Mission 063: St Reagan's Assassin part 2

Mar 11, 2012 07:04

Tengusaur (02:28:48):    Suddenly, incoming message!
Tengusaur (02:28:52):    It's Dr Toros!
Nekomittchi (02:28:57):    Rinon: "Dad!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:29:06):    Judau notices, but remains silent, and returns the shake.
Tengusaur (02:29:18):    Rinon's dad: "Rinon, I analyzed this weather! It is not natural, and its source is somewhere in the same area as you!"
Nekomittchi (02:29:46):    Rinon: "But what are we supposed to do about it? We can't fight weather!"
Tengusaur (02:30:11):    Dr Toros: "If you manage to locate and destroy the source, the strange weather should stop!"
Tengusaur (02:30:45):    (Rinon and Roux, your turn)
HyprKnux 1 (02:32:06):    Roux: "It might be that robot!" *Roux takes aim and fires at the Golem with her beam rifle, hoping that might do something about it+
Nekomittchi (02:32:59):    *"If you think it's that... WILD WEASEL TOTAL ASSAULT~!" And there went all of Gun Sniper's weaponry, shooting at it.+
frifreeman (02:34:29):    Herb: "Sigh, if only all of life's problem can be solved with liberal application of gunfire"
Tengusaur (02:35:17):    The Golem flies straight up, but it still receives some damage from the attacks - one of its legs is blown off! It counters by throwing two wheel-shaped energy blades at the Gundam mk III! (Roux react)
Tengusaur (02:35:38):    Asuham: "Why would I use such an unreliable weapon?! You must think I'm a fool!"
kamikasei (02:35:52):    # Roux
Tengusaur (02:35:57):    (approved)
HyprKnux 1 (02:35:59):    Roux: "Crap!" *The Mk-III reaches back and grabs its beam saber, attempting to chop at them+
Overman Zappa (02:36:00):    Gainer: "You have me mistaken for the wrong guy so!  You are kind of an idiot!"
Tengusaur (02:36:40):    The Tiger Team zoids attack Rinon - Kirkland charges in and slashes with claws, Lineback (whose tiger can barely move) stays afar and fires beams! (Rinon react)
kamikasei (02:36:45):    *Laura flies up in front of the Mk III and gathers mist about them both - Roux should find her odds of avoiding or deflecting the blades inexplicably improved.+
Tengusaur (02:36:50):    Kirkland and Lineback: "Don't ignore us!"
Tengusaur (02:37:13):    (Laura, Herb, Judau - your turn)
kamikasei (02:37:33):    (Enemy count?)
Tengusaur (02:37:54):    (Asuham in a Golem, Kirkland and Lineback in Sabre Tigers)
Nekomittchi (02:38:37):    *"The battle's over! No judge, no points for fighting you!" Just because Rinon focuses on gunnery, doesn't mean that's all it can do. She jumps on the back of Kirkland's machine slashing at him with her strike claws, and shoots at Lineback with the sniper rifle in her tail.+
Tengusaur (02:38:39):    Also, Laura's previous attempt restored the Mobile Suits to better functionality. Woo. The Dijeh can even use its naginata again now!
Overman Zappa (02:38:41):    Gainer: "See if you can force him out of the Overman! It's not like they have seatbelts you know!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:39:18):    Judau takes advantage of Roux's distraction, trust in her and Laura's abilities. He dashes back to where his Clay Bazooka and snatches it up before firing. He just needed another opening....&
frifreeman (02:39:44):    Herb "Don't mind if I do! Hang on, lady"
kamikasei (02:39:56):    *However Roux fares, Laura knows they have to keep up the pressure to have a chance, so she stays where she is but takes aim at the Golem, firing to disorient and blind it if she can.+
kamikasei (02:40:38):    Laura: "Can't keep this up… too much longer…"
Tengusaur (02:40:55):    Lineback's Zoid is thrown away by the shot, lands on its back and doesn't get up on its legs anymore! Kirkland's tiger and Rinon's gun sniper start clawing at each other like two angry cats, and both receive some more damage.
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:41:12):    Judau: "Just hold on for a bit more! We're almost done!" Hopefully...
frifreeman (02:41:18):    *Herb sticks adette's mech on epimetheus back, before swinging a plasma lasso and throwing it toward the flying golem, attempting to stick it at the flying golem and give it a huge surprising yank*
frifreeman (02:41:20):    +
Nekomittchi (02:41:28):    ((how is he clawing at her when she's on his back?))
Tengusaur (02:41:48):    (By reaching up with a paw.)
Nekomittchi (02:42:18):    ((pretty sure that it's not possible for it to move like that... Zoids have limited movement))
Tengusaur (02:42:45):    (Well, guess that means his attempts fail and Rinon escapes this with no damage suffered then.)
Tengusaur (02:43:54):    Herb catches the Golem, which means it gets hit by the bazooka blast straight on, throwing it off-balance! However, the tornadoes are not gone, and are still whirling around the battlefield!
Tengusaur (02:44:03):    (Herb and Judau react, then Judau continue)
Tengusaur (02:44:49):    Laura's fatigue kicks in, and her attacks seems to have little to no results on the Golem.
Tengusaur (02:45:15):    Lineback: "Damnit, you're on your own, Kirkland!"
Tengusaur (02:45:32):    Kirkland: "I can still win this as long as I have our secret weapon!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:45:50):    There it was! There was the opening he longed for. The Dijeh jumps, beam saber and beam naginata lighting up. He brings both down as he shouts, intenting to cut one, if not both, of the Golem's arms at once. "This is for the homes you destroyed!" +
Tengusaur (02:46:20):    Two powerful slashes later, the Golem is literally disarmed!
Tengusaur (02:47:05):    Asuham: "Damn, abandoned by my own men and out of weapons. Time to retreat."
Tengusaur (02:47:11):    (Gainer and Adette, your turn)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:47:22):    Judau: "You aren't going anywhere!"
frifreeman (02:48:25):    *Herb tries to pull himself toward the golem with the lassoo to dodge the tornadoes*
frifreeman (02:48:49):    +
Overman Zappa (02:49:06):    (GM! Is there, among these storms... one bigger than the others?)
Tengusaur (02:49:19):    (nope)
Tengusaur (02:50:06):    Herb pulls the Golem closer to himself (it's not as strong as Power Golem and can't support the weight of a super robot in the air), which means that both Epimetheus and the enemy Overman are spinning now.
Tengusaur (02:50:21):    Asuham: "Th-th-th-this is ridiculous!"
frifreeman (02:50:41):    Herb: "Can't you even support my weiight?"
Overman Zappa (02:51:02):    Gainer: "This is getting ridiculous... where are these storms coming from.  Adette, I'll leave the Golame to you!"
howmuchineedyou (02:54:34):    Adette, perched on the back of Herb machine, takes her lance in both hands and reaches out to stab the golem in the chest, what ever strength she can muster from the broken machine, she does. "This will ned, now!!"
howmuchineedyou (02:54:38):    +
Tengusaur (02:55:42):    The Golem tries to kick Adette back with its only functioning leg, but she has better range! The attack deals serious damage, and the Overman loudly powers down and floats to the ground.
Tengusaur (02:55:54):    Asuham: "No! Damnit!"
Tengusaur (02:56:23):    Asuham: "It might be true that you're not Gain, but tell him this!"
Tengusaur (02:56:56):    Asuham: "I shall have reveange for the foul deed he commited, one way or another!"
howmuchineedyou (02:56:57):    \Adette: "I may have left Siberia, Asuham, But I have a new home now, and a new reason to kick you ass! Get out of you Overman and go home!! I'm taking it for myself!!"
Overman Zappa (02:56:58):    *Gainer moves over to the other downed Saber Fang and looks it over... Then looks back over to the one being trounced by Rinon.  "That!  Maybe it's this!" Gainer loads up a bullet and fires into the back of the Lineback's Saber Fang
Overman Zappa (02:57:10):    +
Tengusaur (02:57:40):    The cockpit opens, and Asuham jumps out and quickly runs away, disappearing in the storm.
kamikasei (02:57:51):    Laura: "Do we… even know this… 'Gain' person?"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:57:55):    Judau: ".....Okay, that's just cheating."
Tengusaur (02:58:26):    Gainer's bullet hits an antenna-like thing on the back of the Saber Fang, causing it to explode!
Tengusaur (02:58:39):    Suddenly, the weather becomes much calmer!
Tengusaur (02:58:58):    Kirkland: "Th, the secret weapon is destroyed!"
Overman Zappa (02:59:02):    Gainer: "HA!  Why didn't that thing break ages ago..."
howmuchineedyou (02:59:02):    Adette: "Gain was the exodus specialist. But no, you wouldn't know him." she explains.
Tengusaur (02:59:09):    ???: "Fools!"
Tengusaur (02:59:32):    On the horizon, you see another Zoid! It's a flying whale, to be exact.
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:59:39):    Judau: "....I see one more enemy, I'm punching him in the soul."
Tengusaur (02:59:55):    ???: "You couldn't defeat the enemy even with my weather machine, Tiger Team!"
HyprKnux 1 (03:00:03):    Roux: "Oh, you gotta be kidding me..."
Overman Zappa (03:00:06):    Gainer : "Geez... can't you people give it a rest today..."
Nekomittchi (03:00:21):    Rinon: "Is that a Whale King? Who has the money for that kind of transport?"
Tengusaur (03:01:05):    ???: "Oh? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dr Laon. I'm pretty sure you can figure out who I work for."
Overman Zappa (03:01:09):    Gainer: "At least a flying whale isn't as bad as a leaf bug..."
frifreeman (03:01:14):    Herb: "First, giant robot cat, now giant flying whale!"
kamikasei (03:01:14):    Laura: "Who designs these Zoids anyway?"
Tengusaur (03:01:15):    Video feed!
Tengusaur (03:01:16):    http://images.wikia.com/zoids/images/5/53/Dr_Laon.jpg
frifreeman (03:01:32):    (you know his expression, it's his 'excited face' one)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (03:01:47):    Judau just...stares. "I hate this day."
Tengusaur (03:02:06):    Dr Laon: "Oh, don't get me wrong, I have no desire to fight you."
Tengusaur (03:02:34):    Dr Laon: "I just find it disappointing that these fools couldn't beat you even with the help of my weather machine."
Tengusaur (03:02:52):    Tiger Team: "Who are you calling fools!"
Overman Zappa (03:03:02):    Gainer: "Wait... someone who DOESN'T want to fight us?  That's a first..."
finalcrosmaycry Falu (03:03:09):    Judau: "The Pink Pandas or whatever you calls yourselves."
Tengusaur (03:03:13):    Dr Laon: "Well, I'm afraid I have to get going now. See you later! I'm sure we shall meet again. Hmhmhm."
Nekomittchi (03:03:18):    Rinon: "Fuzzy Pandas."
Tengusaur (03:03:20):    The whale zoid slowly flies away.
Overman Zappa (03:03:43):    Gainer: "Did some little girl name their team?"
Tengusaur (03:03:56):    Tiger Team: "We're not Fuzzy Pandas!" And their robots facefault, even though they're disabled and cannot move.
Tengusaur (03:03:58):    MISSION
Tengusaur (03:03:59):    SUCCESSFUL
finalcrosmaycry Falu (03:04:02):    Judau: "Even my sis wouldn't name a team like that."
Nekomittchi (03:04:02):    Rinon: "That's what everyone calls them."
kamikasei (03:04:29):    Laura: "…Is everyone all right? …The city?"
Overman Zappa (03:04:38):    That aside... Gainer starts gathering the Golame and it's Overcoat... "Hey... Adette...  Remember you wanted to learn how to play my game...?"
HyprKnux 1 (03:04:49):    Roux: "I'm good..."
finalcrosmaycry Falu (03:05:10):    Judau: "Same. Perfectly fine, I think...."
frifreeman (03:05:20):    "I'm perfectly fine!"
howmuchineedyou (03:05:27):    Adette: "Of course Gainer, but what does that have to do with anything?" she shouted back, a bit sharply.
frifreeman (03:05:36):    "And I got to smack a giant mantis with a big flyswatter"
frifreeman (03:05:49):    "So I'm quite satisfied!"
Overman Zappa (03:06:12):    Gainer: "This is probably in better condidion than thing you're driving now"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (03:06:22):    Judau: "I managed to do pretty dang well on Earth's gravity! And all without losing the head!"
frifreeman (03:06:22):    "Plus, the field test of my battle mode is quite a success, I guess"
Nekomittchi (03:06:30):    Rinon: "I'm gonna milk those idiots for so much prize money... if they want to stay in the League, that is."
finalcrosmaycry Falu (03:06:41):    Judau: "Can I get a cut of that?"
frifreeman (03:06:48):    "I wondern it's because I'm good or because they're so weak though..."
howmuchineedyou (03:08:28):    Adette laughs a little. "I am prepared for you teachings, Master Gainer!" Adette laughs aloud.
kamikasei (03:08:50):    Laura: "Will the Exodus be safe now? Those weirdos aren't going to come back as soon as we leave?"
howmuchineedyou (03:09:28):    Adette: I hope those idiots stay in Siberia."
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