As Water Unto Wine (the "All Thy Passions" Remix) Part Three

Sep 25, 2017 20:05

Title: As Water Unto Wine (the “All Thy Passions” Remix)
Author: sroni
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Rating: PG-13, I think. No worse than the show, really.
Disclaimer: Characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Television, the WB, and UPN.
Original story: “ As Moonlight Unto Read more... )

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Comments 3

velvetwhip September 26 2017, 05:35:11 UTC
I am really intrigued by the dynamics here and very eager to see what happens next between Angel and Liam!



aadler September 28 2017, 02:23:16 UTC
So far our sroni is more or less paralleling canon, but naturally the differences will make differences. Considering that my original covered the three first BtVS seasons and into the second of A:tS, she has to either write one LONG remix, or start skipping from ep to ep as I did.

My orig did mention ‘gunfire at the Bronze’, at that point still concealing that this wasn’t quite the same Angel we’d known from canon. If I had to guess, I’d expect that the more belligerently masculine Liam would go for a pump shotgun (as Angelus did in “Release”, A:ts 4-14), rather than the twin pistols Darla favored. Apart from that, I can’t guess, and - like you - shall just have to wait and see.


aadler September 28 2017, 02:04:28 UTC
You continue to build on the characterization of Kathy/Angel, making her increasingly (but not jarringly) distinct from canon Angel, and continue to lay out the ‘missing’ narrative from my original. I thought in Part Two that you had varied from my story (by having the new Scoobs discover KA’s vampire nature all but immediately), but Kathy’s truthful evasion manages to steer clear of this.

It does seem to me that Giles - with his longer and deeper knowledge of supernatural ‘norms’ - would be extremely inquisitive regarding (or even directly suspicious of) some non-Slayer person who could slug it out with vampires and come away unmaimed. This is a potential snare that your more proactive Kathy/Angel has come within range of, which the original Liam/Angel avoided through the apathy and passivity he still hadn’t yet got beyond.

(I’ve also posted further on my own WIP. Maybe we can both finish before the month is out.)


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