[20:25] Nerdorama09: (Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr3yRv6bO-w[20:27] Nerdorama09: After the discovery of Jack Barlock's pirate robot people on Earth, much to everyone's surprise, Lily, Nanoha, Fate, Chrono, Kincaid, and Rinon were called into a briefing. The first four for reasons which will become apparent, Kincaid because he's an expert on pirates, and Rinon because she was around and didn't seem to have anything to do.
[20:28] Nerdorama09: Rather than one of the Chalice's "crew", today joining you by remote from orbit or wherever she is is Captain Lindy Harlaown of the Time-Space Administration Bureau.
[20:29] UltimateSalsa: Chrono glances over at the image of his mother, wondering what she's got to say that she couldn't have come DOWN here for.
[20:31] Nerdorama09: Lindy: "Good evening everyone! I'm contacting you all because some information recently came to the attention of the TSAB about the Book of Darkness case."
[20:32] Eric: Kincaid has managed to pick up the basics about the Book of Darkness case, and is looking attentive to the briefing
[20:33] Tengu: Lily: "Isn't that an artifact of destruction, kinda like the ancient weapons Jack Barlock is looking for?"
[20:33] Dessa: Rinon has no clue what's going on, so she's just keeping her mouth shut and listening (for once)
[20:33] Nerdorama09: On several of the monitors, possibly-familiar images of the robot pirate excavation you've been scoping out appear. Among all the human-to-giant sized robots working, several images show a couple of (Link:
http://images.wikia.com/nanoha/images/b/bd/Signum.jpg) distinctly (Link:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/30/Vita-Nanoha.JPG) dressed women in apparent discussion with the robots.
[20:33] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "Kind of... except ironically it might be LESS powerful than those, if what you said earlier is true."
[20:34] Nerdorama09: Lindy: "Regardless of comparative power levels, these are definitely the two knights that Nanoha, Fate, and Chrono fought back in North America."
[20:34] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate's eyes narrow slightly remembering her encounter with Signum.
[20:34] Alwalid: Nanoha only lets out a slight gasp.
[20:35] UltimateSalsa: Chrono scowls. "They beat us there..."
[20:35] Eric: Kincaid: "Do we know how long we have before they'll find it?"
[20:36] Nerdorama09: Lindy: "We don't have any way of knowing that. We're assuming that these women, as fellow aliens, have worked out a deal with Barlock's group. Possibly because robots are unlikely to be significant sources of mana."
[20:36] Tengu: Lily Rain: "Oh no! Did the One-Eyed Don manage to find allies among the locals? This means he will grow even more powerful..."
[20:37] Tengu: She either ignores or hasn't noticed the "aliens" part.
[20:37] Eric: Kincaid: "If he gets too big he'll start running into the same problem we have and attracting the attention of various Earth factions."
[20:37] Nerdorama09: Another monitor pops up for one of Lindy's bridge bunnies to chime in.
[20:38] Nerdorama09: Amy: "The Book of Darkness and its protectors aren't really local! They've caused massive amounts of destruction on dozens of worlds..."
[20:39] Tengu: Lily Rain: "That's even worse than Jack Barlock! ...Maybe they beat him up and now his pirates have to work for them as slaves?"
[20:39] Nerdorama09: Lindy: "But fortunately, we have the opportunity to capture at least two of the culprits here today. I'd like you all to cooperate and attack the Pirateroid mining operation and help our mages apprehend these women."
[20:40] Eric: "Lily. Focus."
[20:41] Alwalid: Nanoha's been wondering about the motives of those two mages since their first encounter...but after seeing this...maybe they really were evil...?
[20:41] Nerdorama09: Lindy: "Nanoha and Fate, please feel free to use your new Devices to engage the enemy mages on equal terms. I have every confidence in your ability to stop the pirates from obtaining the artifact, and subdue our targets as well. Any questions?"
[20:42] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate nods. "Understood."
[20:43] Alwalid: Nanoha nods as well. Somehow this made her even more determined to find out the truth.
[20:43] UltimateSalsa: Chrono's face is set in a hard expression. "None, ma'am."
[20:43] Tengu: Lily: "Umm, yes, yes. We need to approach this cautiously... Although the pirateroids will probably attack us the moment they see us. Remember that they are vicious and remorseless, so please don't feel too bad shooting at them!"
[20:44] Eric: Kincaid: "What exactly is our objective here?"
[20:44] Eric: "Capture the two mages?"
[20:45] Nerdorama09: Lindy: "Stop the Pirateroid mining operation and capture any hostile mages there. If it's not too much trouble." She adds the last with a bit of a smile.
[20:45] Tengu: Lily: "If they are excavating the ancient weapon there, then we need to secure it too! It can't fall into the hands of a villain such as the One-Eyed Don!"
[20:45] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "Those two are bad enough; they have two more companions, plus their master if he feels like showing up."
[20:45] Tengu: Lily: "It could even explode the whole planet! Maybe."
[20:46] Eric: Kincaid: "The whole planet!? What would even be the POINT of a weapon like that?"
[20:47] *** Spirit has joined the chat.
[20:47] Dessa: "It's not like you can get points if you're blown up, too..." Oh, hey, Rinon had something (mostly irrelevant) to add.
[20:47] Tengu: Lily: "I always wondered about that... But I heard the ancient wars were fought on a really big scale..."
[20:47] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "The Book of Darkness has been known to destroy whole planets too."
[20:48] TenebraeLunaXIII: "Money, Power, there are a lot of reasons people would do it."
[20:48] Nerdorama09: Lindy makes no comment.
[20:49] Eric: "Just seems to me like even on a grand scale, planets would be the objectives of a war, not the target"
[20:49] Tengu: Lily: "Errr... Anyway, we should get going while they're still digging there!"
[20:49] Nerdorama09: Lindy: "If there's nothing else, you should all be good to go. The exact coordinates have been sent to your robots, devices, or...self."
[20:49] Eric: "Whatever. If such a weapon really exists, I'm sure as hell not letting some bloodthirsty band of pirates get there hands on it."
[20:50] Nerdorama09: The two of you who actually need clearance from the Chalice get it easily and you can soon be on your way towards the excavation.
[20:53] Nerdorama09: (Anything in particular you want to do en route? Dig site is in a rocky area of jungle, and it's pretty much that all the way there.)
[20:55] Dessa: ((nothing going on here... Rinon's actually paying attention to what she's doing, she's not used to aerial Zoids))
[20:55] Eric: "You can bet they'll have all kinds of sentries and traps in the jungle itself. I say we just make an arial attack as fast as we can, come in their midst and do as much damage as we can before they know what's going on."
[20:55] Alwalid: (nothing on Nanoha's end either, though she does look like she's pretty deep in thought)
[20:55] Dessa: "I'm good for that." Destruction's always nice.
[20:56] Tengu: Lily flies at a low altitude, partially to stay at least partially hidden and partially because every few minute her jetpack runs out of steam and she has to run for a few seconds to recharge it.+
[20:56] UltimateSalsa: "That's be great, except I suspect the Wolkenritter already know we're coming," Chrono says, his tone unusually bitter.
[20:56] Eric: "With any luck it'll take them a bit to realize there's only six of us."
[20:56] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate: "...Something isn't right here...The knights of the Book of Darkness are supposed to be evil...Then we did they help us against Starscream?"
[20:57] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "Because if we get shot down, they can't drain us and take our magic to fill the Book."
[20:58] Dessa: Rinon: "Who's gonna get shot down?" Uh, Rinon, remember your last mission? In Dibison?
[20:58] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate: "You saw how much power the AllSpark had. That could of killed them yet Signum still helped us."
[20:59] Tengu: Lily: "If they are not that evil, then why are they helping out the One-Eyed Don? He's a notorious bad guy, one of the worst Chaos warriors out there!"
[21:00] UltimateSalsa: Chrono opens his mouth, then pauses. "That's true... I guess there isn't a good reason for them to do THAT much for us. I don't know. Maybe it's an order from their master."
[21:01] Alwalid: Nanoha: I'd like to think that there's something good behind this too...
[21:01] Eric: Kincaid: "We can worry about whether they're morally ambiguous or just crazy after we've captured them. Either way they don't seem like the type we want just running around."
[21:01] Nerdorama09: As enlightening as this discussion is, the enemy base is coming up fast. Large, hulking robots lumber around as smaller robots scurry around. Prefab buildings (for keeping the dust off) and heavy mining equipment is much in evidence, as are piles of rubble.
[21:01] Tengu: Lily: "I think Mr Pirate has it right. Er... Mr Good Pirate! We should listen to his battle plan."
[21:02] Tengu: Lily: "He's the expert on pirates here after all, so he knows how they operate and what are their weaknesses!"
[21:02] Tengu: Lily: "What's your weakness, Mr Good Pirate?"
[21:03] Eric: Kincaid: "Obviously I'm not telling."
[21:03] Eric: "Let's go!"
[21:04] Tengu: Lily: "Aw... Okay."
[21:04] Nerdorama09: (Enemies: (Link:
http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz111/TehCubey/Cosmic%20Break%20Enemies/genericpirateroids.png) Pirateroid x10, (Link:
http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz111/TehCubey/Cosmic%20Break%20Enemies/busterpirateroid.png) Buster Pirateroid x2, (Link:
http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz111/TehCubey/Cosmic%20Break%20Enemies/magicpirateroid.png) Magi Pirateroid x2, (Link:
http://i819.photobucket.com/albums/zz111/TehCubey/Cosmic%20Break%20Enemies/drillpirateroid.png) Drill Pirateroid x2, or you can just attack the base)
[21:04] Nerdorama09: (Everyone act in a surprise round)
[21:06] Eric: *Kincaid starts his attack with his beam pistol, taking a few shots at one of the Magi Pirateroids before landing right in front of it with a resounding crash that kicked up a large cloud of dust. In the dust, the only visible part of the gundam was it's giant beam saber.+
[21:06] Dessa: *Rinon grinned. "Bombs away~!" She flew over the base, dropping bombs from Jamie's her CP-06 Bomber Unit, right on top of anyone or anything unfortunate enough to be under her.+
[21:07] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate flys within range and fires Photon Lancer to hit the Buster Pirateroids in their joints to disble them.+
[21:08] UltimateSalsa: *Chrono surveys the base as the team arrives. "I don't see the knights... Guess we'll just take care of the artifact first. S2U, Stinger Ray." He points the device at a Pirateroid near the base. "Fire!" Small blue shots rapidly appear and fire, Chrono aiming for collateral damage.+
[21:08] Tengu: *Lily Rain lands on a tower or whatever other high point is around and fires a barrage of high-explosive bazooka shells on a Magi Pirateroid! Dudes are flying, the natural prey of an artillery robot like her.+
[21:09] Tengu: Lily: "Jack Barlock's pirates, we know what are you up to here! Surrender immediately and we'll stop our attack!"
[21:10] UltimateSalsa: Chrono sighs, adding under his breath, "Well, YOU can. WE still have work to do."
[21:11] Tengu: Lily: "I don't think they will listen anyway..."
[21:12] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "I guess not. Nobody else listens to my speeches either when I'm arresting people."
[21:13] Dessa: Rinon: "Who ever listens to boring speeches anyway?" It's not a dig on you, Chrono... Rinon's just bored with speeches in general.
[21:14] Alwalid: *Nanoha is on the ground right now, firing off Divine Spheres at the closest Pirateroids she can see. It's worth noting that she doesn't have her Device materialized yet.+
[21:16] Nerdorama09: [Everyone] Explosions ensue! The pirateroids, taken by surprise, have to scramble to avoid the initial attacks. Fate knocks a Buster Pirateroid to the ground, though its arms are still functioning, Chrono detonates something volatile on the ground, along with a pair of small Pirateroids, Kincaid and Lily seriously mess up one of the flying Magi Pirateroids, Nanoha picks off a smaller robot, and Rinon just flattens things with aerial bombardment. After all that, most of the enemies are scrambling for cover and weapons, with more of the Pirateroid soldiers pouring out of the prefab buildings armed and ready!
[21:17] Eric: X-1 does the scary thing where it vents excess heat out of its "mouth" and generally looks intimidating
[21:18] Nerdorama09: Joining them are your two expected magical adversaries as well, the tall knight Signum in pink and white and the shorter, less free with her name one in the same red outfit as before.
[21:18] Nerdorama09: Signum: "The TSAB? I see our luck hasn't changed much..."
[21:19] Nerdorama09: Red mage: "Is blasting away at unaware enemies something you people do normally?! That's cheap!"
[21:19] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate looks hard at Signum. "...Signum."
[21:19] Nerdorama09: Signum: "Don't be foolish, it was good strategy on their part. We'll just have to get serious."
[21:20] UltimateSalsa: Chrono spots the two as they fly out. "Unknown mages! You're under arrest by the Time-Space Administration Bureau! Release your magics and you'll be allowed to plea in your defense!"
[21:20] Nerdorama09: They respond by, respectively, drawing her sword and hefting her giant warhammer.
[21:20] Alwalid: Nanoha looks at the Red Mage, "You're just as guilty, aren't you?"
[21:21] Nerdorama09: Red mage: "THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"
[21:21] Nerdorama09: (Enemies: Pirateroid x17, Buster Pirateroid x2 (1 damaged), Magi Pirateroid x2 (1 damaged), Drill Pirateroid x2, Signum, Vita)
[21:21] Nerdorama09: (Objective: Defeat all enemies)
[21:21] Nerdorama09: (Initiative: Fate, Nanoha, Chrono, Lily, Kincaid, Rinon)
[21:21] Nerdorama09: (Fate, Nanoha, SET UP!)
[21:23] Alwalid: Nanoha draws Raising Heart without hesitation, though she keeps Chrono's message about the new system in mind. "Set...Up!!"
[21:25] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate stares at Signum for a few seconds before flying at extreme speeds towards Signum and swings Bardiche in its' Axe form with as much strength as she can.+
[21:30] Nerdorama09: Raising Heart: "ORDER OF SET UP WAS ACCEPTED"
[21:33] Alwalid: Something is really strange here, and naturally, Nanoha is surprised. She looks around, confused.
[21:33] TenebraeLunaXIII: *Before Fate flys at Signum she flips Bardiche's crystal form before grabbing it. "Set Up!" "YES SIRE."*
[21:33] Alwalid: "What's going on...?"
[21:35] Nerdorama09: Nanoha and Fate both find themselves surrounded by light that seems to both freeze time and obscure impending details so this game can stay PG-13
[21:36] Nerdorama09: Amy calls over the radio. "Both of you, calm down, it's just the new system. Now, call out their new names!"
[21:37] TenebraeLunaXIII: "Bardiche Assualt!"
[21:38] Alwalid: Raising Heart's new name? Nanoha didn't know how, but somehow, she just knew it was right...
[21:38] Alwalid: "Raising Heart Excelion!"
[21:39] Nerdorama09: Bardiche and Raising Heart: "DRIVE IGNITION!"
[21:41] Nerdorama09: (Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaeeX5IBb1M (Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaeeX5IBb1M) Let's just skip to the part of the transformation we're actually interested in. Raising Heart transforms, reassembling itself in mid-air to a long staff with a shotgun pump-like attachment. Bardiche reconfigures itself into a a revolver axe, because hell yes.
[21:41] Nerdorama09: Red mage: "Those Devices have...?"
[21:41] Nerdorama09: Signum: "Where did TSAB mages get a Cartridge System?"
[21:42] UltimateSalsa: Chrono looks on and, for some inexplicable reason, grins. "We're in business."
[21:42] Nerdorama09: (Okay, actions)
[21:43] TenebraeLunaXIII: Not giving anytime to think about what just happened, Fate flys at extreme speeds towards Signum and swings Bardiche in its' Axe form with as much strength as she can.+
[21:45] Nerdorama09: [Fate] Signum quickly draws her sword and parries, having to take to the air and give ground to deflect the attack, looking mildly surprised at Fate's increase in speed and swinging power.
[21:45] Alwalid: *Nanoha immediately focuses her attention on the Red Mage. She tries to take aim as she would regularly, but Raising Heart interrupts her...
[21:46] Alwalid: Raising Heart: Master, order me to Load Cartridge.
[21:46] Alwalid: Nanoha can't really say no in this situation so...
[21:46] Alwalid: "Load Cartridge!"
[21:47] Alwalid: And there's that familiar pump-action chambering of a round.
[21:47] Alwalid: Raising Heart: Let's shoot it...Axel Shooter.
[21:48] Alwalid: Again, Nanoha complies, raising the staff in the Red Mage's direction and crying out "Axel Shooter...SHOOT!"
[21:49] Alwalid: A multitude of orbs, well over a dozen in number, are launched, and are now heading directly toward the Red Mage!+
[21:51] Nerdorama09: The mage's eyes widen, but she quickly throws up a defense of her own ball-bearing like projectiles. Some intercept Nanoha's projectiles, but others smack the small mage around, making her yell loudly in annoyance. And maybe some pain. She flies up and around a building for the moment for cover.
[21:52] Alwalid: Nanoha: I know I'm not in a position to ask this...but if I win, tell me why you're doing this, okay?
[21:53] Nerdorama09: Signum attacks Fate with several heavy overhand slashes, trying to take the initiative back from Fate and possibly sunder Bardiche's haft again. Meanwhile, the other mage completes her loop and comes charging back and Nanoha with a battle cry as her answer. "Like hell you'll win!" (react Nanoha and Fate)
[21:53] Nerdorama09: Meanwhile, the generic Pirateroids have regrouped and are attempting to fire on Crossbone X1, by far the scariest looking thing on the field, with their small personal beam weapons (react Kincaid)
[21:53] Nerdorama09: (Chrono, Lily)
[21:55] Tengu: * "Don't forget that we're here too!" Lily closes her eyes for a second, takes a deep breath and activates Trance Mode. She fires at the damaged Magi Pirateroid with two big, blocky SMGs - the purpose is not to damage it seriously, but to push the flying enemy above a group of smaller Pirateroids! &
[21:56] Nerdorama09: [Lily] The Magi Pirateroid falls back as Lily expected, returning fire with large beams from its hammer-like weapon (react and continue)
[21:56] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate uses her new speed to evade back and get space between her and Signum to get ready to attack again.+
[21:57] Alwalid: *Nanoha knows that hammer will hurt if it hits, but she tries to defend against it anyway. Little does she know, that Protection barrier she's so used to deploying was also changed...
[21:57] Alwalid: Raising Heart: Protection Powered.
[21:57] Nerdorama09: [Fate] Signum's slashes with Laevatein miss by inches, the swordswoman not yet used to Fate's increased speed.
[21:58] Alwalid: With that, the pink barrier is erected between Nanoha and the incoming Red Mage. Hopefully, it would last against the incoming assault...+
[21:58] Eric: The X-1 dashes towards the pirateroids at surprisingly high speeds, zigging and zagging as it closes the distance between them to get into melee range where they'll have trouble firing without hitting each other
[21:58] Tengu: * "Eeh...!" Lily drops down from her vantage point on the tower, falling to the ground among the rubble that probably results from it getting hit by energy missiles... Or rather, sliding down, if she's able to avoid getting hit badly!
[21:59] Tengu: *And, in mid-slide/fall, she throws away the guns (clips are empty anyway) and pulls out a heavy beam cannon! "Aim for the heart..." She fires a large beam at a crack in the magi pirateroid's chest armor! +
[22:00] Nerdorama09: [Nanoha] The hammer Device slams into the Protection Powered, coming to a complete stop despite the considerable effort the enemy mage is putting into it. She grunts, annoyed, and hammers again, not getting through Nanoha's defensive spell, but at least knocking her back a couple of feet.
[22:01] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] The Pirateroids (each about a fifth of the size of even a small Gundam like X1) scatter in a semi-organized fashion, most of their shots going wide and the rest only lightly scoring the armor.
[22:02] UltimateSalsa: *Chrono shakes his head, not seeing an opening to help Nanoha and Fate, and turns his staff back on the Pirateroids. "You all are in the way...! Blaze Cannon!" He takes aim at an undamaged Buster Pirateroid. "Shoooot...!" A familiar beam of power erupts at the enemy!+
[22:02] Nerdorama09: [Lily] The tower Lily was standing on is blown away, and Lily's knocked down in the rubble by a graze from the beam shots. The Magi, however, doesn't see the incoming heavy beam cannon shot and explodes impressively in the air, raining shrapnel down on the generic Pirateroids on the ground.
[22:04] Nerdorama09: [Chrono] The blast impacts the Buster Pirateroid squarely, and it staggers back, torso armor damaged. While it still can, it fires both of its guns at Chrono, two (relatively) huge shells hurtling toward the Mage (react Chrono)
[22:05] Tengu: "I'm sorr-." Lily Rain is interrupted by falling down on her head. "Owie..."
[22:06] Nerdorama09: The remaining Magi pirateroid flies up higher out of the ground combat zone and rushes toward Pteras, trying to swat the pterasaur Zoid from the sky with a giant hammer (react Rinon)
[22:06] Nerdorama09: (also act. Kincaid, Rinon)
[22:07] UltimateSalsa: *"Why didn't I have Fate teach me a high-speed movement technique again...?" He cuts his flight and simply lets gravity pull him out of the path of the shots, readying a Protection skill just in case.+
[22:07] Eric: *Kincaid fires a grappling claw at one of the fleeing pirateroids, it's small enough to use as an impromptu Gundam Hammer.&
[22:09] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] A pirateroid's day is about to get seriously ruined (continue)
[22:09] Eric: *Kincaid uses his new melee weapon (as if he didn't have enough already) to freakin' lay waste to the remaining pirateroids, sending everything around him flying every which way!+
[22:09] Dessa: *"What in the...?" Rinon changed Pteras' direction shooting the vulcan gun at the Magi pirateroid, while pushing Pteras' speed to avoid the hammer. Flying past it, she turned again, dropping more bombs on the base. Why couldn't Jamie have invested in more weaponry on this? Just because he rarely used it in battle didn't mean that it didn't need more guns!!+
[22:10] Nerdorama09: [Chrono] Dropping out of the air might not be the BEST idea against ballistic weapons, but it saves Chrono this time. He will need that Protection spell for when he collides with the ground, though.
[22:11] Nerdorama09: [Rinon] Rinon escapes from the Magi Pirateroid's hammer, but the Vulcans do little to its armor. Her bombs wipe out another building and several Pirateroids, but the Magi's still pursuing Pteras, firing off a beam from behind (Rinon react)
[22:12] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] The flailing pirateroid (cursing in unconvincing electronic pirate slang) slams through a half a dozen of his comrades, sending robot parts flying and scattering the group around Kincaid.
[22:14] Eric: Kincaid resists the urge to start shouting ARRRRRR
[22:14] Nerdorama09: The two Drill pirateroids march away from, presumably, drilling, and into the fray. Crossbone X1 finds itself facing a jab with a drill arm, while Nanoha is just going to get stepped on as Vita flies out of range of the drillbot's stomp (react Kincaid and Nanoha)
[22:14] Dessa: *"Ugh, get off my tail." Rinon aimed Pteras up, and pushed Pteras' speed up to Mach 1, trying to ditch it.+
[22:15] Eric: Kincaid dodges aside and wraps the chain from his "Flail" around the drill, hoping the jam the mechanism.
[22:17] Alwalid: *Hooray for upgrade. Those new pink magic fins Nanoha has been flying with weren't left out...
[22:17] Alwalid: Raising Heart: Axel Fin.
[22:17] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] X1 dodges with alacrity, despite the gravity. The hook winds up in the drill - it jams eventually, but the torque's still enough to rip the anchor cable out. An even exchange, but the Drill Pirateroid still has another drill.
[22:17] Eric: Not for long it doesn't
[22:18] Alwalid: Nanoha is simply attempting to accelerate out of the way of that foot, just as Vita did!+
[22:18] Nerdorama09: [Rinon] Rinon flies out of the range of the beam and out past the edge of the base a fair ways, especially since Pteras is one of the few things here that needs space to turn around while flying.
[22:19] Nerdorama09: [Nanoha] dodges out of the way of the huge foot! She's going to meet a few more of her opponent's metallic projectiles for her trouble, though (Nanoha react to Swallow Flieger or however you spell it)
[22:20] Nerdorama09: Signum: "You're very fast, Testarossa. I'm having to wonder if that's all you have going for you, though."
[22:21] Nerdorama09: As Signum speaks, a white Bind spell appears, grabbing at Fate's arms and legs to hold her in place! (Fate react)
[22:22] Nerdorama09: The spell was cast by another figure climbing out of the rubble of one of the prefab buildings. (Link:
http://images.wikia.com/nanoha/images/c/c4/Vlcsnap00071.jpg) A very large, blue figure
[22:23] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "Another of them...! I'd forgotten about him... and isn't there a fourth one we should have seen by now?"
[22:24] Alwalid: *Nanoha counters with another round of Axel Shooter! But this time, she exerts some effort in control. With a wave of her hand, the numerous spheres are turned into an interception system, all intended to collide with the incoming metallic projectiles.+
[22:24] Nerdorama09: Nanoha's spells intercept the...are those metal croquet balls?
[22:24] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "Hey, I did that trick first!"
[22:25] Tengu: Lily: "At this rate there will be more knights than us... How will we capture them then?"
[22:25] TenebraeLunaXIII: The second Fate gets hit by the bind she knows that Signum is going to follow up so Fate throws up a defensive field and trys to overload the bind so she can escape.+
[22:27] Nerdorama09: [Fate] The blue wolfman stands still and concentrates to hold Fate in place, pitting his willpower against hers. Signum lowers her sword for a thrusting attack. "I'm sorry to do this so suddenly, but we're in a big hurry now. LAEVATEIN!"
[22:28] Nerdorama09: Seemingly just to make ABSOLUTELY sure, Signum's sword pumps out a cartridge and covers itself in fire, and she charges forward to impale Fate (Fate react. I suggest a support defense)
[22:28] Eric: #
[22:28] Nerdorama09: (Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6tTyZxWF68[22:28] Nerdorama09: (Kincaid support)
[22:29] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate feels like she won't be able to break the bind on her and focuses all her energy into he defensive barrier.+
[22:29] Eric: Suddenly, a great shadow covers Signum. It's X-1's AB cape, which he just threw over her like a net. Even if she can cut through it, Fate has a few seconds where Signum can't see her to deal with things!+
[22:30] UltimateSalsa: #
[22:30] Nerdorama09: [Fate and Kincaid] Signum's charge comes to a sudden, confused halt for a few seconds before a flaming sword arcs up and burns a hole through the AB cloak! That gives a few more seconds for (Chrono support)
[22:33] UltimateSalsa: *Now that he's fallen out of the way of the mass-based weapons everyone on Mid so hates, Chrono brings his personal flight back up and looks for the same telltale white magic to match Fate's binds; seeing the beast-man atop a building, he charges over and draws S2U. "Break Impulse!" The big guy can either take the hit and continue binding Fate, or dodge and let it go.+
[22:34] Nerdorama09: [Fate and Chrono] The Familiar (apparently) is forced to split his concentration to put a (very powerful) shield between himself and Chrono - with his attention split, Fate can break free!
[22:37] Nerdorama09: (Fate finish reacting)
[22:38] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate breaks free and goes on the offensive. Steam comes out of Bardiche. "LOAD CARTRIDGE HAKEN FORM." Bardiche's scythe blade is way bigger than before and Fate strikes immediately. "Haken Saber!" The scythe blade flys at Signum. &
[22:39] Nerdorama09: [Fate] Signum, fresh from cloak-induced cofusion, is barely able to parry the scythe attack into a glancing blow that cuts through her armor (continue Fate)
[22:40] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate continues by using Blitz Rush to get behind Signum in the blink of an eye, Fate already swinging at Signum. "Haken Slash!" +
[22:42] Nerdorama09: [Fate] That move, taking Signum by surprise, would have probably taken her out of the fight. You can see it in her eyes as she attempts to turn to block. However, the final Haken Slash is interrupted at the last moment by a green shield.
[22:43] Nerdorama09: Far away, (Link:
http://images.wikia.com/nanoha/images/4/48/Shamal.jpg) one last mage can be seen looking over the battlefield and projecting that shield spell. Frankly, even Signum and Vita look shocked.
[22:43] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate: "Another one?!"
[22:43] Eric: Kincaid: "Just how many of these guys are there?"
[22:44] Tengu: Lily: "Is she the little red one's mom?"
[22:44] Nerdorama09: Signum quickly gets over her surprise and looks slightly furious, probably having a hurried conversation over magical telepathy as she backs up and faces off squarely against Fate and X1 again.
[22:44] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "There she is... That's all the ones we know of. Then again, the four of them are enough to destroy entire worlds by themselves. It's happened before."
[22:44] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "H-hey! I'm as old as she is!"
[22:45] Nerdorama09: (Enemies: Pirateroid x3, Buster Pirateroid x2 (both damaged), Magi Pirateroid x1, Drill Pirateroid x2 (1 damaged), Pirateroid Brachios, Signum, Vita, Shamal, Zafira)
[22:45] Nerdorama09: (Initiative: Fate, Nanoha, Chrono, Lily, Kincaid, Rinon)
[22:45] Nerdorama09: (Er, scratch Pirateroid Brachios)
[22:45] Nerdorama09: (Cut content)
[22:45] Nerdorama09: (Fate, Nanoha)
[22:45] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate tilts her head in confusion. "Really? You look about my age though."
[22:45] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "Learn some damn history!"
[22:47] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate decides that she needs to finish this as fast as possible. Loading another cartridge Fate gets her attack ready. "Plasma...SMASHER!" Fate fires a large beam at Signum.+
[22:48] Alwalid: *Since this was a battle that was more focused on high-mobility, Nanoha's options besides Axel Shooter were fairly limited. But like Fate, she knew she needed to end this quickly too. Almost mirroring her best-friend's movement, she launches a fairly powerful bombardment spell...from her palm?+
[22:49] Alwalid: Nanoha: Strike SMASHER!!
[22:49] Tengu: @ Nanoha
[22:49] Alwalid: (target is Red Mage, of course)
[22:49] Nerdorama09: [Fate] Signum's unable to get out of the way of the beam, though her Device's own defensive spell reduces the effects to the point where she manages to stay upright in the air. She extends her Device into a flaming chain-whip and lashes out at Fate with it, whipping it around in a backlash to also strike at Crossbone X1's leg (react Fate and Kincaid)
[22:50] Nerdorama09: (Lily support Nanoha)
[22:51] Tengu: * "I will help you, Miss Nanoha! Go, Pepen Bit!" Lily Rain summons something that looks like a small, mechanical penguin. The pepen wobbles towards the red mage, surprisingly quickly, then uses a nearby damaged building as a slide to propel itself high into the air and try to body-slam her from above!+
[22:51] Tengu: It's surprisingly heavy.
[22:51] Eric: Kincaid takes a big step back step back, while making a quick swipe at the chain whip with his beam saber. That thing looks like it'll cut through armor like a knife through butter.+
[22:51] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate uses her best speed to not only dodge the strike but get in close to Signum to catch her between attacks.+
[22:53] Nerdorama09: [Nanoha and Lily] The enemy mage blocks the attack with the bulk of her hammer and a spell, though it quickly starts to overpower her. She weathers it, panting and with damaged armor, only to turn and see...a penguin.
[22:53] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "What."
[22:53] Nerdorama09: She's taken so completely by surprise the penguin slams her to the ground.
[22:53] Alwalid: Nanoha blinks incredulously at the sight.
[22:53] Tengu: Lily: "Good job, Pepen!"
[22:54] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid and Fate] Kincaid dodges, but the snake-like movements of the whip are too fast for a relatively large and clumsy beam saber. Fate, however, successully moves in close, causing Signum to lash out at her with a kick to try and get some distance (Fate react again)
[22:55] Alwalid: Nanoha: Lily-san, is that...your pet?
[22:55] Tengu: Lily: "It's my Wonder Bit! Um, I will explain later"
[22:56] Nerdorama09: The green mage flies over to the two damaged Buster Pirateroids and starts concentrating. A magical glow covers the two robots as they start to apparently rapidly repair themselves, and also launch projectiles at everyone fighting near the ground (react Kincaid, Nanoha, Fate, Lily)
[22:56] Nerdorama09: (Chrono, Lily)
[22:57] Tengu: Lily: "...Ahh!" She's too distracted to dodge this attack well!
[22:58] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate is forced to back away not only because of Signum's kick but the projectile attack from the Pirateroids. Fate uses Blitz Rush to get away.+
[22:59] UltimateSalsa: *Chrono fires up for another major attack, seeing Nanoha and Fate going all-out. He rises high into the sky while a magic circle appears under him. "S2U... Stinger Blade, Execution Shift."
[22:59] Alwalid: *Nanoha spins to face the projectiles and quickly puts up a Round Shield against them, but only after quickly loading a single cartridge to boost it's effectiveness.+
[22:59] UltimateSalsa: *The sky lights up with dozens of blades, all an icy blue, and aimed such that everything left on the battlefield has at least a few coming at it, with the fewest going at the barrier mage in green, and a similarly small number directed at the bind-mage to keep him honest.
[23:00] Alwalid: # Lily, disregard that previous react
[23:00] UltimateSalsa: *"Fire!" The blades launch with deadly accuracy, Chrono straining to keep hold on the spell with so many targets; he lets out a roar of his own as they all speed to their marks.+
[23:02] Nerdorama09: (Nanoha support)
[23:03] Nerdorama09: [Chrono] Chrono's wide area attack is more of a distraction for the mages, but it does take out the remaining generic pirateroids and leaves the rest of the robots damaged, spoiling the effect of the green mage's repair spell.
[23:04] Alwalid: *One quick Flash Move later, and Nanoha should be in front of Lily, with a Round Shield formed to defend against the projectiles!+
[23:06] Nerdorama09: Explosions create a huge hole in the middle of the combat area, scattering everyone, but thanks to Fate's speed and Nanoha's covering ability, everyone is mostly fine.
[23:06] Tengu: * "Oof... Thank you, Miss Nanoha! If that managed to hit..." Lily doesn't continue. Instead, she boost-jumps on her jetpack and lands in the middle of whatever pirateroids are left on the ground! And she starts to spin around on her heel, firing at the enemies around her from the big beam cannons in her hands and the four small ones in the plates of her skirt!+
[23:08] Nerdorama09: [Lily] lands between the Drill Pirateroids and the Buster Pirateroids, beamspam blasting away at all four of them. Under the ammo-and-energy depleting onslaught, both Buster Pirateroids go down, and the damaged drillbot is knocked to the ground as well. The remaining standing Drill Pirateroid, however, simply marches through the barrage and stabs down at Lily's head with both its drills (Lily react)
[23:08] Nerdorama09: (Kincaid, Rinon)
[23:08] Nerdorama09: (Enemies: Magi Pirateroid x1, Drill Pirateroid x1 (damaged), Signum, Vita, Shamal, Zafira)
[23:09] Eric: *X-1 graces the damaged Drill pirateroid with a snap kick that leaves a dagger (previously hidden in the Gundam's foot) fired into its face.+
[23:09] Dessa: ((thx, I was just about to ask for that))
[23:10] Nerdorama09: [Lily] Never mind, that Pirateroid just got a boot to the head AND a knife to the head.
[23:10] Tengu: * Lily tries to kick off the massive pirateroid's leg and fly away on a jetpack! If only to avoid it falling down on her at least.
[23:11] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] The drillbot staggers back, blinded and rather angry. It changes the flailing of its drills towards X1 as Lily makes a clean if narrow getaway (Kincaid react)
[23:11] Eric: Kincaid dashes back with a burst from his verniers, firing head vulcans at the damaged spots on the pirateroid.
[23:12] Dessa: *Rinon was tired of this stupid magi thing chasing her, so she turned Pteras as fast as she could. She ramped Pteras' speed up as fast as it would go, and charged straight for her target. &
[23:13] Nerdorama09: [Rinon] The Magi pirateroid countercharges! With a huge hammer held in front of it as a ram! (Rinon continue)
[23:14] *** Spirit has left the chat.
[23:14] Dessa: Rinon hoped that Jamie wouldn't be too mad at her, and waited until she was at point blank range and fired the dual AAM launchers.+
[23:14] Nerdorama09: [Kincaid] gets out of the reach of the blinded drillbot as it smashes apart what little's left of the central base, doing some more damage. At this point, the Pirateroids own flailing and the impracticality of drills is basically shaking it to pieces.
[23:15] Nerdorama09: [Rinon] There's a huge explosion in the air! The Magi Pirateroid is taken out completely! Pteras is taken out slightly less completely!
[23:16] Tengu: Lily Rain: "Oh no! Are you okay, miss Dinosaur Robot?"
[23:16] Nerdorama09: Splash damage from the explosion does serious damage to the Zoid, the most important of which is partly disabling its engines. Rinon can land it, barely, but that's about all Pteras can manage right now.
[23:16] Dessa: "Command System Freeze... Jamie's gonna kill me."
[23:17] Nerdorama09: (Rinon removed from battle unless she does something extremely clever/insane)
[23:18] Tengu: Lily: "Please don't worry, we won't let any enemies harm you!"
[23:18] Nerdorama09: The four mages are the last enemies standing, and they take the opportunity to regroup around the rubble of one of the buildings. All four stand ready to defend themselves as a team. With a look from Signum, the red mage and the blue mage start grabbing something out of the rubble.
[23:19] Nerdorama09: Signum: "You did a commendable job here...for Bureau mages, at least. We're just going to take what we came for and go on our way, if you don't mind."
[23:19] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "Oh, please let them not be doing what I think they're doing."
[23:20] Nerdorama09: The two digging haul out a large crate marked with surprisingly clear and thorough danger signs for something obviously packaged by pirates.
[23:20] Alwalid: Nanoha: That's...!
[23:20] UltimateSalsa: Chrono starts to draw up a bind but realizes he doesn't actually know what'll happen if the Wolkenritter drop the boxes.
[23:20] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "If it makes you feel any better, we only want the power source!"
[23:21] Tengu: Lily Rain: "No...! You can't take that!"
[23:21] Eric: Kincaid eyes the warning signs
[23:22] Eric: "So we probably shouldn't just kill them"
[23:22] Nerdorama09: (Enemies: Signum, Vita, Shamal, Zafira)
[23:23] Nerdorama09: (Fate, Nanoha)
[23:23] Nerdorama09: (Objective: Stop the Wolkenritter from escaping with the artifact)
[23:27] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate: "I going to need your help Bardiche." Fate with Bardiche's help throws a Lightning Bind on both Vita and Zafira to prevent them from moving.+
[23:29] Alwalid: *Nanoha acts quickly and surprisingly, charges in the direction of the enemies. Another cartridge is used up as yet another Round Shield is erected, or at least it looks like a Round Shield...&
[23:29] Nerdorama09: [Fate] The two of them drop their load (which doesn't explode, don't worry) to attempt to avoid the Bind spell, with limited success. They'll pull out of it fairly quickly with their strength, but they're held in place for now.
[23:30] Nerdorama09: [Nanoha] The two non-Bound mages have the sense to move in separate directions, but they're eyeing Nanoha looking for an opening to attack... (continue)
[23:30] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate: I can only hold them for a little bit!
[23:31] Dessa: @
[23:31] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate: So hit them NOW!
[23:32] Nerdorama09: (Rinon support, I guess)
[23:33] Dessa: *Rinon had been furiously trying to reboot Pteras' computer, and finally got at least the wings working again. Or, more importantly, the Magnesser System in them. But she didn't use it to lift off. She used it to repulse anything in range that would be affected by magnets. Like, perhaps, some enemy Devices?+
[23:34] Alwalid: *Nanoha releases another volley of Axel Shooter, which splits off into smaller groups targeting both the bound and non-bound mages. That Round Shield stays up however.+
[23:36] Nerdorama09: The magnetic pull on relatively small metal Devices like a sword or rings is barely a distraction, but it's enough of a surprise to mage sure Signum and her green compatriot are hit dead on by Nanoha's Axel Shooter. On relatively LARGE metal objects like gloves, boots, or a warhammer the size of its wielder, the effect is more pronounced. Not only do the two bound mages get hit dead on by Axel Shooters, but they're dragged off-balance as they break Fate's bind spell.
[23:36] Nerdorama09: The red one gets up, and looks genuinely pissed.
[23:37] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "Alright, whatever the heck your name is, you're going DOWN! GRAF EISEN!"
[23:37] Nerdorama09: Graf Eisen: "RAKETENFORM!"
[23:37] Alwalid: Nanoha: It's Nanoha! Takamachi Nanoha!
[23:38] Nerdorama09: The tiny mage charges toward the group, hammer sprouting a rocket booster that easily counteracts the magnetic force as she flies at mach speed at Nantoka. (Nanoha react)
[23:38] Alwalid: And here's where that weird Round Shield comes into play!
[23:39] Alwalid: Raising Heart: Holding Shield.
[23:39] Nerdorama09: Meanwhile, glowing with added energy from the green mage, Signum charges and swipes at the whole group (less Rinon) with an arc of fiery spikey doom. (Everyone but Rinon react)
[23:39] Nerdorama09: Meanwhile, the wolfman hefts the huge crate by himself with some difficulty and tries to get airborne.
[23:39] Nerdorama09: (Chrono, Lily)
[23:39] Eric: Kincaid blasts off way the hell into the air
[23:40] Tengu: * "Eyah...!" Lily Rain tries to boost jump behind one of the quickly-turning-to-ruins buildings to escape from this attack!+
[23:40] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate uses her speed to didge as many of the spikes as possible while using Bardiche to parry the spikes that she can't full dodge.+
[23:41] Alwalid: *The hammer should find itself being stuck in the center of Nanoha's shield spell, but with the Cartridge System's boosted power, it would be much more difficult to break out of compared to their last battle.+
[23:41] Tengu: * "Why are you working with the One-Eyed Don? Don't you know how evil he is? When he gets what he wants, he will probably destroy this planet! Is that what you want to happen?" Whatever the result of her dodge, Lily appears in sight again and desperately rushes forward on her jetpack, not bothering to attack. She just wants to grab the crate and pull it away from the Wolkenritter.
[23:42] Tengu: *This maneuver is helped by the Pepen suddenly emerging from its hideout (where it hid after attacking the tiny red mage) and tackling the wolfman's legs! +
[23:43] UltimateSalsa: *Chrono launches into the sky to avoid Signum, arcing to fly over Zafira and throw a Struggle Bind at him on his way back down. "I'll hold him! Someone just take the box and get out of here!" In the meantime, he tries to hail the Asura to teleport out whoever gets the box. Or better yet, if Amy can get a lock on it, just the box itself.+
[23:43] Nerdorama09: Nanoha and Fate get somewhat burned by the mass fire attack, but Nanoha's shield holds against the tiny mage. The red-hatted girl is holding it there, though, gritting her teeth and WILLING her hammer through Nanoha's shield.
[23:43] Nerdorama09: (Nanoha continue reacting)
[23:44] Nerdorama09: Everyone else manages to avoids the flames
[23:45] Nerdorama09: [Lily and Chrono] The wolfman manages to WILLPOWER off the bind, but with the distraction of that and the penguin, he lets go of the box as he kicks Pepen away.
[23:45] Nerdorama09: Blue Mage: "Not much of a Guardian Beast after all..."
[23:45] Nerdorama09: [Lily] Lily manages to grab the box! Good thing she has robot strength even if she's terrible at melee.
[23:46] Tengu: Lily tries to get the hell away from there ASAP!
[23:46] Nerdorama09: Amy (private channel): "I'm locking onto the Lost Logia now! Keep it out of their hands for a few more seconds!"
[23:46] Alwalid: *Nanoha is going to detonate the shield to forcefully seperate herself from the Red Mage. Since she's been hit by those flames, it wouldn't be wise to keep going like this...+
[23:47] Nerdorama09: Seeing what's happening, Signum breaks off from her attack and chases after Lily, whip at the ready to try and catch her! (Lily react)
[23:47] TenebraeLunaXIII: #
[23:47] Nerdorama09: (Fate support)
[23:48] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "We'll try...!"
[23:48] Nerdorama09: [Nanoha] The shield explodes in the other mage's face, blasting her and her giant hammer back, where she has to struggle to keep control of it in the magnetic field. "D-damn it..."
[23:49] Nerdorama09: The Red Mage sighs irritatedly and simply throws out her steel ball projectiles...which arc directly toward Pteras's wings at very high speeds (Rinon react)
[23:49] Nerdorama09: (Kincaid)
[23:49] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate uses Blitz Rush to get between Lily and Signum and fires Photon Lancer to get Signum to back off. "Keep running Lily!"+
[23:51] Tengu: Lily Rain: "...So close! Thank you!" Her jetpack chooses this moment to run out of power, and she falls down to the ground and tumbles! "Ahhh...!" But she gets up on her feet and keeps running!
[23:51] Eric: *Kincaid isn't sure how sturdy these mages are, and isn't too wild about the idea of using mobile suit weapons on humans, so instead he jets down to ground level and tries to grab the crate with the artifact in it.+
[23:51] Nerdorama09: (Actually, Lily's got that at the moment)
[23:52] Eric: Then he resticts Signum and the Red Mage's movements with head vulcans and beam pistol fire
[23:53] Nerdorama09: [Fate and Lily] Signum doesn't even slow down, cutting through Fate's Photon Lancer's before shoulder-checking her in a charge, knocking the wind out of Fate but fortunately having to slow down thanks to holy shit those vulcans are pretty big when you're human-sized.
[23:53] Nerdorama09: (that was [Kincaid] also)
[23:54] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate flinches in pain and tries to recover as fast as possible, biting through the pain.
[23:55] Nerdorama09: After a full round of really FAST typing, magical circles appear around the artifact in Lily's hands and it's teleported away from the battlefield!
[23:55] Tengu: Lily Rain: "Oof... It's... It's safe now..."
[23:56] Eric: Kincaid: "What the- Rain, what just happened!?"
[23:56] Dessa: *Rinon didn't want Jamie to kill her more than he already would... then again, the Pteras' wings were a frame with tons of open holes in them. So it was less a matter of dodging, and more a matter of moving the wings to allow most of the attacks to pass through them.+
[23:56] UltimateSalsa: Chrono lets out a sigh of relief. "Good work, Amy. Thanks for the save."
[23:56] Tengu: Lily Rain is really tired now. You didn't know robots can get tired? You do now!
[23:58] Alwalid: Nanoha still has that Red Mage to address, and calls her out.
[23:58] Nerdorama09: [Rinon] The attempt is noble, and it keeps the wings from becoming town paper. The magnetic system still shuts down again.
[23:59] Nerdorama09: The Wolkenritter collectively grit their teeth and regroup, mentally communicating again as they reassess their situation.
[00:00] Alwalid: Nanoha: You know my name, but I don't know yours!
[00:01] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "You show up and attack us out of the blue and want to know my name?"
[00:01] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate looks at Signum. "You helped us before against Starscream, so why are you doing this now?"
[00:01] Nerdorama09: Blue Mage: "You did the same thing to them."
[00:01] Nerdorama09: Red Mage: "Yeah, but I don't care what her name is."
[00:02] Nerdorama09: Signum: "Vita. Zafira. Quiet."
[00:03] Nerdorama09: Signum: "We're beaten here, so I'll at least answer your question. We're not simply mindless criminals, we have a goal in mind. Even allying with these strange machines, we were only after power, not destruction. Frankly, had you come tomorrow, we'd have destroyed them ourselves."
[00:04] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate: "To go this far, what is your goal?"
[00:05] Nerdorama09: Signum: "If you want to know that, I'm afraid we're going to have to fight some more."
[00:05] Nerdorama09: Despite now being outnumbered, surrounded, and probably out of those cartridge thingies, the Wolkenritter all move to get ready to attack again.
[00:06] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate looks hard at Signum before readying Bardiche to strike again.
[00:06] Nerdorama09: Vita: "Alright, let's just--"
[00:06] Nerdorama09: Suddenly, in a flash of blue light, a strange masked man appears right next to Chrono
[00:06] Nerdorama09: And proceeds to punch him in the head.
[00:06] UltimateSalsa: Chrono: "Wait wha-" THWACK
[00:07] UltimateSalsa: And he falls into the forest, unable to call for backup or, indeed, rescue.
[00:07] Nerdorama09: The Wolkenritter, as a group, look as surprised at this as anyone else. That doesn't stop them from flying away in four different directions as the masked man proceeds to fly through the air and jump-kick Nanoha
[00:08] Tengu: Lily Rain: "A... Another knight?!" She raises a gun to aim at the new intruder!
[00:08] Alwalid: Nanoha: A-aaaaaah!
[00:09] Nerdorama09: Mission apparently accomplished, the strange navy blue-clad person teleports away as the Wolkenritter scatter out of sight.
[00:09] Nerdorama09: MISSION COMPLETE apparently.
[00:09] Eric: Kincaid: "Hhhhhhhhuh"
[00:10] Tengu: Lily: "...Who was that? Ahh, what am I thinking about, are you two okay?!"
[00:10] Alwalid: Despite being sent through a good amount of rubble and various other obstructions by that single kick, Nanoha seems mostly okay...
[00:10] UltimateSalsa: No response from Chrono; that hit to the head must have actually worked.
[00:10] *** Eric has left the chat.
[00:10] TenebraeLunaXIII: Fate looks towards where Signum flew off and her eyes narrow. "I will find out what your goal is."