Mission 027: "Pierce the Heavens with your Drill" side log

Oct 01, 2011 01:52

Wyverncakes (wyverncakes) has entered the room. 12:16 am
nightlitequinox has been invited. 12:16 am
ericoverbringer has been invited. 12:16 am
EricOverbringer has entered the room. 12:16 am
NightlitEquinox has entered the room. 12:16 am
arachnion01@gmail.com (arachnion01@gmail.com) has entered the room. 12:17 am
xsaintjade has been invited. 12:17 am
Jaydee (xSaintjade) has entered the room. 12:18 am
Atrament Corel (griefgathering) has entered the room. 12:19 am
Wyverncakes 12:20 am
Simon! Simon's bro!
macprysm has entered the room. 12:21 am
Alfonze Elrich (dragonrper) has entered the room. 12:21 am
Wyverncakes 12:21 am
Just this moment, you were on your way to go see something Simon had apparantly dug out of the ground that was supposed to be *really* cool, only to be surrounded by the village chief and elders!
NightlitEquinox 12:21 am
Simon is staring at the elder terrified.
Well... Cheif.
EricOverbringer 12:22 am
Simon's bro is looking unafraid at his situation
"Hey Simon. Is this the big face you wanted to show me?"
Wyverncakes 12:23 am
The chief grits his teeth. This brat of a manchild not giving him proper respect!
Wyverncakes 12:23 am
With a growl he raises his wooden blade to swing it down on him... but the blow never comes!
NightlitEquinox 12:23 am
SImon shakes his head wildly.
Wyverncakes 12:23 am
SUDDENLY! The ceiling suddenly gives way, a massive, red machine with a face and no head comes crashing down in... followed by a weird girl with propeller legs!
EricOverbringer 12:24 am
Though he'd never admit it, he is thrown off for a bit by this
NightlitEquinox 12:25 am
Simon gapes at this, too shocked to really do much about it.
EricOverbringer 12:25 am
But he quickly gets his bearings back and grins at the giant red face.
EricOverbringer 12:25 am
"Hey, Simon...Is THIS the face you wanted to show me?"
Jaydee 12:25 am
(Quick question! Lynette is still conscious?)
Wyverncakes 12:26 am
NightlitEquinox 12:26 am
Simon again shakes his head wildly.
EricOverbringer 12:26 am
After yelling at a large fat man with a sword who badly shaken by the explosion, he grabbed the sheathed sword and walked up to the Ganmen. "Hey hey hey hey hey! I'm not allowing anymore of your shenanigans in my village anymore!"
Jaydee 12:26 am
"Oww...." Said girl with propeller legs slowly rises, holding her head.
Wyverncakes 12:26 am
The Gunzar scrambles to its feet, confused for a second before... almost as if he realizes what's going on here. And that loud young man is certainly getting its attention!
"Idiot!" the machine roars, moving in close to the man. Yeah, you have a wooden sword and it's a giant robot. "I have no time to be bothered by fleas like yourselves!"
NightlitEquinox 12:27 am
Simon gapes at Kamina "What are you doing bro!" He yells, "Lets run away!"
EricOverbringer 12:27 am
"Then it's a good thing you're not dealing with a pair of fleas!"
He is most definitely not running
Jaydee 12:28 am
Lynette takes a quick moment to notice what is happening. She quickly picks her Boys Rifle upon hearing another Gunzar... and people.
"This is why the Neuroi were attacking..."
NightlitEquinox 12:28 am
Simon notices this, not that he is that surprised. He nevertheless continues to panic. "But Bro!"
EricOverbringer 12:29 am
"Don't be scared, Simon! This big face doesn't know who he's dealing with!"
NightlitEquinox 12:29 am
"Bro! WE don't know who we're dealing with!"
Wyverncakes 12:29 am
You shouldn't say stuff like that, Simon's bro!
Suddenly, the machine's one good arm comes smashing down to turn you into a pancake!
NightlitEquinox 12:30 am
# Kamina
Wyverncakes 12:30 am
(React: Simon's bro!)
(By all means)
NightlitEquinox 12:30 am
Simon is suddenly gone! &
(Yeah... some support right?)
Jaydee 12:31 am
(Hold on -- Got to assist with something)
ZebulonCrispi has entered the room. 12:31 am
Wyverncakes 12:33 am
Gunzar pilot: "Fleas are fleas! What more could you possibly be?!?"
Dammit, that fist is REALLY hurtling down at you! If someone doesn't help out or you tuck and run you're as good as dead!
EricOverbringer 12:34 am
(I'm confused about what's going on)
Wyverncakes 12:34 am
(Ganmen is swinging its fist down at you. Simon has support defended, but strangely run off.)
(Continue, Simon)
Jaydee 12:35 am
(apologies -- back)
Wyverncakes 12:36 am
(Support defend: Lynette)
Jaydee 12:37 am
*Lynette does not rise, but she takes the position as an advantage. "Get away from there!" She fires against the fist. No problems with leading, knockback, wind, or more mechas blocking her shots. Just a bullet and that fist.+
EricOverbringer 12:38 am
Kamina finds his feet no longer standing on solid ground, and ends up in the tiny cavern underground that Simon no doubt just dug
EricOverbringer 12:38 am
NightlitEquinox 12:38 am
Simon is staring at Kamina, "Hey bro! Lets go!" He seems somehow excited now.
EricOverbringer 12:39 am
"What's the hurry?" but he's following
NightlitEquinox 12:40 am
"I'm gonna show you the face I found! And you can use it to save the village!" Simon is very excited about this plan. After all, giant faces are for blowing up other giant faces apparently.
NightlitEquinox 12:40 am
He leads Kamina through a group of tunnels, which lead through a group of houses. They can see the large face outside... (Feel free to interrupt her Kamina)
Wyverncakes 12:41 am
[Lynette] Easy shot? Oh hell yes it's an easy shot! The bullet blows straight through the fist, complitely obliterating it. The Ganmen's now de-fisted limb crashes futilely onto the ground in front of Kamina!
[Simon] The cave is just an extra bit of insurance, and sure it shakes a little from the impact of the hit, but you're both okay!
EricOverbringer 12:42 am
Kamina decides now is a good time to correct the giant face on a few things while Simon clears the way to this face of his
EricOverbringer 12:43 am
Kamina: "You stupid bastard, calling us fleas! I'll let you know who I am! The unstoppable paragon of all that it means to be a man! When men here it, they shake from envy, when women say it, they get weak in the knees!"
Jaydee 12:43 am
With the time gained, Lynette attempts to take flight once again with her unit. Scan the area. Know about the habitants.
EricOverbringer 12:43 am
"They're talking about ME! THE INVINCIBLE KAMINA!"
Jaydee 12:43 am
"That machine just tried to hurt you!"
EricOverbringer 12:44 am
"I wasn't talking to you!"
NightlitEquinox 12:44 am
Simon is busy drilling a few holes open, don't mind him.
Jaydee 12:44 am
"But I shot that machine! We've been fighting them above you! They're all looking for this place!"
EricOverbringer 12:46 am
Kamina is now following Lynette as best he can from the ground.
"So you're from the surface!?"
Wyverncakes 12:46 am
And meanwhile, the Gunzar's just on a rampage. You've all collectively pissed off whoever's inside, and apparantly he's settled for just tearing shit up if he can't tear up the shit he WANTS to
Jaydee 12:47 am
"No time to explain! I've got to stop him before he tears this place apart!"
Wyverncakes 12:47 am
But finally! Simon, you reach that thing you discovered before!
EricOverbringer 12:47 am
He's visibly checking her out. "You've got a pretty cute body. Are all the girls like this on the surface?"
Wyverncakes 12:47 am
It's a big face! Not as big as the other one...
NightlitEquinox 12:48 am
"I... I wish bro was here." He thinks to himself. 'What would Bro say.' "Simon... GO BE A MAN AND BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF THAT THING!" Okay... Simon is scared... but dammit his bro is out there fighting alone! Obvously the solution is clear! Use the fact, grab Kamina an then run as fast as possible!
Jaydee 12:49 am
"Eeeh--!" Damn it, Kamina! Make the girl that can blow brains out blush, will you!? "It's-- There are cuter girls than I am, but we've got to focus on that thing!"
NightlitEquinox 12:49 am
So then he sits in it, and...
BLAMMO! Out of the ground comes a... well... actually it's a pretty small face, not that much bigger than Kamina is! "BRO! GRAB ON!" Simon yells, perfectly ready to hightail it out of there! +
EricOverbringer 12:50 am
"You mean they get even-Woah!"
*he grabs the small face as it flies by, trusting Simon.+
NightlitEquinox 12:51 am
Simon begins the hightail it away from the giant face as fast as he can! "Bro take over!" Simon yells!
EricOverbringer 12:52 am
Kamina: "No way! I don't want people to think I'm the kind of guy who will steal from his own brother! Don't worry you can do it!"
NightlitEquinox 12:52 am
"But!" Simon's face somehow goes whiter than it already was.
Jaydee 12:52 am
Lynette can only watch, but quickly composes herself. This was the only other fighter they had at that moment. "No time to discuss! We need to take that thing out!"
EricOverbringer 12:52 am
"Listen! Don't believe in yourself right now."
"Believe in ME, who believes in you!"
NightlitEquinox 12:53 am
SImon just stares at him in confusion for a moment.
Wyverncakes 12:53 am
And that moment of confusion costs you!
Wyverncakes 12:54 am
[Simon/Kamina] The Gunzar, wounded as it is, stomps up behind you, bringing up one of its feet to smash apart the Lagann. "... So you got something to escape with? Like hell am I allowing that! Where's your fighting spirit, fleas?!?"
Jaydee 12:54 am
Wyverncakes 12:55 am
(Support: Lynette)
EricOverbringer 12:55 am
Kamina: "This isn't something to escape with! This is what my bro is gonna use to kick your ass you worthless SOB!"
Jaydee (xSaintjade) has left the room. 12:56 am
xsaintjade has been invited. 12:56 am
Invitation result for buddy Jaydee : Jaydee is busy. 12:57 am
Jaydee (xSaintjade) has entered the room. 12:57 am
EricOverbringer 12:58 am
"And with Lagann here, you don't stand a chance!"
Jaydee 12:58 am
*Lynette, now on flight, is taken by surprise by the Gunzar, but SHE is the one that tore his fist to rags. A bullet aimed at the machine's face would be an easy enough shot. She fires against one of its' eyes.
NightlitEquinox 12:59 am
Simon grasps the controls of the small face and... his expression is stern now. "Got it bro!" Then in front of him there is a small... green spiral that forms around the core drill at the center? And Lagann turns around and runs towards the Gunzar! Simon screaming the whole time! "AHHHHHHHH!" And then... lacking an actual attack and only having stubby arms he does the only thing he can think of. Jump kick to the... well... face. +
Jaydee 1:00 am
"I'm the one that stopped you and two of your friends before! Come take the fight to me!" Her look fits that of a pilot that turned Ace in a day. And flies around it, seeking to gather its' attention.+
Wyverncakes 1:00 am
[Lynette] The shot crashes through the eye, and a cry erupts from the Gunzar. "D-dammit, you goddamn bitch! I'll kill you!"
Jaydee 1:01 am
"And I will take your other eye for hurting them!"
Thrash talk. An art in warfare.
Wyverncakes 1:02 am
[Simon] The Lagann is pathetically tiny, but the Gunzar's off balance and the kick is surprisingly effective! The Ganmen's knocked back flat on its back!
Jaydee 1:07 am
*There is something to this all. Between herself flying and the Lagann fighting the Gonzar in melee, she wonders if her threat would be fit to be completed. The Gonzar could lack depth perception, which would really help Lynette. So she attempts a meaner tactic: Now that the machine is on its' back, she flies to the back of the cave, and fires against the crown of the machine. Force it to divide its' attention.+
Wyverncakes 1:09 am
(Is it shooting down into said crown or from across the cave?)
Jaydee 1:09 am
(from accross -- Sorry!)
Wyverncakes 1:09 am
(That's fine)
Wyverncakes 1:10 am
[Lynette] The shot blows right through into the grounded Ganmen and out the other side. A cry of agony and a few surprisingly small explosions erupt from the machine... and for a second it seems to be disabled.
Gunzar pilot: "D-dammit..." The machine's movements are dulled, its one functioning eye having lost some of its brightness before the sound of pained coughing erupts from it. "But... but I won't give in like this!"
Wyverncakes 1:12 am
Arms wrecked and barely able to move, the Gunzar does the only thing left it possibly can, and it sudden opens its mouth WIDE! Simon, Kamina... maybe that kick to the face wasn't such a smart idea, as the Lagann suddenly falls inside of it... right before the Gunzar snaps its teeth shut as hard as it can, trying to crush you!
(React: Simon/Kamina)
Jaydee 1:13 am
Lynette: "No!"
NightlitEquinox 1:14 am
Simon pulls the cockpit shut! Which comically pulls Kamina inside forcing them into a space not really designed for two people!
Simon sceams, "Bro! What should I do!"
EricOverbringer 1:14 am
Kamina: "We need a weapon of some kind!"
EricOverbringer 1:15 am
"Also more leg room"
Wyverncakes 1:15 am
The Lagann shakes and rattles, the creaking sound of metal nearing its breaking point resounding in your ears...
But hey, Simon... that drill you put into the slot in the Lagann is starting to shake... and glow...
NightlitEquinox 1:17 am
Simon "More power... I need... more power..." And then he reaches for the drill as he is feeling closer and closer to being crushed. But then he reaches the drill. Turns it and... a Drill grows out of Lagann's head! +
EricOverbringer 1:18 am
Kamina: "There we go!"
Wyverncakes 1:19 am
[Simon] BAM! The Gunzar's jaw suddenly is finding more resistance than before! The drill keeps trying to push out against the teeth, and suddenly the teeth shatter! You're free!
EricOverbringer 1:20 am
Kamina: "A drill! That's a perfect weapon for you!"
Jaydee 1:20 am
Lynette: "Are you two alright!?"
NightlitEquinox 1:21 am
Simon "Yeah!" He sounds scared but semi psyched out.
EricOverbringer 1:21 am
Kamina: "There's no way Simon could get stopped by something like that."
"Don't you know? This is the drill that will pierce the heavens!"
NightlitEquinox 1:22 am
Wyverncakes 1:22 am
... Dammit Kamina
Suddenly now you've jinxed it
APPARANTLY some dumbass in red, yellow, and green just compromised the entire surface of the island!
Rocks, massive rocks, are raining down on your village and are on the verge of destroying them!
[React: Everyone}
Jaydee 1:23 am
Lynette: "Eeh--!? Tsukasa!?" And Lynette does notice.
Jaydee 1:24 am
*She rises towards the collapsing rocks- She won't stop them by a long shot, let alone hold on to them, but she tries omething else. With her shields, she attempts to divert the rocks towards a pile in the center, away from the rest of the town. Using her shields as a slide+
EricOverbringer 1:25 am
Kamina yells a lot, but as he's not at the controls he can't really do anything
NightlitEquinox 1:26 am
Rocks are something Simon can deal with! He pulls down his goggles and then puts a stern expression on his face! "I'm not letting it happen again! Hold on Bro!" And with that, Lagann's drill grows and he smashes it through the falling rocks! "I'M NOT LETTING YOU CRUSH MY FRIENDS!" And then Lagann upwards through the falling rocks shattering them into far less dangerous rubble as it charges upwards towards the surface! +
Wyverncakes 1:26 am
EricOverbringer 1:28 am
Kamina grins like a madman. Simon's doing it, and now he's finally going to get to see the surface world!"
Wyverncakes 1:28 am
[Simon/Lynette] The Lagann hurtles above, tearing through the rocks with the greatest of ease! The power.. that drill! The finely-ground rubble that the rocks are reduced to are easy enough for Lynette to move away from populated areas!
Jaydee 1:30 am
Lynette continues to divert these rocks, finally managing to get them all away from the rest... And sees sunlight.
EricOverbringer has left the room. 1:35 am
ZebulonCrispi has left the room. 1:42 am
macprysm has left the room. 1:42 am
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