Ahem. This is serious business. FANDOM is serious business, damnit... no matter what drama crops up from time to time, I LOVE THIS FANDOM and all the really nifty, wonderful, cool, talented, smart, witty, wonderful people I've met in the years that I've been involved in the HP world. *huggles the fandom world*
Now then...
We Are Wizards is
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Comments 19
If I weren't 5 hours away I would totally come out.
...So basically you're saying that I suck for not getting one of my parents to drive out to Chicago for it?
You don't suck. But parents driving you there? It's something you should consider =] lol.
=) have fun.
I'd totally go with you if I lived in Chicago, btw. lol.
Love, Anna [goes to search for Wicked icon]
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