Charlotte has 4 teeth now, and she's happily learning how to grind them. Sounds quite similar to two rocks being ground against each other and it's icky. She's also getting very mobile, she scoots around backwards on her tummy or sometimes forwards on her bottom. Babyproofing the house is now becoming an urgent issue.
Charlotte's third tooth emerged from the gum yesterday. Finally!! Her favourite thing at the moment is watches aparently, along with the data side of cd's and tearing my face off.
Charlotte is really getting into the babbling now. All I can really make out is mamamama not neccessarily directed at me, wawawawawa and a few other ending in a sounds
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Mum and Chris decided that she needed them to help her with her teething and I caved and said she could try one, and lo and behold she loves them. But they're sooooo messy *grumble*
Since Charlotte has learned to turn over in her cot, I've been finding her lying on her tummy quite often when I go in to pick her up after nap-time
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