The Reason For Trials

Jan 05, 2011 17:17

Many of us as Christians wonder why God puts us in certain situations. We constantly go to God in prayer saying, “Why God? Why are you doing this to me?” For one thing, God knows exactly what He’s doing. He knows where the trials are headed and what will become of it. Some trials are brought upon ourselves because of wacky decisions we made. But regardless, we often try to figure out why God would allow these things to happen. I feel that there are three main reasons why our Father lets us go through these things.
The first reason is the most common: to strengthen us in our walk with Him. James often spoke of trials and temptations in his small portion of the New Testament. He basically tells us that trials “develop perseverance”. He also goes on to say, “Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” (James 1:4). The one thing that sums up chapter one of James is this: the stronger the trial, the closer you get to God. This should be true for all Christians. Not only should we go to God in the bad, but we should go to God in thanksgiving during the good. Far too often, Christians seem to forget that God is a God of joy. So be joyful in your trials because this means that you are drawing near to Him. The closer you are to God, the better you will perform in the next big issue.
We also find that God puts us through trials to minister to others. How often do you come across someone that is going through something that we ourselves had to put up with? The Bible says that the word of our testimony drives away demons and shakes the gates of Hell. Your testimony of how God pulled you through a situation could encourage someone else and they can also beat Satan. If they are an unbeliever, chances are they could come to repentance and you can lead them to Christ. In fact, God puts those opportunities in front of us every single day, but we either choose to ignore them or we just don’t notice. We need to always stay alert for a signal from God. But remember, it is not you that saves. You do the work of pointing them to Christ. Christ does the ultimate work in their heart. Don’t be discouraged when you are going through something. That trial could be the very heart of your testimony to someone else.
The last one is the hardest to understand. Sometimes we bring things upon ourselves that was completely out of God’s will. God lets us go through those trials because He wants to teach us a lesson. Remember David and Bathsheba? God let David go through the hurt to teach him that what he did was very wrong. I know that most of us Christians would not go as far as murdering someone else’s spouse to get to the one we want, but we do some pretty crazy stuff. Let’s start with something simple. Remember when you were in high school and you decided not to study? You got a D on the science test. Not only did you have to put up with your GPA going down drastically, but your parents probably grounded you or made you study more instead of going out with friends. That is God’s way of telling you that sometimes your education is more important than going out partying until 3 in the morning. How about that boyfriend or girlfriend? Ever cheated on them or did something wrong to them? They probably wanted to break up with you. God is teaching you not to cheat and lie. He never intended for relationships to be broken like that. So you see, God can be very reprimanding.
All three of these reasons are viable in my opinion. I can completely relate to the first and last ones. God will tell me when its time to live out the second reason. There is at least one reason that seems familiar to you. Maybe you are going through sickness or are worried about the next house payment. Let me tell you something; the Lord will provide. He is also the Healer and Great Physician. Take your needs to the Lord and leave them there. Don’t forget that you can use this trial as part of your testimony to someone else. Maybe you have made a mistake and you are not sure how to fix it. God forgives and will keep forgiving. The Bible says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Maybe you just need to go apologize to your parents, or find a new group of friends to hang out. Whatever it is, just be right with God. No Christian should walk in the darkness not knowing where they will be when they leave this Earth. The cemeteries are full of people who never knew the Lord, and you should not be one of them. If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and you want to be saved, say this simple prayer out loud:
Lord, I know I am a sinner. I want to ask you to forgive me of my sins and come into my life. I believe you died on the cross for me. I want you to be Lord and Master of my life from now on. Thank you for your sacrifice. I pray this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

The Bible says that God is not willing that anyone should perish, but have eternal life. If you have prayed that prayer above, you now have eternal salvation in His Son. The next step is to join a church and be baptized if you haven’t already.

If you just need a rededication, here is your prayer:
Father, I have really messed up lately. I have not lived by your Word, and I have not walked in the light as I should. I rededicate my life to you and your will. Take my life and mold it into what you want it to be. I want to restore the joy I once had when I was saved for the first time. I pray this through Jesus Christ, Amen.

If you prayed the rededication prayer, God will live up to His promise to stay close to you and guide you. He will give you His Holy Spirit to convict you of your wrongdoings.

trials, jesus, prayer

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