Mission 027: "Pierce the Heavens with your Drill" main log

Oct 01, 2011 01:50

Wyverncakes (wyverncakes) has entered the room. 10:39 pm
shaungarin has been invited. 10:40 pm
nightlitequinox has been invited. 10:40 pm
ericoverbringer has been invited. 10:40 pm
xsaintjade has been invited. 10:40 pm
overmanzs1 has been invited. 10:40 pm
colorkidlalapink has been invited. 10:40 pm
llamaqueen190 has been invited. 10:40 pm
NightlitEquinox has entered the room. 10:40 pm
Doc S (Shaun Garin) has entered the room. 10:40 pm
llamaqueen190 has entered the room. 10:40 pm
Jaydee (xSaintjade) has entered the room. 10:40 pm
EricOverbringer has entered the room. 10:41 pm
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has entered the room. 10:41 pm
arachnion01@gmail.com (arachnion01@gmail.com) has entered the room. 10:41 pm
MisterGiggl3s has entered the room. 10:41 pm
ColorKidLalaPink has entered the room. 10:42 pm
macprysm has entered the room. 10:42 pm
Herc061881 has entered the room. 10:43 pm
llamaqueen190 has left the room. 10:58 pm
llamaqueen190 has been invited. 10:58 pm
Invitation result for buddy llamaqueen190 : llamaqueen190 rejected your request. 10:58 pm
macprysm has left the room. 10:58 pm
llamaqueen190 has been invited. 10:59 pm
llamaqueen190 has entered the room. 10:59 pm
macprysm has been invited. 10:59 pm
macprysm has entered the room. 10:59 pm
Wyverncakes 11:00 pm
It's a bright and sunny day, with the White Chalice's rag-tag fleet crossing the Pacific Ocean!
Alfonze Elrich (dragonrper) has entered the room. 11:02 pm
Wyverncakes 11:03 pm
You're all en-route back to America. Why? Because, for those of you who bothered enough to drag an answer out of Dan or Ayame, to pick up another crewmate. Those of you foolish enough to ask Smith were left more perplexed than ever as he talked about how symmetry was awesome and he only regretted that going back to Siberia for the sake of it would take too much time
So then, for everyone onboard the ship, how's the day been going for you all?
ColorKidLalaPink 11:03 pm
Perrine is absolutely miserable and has been glaring at everyone all day. She's not even trying to steal Mio's panties.
llamaqueen190 11:04 pm
Wendell's as happy as a clam, now that he's been practicing his archery again. He's at the makeshift range right now, continuing to practice.
Overman Zappa 11:04 pm
Mio does what she does best... EFFING TRAIN. She's swinging that sward. It's a daily routine.
macprysm 11:04 pm
PRIME is napping in the cockpit of Reinheit. Most efficent place to be lazy, amirite?
Doc S 11:04 pm
Tsukasa's relaxing. He's got this feeling he needs his sleep.
Herc061881 11:06 pm
Yoshika went through quite a bit of training with her new Striker. Now she's sleeping while using Lynette's boobs as pillows.
Jaydee 11:07 pm
And because Mio overtrained her, she is napping, and serving as a pillow.
Wyverncakes 11:08 pm
Suddenly however, Dan's hologram appears in front of you all. Most of them prepare to go into their schpiel about whatever it is that's happened, though the two in front of Yoshika and Lynette gape a little.
But soon enough all of them clear their throats. Loudly enough for all you lazy sleepers out there to wake up!
Doc S 11:09 pm
Tsukasa throws a ladle at Dan just out of reflex.
Wyverncakes 11:09 pm
Dan: "Well.. maybe if everyone's really tired we shouldn't-"
Jaydee 11:09 pm
Overman Zappa 11:09 pm
Mio would yell at them but she's not near the napping Pantsless brigade
Wyverncakes 11:09 pm
He suddenly turns his head, as if talking to someone else. "A-alright, Ayame! I knew this was important... just not THAT important!"
Herc061881 11:09 pm
Wyverncakes 11:09 pm
Turning back to you all though, he raises up his hand as a holographic map appears above it, depicting the fleet, along with a stretch of islands located a ways off from its left side.
ColorKidLalaPink 11:10 pm
"What?" Perrine looks up, still sulking and stuck in a maid outfit.
macprysm 11:10 pm
PRIME puts his shades on before opening his eyes. "Mission time yet, Compu-shota?"
Wyverncakes 11:10 pm
"I'm sorry for alearting you all right now, but we have a bit of a job we should probably do right now. To put it simply, a Neuroi's been detected a ways off from the ship."
llamaqueen190 11:10 pm
Wendell is still a little in awe of all this technology. He tries to pay attention anyway.
Wyverncakes 11:11 pm
"The GOOD news is that it's not heading towards the Chalice. The BAD news is we're probably the only group in immediate range to do anything about it."
ColorKidLalaPink 11:11 pm
Perrine looks more serious. "..."
Doc S 11:11 pm
Tsukasa sits up. Just one huh...
Jaydee 11:12 pm
The word "Neuroi" is enough to bolt away from the tree, and in search of her Striker Unit.
Overman Zappa 11:12 pm
Mio: "Neuroi!" She runs to a window and starts rolling for her spot check. She has a +15 to Spot Neuroi!
Herc061881 11:12 pm
Yoshika does likewise.
Wyverncakes 11:12 pm
Dan grow a bit uneasy though as he laughed slightly. "And besides... what with that Area 11 stuff, we could probably do well to win back some points with the Britannians."
Doc S 11:13 pm
Tsukasa sighs and gets up. Clearly his poker companion isn't in any shape for this so he's going. "... huh. Well far be it from me to not honor them with the star." Ego +15.
Wyverncakes 11:13 pm
When Mio goes to look, off in the distance she'll just barely be able to make out the site. It's big alright... a ship Neuroi.
Wyverncakes 11:13 pm
... But oddly enough... it seems to be shooting up a bunch of uninhabited islands...
ColorKidLalaPink 11:13 pm
Perrine: "What is it doing?"
Wyverncakes 11:14 pm
Oh well! You'll all find out what the heck is going on soon enough. You're all cleared to launch!
Jaydee 11:14 pm
"There are probably people there, but we can't see them."
Overman Zappa 11:14 pm
Mio: "It doesn't matter what it's doing! All Witches, prepare for combat!
That is, the one who are able >.>
Doc S 11:15 pm
Tsukasa: Looks like you need some help, Major-san. Can I join in the fun?
Overman Zappa 11:15 pm
Mio: "Kadoya!" Smilin like a boss. "Of course! All the help we can get!"
macprysm 11:15 pm
PRIME yawns. "Anything to protect this blue and pure world of ours, right?" He's prolly gonna chill on the deck of the White Chalice with guns deployed, since Reinheit's not known for its flying abilities. "Might as well see what all this fuss is about..."
Doc S 11:15 pm
Tsukasa nods, cracking his knuckles as he straps on the DecadeDriver. "Henshin."
KAMENRIDE: DECADE! His armor forming up, Tsukasa regarded the situation a little more carefully as he pulled out another card.
Jaydee 11:16 pm
Lynette cannot help but smile when she sees Tsukasa. There is a sense of safety. With Mio's order, she launches, taking position beside the Major.
Doc S 11:17 pm
TAKA! TORA! BATTA! TATOBA TATOBA TATOBA!♪ In a whirling spiral of coins, Tsukasa changed form as he drew one last card and slotted it in. FORMRIDE: OOO TAJADOR.
ColorKidLalaPink 11:17 pm
Perrine jumps into her Striker and activates her magic before taking off.
Doc S 11:17 pm
TAKA! JAKU! CONDOR! TAAAAAAJAAAAAAADOOOOORRRRRR♪ In explosion of flame and whirl of coins, Tsukasa changed form as he spread his wings and launched from the bay.
Overman Zappa 11:18 pm
Mio: "Can you keep up with us like that, Kadoya?"
Doc S 11:18 pm
Tsukasa: I can at that.
Wyverncakes 11:18 pm
The distance is swiftly covered, and over the radio you hear Dan's voice come in again. "A-and one more thing everyone! We checked the records... and there doesn't seem to be any mention of these islands in this part of the ocean. So be careful... we don't know what's out there!"
ColorKidLalaPink 11:18 pm
Perrine: "You look ridiculous." Says the catgirl in the maid outfit with plane legs.
Doc S 11:19 pm
Tsukasa: You know I could always add heels to that outfit.
Wyverncakes 11:19 pm
And finally you arrive...
Right in front of a massive battle!
ColorKidLalaPink 11:19 pm
Overman Zappa 11:19 pm
More random appearances with islands. "Kadoya... not from your world, are they? These islands?"
Doc S 11:19 pm
Tsukasa: I've never seen them before on Rider World.
Wyverncakes 11:19 pm
All around the Neuroi are dozens of strange machines with big, bold faces plastered on their bodies
For instance, some that look like bulls!
Wyverncakes 11:20 pm
And then there's one lone, very superior-looking red one!
In fact, their mouths actually move as voices echo from them!
llamaqueen190 11:20 pm
Wendell: Why do things keep needing to look stranger than anything I've already seen...
Wyverncakes 11:21 pm
Red one: "Keep trying to take it down! We can't let it proceed to Teppelin!"
"Gah... if only the generals were here!"
Herc061881 11:21 pm
Yoshika: "...Wow...! I didn't know Neuroi could look like that!" She had a moment of hesitation earlier before jumping into her Striker.
macprysm 11:21 pm
PRIME grins, zooming in on them. "I like their style...so much emotion displayed on their bodies! They're allies, I'd assume?"
Doc S 11:22 pm
Tsukasa: Can't rule anything out I'd say. Anyone got a close up of them?
Jaydee 11:22 pm
"Those things with faces aren't Neuroi. They're something different, but I canot tell you what."
Wyverncakes 11:22 pm
That said however, suddenly a jet-like machine suddenly zooms past you and spins around to face you all!
ColorKidLalaPink 11:23 pm
Perrine: "What now?"
Wyverncakes 11:23 pm
"W-wait... who the hell are you?!?" He screams this out even as the Neuroi lasers blast a number of the machines out of the sky
Doc S 11:23 pm
Tsukasa: Well that's interesting.
Overman Zappa 11:23 pm
Mio: "We could ask you the same question!"
Jaydee 11:23 pm
Lynette tries to look at them, something far too easy for-- She bolts back a little.
Wyverncakes 11:23 pm
Red face: "Don't take any chances! We'll take them down just like this thing!"
Jet: "Yes sir!"
Jaydee 11:24 pm
Lynette: "Not again..."
Wyverncakes 11:24 pm
And then suddenly it lunges at you all, spiraling around before swiping at you, Mio!
(React: Mio. Afterwards, take your turn)
Wyverncakes 11:24 pm
(Red: Ship Neuroi)
macprysm 11:25 pm
PRIME: Hostiles confirmed. Lets try to keep one alive for questioning, ladies.
Doc S 11:25 pm
Tsukasa clears his throat. "And gentlemen."
ColorKidLalaPink 11:25 pm
Perrine: "I can't make any promises! What are they thinking, attacking the Major!?"
Wyverncakes 11:25 pm
(Yellow: Red Ganman aka "Gunzar" x 1, Ox Ganmen x 7, Horse Ganmen x 5, Jet Ganmen x 4)
macprysm 11:25 pm
PRIME: And camera freaks.
ZebulonCrispi has entered the room. 11:25 pm
Wyverncakes 11:25 pm
(Current objective: Defeat all anemies)
(Lineup: Mio, Tsukasa, Perrine, PRIME, Lynette, Wendell, Yoshika)
Overman Zappa 11:27 pm
*Mio tries to make a rapid ascention, while firing downward between her Strikers. There's not too much to be done about a close range attack like this, with her gun already in her hands+
Wyverncakes 11:29 pm
[Mio] What she lacks in size she more than makes up for in speed! As Mio shoots up past the bird Ganmen, it hits nothing but air before the bullets pound into its back and flames erupt all over its backside! At least they're sufficiently fragile!
(Mio, take your turn)
Overman Zappa 11:31 pm
Mio: "All Witches, focus on the Neuroi. Kadoya, you lead the others against the ground forces!"
Doc S 11:31 pm
Tsukasa: Roger that, Major-san.
Overman Zappa 11:31 pm
Mio: "Stay close girls."
ColorKidLalaPink 11:32 pm
Perrine: "Absolutely, Major!"
Jaydee 11:32 pm
Lynette: "Yes, Major!" A zen state of mind. She remains in her position beside the Major.
Overman Zappa 11:32 pm
*Mio sweeps left-ward, keeping her sighs on the Neuroi while closing in. Zipping across, the Major opens fire on the Neuroi's wings.+
griefgathering has been invited. 11:33 pm
Atrament Corel (griefgathering) has entered the room. 11:33 pm
Wyverncakes 11:34 pm
[Mio] The Neuroi's big. Friggin' big, as Mio finds out as she draws closer and closer to it. Amidst the hectic battle, with some of the mysterious robots trying to shoot at it however, the small witch goes unnoticed, Mio's shots hammering into the wings and tearing off small, but noticable chunks of it. If you're looking for the core, it's not in them.
(Tsukasa, Perrine)
Doc S 11:35 pm
Tsukasa regarded the ground forces as he landed, changing form back to Decade. Clearly the main enemy here but first, the Ox Ganmen. "Well time to see if I can pull the Cyclone Effect."
*And he jacked his RideBooker into gun mode as he charged towards the remaining Jet Ganmen, switching forms, KAMENRIDE W CYCLONEJOKER!, pulling the trigger to send shots along the surface as he thrust a card in. ATTACKRIDE: BLAST! And there goes the machinegun like bursts from the end of the weapon as DecadeDouble shot forward.+
Overman Zappa 11:36 pm
Mio isn't searching for the core just yet. but since the Neuroi's attention isn't on her, now's a good chance to lift her eyepatch and get to searching for it.
ColorKidLalaPink 11:36 pm
*Perrine flies close to the other Witches and starts to shoot at the Neuroi with her machine gun. "Where is it?"+
Wyverncakes 11:37 pm
[Tsukasa] The Ox roars in response as it sees the Kamen Rider charge at him. Obviously wherever its pilot from, Riders are an unknown and he charges! The sudden hail of bullets, however, isn't quite on the same calibur as Mio's rifle though, and the creature responds by swinging up its arm and firing two rockets around you, Tsukasa!
(React: Tsukasa)
Doc S 11:38 pm
*FORMRIDE: HEATMETAL! Tsukasa's going to try and bat the missiles away from him, with a smirk, wielding the staff.+
Jaydee 11:38 pm
Wyverncakes 11:39 pm
[Perrine] More shots cut through the sky, pounding in and tearing off bits of the Neuroi even as the damage Mio inflicted is being repaired. Perrine's dilligence isn't quite being rewarded just yet though... and in fact suddenly she finds herself being attacked by another of those Jet Ganmen as machineguns of its own shoot out at her!
(React: Perrine)
(Support: Lynetta)
Jaydee 11:43 pm
*In a split-second decision, she sees both Tsukasa and Perrine in danger. A part of her wants to ter the Ox apart with a precise shot, but another knows that Perrine is already busy with the Neuroi. She takes a small dive, aims at the cannons of the machineguns, and fires against them -- focused on placing as many shots on the machineguns to disable them, rather than focused shots to destroy the machine at the moment.+
ColorKidLalaPink 11:43 pm
*"What?" Perrine quickly throws up her shield. "Will you people stop?"+
Wyverncakes 11:44 pm
[Tsukasa] It's the defensive powers of HeatMetal versus the destructive power of a Ganmen's missiles, but unfortunately for Tsukasa, the thing about missiles is they DON'T need to directly hit you, and in fact they crash to the ground a ways inf front of the Rider, the sheer force blowing him back like he was nothing and the heat blasting over his suit too!
Doc S 11:45 pm
Tsukasa: GAH!
Jaydee 11:45 pm
Lynette: "Tsukasa!"
Wyverncakes 11:46 pm
[Perrine/Lynette] The bullets collide with Perrine's shield, uselessly falling short of their intended target. At first the Ganmen tries to pour on the fire to breach the witch's defenses, but Lynette's retaliatory fire kills the chance of that as it blows through one of its cannons. The Ganmen's forced to disengage for the moment!
Overman Zappa 11:46 pm
Mio: Kadoya!
Wyverncakes 11:46 pm
(PRIME, Lynette)
macprysm 11:46 pm
PRIME: Deploying OVERD booster! *Reinheit's rear jets unfold as it launches off the deck of the Chalice, aiming to land on a bird ganmen as long as its boost holds out. Both chainguns are deployed and aimed right at the ox mecha on the nearest patch of land, just in case he can't get a ride...+
Jaydee 11:47 pm
Lynette hesitates. Tsukasa is in danger. The Neuroi is barely on her mind, but she has her orders. "Tsukasa is in danger! Do we know where the core is!?"
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has left the room. 11:48 pm
overmanzs1 has been invited. 11:48 pm
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has entered the room. 11:48 pm
Wyverncakes 11:49 pm
[PRIME] Such ballsy risk-taking! The bird ganmen tries to swerve out of the way as it sees the mech lunging down at it, but it's a moment too slow and its left wing is completely smashed off as the Warheit continues to plummet down to the ground! But there's also its chaincannons too, which quickly pummel the Ox, ripping through its armor before it finally explodes just as PRIME lands. 10 point landing!
macprysm 11:51 pm
*PRIME poses as mechs explode behind him.*
Overman Zappa 11:51 pm
Mio turns her attention back to the Neuroi and searches for the core, again
Wyverncakes 11:52 pm
And now things are different. A few more rockets and bombs from those other machines tear off more of the Neuroi. Futile gestures on their own but right there, in the dead center (who would have thought?) of the Neuroi, Mio can see a bright red glow!
It's the core! Still safely sheathed in the rest of its body, but it's there!
Overman Zappa 11:52 pm
Mio: I found the core! Center of mass, but it's buried deep!
ColorKidLalaPink 11:52 pm
Perrine: "All right!"
Jaydee 11:53 pm
Lynette sees the Ox detonate, but doubts linger on. But, unless Tsukasa needed her, she'd need to do her job.
Jaydee 11:54 pm
Lynette: "Major! Can I split from the group? If we divide between one distraction team and another as an assault team, we could spread the load of attacks the Neuroi would attempt against us." A sniper needs distance from the rest of her friendlies. Someplace quiet to kill.
Overman Zappa 11:57 pm
Mio: "Understood. But don't stray too far, Bishop. Stay where I can see you." It doesn't matter how condescending it sounds, she's still going to look after her girls like a mother lion.
Jaydee 12:01 am
*"Yes, Major!" She takes a dive to separate from the Major. She goes above the black beast, in full throttle. A vulnerable movement -suicidal if it were any lower-, but it is for a reason: It is easier to aim her shots that way, and she won't need to lead as much. With the help of gravity, aiming at the center of the beast below her, and leading her target several meters at her current speed, she aids her shot with a burst of spectral energy.+
Wyverncakes 12:03 am
[Lynette] It's a perfect shot, just the kind you'd expect from a professional sniper and one specializing in Neuroi extermination! But just as it hits there's an olive blur, moving right in front of the Neuroi. "N-NO!"
Jaydee 12:04 am
Lynette: "W-What!?"
ColorKidLalaPink 12:04 am
Perrine: "Oh, what now?"
macprysm 12:06 am
PRIME looks back at the Nuroi. "C'mon, why is that thing still up? It's getting hit by two seperate forces!"
Wyverncakes 12:06 am
[Lynette] Another of the bird Ganmen had thrown themselves in the path of the shot. "We... we won't let our victory... BE SNATCHED AWAY FROM US!" The machine explodes, taking some of the edge off of the shot and failing to pierce all the way into the Neuroi! And almost immediately afterwards, with an immense jump the Gunzar is looming over her from the side. "Interfering with our battle like this?!? UNACCEPTABLE!" He moves to punch at you Lynnete... all just before the Neuroi suddenly acts out. You're the biggest threat on the battlefield, and suddenly dozens of massive, red lasers shoot up straight at you!"
(React: Lynette!)
Wyverncakes 12:06 am
(Wendell, Yoshika)
Overman Zappa 12:06 am
Mio: "You've got to hit the core, it's not a matter of simply shooting it until it stop moving!"
macprysm 12:07 am
# Lynette
llamaqueen190 12:07 am
Due to Sigil's lack of flight capabilities, Wendell decides on an equally grounded target. The mech moves at a less-than-graceful pace, but quickly to one of the nearby horse-like things. Considering it is Wendell's second time controlling the machine, the movements aren't too horrible. Still not good either. Wendell draws his only weapon, the giant sword strapped to Sigil's back, and attacks in a way one might describe as an over-hand "flailing".+
Wyverncakes 12:07 am
(Going to veto that for plot purposes)
(So sorry)
macprysm 12:08 am
PRIME: Freakin hell...it's not like I don't understand your pride, but your forces were the ones that engaged us first!
Herc061881 12:09 am
*Yoshika quickly zooms forward toward Lynette, a much-bigger-than usual shield appears to deflect the brunt of the attack+
Jaydee 12:09 am
Lynette: "It's the Neuroi! Why are you defending them!?" Seriously!
Herc061881 12:10 am
Yoshika: "I..." She'd miscalculated completely.
Wyverncakes 12:10 am
[Wendell] As untalented as Wendell is with that blade, the Ganmen has no melee weaponry of its own! Machinegun fire from its arms pummel into the Sigil, wearing away at its own defenses, but the sword still slashes down across its face. There is the slightest of pauses... just before the horse explodes!
ColorKidLalaPink 12:11 am
Perrine stares. "How did a lucky civilian make a shield that big? It's the size of a small ship!"
Jaydee 12:11 am
(I meant, Lynette means the guy that took the shot, Herc. She wasn't referring to Yoshika)
llamaqueen190 12:11 am
Wendell: That... was surprisingly effective...
Doc S 12:11 am
Tsukasa: *cracks an eye open* Shiny...
Overman Zappa 12:11 am
Mio: "That shield... The girl's power... Amazing!"
Herc061881 12:12 am
macprysm 12:12 am
PRIME: ...Interesting...so that's what she's capable of...
Wyverncakes 12:13 am
[Yoshika] The shield's size is more than just for show! The mass of Neuroi beams crash into it futiley saving Lynnete from certain doom. SOMEWHAT! There's still the Gunzar to worry about, and it slams its fist down at Lynette!
(React: Lynette)
Wyverncakes 12:15 am
(Mio, Tsukasa)
Doc S 12:16 am
Grimacing in pain, Tsukasa was seeing red as he gripped a card. Turning over, he thrust it into his belt. FORMRIDE: OOO BRAKAWANI! ATTACKRIDE: SOMA VENOM!

Tsukasa: "Ow, ow, owwwwwwwwwwwwww. Wow that stings. Healing is good pain."

Tsukasa groaned as he pushed himself up, really in a lot of pain but active enough to reach for another card. "All right... let's keep going..."
Jaydee 12:17 am
*She can only give a stunned look at Yoshika when the barrier protects her... But it doesn't last. With the fist coming towards her, and having shields not nearly as strong as those of Yoshika, she tries something else. She times it the moment it gets too close... Then, point blank, ballistic stabilization. A bullet that would tear a human being fired a little too close for anyone's liking.+
Wyverncakes 12:19 am
[Lynette] The rifle fires, the immense kick behind it possibly even greater than she thought... and it spears right through the Gunzar's left arm effortlessly! It's dramatic and awesome and amazing... and then cue the explosion! BOOM!
Herc061881 12:20 am
Yoshika: "Amazing...!"
Doc S 12:20 am
Tsukasa: I'm up, I'm up....!
Wyverncakes 12:20 am
[Lynette (continued) Before you know it you're hurtling back towards the ground alongside with the wounded Gunzar, the massive Ganmen crashing through into the island underground with you following!
(Lynette removed from the initiative)
Overman Zappa 12:20 am
*Mio lets her gun fall to it's sling, and reaches back to draw her sword. She makes a beeline charge for the Neuroi, her sword glowing with magic. When she flies by, she's taking one of it's wing with it, hopfully. Even better if she cuts into it deeply enough to expose the core!+
Doc S 12:20 am
Tsukasa" LYNNE! Onore....!
macprysm 12:21 am
PRIME: Eh? Are these landmasses hollow?
Doc S 12:22 am
*FORMRIDE: W LUNATRIGGER. His two halves changing, he pulled his gun up and sighted down the middle, holding both guns, Ridebooker and Trigger Gun akimbo.

"Mind if I defeat you? Can't hear you!" Tsukasa starts firing shots that seem to go nowhere, but instead they spiral around, hoping to blast an Ox Ganmen from all sides to cripple their weaponry.+
Wyverncakes 12:25 am
[Mio] The dash-in is fast and daring!, Neuroi lasers shooting up and just barely missing you constantly! But soon enough you blast by it, completely destroying its wing in one go! It's still repairing itself, but you're working your way through to the core the old fashioned way...
[Mio (continued)] Of course, suddenly now YOU'RE the biggest threat to it, so cue a craptone MORE lasers coming your way!
(React, Mio)
Overman Zappa 12:27 am
*Mio turns face and puts up her shield, putting all the magical force she can muster into them. But rather than sit ther eand eat it, she ascends during her defence+
Wyverncakes 12:27 am
[Tsukasa] Two guns? One of them the glorious Luna Magnum? Now THAT'S more like it, with a hail of bullets completely blowing the Ox out like it was nothing!
[Mio] The shield resists! More and more beams press into it, and damn, Mio, used to be easier for you! But between them and your own evasions you're pulling through, no matter how barely!
(Perrine, PRIME)
macprysm 12:29 am
PRIME almost wants to leap into the hole after Lynette...and realises that if she's not dead, she can fly out on her own. He decides to charge at the nearest grounded gunmen instead, preventing reinforcements from jumping down after it..."Dammit, cannon fodder like you don't deserve those cool beast-mechas! KIKUUUUUUUUU!" The pile bunker is heading right for you, beastman generic grunt 002!+
Wyverncakes 12:32 am
[Prime] The Ox Ganmen you just so happened to be facing responds in kind by charging, swinging his club madly at you! The bunker crashes into it, quickly blowing it apart... but now the Ox's fist is heading at your own machine!
(React: PRIME)
macprysm 12:34 am
PRIME grins, trusting his Primal armor to liquidate the fist...or at least soften the blow as he responds with his own punch! Except this arm has a chaingun in it. Prime holds down the trigger as the arm swings. "That's more like it!"
ColorKidLalaPink 12:35 am
*Perrine takes a deep breath, readies her machine gun, and just starts firing into the Neuroi's core while it's busy.+
macprysm 12:36 am
Wyverncakes 12:37 am
[PRIME] Fun fact, PRIME. Your arm has a chaingun? The Ox has wrist rockets! Both fists colide and your weapons fire... but state-of-the-art weaponry will ALWAYS trump more weird crap like what you're up against! There's an explosion, rocking the Warheit and knocking it backwards... but the bullets tear through the Ox, prompting a BIGGER explosion!
macprysm 12:37 am
Wyverncakes 12:37 am
(Gah. Right. Reinheit)
macprysm 12:39 am
PRIME checks the damage. Doesn't seem too critical. He scans for his next target, seemingly not impressed by the Ox's explosion.
Wyverncakes 12:45 am
[Perrine] The bullets cut through to the Neuroi, nearing it... and right before suddenly the air becomes FILLED with lasers shooting out all from the Neuroi. It's in danger, and it'll do everything it can to keep itself alive. The bullets are wiped out of existence in an instant, along with a number of the Ganmen too... and you could be next as the lasers shoot through to you all!
(React: Everyone)
ColorKidLalaPink 12:46 am
*Perrine flies backward and puts up her shield. "Get out of the way!"+
llamaqueen190 12:46 am
Wendell does his best to avoid the lasers, holding Sigil's giant sword out in front of him to block what he can't dodge.+
Overman Zappa 12:46 am
*Mio keeps her shield up, but resorts to retreating and dodging rather than stand there and trying to tank them out.
Doc S 12:47 am
*ATTACKRIDE: INVISIBLE! Tsukasa's going to go with an old standby, go invisible, and dodge as much as possible, making himself a smaller target.+
macprysm 12:47 am
PRIME: ...oh, that doesn't look fun at all. *Primal armor does nothing to stop beams. He's dodging behind rocks, shoving gunmen out of cover if nessisary. And if unnessisary.+
Herc061881 12:48 am
*Yoshika flies backward while dodging, her gigantic shield reappearing to deflect as many lasers as it can+
Wyverncakes 12:50 am
[Everyone] Wendell, hate to break it to you but a sword, no matter how special it is, isn't QUITE what is used to stop a Neuroi beam. The Sigil's left arm gets a huge hole just blown completely out of it, along with its right leg and the bottommost part of the blade! The Reinheit fares somewhat better, but its right arm is sheared off at the shoulder.
macprysm 12:51 am
Prime curses. He just lost his pile bunker.
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has left the room. 12:51 am
overmanzs1 has been invited. 12:51 am
Overman Zappa (OvermanZs1) has entered the room. 12:51 am
llamaqueen190 12:52 am
Wendell: Ghh! Damn it...
Wyverncakes 12:53 am
[Everyone pt. II] The witches, however, fare a better, with their own shields managing to protect them with levels ranging from "satisfactory" to "ZOMG YOSHIKA HOW CAN YOU DO THIS SO WELL?!?" Tsukasa's own use of Invisible isn't entirely helpful since the Neuroi's not actively aiming, but his small size still helps weave through the shots unharmed!
Overman Zappa 12:53 am
Mio: "Witches, report! Has anyone heard word from Lynette? Kadoya? Are you okay, Kadoya?"
Doc S 12:54 am
Tsukasa: I'm fine. *Re-emerges from invisibility* That neruoi is going to be the death of us all.
Wyverncakes 12:54 am
(Wendell, Yoshika)
ColorKidLalaPink 12:56 am
Perrine: "I'm in one piece, but what about you, Major Sakamoto?"
Overman Zappa 12:56 am
Mio: "I'm holding up." Which is actually AMAZING considering the sorry state of her magic.
Herc061881 12:57 am
Yoshika: "I'm okay, Major Sakamoto!" Tears are blinked away as she thinks about Lynette. "I haven't heard from her...!"
Doc S 12:57 am
Tsukasa: We need to get that Neruoi down asap. I've got a plan. It's a really bad one though.
llamaqueen190 12:57 am
Sigil stumbles forward on its wounded leg. "C'mon... don't do this." Gritting his teeth, Wendell lunges for the nearest Gunman with what was left of Sigil's sword. Near-loss of two limbs seems to have forced Wendell's determination, as this attack is slightly less flaily than the last.+
macprysm 12:58 am
PRIME: Trust in your teammates. She's not the type to die easilly, is she?\
Wyverncakes 12:59 am
[Wendell] Sigil may indeed be damaged, but the Ox Ganmen it goes after is just as bad! It fires missile just as its footing gives out, one that just barely misses Sigil before the damaged sword crashes into the Ganmen, disabling it!
Overman Zappa 1:00 am
Mio: "Kadoya! You'd better come up with a better one, quickly then!"
Doc S 1:01 am
Tsukasa: Can you draw its attention towards you? I'll give you one shot of an opening.
Tsukasa: Anyone will do.
MisterGiggl3s has left the room. 1:08 am
Herc061881 1:09 am
Yoshika: "I'll go!"
Doc S 1:09 am
Tsukasa: All right.
macprysm 1:10 am
PRIME: Hmph...take that thing out and we're done here. These mooks aren't even a real threat...
Overman Zappa 1:12 am
Mio: "Miyafuji!" AGH, kids! AGH TSUKASA! y u do dis?
Doc S 1:12 am
Tsukasa: Mio. She'll come back safe.
Tsukasa: That Neruoi is going to be the most pain to defeat. Time to see how powerful this form really is.
Herc061881 1:12 am
*Yoshika nods briefly before flying forward, shooting the Neuroi as much as she can with her shields up+
ColorKidLalaPink 1:13 am
"Absolutely. Did you see that shield? She's some sort of prodigy, even if her social skills are lacking." Perrine tries not to hide her hope that Yoshika will die in a fire or something.
Or tries to. Because, when Jisu is trying to sew, she's just about as distracted as when she has a salad.
Wyverncakes 1:14 am
[Yoshika] The bullets pound into the Neuroi... a few more, a few more... And suddenly it's there, right there! The red core, finally exposed, and the Neuroi apparantly not having expected the attack on it to continue so soon! It's the perfect shot, Yoshika!
(Yoshika, continue/finish it?)
Herc061881 1:16 am
*Yoshika holds up her weapon, poised to finish...and briefly hesitates, a pained gasp heard from the young Witch+
Wyverncakes 1:16 am
(Guess not! Anyone else?)
Doc S 1:17 am
Tsukasa: Damnit.... Cover me!
*FORMRIDE: OOO TAJADOR! TAKA KUJAKU CONDOR! TAAAAJJAAAAADOOORRRRR!♪ And Tsukasa shot into the air until he was barely a dot in the sky...!
And then...
Kamenride: OOO! Final Attackride: OOO! The voice is so tiny you can barely hear it! But then, three enormous rings burst into view, like a enormous halo: one yellow, one green and one red. It's the TaToBa Kick ladies and gentlemen and its coming down from OUT OF THE SUN!&
macprysm 1:18 am
PRME: That technique...is...!!!
Doc S 1:18 am
SCANNING CHARGE! And here comes Tsukasa, crowned with red wings, golden claws and an aura of green blazing from his feet!

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SEEEIYAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And Tsukasa is going to come plummeting down at god knows how fast and how high aimed right for the bulk of the Neruoi!+
Overman Zappa 1:19 am
Mio: "tsukasa..." o.o
ColorKidLalaPink 1:19 am
Perrine: "...Showoff."
Wyverncakes 1:21 am
[Tsukasa] UP! UP HIGHER AND HIHGHER... right before Decade comes slamming down and BLOWS right through the dead center of the Neuroi! The creature screams, right before its body is completely and utterly destroyed!
Wyverncakes 1:21 am
And Tsukasa continues on further down to the grounds, where he lands... actually kind of forcefully! Suddenly the ground cracks!
And before Tsukasa can even blurt out an apology, the ENTIRE SURFACE of the island collapses underneath him, raining down on... OH GOD THERE ARE PEOPLE DOWN THEREE!
Overman Zappa 1:22 am
Mio quickly charges after him. Damnit if she's not letting the whole damn team go underground. "TSUKASAAAAA"
Doc S 1:22 am
Tsukasa: Damnit!
Wyverncakes 1:23 am
[React: Everyone!]
llamaqueen190 1:24 am
Wendell doesn't have anything going for him other than to try to cling to the walls. If there is one thing Sigil is good at, though, is clinging for dear life.+
Doc S 1:24 am
Tsukasa: TCH! *FORMRIDE W GATAKIRIBA! ATTACKRIDE: STRONGEST COMBO! BUGSPAM AHOY! Tsukasa's going to separate into nearly a hundred of himself to try and shield everyone as he turns around, half his clones with their feet extended at the falling rocks! FINAL ATTACKRIDE O-O-O!+
Herc061881 1:25 am
Yoshika was blown back by Tsukasa's initial attack and explosion itself. She's currently falling while holding back closed tears. She had her chance...and failed+
Overman Zappa 1:26 am
Wyverncakes 1:27 am
(Go ahead. It's pretty much a free action)
ColorKidLalaPink 1:27 am
*Perrine flies down and adds her shield to the pile.+
"Why would people be underground!?"
Doc S 1:28 am
Tsukasa Clones 1 through 10: How should I/we know?!
Overman Zappa 1:28 am
*Mio zips over and goes to save the newbie before the man thing she likes. Of course, in catching her, it's more like embracing a child in her arms. Dawww+
ColorKidLalaPink 1:29 am
Perrine: [WHAT.]
macprysm 1:29 am
PRIME adds his onw dakka to the effort, as well.
Wyverncakes 1:29 am
[Tsukasa] GataKiriBa's numerous copies do a hell of a job destroying the rocks, sure. But suddenly you might notice a green energy of another source coming out from the underground!
A tiny little machine with a face shoots up out from the ground right in front of all of you!
macprysm 1:30 am
PRIME: ...Enemy reinforcements?! Now?!
NightlitEquinox 1:30 am
Simon opens the hatch and stares at the sky above and all around him with a wide smile on his face, "That's the sky?"
Jaydee 1:30 am
(Can Lynette communicate?)
EricOverbringer 1:30 am
Kamina: "See? I told you we made it!"
*would make it
NightlitEquinox 1:31 am
Simon "It's so beautiful and..." He looks around, "What are all these people doing here?"
EricOverbringer 1:31 am
Kamina: "Dunno. I'm sure it'll work out though"
Wyverncakes 1:31 am
(Yes. She can come up now)
NightlitEquinox 1:31 am
He fails to notice that Lagann is running low on power... and unfortunately without power it can't fly... So it slowly stops ascending and then predictably... starts to do the opposite.
EricOverbringer 1:32 am
Kamina: "What the- Simon! Turn the boosters back on!"
Jaydee 1:32 am
Lynette's voice comes from her Witches' Communicator: "Everyone! Hold fire! That's one of ours!"
"Get the engines on, you two!" ... Not going to end well.
Overman Zappa 1:32 am
Mio isn't sure how to regard the new arrival, but... it's falling now. "PRIME! Can you do anything?" Oh hey look, Lynette! "Bishop!" Mio's carrying Yoshika!
NightlitEquinox 1:32 am
Simon panics, "I DON'T KNOW HOW!"
ColorKidLalaPink 1:32 am
Perrine: "Sergeant Bishop?"
macprysm 1:32 am
PRIME: ...roger that. Wendell, can you catch that thing?
EricOverbringer 1:32 am
NightlitEquinox 1:33 am
Simon closes the hatch and starts to pray!
Doc S 1:33 am
Tsukasa: Well isn't this a merry sight to behold.
NightlitEquinox 1:33 am
Yeah... not really helping much.
llamaqueen190 1:33 am
Wendell: I can't fly. It's all I can do NOT to fall.
Jaydee 1:34 am
Lynette: "It's a long story! Is Yoshika--" She gets only a glimpse of that. But in the face of seeing Simon and Kamina falling, might as well try something.
Herc061881 1:34 am
Yoshika: "...LYNNE!" She's crying tears of joy against Mio's shoulder.
Doc S 1:34 am
Several clones bound out from the bottom, the ones who weren't spent in the Final Attackride to try and go catch them.
Jaydee 1:34 am
She flies to catch one of them -- Simon or Kamina. The clones may help carrying the other
Wyverncakes 1:35 am
Great thing about a crapton of clones? They do a hell of a job, push comes to shove, just being cushions
EricOverbringer 1:35 am
Doc S 1:35 am
Tsukasa Clone #43: Hey. What's up.
Wyverncakes 1:35 am
The Lagann crashes down onto a patch of solid ground, numerous bug riders underneath him.
NightlitEquinox 1:35 am
Simon opens his eyes, "We're alive?" He asks meekly.
Jaydee 1:35 am
Lynette: "Um... Aaah--" She looks worried. "Tsukasa, are you alright!?"
Doc S 1:36 am
Tsukasa waves from his prone position on the ground, having hit ages ago.
Tsukasa: I'm going to lay here, broken, bruised, bleeding... it's a nice ceiling isn't it?
He's out of henshin too.
llamaqueen190 1:36 am
Wendell sighs and finishes his struggle to the surface.
NightlitEquinox 1:37 am
Simon opens the hatch. People might note that neither Kamina nor Simon is wearing a shirt.
Wyverncakes 1:37 am
Well, there's a crapton of destruction all around. But fortunately, the village is safe
Jaydee 1:37 am
Your sister disagrees. She flies towards him. "We'll get you somewhere well, Tsukasa. Hold on. I will not lose you again."
NightlitEquinox 1:37 am
Simon "Hey bro. Uh...so we're on the surface. What do we do now?"
Wyverncakes 1:37 am
Some semi-wrecked, Ganmen can be seen below, showing no signs of activity, as is the Gunzar as well.
EricOverbringer 1:38 am
Kamina: "Now"
Doc S 1:38 am
Tsukasa: Thanks... Lynne...
Wyverncakes 1:38 am
People are filing out to look up at the sky, their eyes wide in disbelief and their mouths hanging open...
EricOverbringer 1:38 am
"I'm gonna get that big Red Face"
"I decided that I like it'
Wyverncakes 1:38 am
"The... the world above..."
macprysm 1:38 am
PRIME just give an ironic grin. "Great. More idiots...we're out of enemy target, I'm heading back to the Chalice. Gotta get this arm patched up. Prolly should get that looked at, camera-boy..." *He grabs Reinheit's severed arm and prepares to boost off.
Doc S 1:38 am
He's bleeding a lot too. All of those attacks was just going to take its toll on him.
NightlitEquinox 1:38 am
Simon "Okay..." He doesn't know what Kamina means, but he will let it go.
Overman Zappa 1:39 am
Mio can't baby you right now, she's only just letting Yoshika out of her arms. "Kadoya... WHat have I TOLD YOU about being reckless
llamaqueen190 has left the room. 1:39 am
Doc S 1:40 am
Tsukasa looks over at Mio and manages a shaky grin, blood coating his eye. "Has anyone told you you're absolutely gorgeous when you're mad at me?" Yeah he must be delirious... right?
EricOverbringer 1:41 am
Assuming the crowd of witches is anywhere near the ground, Kamina is going to walk over
Overman Zappa 1:41 am
That'll fluster and shut the Major up in a second. "You've... obviously been hit in the head, Kadoya." But hse's blushing all the same
Mio will greet you, strange shirtless man!
EricOverbringer 1:41 am
And say stuff that can probably be logged out later
Herc061881 1:41 am
Yoshika takes this time to run toward Lynette and Tsukasa. "Lynne! Tsukasa...!"
macprysm 1:41 am
PRIME turns on his external speaker: "Oi, new guy in that little face! Wanna come save the world with us? It's pretty fun, sometimes."
EricOverbringer 1:41 am
in his IC intro post that will be up shortly
macprysm 1:42 am
*completely not showing any intrest in injured teammate*
ZebulonCrispi has left the room. 1:42 am
NightlitEquinox 1:42 am
Simon "Uh... bro BRO!" Simon leaps out of Lagann and follows Kamina. Holding his leg, and being generally shy around the strange surface people.
Wyverncakes 1:42 am
macprysm has left the room. 1:44 am
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