
Aug 25, 2009 08:32

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Comments 16

sandyosullivan August 25 2009, 13:57:55 UTC
She's from Brisbane! What a woman... exactly!


sravenk August 25 2009, 20:34:21 UTC
Is she? Right on, Brisbane!


sandyosullivan August 26 2009, 04:13:30 UTC
Yeah she is amazing, and while you can sort of tell from this that she's funny, it's not either as funny or as cooly musical as a lot of her stuff. Kate Miller-Heidke - she is really amazing!


sravenk August 26 2009, 11:44:46 UTC
I shall check her out!


mantaraggio August 25 2009, 16:59:49 UTC
I bet you're a pirate, but I don't want to verify it. Yarrrr.


sravenk August 25 2009, 20:33:52 UTC
Oh yeah? Well I bet you're a tomboy! ;-*


stargazer1960 August 25 2009, 20:32:15 UTC
I don't know which is funnier, the vid or your icon!

That was a pleasant surprise after cleaning and putting up posters in my classroom all day.



sravenk August 25 2009, 20:35:02 UTC
Heh! I don't get many chances to use this icon, so I like to use it when possible.

Classes starting again already, eh?


stargazer1960 August 26 2009, 22:34:40 UTC
Yes, first day was today. So far so good.


dathon August 26 2009, 03:38:58 UTC
What a world we live in!

I love her bow, by the way. I think I shall buy one just like it to wear to work.


sandyosullivan August 26 2009, 04:15:12 UTC
Actually Dath, as you walk down the streets of your office (I love that), you can tip your bow to all you pass by. Just remember to use the hand sanitizer! I love your office more than almost anywhere else on earth (I know, I know, I need to not work from home!).


dathon August 26 2009, 15:23:04 UTC
love your office more than almost anywhere else on earth

Right! It's so weird to remember that I brought you here. I felt a little goofy about it after the fact, so I'm glad it had such a good impression on you.

(coming to you live from Continuity Dr.)


sravenk August 26 2009, 20:49:12 UTC
I'm jealous. I didn't get the office tour. *sigh* Next time, I guess.


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