker to roll out of the way until she sees the guns pointed at her airship. She knows she can't get out of there in time and screams....Forgetting that she left the comm channel open.)
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: ... I believe this is the exact opposite of what Celestial Being wants. I can't be certain
Hedge: +
Steam (SRW mod): At any rate, they have a distress signal to answer so he nevertheless hauls ass and gets into the Aile.
Zappa: They're about damn ready to fire on said building too. (First come: first serve reaction [Excluding Dr. Zero])

*** G-F (SRW) has left the conversation.
Steam (SRW mod): #
*** Cubey (SRWmod) has left the conversation.
Camiu (SRW): #
Zappa: [Zero] The size difference between the Stalker and the ZakuTank, it whiffs, but knocks the Stalker on it's ass from the impact and wave of sand tossed over it. One stalker; buried
speximillian: Cynthia: ...this kind of thing would make an excellent video game...I'm not dreaming this, am I?
Zappa: (Josh approved)
Steam (SRW mod): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQOQ6ijEQbc)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQOQ6ijEQbc
Steam (SRW mod): * And as soon as the hangar doors for the shuttle open, the Aile bolts out at full speed before suddenly its Impulse Cannons swivel around and open fire on the city! "It would be wise of you to turn around and leave, whoever you are!"+
Zappa: [Josh] Though the shot blows a few canons away, it doesn't deter the rest from firing. However, they don't fire on target and all but one shot strays into the water; the one crashes just a few feet from Zero's airship
Zappa: ((Initiative: Setsuna, Rinon, Ryouma, Wendell, Cynthia, Josh, Dr. Zero))

Zappa: (Setsuna, Rinon, Ryouma)
Knux (SRW): ((Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zb0BLXBREc&feature=BFa&list=ULzzGGT-0DeE0)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zb0BLXBREc&feature=BFa&list=ULzzGGT-0DeE0)
Dessa (SRW): ((Enemy count again?))
Zappa: Quinn B: Aaah, we simply canot do that. We're already heading this way aaaaand, we're going to get what we came for!
Zappa: (unchanged from above)
Zappa: Springwheeled: (Link: http://eleth89.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-chase-209096450)http://eleth89.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-chase-209096450 (obviously the bigger one)
ZakuTank: (Link: http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/MS-06V_Zaku_Tank
Juaggu: (Link: http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/MSM-04G_Juaggu

Dessa (SRW): ((yes, but it's scrolled off my screen))
Steam (SRW mod): Josh scowls. "... Then you've got nobody to blame for what's about to come!"
((Enemies: Springwheeled (mobile city), 2 ZakuTank, 1 ZakuTank HW (Duufmon), 1 Juaggu (Apou)

Zappa: Duufmon: Duffmon doesn't take lightly to your intrusion!
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Feh, so you think you can just be a bunch of bullies, huh? Two can play at that!" *The Black Getter Robo launches itself at the Springwheeled and comes to a stop before he launches a "GETTER BEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!"+
Camiu (SRW): *"Setsuna F. Seiei: Exia. Commencing Armed Intervention!" The Exia's up and throwing a pair of GN Beam Daggers at Duufmon's Zakutank HW!+
*** Aero (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Dessa (SRW): *Rinon launched Gun Sniper, taking in their enemies and not knowing what they could do. So she just did what she always does... shoot missiles at everything and see what happens.+
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "... Dear god."
Steam (SRW mod): He can't help but chuckle a little
Steam (SRW mod): Yeah, he's gonna let the two people who refer to themselves in the third person fight amongst themselves.
Zappa: [Ryouma] The giant spam of pink getter rays does NOTHING to deter the gigantic city, though, you have likely ruined the lives of several people as the beam tears through several houses on ne of the more middle platform/floors
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "What the...?!"
Steam (SRW mod): Aaaand seeing even a Getter Beam only mildly inconvenience the city, Josh opens up a channel to everyone.
Zappa: [Setsuna] The ZakuTank is NOT known for it's evasion, ever, so moving out of the way is... pathetic at best. Taking the daggers to it's tread platform, it aims a pair of shoulder mounted canons up at the Exia and fires... kegs?! (react)
Steam (SRW mod): "With something that big, we're going to have to make our shots count. Target its foundation first. If we can stop it from moving then it'll be a lot less of a danger!"
speximillian: Cynthia: ...Heh. I've broken up plenty of Exoduses...Exodia...Exodai...? Plenty of migratory cities before. You're looking at a pro here!
Hedge: Zero: I don't know who you are but thank you. P-Please be careful with your shots though! There are civilians on th-that...Don't target the tracks! We want to drive it off, n-not make it stuck here!*
Camiu (SRW): *Setsuna's not amused. He uses his high speed to dodge and get around the Zakutank, His Gn Sword drawn as he moves to just cut the damn mooksuit in half.+
Steam (SRW mod): And at that Josh grits his teeth.
Zappa: [Rinon] Much akin to Ryouma's efforts, firing the everything only has the result of wrecking buildings, and not much else. One of the lower-level gun placements does take notice and opens fire (react)
Steam (SRW mod): "Even if it means them running over your own city?"
Dessa (SRW): *Rinon's newly-repaired Gun Sniper's got some good movement, so she's moving it out of the way.+
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: Josh. Let's take out the tracks. If we do that, the city won't be able to do anything
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "... The woman has a point though!"
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "What, you want me to push it out of the way?"
Hedge: Zero: It c-can still turn around, and they will if they don't think they can finish the job. You can t-try to take out the artillery emp-placements. Or you can come up through its belly and hijack the engine room to force it to t-turn.
Zappa: [Setsuna] As Exia dodges, one of the kegs explodes, landing some sort of liquid all over the arm. Not a problem, right? Turning about, slowly to try and follow the Gundam... it simply doesn't turn fast enough, and it bisected like a GN saber through a mobile... oh wait.
Duufmon: Duufmon... Signing... off...
Zappa: **boom**
Steam (SRW mod): And at that Josh sighs in relief.
Steam (SRW mod): "Good. Whoever you are, you actually have a plan."
speximillian: Cynthia: ...do we have anything that could get underground to break into it?
Zappa: ((Wendell, Cynthia))
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "..."
Knux (SRW): The sound you just heard is a headesk.
Llama (SRW): Wendell takes a moment to react, still a little awestruck by the whole thing. He finally breaks out of it and runs to where Sigil awaits.Upon launch, the earth-bound Sigil tumbled out and along the ground, summersaulting and... skidding to a hault in the nearby ocean. It would have looked skilled, if it didn't seem more like he just fell out of the hangar and into the water...
Llama (SRW): Fumbling about, and unable to over think things, Wendell manages to form a bow from the stone around him. An arrow of dark energy formed as Sigil finds his footing in the mecha-knee-deep water. Wendell sights along the arrow and fires upon the first unfriendly thing in sight.+
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: "..."
Zappa: [Rinon] The emplacements keep firing at the Gun Sniper as it runs away,but soon it's out of turning radius from the canons.
Hedge: Zero: My stalker squad can tear open the armor underneath it.
Zappa: (Targeting anything in particular, Wendell?)
Hedge: Zero: They're the...b-beings....A bit larger than a human you see in that trench.
Llama (SRW): (He's trying not to drown, so not really)
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: "...? So if we can get them to the armor, they'll clear a path?"
speximillian: Yes, Ryouma, Cynthia's looking over at you with a very trolly look. She then turns her attention to the Juaggu. "Aren't you just adorable...let's play!" She pulls the Dominator into a dive, laying down suppressive fire with the palm launcher as she moves in for a grapple.&
Hedge: Zero: Yes. They c-can hitch a ride on your suits. All you have to do is get underneath the city.
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: "Understood. Josh..."
Hedge: Zero: But it's your c-call wether you want to do that! It's risky! Please don't feel obligated, you've d-done more than enough already.
Zappa: [Wendell] An arrow of energy flies from the bow, zipping off and actually hitting one of the emplacement turrets, despite his struggling to stand
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Well... we're here already. Let's make the most of our time here."
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "Wow, actually hit something..."
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "With all the practice you do I'd be surprised if it didn't!"
Zappa: [Cynthia] The elephantine mecha raises it's trunk in the Dominator's direction and begins spouting fire. Despite the shots, it doesn't much flinch or dodge; though the damage on it is clear. Still... FIRE (react, Cynthia)
*** Arach (SRW) has left the conversation.
Zappa: Apou: Oh nononono, that simply will not do. Please, do not come again.
Zappa: [Josh] Since you've clearly upset the mayor, the city slowly turns and brings a rather large canon at the base of the city to bear. It aims the guns at it's "nose" at the Aile and fires (react)
speximillian: Cynthia grins, pulling out of her dive with a photon mat. All four limbs stretch around the mat, shifting into sharp points in an attempt to impale the machine! ...though really, she's just trying to slice off that trunk.+
Zappa: [Cynthia] Bringing it's hands to point at the Overman, the heavy canons on it's fingers begin pelting heavily into the Photon mat... That kind of artillery won't hold up for long. However, the spikes of the Overman are only just poking into the thick layers of the quite outdated MS
Zappa: (react)
Camiu (SRW): #
Zappa: (who?)
Steam (SRW mod): * Of course, the bad thing about something so big is its attacks are telegraphed to hell and back! And so as Josh sees the guns setting up the Aile's already dashing to the side... fast enough that after-images flare up! "... And thanks for such an appealing target too!" Cue a Cypher Gun swinging around and firing an energy blast at the "nose"!+
Camiu (SRW): (Cynthia)
Zappa: (approved)
speximillian: (Go for it)
Camiu (SRW): *Setsuna's already under the trunk of the outdated MS, cutting at it with both GN Blades and kicking it for good measure!+
Zappa: [Josh] The canon fires at where teh Aile was.. it's huge, it can't correct that quickly. But there's still the general shockwave of the shot that puts the shot off target just a bit... enough to rend that canon useless, but little more than that.
Steam (SRW mod): (And the retaliatory shot Josh made?)
Zappa: (the shockwave of the canon threw your shot off. The canon is crap, but, nothing past that)
Steam (SRW mod): (Ah. So it's the city's cannon, not the Aile's.)
Zappa: [Setsuna] With the GN blades, the Trunk is thin enough that it's severed with an explosion that goes off in both Exia and the Juaggu's face. Schrapnel of the blast punctures Exia's head
Zappa: [Cynthia] You're still under some fire from the Juaggu, and that sort of firepower finally, despite Exia, breaks through the Photon Mat, hitting the body just once with a high explosive round
speximillian: Cynthia pouts: "You broke it..."
Zappa: ((Josh, Dr. Zero: ACTION))
Camiu (SRW): (How big is the shrapnel, and how much of it is jutting out of the head?)
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: ... Sorry?
Zappa: (Not big enough to pick out.)
Camiu (SRW): (aww)
Steam (SRW mod): Josh looks up at the towering machine. "How's that effort to get under it going?"
speximillian: Cynthia: "That suit looked so cool!" I wanted to capture it and bring it back...*The Dominator's skin will need a bit of time to recover from the impact, but it's nothing that the rubbery machine will really notice.
Hedge: Zero: Follow my stalkers if you want to get under the city. *They're circling around, leaping over the torn up ground with unnatural grace. When they get behind the city, they go underneath it. It's big enough down there for the stalkers to stand but the MS will have to crawl.*+
Dessa (SRW): Rinon watched those stalker-things. "Hey, I think Gun Sniper might fit under there..."
Steam (SRW mod): * "I'll leave that to you though. Those guns are still plenty capable of firing!" Though the Aile may not be able to fly, Josh still aims the Impulse Cannons at the ground and fires, letting the blasts send it flying onto Springwheeled so it can tear up the artillery up close and personal!&
Zappa: [Dr. Zero] Oh look, there's a fourth ZakuTank we'd not known about! As the stalkers come in under the city, the tank opens fire at the tiny little machine men! (react)
Dessa (SRW): # (stalkers)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "And there's no way Getter's getting under there, either... guess, we're stuck with disarming!"
Zappa: (approved)
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Be sure not to hit me then!"
Hedge: (what the stalkers look like: (Link: http://dukeleto.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-56331687)http://dukeleto.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-56331687 (Link: http://jdy357.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-253904550)http://jdy357.deviantart.com/art/Mortal-Engines-253904550 )
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: He smirks "What? Don't trust me?"
Steam (SRW mod): Josh feels it better to not mention all the reasons he shouldn't.
Zappa: [Josh] Many of the larger canons can't turn inside the city, but there are... poorly armed soldiers firing piddly machine guns at the Aile (respond)
Dessa (SRW): *Rinon had been moving Gun Sniper after the stalkers, shooting at the ZakuTank with her Beam Gatling Guns.+
Zappa: [Rinon, Zero] A shot smashes through not one, but two of the Stalkers, blowing them mostly away before the Gun Sniper lays into it. It's not a well repaired MS, so the arms are quickly taken off, and one of it's treads blown open
Zappa: ((Setsuna, Rinon))
Steam (SRW mod): * Aaaand that's exactly what the Aile has its shield for as it goes about hacking apart those cannons. "Mayor! I'm in your city wrecking it! If you're at a loss for how to get rid of me, I'd suggest turning around and leaving!"+
Camiu (SRW): (Enemy count)
Zappa: Somnian: "Thy next foe is.... hidden in the ocean... A ripple of thunder lurks underwater."

Llama (SRW): Wendell: "... wait, what?"
Zappa: (please hold for enemy count)
Zappa: [Wendell] A massive stone-slab of a tail wraps around Sigil and begins dragging you underwater (react)

Dessa (SRW): *Rinon swung her seat around (as well as the Gun Sniper), and began shooting at the ZakuTank with her AZ 144mm Sniper Rifle. If there was something to take out down here, she wasn't gonna let it keep her from doing something.+
Hedge: Zero: Shimatta! *She sets to work using her remaining two stalkers to tear huge holes in the armor under the city, to help the Aile get through*+
Zappa: But, to the rest of you, while you see Wendell somewhat vanish, something rises up out of the water. Something big, earthen, and pretty damn peeved.

Zappa: Pelagia: (Link: http://shadowofthecolossus.wikia.com/wiki/File:Pelagia.jpg

Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "What the hell?!"
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: What is that thing?!
Llama (SRW): Wendell curses elegantly, and flails at Sigil's controls to drop the bow in favor of getting his sword out. Another flail aimed at whatever is currently dragging him down into the depths.+
Llama (SRW): (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEtAcH61mN4)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEtAcH61mN4 ))
Camiu (SRW): *Setsuna's moving to support Wendell, firing at the limb that's got a hold of Sigil with the Gn Sword/Beam Rifle!+
Zappa: [Wendell] As you squirm about, another towering creature rises up from the beaches, a long slithering body weaving up and down from the waters.
Your flailing ONLY manages to get you loose from it's tail
Zappa: Hydrus: (Link: http://shadowofthecolossus.wikia.com/wiki/File:Hydrus.jpg

Zappa: Enemies: (Red)
(Springwheeled, 1x ZakuTank)
Zappa: (Yellow) Pelagia, Hydrus
Zappa: Quinn B: Aaah, with the parts from wrecking you all, we can easily rebuild and expand! We will not back away. We have nothing to fear.
Zappa: (I am failing hard at the enemy coutn, the Juaggu remains, but damaged)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "And if you don't back away now, you won't have anything to expand WITH!"
Llama (SRW): Sigil surfaces, but it wasn't really made for swimming. It flounders towards the shore. Despite not doing the swimming himself, Wendell's gasping for air. "You call that a heads up, Somnian?"
Hedge: Zero: *Unable to see what's going on because controlling the stalkers* W-What's going on? Is everything OK out there?
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: Sir, with all due respect, your equipment is outdated and useless, you're not going to be able to beat us.
Zappa: [Rinon] The ZakuTank was hardly able to move at all, and thus, sniping it from below was all too easy. Fish in a barrel. Pathetic even!
Zappa: Somnian: "Thou were warned before being assailed."
speximillian: Cynthia: "It's quite a collector's model. If you wanna run, you can, but leave your machine. I don't want to damage it any more."
Zappa: [Josh] Though the people and small personal canons can hardly stand up to a mobile suit, eventually someone had to bring out the rocket launcher and aim for the Aile's feet (react)
Zappa: [Setsuna] Your efforts... only barely contribute to Wendell's escape to shore. GN particles they may be, you're still firing beams into the water.
Zappa: ((Ryouma, Wendell))
Steam (SRW mod): * Josh knows better than to understimate that, and he breaks off from wrecking the place to swing the Aile's Cypher Blade down at Springwheeled's personal army. Try firing a rocket when you and the rocket are burned alive!+
Knux (SRW): Cannons. Giants. Cannons. Giants.
Zappa: Apou: Oh nonono, I would not leave my belbved city behind, nor would it leave me. Dat is simply un-acceptable
Zappa: *belobed
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Hey, ugly! You're mine!" *Sorry, Josh, Ryouma's gonna race towards the Hydrus, intending on grappling it and pounding it senseless+
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Ryouma! I've got things pretty well under control here!"
Steam (SRW mod): So yeah, no hard feelings
Zappa: [Josh] They will try anyway! They will keep shooting until that beam blade starts cutting swaths through them... then they'll keep firing and retreating! "GET OUT OF OUR CITY!"
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Heh, don't worry, I got this one...!"
Llama (SRW): Weighing his options, Wendell turns his attention to the bison-shaped colossus. A good start would be to get its attention, to at least keep it from making a mess. He focuses on the training and mental exercises he and Josh had been working on. Focus... focus... The bow Sigil was holding forms again, but it's different this time, splitting its string into two. Focus..... Wendell slowed his breathing, planing his feet, trying to picture every detail mentally. On the exhale, two dark energy arrows are launched right for Pelagia's remant of a face.+
Zappa: [Ryouma] As the Getter goes underwater and approaches the snakelike golem, three spikes along it's back start crackling. Just as you grapple, lighting strikes from the spikes against the Getter! (react)
Hedge: zero: *she can see the people dying under the Aile's blade and her stalker's claws. She couldn't stop the ressurected men killing now if she tried.* P-Please, mayor! We'll give you safe conduct! Just turn around and m-make this stop!
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "ARGH!" *He hates to do this, but Ryouma's gonna have to break off this attack to get away from the lightning.+
*** Corel (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Hedge: Zero: I swear it! I'm authorized by th-the Stalker Fang herself!
Zappa: [Wendell] In all that time you're focusing, the bison-like golem makes it's way for Springwheeled and smacks it's head into the city's side. Did that tread just lift up! And now even Springwheeled is shooting back.
Quinn B: Aaaaahh! What is this crazy monster! Shoot it down! Faster!
The two energy arrows hit the colossus in the face and bounce off of it, but... eyes light up as it slowly turns it's head towards the tiny, tiny Sigil.
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "... um."
Zappa: [Ryouma] The Getter is constantly shocked until it's out of the water, at which point... lightning doesn't seem to follow, though it's body weaves in and out of the water's surface
Hedge: Zero: *her stalkers just had to do flips to avoid crashing into a wall* What was that?
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...Shit... don't attack the snake thing in the water!"
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Mayor, your men are dying for you! It's time to earn that respect and back down!"
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "What did it do, Ryouma?"
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Lightning... but it stopped once I got out of it. I don't think it can use it out of the water!"
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "Maybe we can get it out somehow? Or... take the lightning out..."
speximillian: Cynthia thinks back to the assault on the HALO...she's been jumpy around thunderstorms since then. "That sucks....if only we had a machine that performed well underwater..."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "..."
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Wendell!"
Steam (SRW mod): "If we need that thing out of the water, I suppose now's the time to get creative with Sigil!"
Zappa: Quinn B: W-we can't settle for such a loss! There's nothing left here to to repair from! We... we can't...
(Not a whole lot of resolve left here)
Zappa: ((Cynthia, Josh, Dr. Zero))
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: Turn around. Go away
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "I... don't know what to do..."
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: ... A fishing net?
Hedge: zero: You w-won't take the town, mayor. As soon as all the civilians are out...Hold on a second. What is that thing outside made of?
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "A fishing net?! Have you seen the size of that thing?"
Steam (SRW mod): (Can Josh see where the Mayor's located?)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...if only we had something that could stretch out big..."
Hedge: (Not precisely, but mobile city mayors are almost always on the top floor)
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: A big enough Net. Tie it to the City
Hedge: (someone answer Zero, she can't see)
speximillian: Cynthia: "..."
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: A golem is currently attacking.
Knux (SRW): And Ryouma's just GRINNING
Hedge: Zero: A...golem?
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: They're... big
speximillian: Cynthia shivers. Doesn't want @ more lightning, even IF Domi can take it....
Hedge: Zero: W-What is it made out of?
Zappa: Quinn B: "We can't leave here with... with this monster attacking us! We can't even turn like this!"
Steam (SRW mod): * Then Josh is going to take an intuitive leap and have the Aile shoot up to the higher levels of Springwheeled before getting in plain sight and point all his guns in its general direction! "Mayor! If you care not for your city's safety, then how about your own life! Turn around! If you need directions for aid we'll be more than happy to give them to you under the condition you turn around and leave!"+
Steam (SRW mod): Yeah
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "It's... I think it's made of nearby material."
Steam (SRW mod): If the mayor continues being stupid Josh is gonna hope someone near him has a better sense of self-preservation
Zappa: Quinn B: ... (He's kinda panicing right now)
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Anyone near the mayor..."
Hedge: zero: *her stalkers keep the troops off the Aile as much as she can. She tries not to kill them.*
Steam (SRW mod): "... If it's in your power and he refuses, incapcatitate him. I don't care how."
Steam (SRW mod): "Don't let his own inability be the death of you all."
Zappa: Quinn B: "Set the engines to... to full reverse! We'll lose the whole city if those monters and people keep attacking!"
Dessa (SRW): ((Rinon's underneath there... is she in danger if they go reverse?))
Steam (SRW mod): And at that Josh smiles and has the Aile flip off of the city.
Steam (SRW mod): "There. That wasn't too big a problem?"
Hedge: (depends if she can dodge the jaws)
Steam (SRW mod): And at that he keyed in some coordinates for them to go to for some fuel and materials for repair.
Zappa: [Rinon] Very slowly the machine stops rolling forward, then... starts moving backwards. Unfortunately, there's not a 'forward' to run under unless you like giant metal spikes
Dessa (SRW): *"Crap!" Rinon frantically looked for a way out, the same way out that she got in by.+
Steam (SRW mod): And at that Josh turns his attention back to the two monsters! "So how are things going on this end?"
speximillian: # Rinon
Zappa: (Way too far away, Cynthia)
Hedge: # Rinon
Zappa: As the city starts moving in reverse, the Juaggu is trying to hobble it's way through the beach after it
Zappa: (that one's approved)
Zappa: ((still waiting on an action from Cynthia)
speximillian: ((Missed my prompt >_> ))
*The Dominator fires at the back of the Juaggu's legs, hoping to incapacitate it before it can hit the water. No way it'll survive in there with those monsters...*+
Hedge: zero: OK, now you should get out of here too. *the stalkers drop down through the city's belly to the ground. Seeing the city going in reverse, they run to the extreme right and left, next to the treads, where there are small gaps an MS could fit through on its stomach* Follow them to get out!
Hedge: (gaps between the treads and the jaws that is)
Hedge: +
Dessa (SRW): *Rinon does exactly that.+
Zappa: [Cynthia] Those short and stubby legs don't get it very far very fast! It topples over into the beach and, slowly roooooollls into the water. Eventually the pilot just bails out and lets water run into the cockpit
speximillian: SCORE! Cynthia's totally collecting that thing to bring back after the mission.
Zappa: [Rinon] There'a slight scrape against the arm that... "tears off" one of the claws from the Gun Sniper, but it comes out just fine otherwise!
Steam (SRW mod): Josh also opens a channel to Springwheeled again.
Hedge: Zero: You OK in there?
Zappa: ((Enemies: (Yellow) Pelagia, Hydrus))
Steam (SRW mod): "We have one of your soldiers with us. We'll see about returning him safely once this craziness is over."
Dessa (SRW): Rinon: *grumbling* Man, and right after I got this fixed...
Steam (SRW mod): "... You are going to avoid harming him, aren't you Cynthia?"
Zappa: ((Rinon, Ryouma, Wendell))
Zappa: meanwhile...
????: Good, another chance to fight the Gundam.
Dessa (SRW): Rinon: *looks around, now that she's not underneath the city* "What are we fighting now?"
Llama (SRW): A net. Wendell's never made a net. He's only made a bow before. How can he make a net large enough? He's... used a net before, though. It's a rather simple construct, actually... Wendell takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. Picturing a net, feeling it in his hands. As he does this, the ground around Sigil's feet shifts, flowing into the mech's hands, forming a darkly glowing net. Opening his eyes, Wendell judges Hydrus' swimming pattern and... throws.&
speximillian: Cynthia: I'm not looking to take needless lives here, jeez. Who do you think I am?
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "You did shoot a soldier retreating... but whatever. We have bigger fish to fry."
Dessa (SRW): ((can someone point Rinon at what to shoot? she legitimately doesn't know, and I've been distracted))
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Okay, can't fiight the snake thing... then, the other one!" *Taking aim at the Pelagia - the only thing surfaced right now - and fires out another Getter Beam. He's not getting close this time!+
Dessa (SRW): *That was good enough for Rinon. "Wild Weasel Total Assault!" She fired at the same enemy Ryouma did.+
Zappa: [Wendell] The net... doesn't so much wrap around the stone eel as much as it gets caught on one of the spikes that protrudes from it's body. But with that, it yanks Wendell into the water again!( React)
Llama (SRW): Bloop! Under the water Sigil goes. "Not again!" But, instead of letting go and swimming away, Wendell scowls. Sigil begins to pull itself closer to the golem's back. Once there, Sigil struggles to reach up with its sword, and stab down at the base of the lightning-generating spine.+
Steam (SRW mod): Aaaand Josh's eyes widen in shock as the Sigil gets pulled under again. "Wendell!"
Llama (SRW): (( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TwDDcrtS4g)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TwDDcrtS4g ))
Zappa: [Ryouma] The pink rays grind into the stone of the bison golem. It's surfuace is torn up a bit, but as chunks are blown off, sand itself is clearly seen drawing back into the damaged craters. In return, it's head turns, and from the crazy glowing horns at it's jaws, lighting strikes the Getter again (react)
Zappa: [Setsuna] A black mobile suit charges into the battlefield, aiming exclusively at the Exia. Only a shot or two are fired before it gets into effective melee range (React)

Camiu (SRW): (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgTO9DCBcqw)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgTO9DCBcqw
Zappa: Union Flag Custom: (Link: http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/00/svms-01e.htm

Zappa: New enemies: (Hella red) Union Flag (???? ?)
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: *Blocks with his shield before drawing a GN blade+ That Mobile Suit... A flag?
Hedge: #wendell
Zappa: ????: "Good to meet you again, Gundam pilot!
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Oh, not again...!" *And Ryouma's going to try to dodge this lightning blast. Just not his day!+ "This one has some sort of healing properties!
speximillian: Cynthia: ...huh. Must be tough being popular. Exia! Do you need backup with that one?
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: This voice! You again!
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Who the hell...?!?"
Zappa: [Setsuna] The blade impacts into Exia's shield, but the second that it brings the GN blade to the ready the Flag has pulled back and begun circling around to come at it from behind!
Camiu (SRW): (react?)
Zappa: Graham: "Stay out of this! I only want the Gundam!
(yes, react)
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "I... I'm okay... All the colossi heal themselves unless I take out the core."
Hedge: Zero: I don't know who you are, but these people are risking their lives to save this town. If you're n-not gonna help, it would be best for you to leave.
Camiu (SRW): *Setsuna's turning and moving away from graham, slicing at the Flag with the Gn blade vertically while stabbing with a drawn GN Beam Saber in the other hand!+
Zappa: Graham: "SHUT UP! This is just between me, and the Gundam Pilot"
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: There's no point talking to this man! He wants to fight me, and he's going to get just that!!!
Hedge: Zero: B-but...the town...those two monsters...*a sound halfway between a sigh and a wimper*
Zappa: [Oh, right, Rinon's response] Just like before, as missiles and, hell, everything fires at the colossus, chunks are blown away from the huge thing, leaving massive holes in it's sides, only to have it soaking up more sand to fill them in. Granted, it's not as if the process is instant...
*** Nicky (SRW) has left the conversation.
Hedge: ((Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddFCpvyZq08&feature=BFa&list=PL9576DC3658CB076F)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddFCpvyZq08&feature=BFa&list=PL9576DC3658CB076F)
speximillian: Cynthia smiles. She knew what rivalry was like. "I'll leave him to you to deal with, then. Don't go losing, now." She turns towards the Collosi, groaning a bit.
Zappa: [Wendell] The tail wags and flails as Sigil's sword is plunged into a more "fleshy" part of it's back. Though this spine no longer seems to crackle, the other two are, and the water is lit up with electricity. SHOCKING! (react, Wendell)
Zappa: [[Cynthia, Josh, Dr. Zero]]
Steam (SRW mod): (What's the condition of the other monster?)
Zappa: [some holes, but otherwise it acts undamaged]
Llama (SRW): Wendell isn't about to turn back now. Sigil crawls up the back of the monster through the electricity. Monitors and warnings beep and blare all over the place, but Wendell pushes Sigil further, determined to take out the next spine with another downward stab.+
Zappa: [Setsuna] The Flag dodges to one side, then the other, meeting the beam saber with one of it's own. Right at point blank, it begins firing it's gun into Exia's chest (react)
Hedge: Zero: Someone got dragged down there. Please help them! My stalkers aren't buoyant...*she throws the two remaining stalkers into the water anyway, to assist the Sigil. Any holes it makes will be enlarged by stalker claws.*+
Hedge: ((Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hRg6Ym1IIA&feature=BFa&list=PL9576DC3658CB076F)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hRg6Ym1IIA&feature=BFa&list=PL9576DC3658CB076F)
Zappa: [Ryouma] You're still struck a bit, but manage to get out of where it was targeting. It doesn't seem to care much, as it simply turns it's head and opens something akin to a mouth. A salvo of rockets, much like if Rinon were firing at you instead! (react)
Camiu (SRW): *Setsuna curses as he kicks at the Flag to get some distance!+ You've gotten faster!
Steam (SRW mod): * Figuring going into the water might be dangerous, Josh turns his attention to the bison golem, letting the Aile's thrusters kick up again as it fires on it with the Cypher Gun's bullets to test it for weak spot!+
speximillian: God, eels were gross...and this one shot lightning, that was just creepy. Cynthia turns her attention to the buffalo thing, firing potshots along its back, neck, and head with Domi's beams. "So, nothing but wanderboy can finish these things? Or is there some way to stop them with more conventional means?"
speximillian: +
Hedge: Zero: If you're t-trapped in there my stalkers can get you out of your cockpit but they're not buoyant so you'll have to swim...
Llama (SRW): Wendell, amid horribly static feedback, manages to respond. "I th-think you can damage it *kkkshh* slow it down."
Zappa: [Wendell] The colossus wriggles under the water as the second fleshy spot is stabbed. As this part of the body comes above the surface, the hair-like material on it's back, seaweed perhaps becomes rather slick and hard to keep hold of. Along with it's thrashing, you're slipping off, Wendell (react)
Zappa: [Setsuna] "And you haven't, Gundam." The foot bounces off the Flag's chest, bt it's quickto recover as well. Again, it begins firing from it's gun, pursuing the Gundam (react)
Llama (SRW): Wendell flails about, unable to hold on (for once)! In a last moment effort, he stabs down with Sigil's sword, hoping to lodge it in Hydrus' back.+
Hedge: (1:14:52 AM) lionel boyd "bokanon" johnson: Zero: Someone got dragged down there. Please help them! My stalkers aren't buoyant...*she throws the two remaining stalkers into the water anyway, to assist the Sigil. Any holes it makes will be enlarged by stalker claws.*+
Hedge: Zero: If you're t-trapped in there my stalkers can get you out of your cockpit but they're not buoyant so you'll have to swim...
Knux (SRW): HyprKnux 1 1:07 am
Ryouma: "Oh, not again...!" *And Ryouma's going to try to dodge this lightning blast. Just not his day!+ "This one has some sort of healing properties!
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: Tch! *Exia's gonna be moving about, countering with his own Rifle and Vulcan fire!+ I might not have gotten faster, but I'm not about to be beaten by you so easily!
Zappa: [Josh] The Golem slowly closes it's mouth and turns it's head toward the Aile, thus, away from the Getter. Lightning strikes out against the mecha as it doesnt' seem phased by the damaged being smashed into it's body. It staggers a bit and shakes hits head after it stops it's tusks from spewing out voltage at Josh (react)
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Rockets!? Oh, great..." *With that, Ryouma unsheaths a Getter Tomahawk and, like a boss, slashes the projectiles+
Steam (SRW mod): * Lightning? Well that's what his shield is for as he plants it in the ground like a lightning rod and springs backwards to safety!+
Steam (SRW mod): "Tough nut to crack, aren't you?"
Zappa: [Cynthia] The golem's whole body wags back and forth. What tail it seems to have that's still semi-submerged whips up and sends a massive wave aimed at Cynthia, but up that high... that'
Hedge: ( (Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0_UtOoCWbQ&feature=relmfu)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0_UtOoCWbQ&feature=relmfu )
Zappa: ** that's a no, therefore, the wave is left to wash over the grounded units (Rinon, Dr. Zero's stalkers, react)
Dessa (SRW): *Gun Sniper is not water proof, so Rinon's high tailing it away.+
Hedge: Zero: *the stalkers let go and are thrown clear. Better than them getting crushed at least.*
Zappa: [Wendell] SUCCESS! You mange to get a stab into Hydrus,as it goes under again, pulling you along with it (proceed)
Zappa: [Setsuna] Graham seems to evade the fire jsut fine, and closes in on the Gundam once again, bringing it's beam saber down into the Gundam's shield, smashing it down towards the water (react)
Llama (SRW): The struggle continues. Sigil pulls itself closer via the embedded sword, the last barb in sight. Wendell grabs onto the spine near the base, ignoring any lightning damage, and plunges the sword down again.+
Zappa: [Ryouma] Though MOST of the missiles are handled by the tomahawk, several still get through and even break off a forearm!
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Tch...!"
Zappa: [Rinon] The wave crashes about knee-high on the G-Sniper, washing it back on the beach a bit, and burying it's feet in the sand... might be a bit hard to move from there, but it's not trapped beyond that
Camiu (SRW): *Setsuna's gonna use this to his advantage, allowing the Exia to break through the water to avoid detection, before moving and suddenly coming up Behind Graham, GN blades drawn and slashing at the Flag Pilot!+
Zappa: ((Rinon and Ryouma again)) ((Setsuna is still in react/react combat with Graham))
*** Jockey (SRW) has joined the conversation.
Dessa (SRW): Rinon: "Ugh, I hate fighting on sand..."
Dessa (SRW): Rinon: "I can't get near the water, but I can give support fire. You guys make use of it!"
Zappa: [[Wendell]] A shock courses through Sigil again, setting off all the warning signs. But, given you're just ignoring all those warnings, the sword drops into the last spine, sending off a burst of electricity through sigil as the last one leaves the colossus wriggling agin
Zappa: (react)
Dessa (SRW): *True to her word, Rinon started letting off volleys of support fire. She didn't fire everything at once, but in waves, and she at least tried to aim around her teammates.+
Llama (SRW): Like he's going to let go now. Wendell clings for dear life. "S-Somnian... where's the core on this thing? The displays are fried..."&
Knux (SRW): *Ryouma grits his teeth as he races towards the surfaced Golem, ready to hop on its back and pummel its back with its free hand+
Zappa: Somnian: "For thine slithering foe... See beyond thine sight."

Llama (SRW): Wendell sighs. As helpful as ever... Maybe... Sigil inches closer to the eel's face, taking a guess and plunging the sword RIGHT between the golem's eyes.+
Zappa: [Rinon] You're kind of doing good in NOT hitting your allies for once. Good for you! ANd as more holes are put into the bison golem, it's shaking mor eand more, eventually rearing up on it's hind legs. Somethingunder it's head is glowing there, but it smashes it's feet back down into the ground... Too bad nobody's there
Zappa: [Josh] (waay back) Lightinging strikes the shiled and courses through it. Though it's discharged into the sand, the shield isn't looking too good at all. Any more and that thing's going to fall apart.
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Acceptable loss."
Steam (SRW mod): And he pulls out his second Cypher.
Zappa: [Ryouma] Punching into it's back is about as effective as punching a wall. But Ryouma usually punches through walls; and the Getter, at the cost of some of it's fist, is taking pieces out of it's back. However, somewhere in it fixing itself, what are obviously pieces of the Getter's broken arm are being used for it's own repairs
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "This isn't working...!"
Zappa: [Setsuna] Graham was just taking this as a retreat seeing the Gundam go under. It's his own fault for not expecing an attack from behind. Only barely does it turn in time, losing it's gun and the wrist holding it. "Not bad, Gundam!"
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: A Mobile Suit's specs alone aren't going to win a battle. You need to think creatively too!
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Try to look for a weak point! Find it and blow it apart!"
Zappa: [Wendell] The stab between the eyes makes the colussus scream out (as much as something can underwater) Gradually the thing begins to sink into the ocean and slowly dissolve (react, yes)
Llama (SRW): Satisfied that the thing has stopped moving, Sigil rises to the surface. Wendell manages to drag himself to shore, all but collapsing. His breathing is ragged when he comes on through the static. "I... I need some help... Sigil isn't responding very well."+
Hedge: # wendell
Zappa: Graham: "I can at least appreciate your allies leaving us to ourselves." Swinging it's beam saber through the air, it charges in again, bringing it's saber across Exia's chest (react)
Hedge: (is he still in his MS?)
speximillian: Cynthia: It's too big to just smash everything...if only we had like, some kind of city, lined with artillery guns and missiles to bombard it....wait a second....
Zappa: (yes)
Zappa: ((it's actually Wendell and Cynthia's turn again!))
Camiu (SRW): *Setsuna counters with his own Beam Saber, and cuts at Graham's exposed side with the GN Sword+
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "I... I need to get closer to it."
speximillian: Cynthia: "I'm going after the Sigil! Try to contain it and find a weak point!" Dominator's form shifts to a streamlined torpedo with a fishtail as it dives after the sinking eel. She's checking her scopes for Wendell's machine....+
Hedge: Zero: My airship might be able to lift you....
speximillian: ((re that.))
*** hundkaiser has left the conversation.
Zappa: [Setsuna] The Flag can just barely get out of the way of crictal damage, but, there's a cut in it's side nonetheless. "Ugh... you're cutting this fight short, Gundam. I won't forget you pilot. Not ever." Turning tail, the Flag folds up and beings it's escape, sans one arm
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "Nngh... Somnian... where's the last core?"
Zappa: Somnian: "For thine stone faced foe... One's voice can be a source of power."

speximillian: Dominator lands on the beach, grabbing Wendell. "C'mon, Wanderboy. One more to go. We need that sword of yours to finish this."
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "... What the heck is that supposed to mean?! Oh... hello... thank you."
Zappa: ((Enemies: (Yellow) Pelagia))
Zappa: ((At this point, please act freely in an orderly fashion.))
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "Does... anyone know what 'A voice can be a source of power' would mean?"
Hedge: zero: *her stalkers load and fire shoulder mounted RPGs. Not very much in the way of firepower, but it's meant to distract the monster while Wendell gets close.*
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "Maybe the mouth..."
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...the throat! Aim for the throat!"
speximillian: Cynthia: ...sounds like something that guy from Fire Bomber would say...
Hedge: zero: It could mean your voice activates some kind of weapon...
Dessa (SRW): *Rinon just kept up her barrage, trying to give as many openings as she could.+
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "Throat... that makes sense.... Can you get me there?"
Hedge: +
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "Someone get him up here! I'll give him the shot he needs!"
Zappa: [Rinon] Missiles and beams and lasers (oh my) pound into it's side, doing more damage than sucking up sand can repair. As it takes in sand and more sand, it's digging itself lower into the ground, bringing it's overall height down by a good 20 meters (of about 500). But about that damage... about that leg that's looking mighty thin there...
Hedge: zero: Understood. *She switches off the stalker control interface for a moment, starts the Shortening Of The Way moving, rising in the air. The stalker handholds on the bottom are just big enough for the Sigil*
speximillian: Cynthia: Got it! C'mon, let's finish this! *The Dominator helps the Sigil to its feet.* You're going after the throat...I'll try and get you a clear shot, so don't mess it up!
Zappa: [Dr. Zero] And distract the colossus it does, making the thing turn it's head towards the tiny little shots hitting it in the face!
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "Okay."
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "You've got your shot Wendell!"
*** Tenebrae (SRW) has left the conversation.
Hedge: zero: *She turns the interface back on. The last two stalkers split and run, dodging eerily fast away from the head*
speximillian: Cynthia: As for me...it wouldn't be a proper mission without...OVERSKILL! *She flips the switch, Dominator's "super mode" bathing it in a golden light as it grows....and grows...and starts to bum rush the big thing, armoring up its shoulder and arm into a giant battering ram. She's gonna try and topple it!+
Knux (SRW): *And Ryouma? Well, he's going to hang on and make sure Wendell makes his shot!+
Hedge: +
Zappa: [Cynthia] The dominator rams into the colossus, which tries to meet it back with it's facial tusks. Lightinig crackles from those tusks into the Dominator. Slamming into it has the colossus slowly push upward (continue)
Llama (SRW): Throwing all the energy Sigil has left into momentum, Wendell manages to force the machine into motion. He turns the slow momentum into a run, and then a leap onto the monster's back. A clear run straight up the back doesn't break Sigil's speed. In a dead sprint, Sigil heads for the golem's head.Once close, the core is quite visible, lodged in Pelagia's neck just below the jaw. Wendell pushes against the unresponsive controls, forcing Sigil's sword up. The sword arm of the mech is shaking, shorting out, but with one last push Sigil's sword smashes through the golem's neck and into the core.+
Zappa: [Wendell] With Cynthia's aide in pushing it on it's submerged hind legs, the run is easy. That last, single stab takes care of everything, with that highly damaged leg falling off first as the rest of it begins to decay and deteriorate (redundancy check). Pelagia crumbles into the beaches below.
Zappa: With that, both Colossai taken down, and Springwheeled driven away... it would seem that....
Llama (SRW): Wendell: "Hhh... hhh... is it?"
speximillian: Cynthia breathes a sigh of relief, her hands trembling on the controls...
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "About time... heheh..."
Zappa: [Wendell] From the ocean, and the ruins of Pelagia two masses of black tendrils crash into the Sigil, and straight into Wendell's chest! (Don't react, just fall down)
Llama (SRW): Wendell doesn't have breath left to scream. Instead, there's a soft "hnff", before he passes out, and Sigil falls lifelessly off the colossi.+
Zappa: Mission... COMPLETE
Steam (SRW mod): Josh can't help but grin. "Good job, Wende- Wendell!"
Knux (SRW): Ryouma: "...what...?!"
Steam (SRW mod): The Aile boosts over to catch the Sigil before it crashes into the ground, Josh sighing. "... Forgot this happens after he beats those things..."
Steam (SRW mod): "I'm gonna need help getting Wendell back to the shuttle."
speximillian: Cynthia looks back, she's finally gotten time to collect her prize from earlier..."H-hey! That's not normal...is it?"
Camiu (SRW): Setsuna: Understood
Dessa (SRW): Rinon: "Don't look at me..."
Hedge: Zero: Bring him to my airship. I'm a doctor.
*** Camiu (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Jockey (SRW) has left the conversation.
Steam (SRW mod): Josh: "This... might be outside your area of expertise, Doctor. Still..."
Steam (SRW mod): And after some deliberation the Aile heads to Dr. Zero's airship.
*** Corel (SRW) has left the conversation.
*** Steam (SRW mod) has left the conversation.
*** Knux (SRW) has left the conversation.
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