[After slowly accepting that she could be both a girl and a hero, Mad was slowly coming to grips with her feminity. Sure she would still flinch at the sight of the PreDesu's Holographic AIs but she was getting better... more or less. Such as it was she decided to try her hand at the things she decried as 'girly'... however: ]
The 'gory' details )
Comments 127
[Mad may just catch POTPOURRI flying off at a whispered request from its master.]
Yeah... well... I was hoping maybe it could be something I could get right for once... I can't get anything done right today...
[At this she scowled and just buried her face in her palms out of frustration.]
Aside from what you've been doing today, what were your hobbies before this?
[Mad just went silent... wait... does this mean...]
I... don't have any... I didn't make time for any...
It was your first time doing those things Maddy. Don't get so down on yourself.
[This coming from the person running around taking any request.]
But I did so fucking BADLY!!
[There was a momentary pause before she gave Madoka a sidelong glare.]
And DON'T call me Maddy...
[This came out as a tired hiss... she really didn't like that nickname.]
What's wrong with Maddy? I think it's a nice name.
...My friends used to call me that when I was younger. I... acted like a jerk to them when I started trying to be a hero like my dad... I... I don't want to remember that...
[Because it hurts too much.]
Is everything alright?
[A low and exasperated groan.]
Seriously. Nobody can fuck up as much as I did at this...
[Yes, definitely familiar.]
You do not have to be good at everything. Perhaps it is just not your thing.
This is also your first encounter with the Major... isn't it?]]
[Mad snaps straight to attention, looking right at the pantless Major in shock.]
Who-what-...where the hell are your pants?!
(Ooc: Uh...Which prompt?)
But that's not why I've come to see you. I've been watching and you've made repeated disasters on the ship.
[Mad just thumps her head hard on her bed. Also to get away from looking at the pantsless person present.]
ARGHBLARGH [And he's taking a spray of water to the face too] Don't stand there! We have to stop the water flow! Get me a wrench or somethi-ARGH! [And a pressurized stream escapes through his fingers and hits him squarely in the eye. Ouch.]
[Mad dashes away to get a tool box, leaving trails of soap behind her. When she returns she pulls out the WRONG sort of wrench for the situation and makes thing worse. HOW? BY HITTING THE MACHINE REPEATEDLY!]
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