Mission 063: St Reagan's Assassin part 1

Mar 11, 2012 07:01

Tengusaur (00:02:25):    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w
Tengusaur (00:03:04):    White Chalice is currently sailing near Fuso! The day is pretty calm, if you disregard that whole hostage situation you'll have to deal with soon and all, the the weather is nice.
Tengusaur (00:03:07):    What is everyone up to?
HyprKnux 1 (00:04:31):    At the moment, Roux's busy enjoying the weather. At the very least, it's been calm since leaving Corinth, right?
kamikasei (00:04:34):    Laura's running laps of the deck, enjoying the fresh air.
frifreeman (00:04:38):    Herb's trying to catch a bird with epimetheus on the deck
Nekomittchi (00:04:58):    Rinon's polishing her pretty new Gun Sniper, of course.
frifreeman (00:05:24):    Herb: "Run faster epi-chan, run!"
Overman Zappa (00:06:00):    Gainer is doing what Gainer does... OH WAIT GOING BACK TO THE EXODUS?  GOING BACK TO HOME
Overman Zappa (00:06:08):    Anyone ever see him excited before?
frifreeman (00:06:35):    Herb: "On second thought, it might be really better if wee had a ranged weapon of some kind"
howmuchineedyou (00:06:46):    Adette is feeling antsy, and isn't sure how to feel about this. Seeing Gainer happy makes it even weirder.
frifreeman (00:07:17):    Herb: "Hey gainer, why are you so excited?"
Overman Zappa (00:07:53):    Gainer: "I came from the Exodus you know.  That's... where my house got yanked out of the Domepolis."
kamikasei (00:07:59):    Laura uses the pretext of Herb having urged Epi-chan in to her path to pause and take a breather.
Tengusaur (00:08:04):    Suddenly Dan appears in front of each of you! He scares Herb's bird away, too. "Everyone, we just received a video message. I think you should take a look at it."
Tengusaur (00:08:56):    Holographic screens appear all over White Chalice! And they show one of the Five Wise Men of the Yapan Exodus, looking pretty shocked.
Tengusaur (00:09:43):    Wise Man: "An unknown Overman is stealing everything! Help!" At this moment the image starts to flow to the side, as if someone was stealing the screen the WM is talking to, and the feed cuts off.
HyprKnux 1 (00:10:39):    Roux: "...that's it?"
kamikasei (00:10:40):    Laura: "An Overman?!"
Tengusaur (00:10:55):    Dan: "That's it. The transmission came from the settlement created by the Yapan Exodus. We should send someone who doesn't have anything else on their hands right now to take care of it."
Tengusaur (00:11:06):    Dan: "Any volunteers?"
HyprKnux 1 (00:11:28):    Roux: "...I have a feeling we were volunteered the moment he showed up."
Nekomittchi (00:11:39):    Rinon: "And if we say 'no'?"
frifreeman (00:11:41):    Herb "What, stealing everything?"
howmuchineedyou (00:11:46):    Adette Starts tying up her hair, and heading for the hanger. She doesn't say anything, something about all this is making her nervous.
Tengusaur (00:11:56):    Dan: "You could volunteer for extra kitchen and cleaning duty instead, if you prefer."
Overman Zappa (00:12:19):    Gainer... GETS TO THE OVERMAN!  "It's probably going to take an Overman to stop an Overman" GROAN
HyprKnux 1 (00:12:20):    Roux: "...Roux Louka, volunteering!" She salutes and runs for the Mk-III
kamikasei (00:12:26):    Laura: "How far away is that? The Exodus are pretty hard up, aren't they? They can't afford to have everything taken…"
frifreeman (00:12:43):    Herb "I want to see someone's who's stealing everything!" I'm in!
Nekomittchi (00:12:53):    Rinon sighed
Tengusaur (00:13:24):    Dan: "Reaching the Exodus settlement from here should take you no more than 10-20 minutes. Non-flying units are recommended to use the launch catapults."
kamikasei (00:13:58):    Laura: "All right, I'm in… though if someone can give me a lift it'd be good."
Overman Zappa (00:14:38):    Wait... Stealing everything.  Gainer... has some things there....
*Gainer uses OverSpeed to GET THE F OVER THERE!  THAT'S HIS STUFF+
Nekomittchi (00:14:42):    Rinon: "How far do those catapults launch?"
howmuchineedyou (00:15:21):    Adette: The Knightmare Moon can get there on it's own plenty fast. Don't worry about us." she dropps into the cockpit and starts powering the knightmare frame on. As Gainer Takes off Adette gasps! "GAINER!! Don't run ahead!!" The stupid kid was going to get them into trouble already.+
Tengusaur (00:15:22):    Dan: "With a good trajectory and wind you should be able to reach the settlement with it. But watch out about the landing."
frifreeman (00:16:00):    Herb: "Epimetheus, can you even fly?"
frifreeman (00:16:05):    "I forgot"
Tengusaur (00:16:17):    (nope)
Nekomittchi (00:16:22):    Rinon: "The paint job on Gun Sniper had better not get chipped!"
Tengusaur (00:19:04):    One way or another, the whole force is launching and soon you can see the Exodus settlement nearby!
Tengusaur (00:19:48):    The huge pillar-cities are standing there, nearby a large lake, and they're surrounded with several fields. The fields look pretty bad though, partially because it's a wasteland and partially because of the time of the year.
Tengusaur (00:19:54):    But, more importantly!
Tengusaur (00:20:22):    A weird, green Overman is flying between the cities, a trail of various objects flowing in the air behind it!
Tengusaur (00:20:31):    http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e240/NewtypeS3/Wing%20RP%20folder/3A%20Gaiden/OvermanKingGainer/OvermanJinba.png
frifreeman (00:20:46):    Herb: "Okay, that was fun, we're definitely doing that again in the future"
Tengusaur (00:20:51):    You can see tiny people too, who are either running away from ti or screaming and throwing rocks.
HyprKnux 1 (00:20:56):    Roux: "...what the heck?!"
kamikasei (00:21:12):    Laura: "Is that a… leaf insect man?"
frifreeman (00:21:23):    Herb: "Giant Leaf insect man"
HyprKnux 1 (00:21:51):    Roux: "It looks like a frog!"
Tengusaur (00:22:03):    The Overman flies up to one of the buildings, does some weird gestures with its hands, and more clothes, food, TV screens and other supplies fly out from inside (phasing through walls, even) and join the Overman's loot!
kamikasei (00:22:13):    Laura: "…Of course, that part's important. Roux, if you can let me out…"
frifreeman (00:22:20):    Herb "Are you sure? it's kinda mantis-like for me"
frifreeman (00:22:25):    "Hey, that's efficient"
HyprKnux 1 (00:22:47):    Roux: "Oh, sure, hold on..." With that, she opens up the cockpit, letting Laura out.
Overman Zappa (00:23:32):    Gainer: "That's an OverSkill!  It can pass through walls?  Great..."
Nekomittchi (00:23:50):    Rinon: "That looks so stupid..."
howmuchineedyou (00:24:27):    Adette knew that Mech, and who was behind the controls. She bit her bottom lip. "Don't underestimate an Overman because it looks funny to you!" She barked and Rinon!+
kamikasei (00:24:47):    Laura swings out on to a handhold by the Mk III's cockpit and summons her armour.
Tengusaur (00:24:58):    The Overman notices you and starts to fly behind one of the city-pillars!
Tengusaur (00:25:06):    Will you let it just run away?
kamikasei (00:25:09):    "Overmen are… pretty unique, then?"
HyprKnux 1 (00:25:13):    Roux: "Oh, great, it's on the move!"
frifreeman (00:25:27):    Herb "Wait up your mantis frog man thing!"
Tengusaur (00:25:43):    (Initiative order: Gainer, Adette, Roux, Rinon, Herb, Laura.)
Tengusaur (00:26:06):    (Enemies: Overman Jinba)
Tengusaur (00:26:10):    (Gainer, Adette, go)
Overman Zappa (00:26:37):    *Gainer persues with his natural superior speed, and starts loading up the Chaingun.  Without putting a City Unit in danger, he fires the moment he lays eyes on the OverMan+
howmuchineedyou (00:27:53):    Adette cares a whole lot less for the city, and charges in, her lace drawn, and firing brashly. The sooner they could get out of here, the better!+
frifreeman (00:28:08):    Herb: "Do you see any of your stuffs gainer?"
Overman Zappa (00:28:56):    Gainer: Hey! Don't shoot so wildly Adette!  That's close to my room you know!"
Tengusaur (00:29:02):    The strange Overman turns around just in time to notice Gainer firing at it! It raises a hand, and steals the bullets from mid-air!
howmuchineedyou (00:29:29):    Adette: "The only room I care about, is the one you share with me!!"
Tengusaur (00:29:31):    It tries to fire back with its handgun, but then Adette charges and Overman Jinba is forced to dodge! The attack only scrapes its armor.
Tengusaur (00:29:37):    Suddenly!
HyprKnux 1 (00:29:42):    ...Roux now just gawks. "What a hack!"
Tengusaur (00:29:55):    ???: "I knew you'd come if I set up a trap at you... Gain!"
Overman Zappa (00:30:00):    Gainer: "It's not really that surprising."
kamikasei (00:30:25):    Laura: "What on earth was that?!"
Tengusaur (00:30:30):    More enemy units approach from the opposite direction, previously hidden behind the city units!
Tengusaur (00:30:59):    There are around 15 Dogozzos, the Siberian Railroad mook units, and there is also a weird white Overman that you haven't seen before!
Tengusaur (00:31:37):    ???: "Good job making a distraction, Zaki. Today, I shall finalle have my vengeance on the vile Gain Bijou!"
howmuchineedyou (00:31:55):    Adette:"...oh no..." she is a bit uneasy about facing her formers comrades....
HyprKnux 1 (00:31:59):    Roux: "Um... I think you got the wrong guy?"
Tengusaur (00:32:11):    ???: "Wrong guy? Do you know who I am?"
Overman Zappa (00:32:13):    Gainer: "Gain Bijou?  YOu mean the Exodus Specialist?  Don't mistake me for that jerk!"
HyprKnux 1 (00:32:31):    Roux: "Actually, no. Not really."
Tengusaur (00:32:34):    ???: "I am Asuham Boone, the knight of Saint Reagan! I make no mistakes!"
Tengusaur (00:32:43):    video feed appears
Tengusaur (00:32:43):    http://kimaguresan.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/asuham.jpg
Overman Zappa (00:32:46):    Gainer: "You're making one right now!"
Tengusaur (00:32:56):    Asuham: "Who are you, then?"
HyprKnux 1 (00:32:57):    Roux: *under her breath* "In your dreams..."
frifreeman (00:33:05):    Herb "We're surrounded!"
Tengusaur (00:33:15):    And at the same time...
Tengusaur (00:33:22):    ??: "Wait, was that voice..."
Tengusaur (00:33:35):    ????: "Yeah, no mistake about it..."
Tengusaur (00:33:49):    Kejinan, Enge and Jaboli: "Big Sis Adette!"
Overman Zappa (00:33:52):    Gainer: "My name's Gainer Sanga!  Gain-ER!"
Tengusaur (00:34:02):    Terrible Trio: "Why are you working for the enemy, big sis!"
Tengusaur (00:34:35):    Asuham: "You think I'll fall for such a clumsy disguise? You could at least show more invention creating your false pseudonym, Gain!"
Overman Zappa (00:35:13):    Gainer BOLDLY opens hte cockpit of King Gainer "Then take a look already.  Do I look like an Exodus Specialist to you! I don't even like the Exodus!"
kamikasei (00:35:21):    Laura: "Do… do you have any reason to think they're the same person except for the name?"
HyprKnux 1 (00:35:54):    Roux: "Oh, this is just great..." She's just facepalming right now.
Tengusaur (00:36:02):    Asuham: "Your face looks like a mask. It's pasty and pale."
kamikasei (00:36:35):    Laura facepalms on the shoulder of the Mk III. Carefully, because armour.
Overman Zappa (00:36:54):    Gainer: "That's just how I am!  You don't need to be rude like that either!"  Getting back in the Overman now... Jerk.
Tengusaur (00:37:03):    Asuham: "Even if I do believe your lies, Gain, I am here for one more reason!"
howmuchineedyou (00:37:13):    Adette: "You idiots!!" Is all she can say, trying to hide the fact that shes obviously torn. There was no time to explain. "Get out of here and leave the exodus alone! Or.. Or I'll take you down myself!!"
Tengusaur (00:37:28):    Asuham: "My mission is to force the Exodus back to Siberia, where it belongs! My vengeance on you is just the icing on the cake!"
howmuchineedyou (00:37:29):    Adette" Andd.... Don't tell Yasuba!! Please..."
Overman Zappa (00:37:51):    Gainer: "Yeah? I figure as much.  Well, you're not going to undo all my hard work!"
Tengusaur (00:37:53):    Kejinan: "No! You're breaking my heart, Adette!"
howmuchineedyou (00:38:09):    Adette: "...Kejinan...."
Tengusaur (00:38:10):    Enge: "Well, that's a tough cookie. If we go back, the Asuham guy here will get kinda mad."
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:38:46):    Judau: "Oh hey, I think I finally fixed the comms on the Dijeh!"
Tengusaur (00:38:54):    Asuham: "Enough chatter! You're going down, Gain Bijou!"
HyprKnux 1 (00:39:11):    Roux: "...I was wondering why it was a little quiet here."
Overman Zappa (00:39:37):    Gainer: "My... name... isn't... GAIN!"
Tengusaur (00:40:00):    Enemy list: Zaki (Overman Jinba), Asuham (Power Golem), Kejinan (Dogozzo), Enge (Dogozzo), Jaboli (Dogozzo), 12*Siberian Railroad Lackey (Dogozzo)
frifreeman (00:40:06):    Herb: "Someone's mistaking someone for someone else and trying to kill him. Is this daily occurance around here?"
Tengusaur (00:40:17):    (Roux, Rinon, your turn)
HyprKnux 1 (00:40:29):    Roux: "About as much as it is for wrecking cities."
Tengusaur (00:40:33):    Overman Jinba: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e240/NewtypeS3/Wing%20RP%20folder/3A%20Gaiden/OvermanKingGainer/OvermanJinba.png
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:40:38):    Judau: "Can I at least get a summary of everything? Wasn't easy moving and trying to fix this."
Nekomittchi (00:40:51):    Rinon: "I don't really care what's going on, I'm just gonna blow stuff up."
Tengusaur (00:40:58):    Power Golem: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e240/NewtypeS3/Wing%20RP%20folder/3A%20Gaiden/OvermanKingGainer/OvermanGolemOvershellStrength.png
HyprKnux 1 (00:41:00):    Roux: "Blondie here think's the Gainer kid's someone else!"
frifreeman (00:41:05):    Herb: "mantis frog guy is stealing everything, and we're getting it back or something"
Tengusaur (00:41:12):    Dogozzo: http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e240/NewtypeS3/Wing%20RP%20folder/3A%20Gaiden/OvermanKingGainer/SiberianRailroadMecha2.png
kamikasei (00:41:55):    Laura: "Does… does someone who knows what the hell's going on want to tell the rest of us the plan?"
kamikasei (00:42:01):    "Is there a plan?"
HyprKnux 1 (00:42:08):    Roux: "Alright, let's try not to blow up the city this time!" *With that, Roux turns and races for one of the lacky (she hopes) Dogozzo, slashing with her beam saber+
Nekomittchi (00:42:18):    *True to her word, that's exactly what she does, aiming her Beam Gatling Guns wildly at anything and everything that's against them within her range.+
kamikasei (00:42:19):    She doesn't want to just start fighting over a stupid misunderstanding...
frifreeman (00:42:21):    Herb "Our plan or their plan laura?"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:42:28):    Judau: "....Screw it, I'm not even stunned by this anymore."
Overman Zappa (00:43:20):    Gainer: "I'm not trying to bark orders, but I'm going to have to deal with this jerk!  Be careful with the stealing Overman!"
Tengusaur (00:43:25):    The Dogozzo gets cut in two! The pilot from inside notices he has no chance and runs away from the robot even before the attack can connect.
kamikasei (00:43:39):    Laura: "I'd settle for either one…"
Tengusaur (00:43:55):    Gun Sniper manages to turn two Dogozzos into scrap metal! But then...
Tengusaur (00:44:34):    Overman Jinba flies over it and uses its stealing Overskill again! It tries to rip all the guns off the Gun Sniper!
Tengusaur (00:44:37):    (Rinon react)
Tengusaur (00:44:49):    (Judau, Herb, Laura, your turn)
HyprKnux 1 (00:45:12):    Roux: "...Wow, that was easy."
frifreeman (00:45:15):    Herb: "(to Rinon)Oh man, that's harsh"
Nekomittchi (00:46:16):    *Rinon GLARED. "Try to steal my guns, why don't you?! WILD WEASEL TOTAL ASSAULT!!" That is a lot of missiles being shot at Jinba. The Wild Weasel Unit's payload, the two triple launcher units, the four missile pods...+
Tengusaur (00:46:19):    Jaboli: "We really don't want to fight you, big sis. But if you won't back off... Then, then I'll have to take you down myself!"
frifreeman (00:46:47):    Herb:   "Okay this is awesome. We're surrounded and outnumbered! I didn't spent the last few weeks getting beaten up by everyone for nothing you know?"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:46:57):    The Dijeh moves towards the Power Golem, and fires a small barrage with its beam rifle. Time to see if Haman's training paid off! +
frifreeman (00:47:22):    Herb: "I finally learned a crucial lesson, a difference between my Rival and me!"
kamikasei (00:47:31):    Laura: "I guess we're fighting, then."
Tengusaur (00:47:46):    The Jinba steals the missiles from mid-air, and throws them back at Rinon! Some of them at least, a few explode in the air next to it. (Rinon react to this too)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:47:52):    Judau: "Wait, we're fighting someone's bro?"
frifreeman (00:48:07):    Herb: "Time to put it into field test, and you guys in the silly bots are going to be part of it!"
kamikasei (00:48:35):    *She lifts her gun and sights on the weapons of one of the Dogozzos, aiming to disarm or incapacitate it with a couple of controlled bursts of enhanced fire… and see how tough those things are going to be.+
frifreeman (00:48:46):    Herb: "Epimetheus! Battle mode!"
HyprKnux 1 (00:48:46):    Roux: "At this point, Judau, I'm just going with the flow. I got lost after Blondie kept making the same mistake over and over."
Tengusaur (00:49:30):    The Power Golem gets hit head-on by one of the plasma shot, but it uses its Photon Mat to lessen the blow! It barely leaves any mark beyond soot! And then it jumps high in the air, to give the Dijeh a strong uppercut! (Judau react)
Nekomittchi (00:50:32):    *Luckily, despite all its weaponry, Gun Sniper is agile, and it's really good at dodging.+
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:50:35):    "Don't think I'll be that easy!" Judau manuvers the Dijeh to the side to dodge the blow, and counters with a slash of his own with the beam naginata. +
Tengusaur (00:50:51):    Laura's fire shoots off the Dogozzo's machinegun! But it has a second one left, and fires it back at her! (react)
Tengusaur (00:51:17):    Rinon manages to avoid the missiles.
Tengusaur (00:51:26):    Zaki: "Damn, that weird thing is fast."
frifreeman (00:51:44):    Epimetheus' plasma generator flares out, and the green plasma cape flails out wildly! The Plasma then starts to cover Epimetheus' whole body. Now The black robot is standing, with green plasma all over its body, like if it's trying to make an armor out of a jell-o
kamikasei (00:51:45):    *Laura yeeps, Shifts, and flies straight up, intending to draw fire away from the Mk III. She does dodge and weave as she moves, putting some of her flight training with the 501st to good use.+
frifreeman (00:52:11):    Battle time!
Tengusaur (00:52:21):    Siberian Railroad mooks have the accuracy of Stormtroopers, and Laura avoids the attack easily.
kamikasei (00:52:44):    Laura: "Phew…"
Tengusaur (00:53:53):    Judau manages to dodge the uppercut, but when he brings his naginata to strike at the Power Golem, the fist hits its handle instead! It's bent beyond use!
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:55:07):    Judau: "Well......crap....I really need to put beam sabers on this thing."
frifreeman (00:55:18):    *Without saying anything else, herb jumps toward a poor random Dogozzo. It extends its arm, and a line of plasma flies toward the target! In one move it retracts as he jumps toward it, and in the same move, epimetheus puts his knees forward, which is full of plasma spikes!+
Tengusaur (00:55:58):    The Dogozzo falls into pieces around a terrified pilot.
Tengusaur (00:56:10):    But several others open machinegun fire at Herb! (react)
Tengusaur (00:57:01):    Asuham: "Get out of my way, small fry. The man I want is Gain!" He lands and effortlessly pulls out a giant rock from the ground! And throws it at Gainer like a mateor! (Gainer react, then take your turn)
kamikasei (00:57:45):    Laura: "These things aren't very tough, but there are a lot of them… Roux, I can help you attack instead of dividing our efforts, to be more effective."
Tengusaur (00:58:02):    At the same time the Terrible Trio rushes towards Adette's unit, trying to surround her and cover with machinegun fire. One of them rushes in to tackle her! (Adette react, then take your turn)
Tengusaur (00:58:17):    Kejinan: "I really don't want to do this!"
Tengusaur (00:58:27):    Enge: "But on the other hand, if we win this, we get a raise!"
frifreeman (00:58:35):    Herb: "Alright, this is great!" *He attempts to dodge it by picking another random dagozzo, and jumping toward it, using the similar trick with sticky stretchy rubbery plasma to make Epimetheus accellerate faster than if he just jump normally*
Tengusaur (00:58:38):    Jaboli: "You two shut up and focus on fighting Big Sis!"
HyprKnux 1 (00:58:42):    Roux: "That'll be great, Laura!  Especially since I might be a little on the overkill side this time around. Again."
frifreeman (00:58:47):    +
frifreeman (00:59:01):    Herb "Overkill? What's that?"
Overman Zappa (00:59:09):    *King Gainer  hits the air brakes then drops down in haste, looking to completely avoid the rock's trajectory.+
*"Hey! That's dangerous! Throwing rocks like that!?" Gainer gets the ChainGun revving up and charges in for a slash at the Golame's arm
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:59:13):    Judau: "Her lecturing."
HyprKnux 1 (00:59:24):    Roux: "HEY!"
Tengusaur (00:59:35):    Herb dodges the fire, which hits the Dogozzo he used as a robot shield instead and causes it to fall down, useless.
howmuchineedyou (00:59:42):    Adette, in the Knightmare moon, dashed backwards, skating across the ground. "come on guy! You don't want to hurt Big sister Adette, do you!!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (00:59:49):    Judau: "He opened the door to jokes! I am obligated to mke one!"
HyprKnux 1 (01:00:10):    Roux: "If we weren't in the middle of a fight...!"
Tengusaur (01:01:14):    King Gainer avoids the incoming rock, and strikes at Power Golem. But the latter blocks the attack with an extended open hand, causing the chainsword to scratch against it futilely and leave just a tiny gash!
howmuchineedyou (01:01:22):    once free of the tackle, she dashes back towards them and through the ground, dropping mines behind her in their midst. She turns, now skating backwards, and fires at them with her lance. She airs for legs, and arms of their mechs, trying to disable them, and not kill them on accident. "I can't explain my motives to you right now, but I will fight you if you threaten my friends!!"+
Tengusaur (01:01:26):    Asuham: "Don't underestimate the power of the Power Golem!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:01:37):    Judau: "Might also be a bad time for this, but I can borrow a saber?"
Overman Zappa (01:01:54):    Gainer: "Woah... this thing's tough!  I'll just have to hit it faster!
Tengusaur (01:02:21):    Adette manages to escape with just a few glancing shots scraping her unit. Enge follows her, and gets his Dogozzo's legs blown up on the mines!
HyprKnux 1 (01:02:28):    Roux: "...fine. Try not to break it, though...!" The Mk-III grabs its other saber and tosses it to the Dijeh.
Tengusaur (01:02:38):    Enge: "Well damn."
Tengusaur (01:02:55):    Jaboli: "Oh no! There's no way we can win against Big Sis!"
Tengusaur (01:03:16):    Kejinan: "What if we use the-" he gets cut off as his machine gets hit and loses an arm and one machinegun.
howmuchineedyou (01:03:17):    Adette: "Know when you're beat, and go home!"
Tengusaur (01:03:27):    Suddenly!
Tengusaur (01:03:31):    ????: "Wait!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:03:32):    The Dijeh catches it and ignites the blade. Judau chuckles. "Doubt that'll happen."
Tengusaur (01:03:56):    Three yellow Tiger-like Zoids emerge from behind a nearby hill!
Tengusaur (01:04:05):    A guy is standing atop one of them!
frifreeman (01:04:16):    Herb: "Giant robot kitties!"
Tengusaur (01:04:23):    Omaki: "I knew we'll find you here, Blitz Team!"
HyprKnux 1 (01:04:32):    Roux: "And I don't think they're here to be petted..."
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:04:35):    Judau: "....I am not a big fan of cats."
Tengusaur (01:04:42):    Kirklard: "You have beaten us many times before, again and again!"
Nekomittchi (01:04:42):    Rinon: "What are the Fuzzy Pandas doing here?"
Tengusaur (01:04:55):    Lineback: "Don't... Don't call us Fuzzy Pandas!"
Tengusaur (01:05:02):    All three Zoids facefault.
HyprKnux 1 (01:05:14):    And Roux can't help but laugh
Tengusaur (01:05:20):    Omaki: "We're here to challenge you to a Zoid fight!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:05:25):    Judau is laughing as well.
Tengusaur (01:05:30):    They climb up on their feet again.
Nekomittchi (01:05:47):    Rinon: "If you haven't noticed, there's only one Zoid here. Three on One is less than fair."
Tengusaur (01:06:03):    Omaki: "Don't laugh! We had a winning streak of 10 victories, and... She makes a good point..."
Tengusaur (01:06:36):    Kirkland: "How about this? We sign up those guys you're fighting for the Zoid Fight, and you sign up these guys you're helping."
Tengusaur (01:06:53):    Kirkland: "That'd be fair, right? I mean, there are more of these guys, but they are really weak."
Tengusaur (01:07:01):    Jaboli: "Shut up!"
Tengusaur (01:07:56):    the guys you're talking with: http://images.wikia.com/zoids/images/6/6a/Tigers_team.png
Tengusaur (01:08:28):    Terrible Trio:
Nekomittchi (01:08:50):    Rinon wasn't in the mood for a Zoids fight at the moment, so she frowned. "It's not up to us what's fair. No judge = no battle."
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:08:56):    Judau: "Can't you guys just reschedule your match with the Tony the Tiger fanboys later?"
Tengusaur (01:09:25):    Omaki: "You don't have to worry about that, look." Indeed, a Dark Judge robot is already flying this way from the same direction as these guys.
howmuchineedyou (01:09:37):    Adetyte: "Seriously, children! We have bigger problems at the moment! This isen't the time for your stupid games!!"
HyprKnux 1 (01:09:47):    Roux: "...you just HAD to speak..."
Tengusaur (01:10:04):    Lineback: "Hey, Zoid Fights are serious business!"
kamikasei (01:10:18):    Laura: "These people are being attacked in their homes! Can't this wait?"
Nekomittchi (01:10:23):    Rinon: "You idiots are working with BACKDRAFT?! Do you want to be kicked out of the league?!"
Tengusaur (01:11:15):    Omaki: "Well, these guys ARE kinda shady... But if we manage to get our payback on the Blitz Team, it's worth it!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:11:34):    Judau: "This is a city to boot! We can't just keep fighting here!"
Tengusaur (01:11:53):    Dark Judge: "Wrong. Field of battle approved for a Zoid Fight."
HyprKnux 1 (01:12:02):    Roux: "...WHAT!?"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:12:22):    Judua: "OBJECTION!"
howmuchineedyou (01:12:22):    Adette: "Are you frikken kidding me?!"
Tengusaur (01:12:34):    Dark Judge: "Overruled."
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:12:47):    Judau: ".....douchebag."
Overman Zappa (01:13:17):    Gainer: "There's no time for that right now!  Get out of here!"
frifreeman (01:13:18):    Herb: "Maybe I should secretely sign myself and werther in thsi thing"
Overman Zappa (01:14:17):    Gainer: "Sure, do that, whatever! Just get it out of here right now"
Tengusaur (01:14:42):    Omaki: "If you do not agree to our conditions, then I will fight you alone!"
Tengusaur (01:16:12):    Asuham: "I don't care about any of this. Let us finish our fight, Gain!"
Tengusaur (01:16:21):    (Rinon, Roux - your turn)
HyprKnux 1 (01:17:59):    Roux: "Augh, just go away, all of you!" *she raises the MK-III's shield and takes aim at the other grunts, firing its beam cannon at them+
kamikasei (01:18:41):    @
kamikasei (01:18:45):    (Roux)
Tengusaur (01:18:47):    (approved)
kamikasei (01:19:49):    *Laura stretches out her arms and floats down to atop the Mk III's head again, enveloping the unit in a swirling fog and making each of Roux's shots stronger and more accurate.+
Nekomittchi (01:19:54):    *Rinon just wanted to get rid of the Sabre Fangs, so she targeted Kirkland's machine, shooting her missile pods to home in on either side of him, while firing dead-on with the Beam Gatling guns.+
kamikasei (01:19:58):    Laura: "Try to disable them...!"
Tengusaur (01:21:12):    "That's it, this isn't worth the money!" Siberian Railroad pilots run away (these guys have awesome morale) and 3 of their units, including the previously damaged one, are turned to scrap metal!
Tengusaur (01:21:43):    The rest, on the other hand, focuses their fire at Roux! They're shooting while slowly retreating, though. (react)
HyprKnux 1 (01:22:27):    Roux: "Woah! Hang on, Laura!" *With that, Roux starts to back away, the Mk-III raising its shield to deflect the shots+
Tengusaur (01:22:59):    Lineback uses defensive support on Kirkland and receives some small damage to his Zoid! This gives Omaki an opportunity to jump at Rinon's unit and slash with his tiger's claws. (react)
Tengusaur (01:23:35):        Enemy list: Zaki (Overman Jinba, damaged), Asuham (Power Golem damaged), Kejinan (Dogozzo, damaged), Jaboli (Dogozzo), 4*Siberian Railroad Lackey (Dogozzo), 3*Tiger Team dudes (Sabre Tiger, 1 damaged)
Tengusaur (01:23:47):    (Laura, Herb, Judau, your turn)
kamikasei (01:24:26):    Laura: "Uwaaah!" She drops to her hands and knees on the Mk III's head to stay in place.
frifreeman (01:24:50):    *Herb jumps toward one of the dogozzo, do a sommersault in the air just for showing up, and attempt to land on its way*
Overman Zappa (01:25:06):    Gainer takes a good close look at the Power Golame.  "Hey... you know what... most Overmen have an Overcoat!  I know what I'll do!"
frifreeman (01:25:23):    "Okay, you can jump away now."
Nekomittchi (01:25:32):    *Rinon didn't even try to dodge. Instead, she took advantage of her much smaller and more agile machine, and spun around, smacking him away from her with Gun Sniper's tail. And shooting the sniper rifle in it, too, for good measure.+
kamikasei (01:25:44):    *From there, she points her weapon at the remaining Railroad mechs and, using what she learned about their toughness earlier, takes out as many guns as she can in one pass of firing, moving methodically from target to target.+
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:25:52):    Rather than use the beam saber, Judau brings out his biggest gun: the Clay Bazooka. Aiming it at the Power Golem, he fires. Hopefully this could at least slow it down. +
frifreeman (01:26:50):    *Herb said before dozens of plasma spikes and blades pops out from Epimetheus limbs and he swipes at the Dogozzo*
frifreeman (01:27:04):    +
Tengusaur (01:27:06):    Omaki's zoid gets a point-blank sniper rifle shot, receiving heavy damage! But at the same time, it bites into Gun Sniper's tail and doesn't let go!
Tengusaur (01:27:57):    Roux catches all but one shot on the shield, and that one penetrates her unit's foot instead. Nothing serious.
Tengusaur (01:28:56):    Laura disarms a Dogozzo, and Herb causes the pilot of another one to flee in panic even before he attacks it.
Tengusaur (01:29:16):    "Forget it!" The remaining Dogozzos flee! Except the Terrible Trio, at least.
Tengusaur (01:29:56):    "You fools! Come back here and fight!" Asuham gets a bazooka shot to the face for his trouble, which causes cracks to appear on his unit's surface.
frifreeman (01:30:21):    Herb: "That was cathartic"
Tengusaur (01:31:33):    "You think you can take me down with such weak attacks? Me, Saint Reagan's best knight? Think again!" Asuham runs up to one of the City Units, and, with barely any effort, pushes it, causing it to topple towards Gainer and Judau!
Tengusaur (01:31:37):    (Gainer and Judau react)
Tengusaur (01:32:03):    Wise Man: "Don't worry, there are no people on that unit! Get out of its way!"
Tengusaur (01:32:20):    And, at the same time...
Tengusaur (01:32:25):    The weather suddenly gets much worse!
kamikasei (01:32:34):    Laura: "You're knocking over people's homes for a personal grudge? What's wrong with you?"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:32:39):    Judau forces the jets on the Dijeh to activate, moving to the side to dodge it. +
Tengusaur (01:32:43):    Some clouds were gathering alreadu, but now they're all black!
HyprKnux 1 (01:33:10):    Roux: "...don't like the looks of that."
Tengusaur (01:33:25):    And without a warning, lightning strikes in the middle of the battlefield!
Tengusaur (01:33:31):    (everyone but Gainer and Judau, react)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:33:36):    Judau: "Are you willing to go so far just to continue some stupid war!?"
Nekomittchi (01:33:39):    Rinon: "What the hell?"
kamikasei (01:33:52):    Laura: "Is everybody okay?!"
howmuchineedyou (01:33:59):    Adette: "What is going on! This is chaos!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:34:05):    Judau growls, forcing the Dijeh to move once more. Hopefully he could dodge...+
Tengusaur (01:34:08):    Asuham: "War? These people are illegal migrants, and it is my job to make them return to Siberia. The law of Saint Reagan is on my side!"
HyprKnux 1 (01:34:10):    Roux: "WOAH!" *and Roux tries to push away, hoping not to get hurt... or get Laura hurt, too+
Nekomittchi (01:34:30):    *Rinon moved away from the lightning, still shooting at Omari on her tail.+
Overman Zappa (01:34:50):    *Gainer kicks into OverSpeed and whips around the city unit back at the Golame. "Wait a second!  Don't... just flip over the City Units!  "+
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:35:01):    Judau: "Return isn't the same as destruction, you moron! Aren't laws meant to protect people, not destroy them!?"
Tengusaur (01:35:45):    Asuham: "They refused before, so now they shall suffer the consequences!"
Tengusaur (01:35:51):    He doesn't seem to care about the lighning.
Tengusaur (01:35:56):    Everyone else, though...
kamikasei (01:36:24):    Laura just grits her teeth and tries to hold on instead of replying to the fanatic.
howmuchineedyou (01:36:33):    Adette: "Asuham! You're an idiot! Knock it off, and Go home!!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:36:58):    Judau: "Bastard!" There's no way he was letting him get away now.
frifreeman (01:37:58):    Herb: "Well, at least conveniently no one's there."
Tengusaur (01:38:18):    Roux, Adette and Herb get their machines struck by minor lighning charges, and their systems get haywire for a moment. Both Rinon and Omari get hit much worse, and suffer heavier damage! Laura and Gainer manage not to get hit, although Judau's Dijeh scrapes against the City Unit and receives some surface damage.
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:38:42):    Judau: "That's not the point!"
HyprKnux 1 (01:38:50):    Roux: "Ack! Dammit...!"
frifreeman (01:39:11):    Herb: "Where's the lightning came from?"
Tengusaur (01:39:16):    Omari: "Gah, my Zoid can't fight anymore! Kirkland, Lineback, I'm counting on you!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:39:16):    Judau: "Grah! Everyone alright?"
Tengusaur (01:39:21):    K&L: "We won't let you down!"
Tengusaur (01:39:27):    (Adette and Gainer, take your turns)
howmuchineedyou (01:39:44):    Adette: "What the hell!" she flipping switches wildly trying to make things work. When they suddenly come back after a minute or two she sighs with relief, and a renewed fire. "Forget the lighting, we need to end this battle before they damage any more city units!"
Tengusaur (01:39:52):    Kejinan: "Damnit, I hate lightning...!"
Tengusaur (01:39:59):    Enge: "You're a big crybaby!"
Tengusaur (01:40:05):    Kejinan: "Say that again?!"
Tengusaur (01:40:15):    Jaboli: "Stop arguing in the middle of a serious fight."
Tengusaur (01:40:23):    Zaki: "Serious, yeah right."
Tengusaur (01:41:28):    Oh yeah, the toppled-over city unit? It's now leaning against another one.
Overman Zappa (01:41:53):    *Flitting about in OverSpeed, Gainer does laps around the Power Golame, firing shots from... randomly given directions as he flies circles around Asuham &
howmuchineedyou (01:42:19):    Adette has to take down her friends, but she turns on her top speeds and dashes quickly, lance in hand, at Kejinan and the others. Dropping more mines, and firing at their limbs and weapons.If she can make it through them undamaged, she keeps going headed straight for Asuham, preparing to ram his power golem with her lance. +
HyprKnux 1 (01:42:24):    Roux: "Laura, you okay?"
kamikasei (01:42:26):    Laura: "What was that! Roux, are you all right in there?"
kamikasei (01:43:08):    Laura: "It didn't hit me..."
HyprKnux 1 (01:43:17):    Roux: "Beyond the odd lightning? No clue! I'm fine, though - systems went haywire for a moment..."
Tengusaur (01:44:33):    Asuham shows that his Overman can dodge too, as he avoids the incoming shots, hiding behind the City Unit. He gets support from Zaki too, who suddenly appears behind King Gainer and fires his gun at him! (Gainer react)
Tengusaur (01:45:11):    Adette disarms Kejinan's unit completely, though she doesn't reach Asuham yet because of the trick he pulled.
Tengusaur (01:45:26):    Kejinan and Enge: "Damn! Jaboli, we're getting into your Dogozzo."
Tengusaur (01:45:32):    Jaboli: "What! Why mine!"
Tengusaur (01:45:39):    K&E: "It's the only one left!"
Tengusaur (01:45:52):    (Rinon and Roux, your turn)
Tengusaur (01:46:54):    (feel free to continue after your react, Gainer)
HyprKnux 1 (01:46:58):    Roux: "Let's finish this fast before he knocks over another one!" *With that, she takes aim at the Golem, firing her Beam Rifle this time.+
howmuchineedyou (01:46:59):    Adette: "GAINER!! Look out!"
kamikasei (01:47:41):    @ Roux
Tengusaur (01:47:48):    (approved)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:47:57):    @
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:48:08):    @ Roux*
Tengusaur (01:48:15):    (also approved)
howmuchineedyou (01:48:16):    Adette: "Try not to blow the Golem up!"
HyprKnux 1 (01:48:53):    ((Wait, wait...!))
kamikasei (01:48:57):    *Seeing that this enemy is likely to be a harder fight, Laura takes a different approach - zipping towards it as Roux brings her weapon to bear, and misting the Golem, disorienting and weakening it. Asuham should find that the machine just doesn't quite seem to move right when he goes to dodge...+
Nekomittchi (01:49:14):    *It was probably a good thing that Rinon didn't have any mirrors in her cockpit. Gun Sniper had avoided a command freeze, but her hair, on the other hand... She couldn't do anything about the storm, but she could about the two remaining Saber Fangs. "Alright, boys, let's finish this..." Aiming straight for them, she released her missile pods again, shooting at them with her Beam Gatlings as well.+
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:49:46):    Judau switches to his beam rifle this time, and fires several times at the Golem just Roux unleashes her barrage. +
HyprKnux 1 (01:49:49):    ((Okay, continue. Got myself confused for a sec))
Overman Zappa (01:50:36):    *As the OverSpeed circling persists Gainer tries to make a quick weave to dodge the Jinba's shots, but since he went and made himself a distraction (continuing) He changes his focus and charges in to slide off one of Jinba's limbs &
Tengusaur (01:52:05):    Asuham can't dodge this attack, indeed... But he also doesn't have to! He pulls out another huge rock from the ground and sets it in front of his Overman like a barrier! Rocks sprays fly around everywhere, but the damn tough Golem is unharmed.
Tengusaur (01:53:39):    Jinba hits King Gainer with a few shots, but they didn't reach any vital systems. And the green Overman is open to a clean shot from Gainer now! (continue)
Tengusaur (01:55:14):    The Sabre Tigers jump to the sides, escaping the beams - but Lineback gets damaged further by the exploding missiles! He fires back with his own beam cannons, though! (Rinon react)
Tengusaur (01:55:55):    (Judau, Herb and Laura, act now)
frifreeman (01:56:16):    (can I have enemy count?)
Overman Zappa (01:56:34):    *King Gainer whips around from behind Jinba and cuts into it's back! Plunging the Chaingun in, he rips it upwards along the spine!  Goodbye controls? +
Tengusaur (01:56:43):    (Overman Jinba, Power Golem, Terrible Trio all in one Dogozzo, 2*Sabre Tiger)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:56:54):    Judau: "We gotta distract that Golem. Roux, if I got his attention, think you can pound his weak spot?"
kamikasei (01:57:35):    Laura: "It may be badly timed, but I shouldn't interfere in a fair fight…"
HyprKnux 1 (01:58:07):    Roux: "I'll try to, but these things are fast!"
kamikasei (01:58:18):    *Instead of the Overmen or Sabre Tigers, so, she flies Shifted over to the remaining Dogozzo… and lands on its head, unShifting and pointing her gun straight down.&
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:58:35):    Judau: "Counting that as a yes!"
kamikasei (01:58:39):    Laura: "You know, it would really be best for everyone if you just got out now."
Nekomittchi (01:58:41):    *Rinon dodges the shots. Not quite as fast as before, but Gun Sniper had high capacity stabilizers and reinforced parts for a reason.+
Tengusaur (01:59:22):    Gainer's attack leaves a huge gash in Jinba's back, and the ridiculous-looking Overman gets knocked away, spinning out of control!
finalcrosmaycry Falu (01:59:30):    Judau dashes the Dijeh forward to the Golem, clay bazooka in hand. For now though, he doesn seem to be taking aim, as if waiting for something. "Hey, ugly!" &
Tengusaur (01:59:34):    Zaki: "D, damnit! I can't fail here!"
HyprKnux 1 (01:59:55):    @ Judau
Tengusaur (02:00:00):    (approved)
frifreeman (02:00:18):    Herb jumps toward the out of control Zaki
Tengusaur (02:00:30):    Kejinan: "Hey, you're just one girl! Get away before you get hurt, little girl!"
frifreeman (02:00:39):    "Epimetheus, final ultimate attack!"
Tengusaur (02:00:45):    Enge: "I think she's kinda hot, actually. Not as hot as Cynthia though."
Tengusaur (02:00:52):    Jaboli: "Too much information!"
HyprKnux 1 (02:00:55):    Roux: *Beam rifles are a little too much, so with Judau trying to get keep the Golem distracted, she races in... and attempts to smack him with her shield+
frifreeman (02:01:09):    *Epimetheus gathers all of his plasma that was all over his body previously into one spot, to make one item*
Tengusaur (02:01:20):    The terrible trio's Dogozzo tries to shoo off Laura with its hand, like a fly. (react)
frifreeman (02:02:10):    *A giant fly swatter!* "Ultimate mega final plasma swatter!*
Tengusaur (02:02:20):    Asuham: "Who are you calling ugly, Gain's minion?" The Golem looks up at the Dijeh. (Judau continue)
frifreeman (02:02:25):    *And he smacks it down*+
kamikasei (02:02:31):    *Laura flies straight back and fires - angled away from the cockpit, but aiming to take out the mech's sensors and leave it blind.+
Overman Zappa (02:02:39):    Gainer: "STOP CALLING ME GAIN!  And he's not my minion! I don't even know him!"
kamikasei (02:02:43):    "I'm twenty years old, you creepy gits!"
Tengusaur (02:03:44):    Enge: "Ahh, too old for me th- who turned off the lights!" Laura manages to blind the Dogozzo without much effort. Because honestly, these units suck.
Tengusaur (02:03:51):    Kejinan and Jaboli: "ENGE, SHUT UP!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:04:45):    "The moron who's about to get a gift. here!" And with that, Judau brings up the bazooka and...tosses it. In reality though, he dashes in low with the Dijeh, beam saber out and aiming for the legs of the golem. +
Tengusaur (02:04:51):    Herb hits Zaki with his giant plasma flyswatter head-on! The spinning and now somewhat flat Jinba crashes into the lake, and disappears underwater!
Tengusaur (02:06:52):    The Power Golem gets pushed away by Roux's shield, and can't do anything as Judau hits it into its leg, causing severe damage to the tendons! But...
Tengusaur (02:07:26):    Asuham grabs both of the attacking Mobile Suits - his Overman is ridiculously strong! He tries to smash their heads together above his own! (Roux, Judau, react)
Tengusaur (02:07:45):    Rinon manages to escape enemy fire.
Tengusaur (02:07:59):    But now...
Tengusaur (02:08:07):    Suddenly, the wind gets really bad!
HyprKnux 1 (02:08:30):    Roux: "WOAH! Judau, watch out!" *as her head comes close, the Mk-III's hands jut out to catch the Dijeh and try to stop the collision+
howmuchineedyou (02:08:31):    #
Tengusaur (02:08:52):    (approved)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:08:54):    Judau tries his best to stab the golem with the saber, hopefully preventing one of the suits from coliding with each other. "I'm working on it!" +
Overman Zappa (02:08:56):    Gainer: Geez, where'd this weather come from..."
howmuchineedyou (02:10:02):    Adette's Knightmare Moon dashes around the back of the golem, her lance drawn. she charges him again, with all her speed, the lance pointed carefully at the very seam of the overcoat. She remains silent through this, so he won't hear her coming.+
Tengusaur (02:11:34):    "Do not underestimate the senses of a knight of Saint Reagan!" Asuham avoids getting stabbed by Judau by throwing the Dijeh at Adette! (Adette react, then take action)
Tengusaur (02:11:38):    (Gainer, also take action)
Tengusaur (02:11:58):    Gundam MK-3 manages to avoid further damage, but the Power Golem still holds it in one hand!
HyprKnux 1 (02:12:27):    Roux: "Judau!" And at the moment, the Gundam's gonna start flailing
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:13:35):    Judau: "Let her goooooooo!" The Dijeh is flailing as well as he is thrown.
howmuchineedyou (02:13:41):    Adette ducks her shoulder into the flying mech, in an attempt to simply let the Dijeh roll of her back, powering forward still, and ducking down low. "Sorry Kid!" She shouts after Judau.
Overman Zappa (02:14:05):    * "I think I'm going to try some of that... science she's (Alessandra) always going on about."  King Gainer holds it's sword up right in both hands, and... it's own storm clouds start forming and swirling &
Tengusaur (02:15:18):    The much bigger Dijeh slams into Knightmare Moon, causing its legs to creak and break! The latter can still act, but can't walk anymore, just crawl!
Tengusaur (02:15:27):    Dijeh receives some minor surface damage.
Tengusaur (02:16:20):    "What is this fool doing?" Asuham throws the Gundam mk-3 at King Gainer! (Gainer react, then continue)
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:16:31):    #
Tengusaur (02:16:39):    (approved)
HyprKnux 1 (02:17:02):    Roux: "WOAH! WATCH OUT!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:17:15):    Judau recovers, and immediately dashes after the Mk-3, planning to take the hit. "Gainer, I got her! GO!" +
howmuchineedyou (02:17:25):    Adette: "I'm not done yet!!"  Adette pulls out her mine whip, holding it in one hand, and her lance int he other. Even with out legs, she can throw mines, followed by bullets in a rapid barrage at Asuham.
Tengusaur (02:18:53):    The power of the throw pushes both Judau and Roux into a City Unit! It sways for a moment...
Overman Zappa (02:18:55):    *Gainer was going to leave the MK III be regardless, because his own raging winds are now becoming icy... and if it weren't already snowed over before, Gainer just makes the problem worse.  A blizzard forms and all winds are blowing for the Golame! +
Tengusaur (02:19:01):    But doesn't topple over.
HyprKnux 1 (02:19:31):    Roux: "Geh...! J-Judau... you okay?"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:20:31):    "....." There is no response or even a monitor feed from the Dijeh.
HyprKnux 1 (02:20:57):    Roux: "Judau? Are you okay? Answer me!"
Tengusaur (02:21:15):    The Power Golem gets hit by exploding mines and bullets, and then freezes over from Gainer's Overskill!
Tengusaur (02:21:33):    Asuham: "Damnit, it can't move anymore! Time to shed the Overcoat!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:21:57):    "......" Still no response.
Tengusaur (02:22:37):    The Power Golem purges its outer white layer, revealing a black Golem inside! It's still damaged, just not as much as the outer shell.
Tengusaur (02:22:44):    http://www.pamsdream.com/images/Golem.jpg
HyprKnux 1 (02:22:54):    Roux: "Judau! You idiot, respond!" Now she's panicking - she should have dodged when she had the chance, but noooo...!
Tengusaur (02:22:58):    The wind turns into small tornadoes!
Overman Zappa (02:23:13):    Gainer: "I thought so!  It did have an Overcoat!
Tengusaur (02:23:17):    They start to run around the battlefield like crazy, and you have to be careful or else you'll get caught in one!
Tengusaur (02:23:20):    (everyone react)
frifreeman (02:23:23):    HErb: "What's with this weather?"
kamikasei (02:23:47):    *Laura drops down between Roux and Judau, sheltering with them.+
Nekomittchi (02:23:50):    Rinon: "This can't be natural..."
Nekomittchi (02:23:56):    *Rinon's dodging as best she can.+
HyprKnux 1 (02:24:07):    Roux: "D-Dammit...!" *Roux quickly has the Mk-III, ready to move with Laura with them+
kamikasei (02:24:12):    Laura: "If there's anything I can do…" She attempts to repair the most recently-taken damage.+
Overman Zappa (02:24:15):    *Since he's got to avoid a tornado... wait didn't he get stuck in a storm once before?  Having to avoid, the Over Freeze blizzard is cancelled as he dashes away from the twister +
frifreeman (02:24:20):    Herb: "I'll get you lady!"
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:25:03):    Judau: ---Fr---ggi---n----erma----so---the--fu---- *there is static on the monitor, and a familiar voice. It is very low though.*
frifreeman (02:25:05):    *Herb runs to pick up adette's damaged mech and bring it out of the tornado's way as best as he can*
HyprKnux 1 (02:25:30):    Roux: "Judau! ...you idiot, you had me worried!"
frifreeman (02:25:42):    Herb: "I've smacked a giant mantis frog with a giant flyswatter today, so I'm pretty satisfied"
howmuchineedyou (02:25:53):    Adette can't do much dodgin at this point
frifreeman (02:26:37):    *Herb's pretty much lugging adette's mech like a sack ofpotato*
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:26:39):    Judau: *monitor is back up and Judau is shaking his head* You're welcome.
Tengusaur (02:26:39):    Fortunately, all of you manage to avoid the tornados! Your enemies have less luck though.
howmuchineedyou (02:27:27):    Adette: "Thanks Herb, I owe you one!!"
Tengusaur (02:27:35):    A tornado catches the Dogozzo and throws it far away, beyond your sight!
Tengusaur (02:27:36):    Kejinan, Enge and Jaboli: "This is not the last you heard of us!"
Tengusaur (02:27:42):    Kejinan: "Wait for me, Adette!"
Tengusaur (02:27:57):    It also catches the Dark Judge and does the same to it.
Tengusaur (02:28:10):    Dark Judge: "I refuse to work in such conditions..."
HyprKnux 1 (02:28:13):    The Mk-III grabs the Dijeh's head and starts shaking it slightly.
finalcrosmaycry Falu (02:28:13):    Judau: "Serves you right, judge!"
kamikasei (02:28:14):    Laura: "Learn some manners before you come back!"
howmuchineedyou (02:28:20):    Adette: "... " She reaches out to them, but it doesn't matter...
Nekomittchi (02:28:32):    "Good riddance!" Rinon yelled to the Dark Judge.
frifreeman (02:28:38):    Herb: "Can't do less for Mr Pres' ladyfriend!"
Tengusaur (02:28:41):    Kirkland: "Damnit! But even without a judge we'll have a fair fight, right?!
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