i-Race is the Indian Institute of Technology’s (IIT) iconic running race that is held simultaneously in cities across the globe. It is a unique race where runners race against themselves to compete with every other participant across the world. The i-Race organizers have developed a complex and sophisticated
mathematical model to compare one's performance with one’s ideal best.
One such run happens every 4 months. Second run in the series was held today at Embassy Golf Links IT Park, Domlur, Bangalore. I was there with a few other friends. We reached the venue on our cycles and did a 5K run (I planned to do a 10K, but my calf muscles gave up after first loop). We took out our cycles and did cycling for the second loop and cycled back home. A good 25K cycling + 5K running on a cold Saturday morning...nice way to start a weekend.
As there was no better thing to do for the rest of the day, I headed for office. One of my colleagues, who was in office to actually work, proposed to go for lunch to a good place. We chose Bay Leaf, Raheja Arcade, Koramangala, an expensive restaurant, particularly if you go for À la carte (with extremely different reviews on the Internet). Bay Leaf offers a decent buffet, with good starters, priced at 300/-. It is worth a try. I regained all the calories lost during the strenuous morning :-)