Title: TIme in Lieu Of
Part: 2/2 [this was broken into 18 parts on the kink meme]
Warnings: AU crack fic of crackness. Considerable volumes of OOC. Unintended cross over with Good Omens.
Prompt Link:
http://sherlockbbc-fic.livejournal.com/4076.html?thread=10033900#t10033900Prompt: John Watson has three siblings, not one...and together they are the
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Comments 12
Psst, part of the scene where John scares the hell out of Sebastian is double posted.
It is the greatest thing ever and I want to live in your genius brain.
I read the whole thing in one go - it's now dawn, and I've just finished devouring the developing sequel over at the meme too. THIS IS HOW AWESOME YOU ARE.
I can't wait to read the rest of the sequel you have in store. *2 thumbs up*
I really hope you will finish your epilogue and post it here too.
In any case, your characterization is spot on. Thanks for sharing!
Like you I love seeing John as more than a mere mortal, although he has to be seeing what he puts up with from Sherlock!!
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