Sarah Mayspring; SuperGlee App

Nov 27, 2011 22:33

About You
Name: Squid/Joose
Email: //
AIM name: squidded
Timezone: GMT
RP Experience: Much of a muchness
Did you read the rules? Yes.

About The Character
Name: Sarah Marie Mayspring
Journal: (pending)sg_sarah
Graduation Year: 2013 (Junior)
School Activities: Music club, paranormal club, craft club, yearbook, dead poets society
Class Schedule: Open to suggestion; needs English (likely an advanced class), music, and psychology.
After School Job: weekends at local bakery
Sexuality: Ambiguous (at current undetermined by Sarah, as her crushes tend to be on anything although she's never been kissed or in a relationship)
Birthday & Other Important Dates: November 12th (birthday), August 19th (grandmother dies), June 5th (the sickness of all sicknesses hits), November 28th (transfer to McKinley High)
Supernatural Ability: Mediumship: ability to see and communicate with the dead. Level undetermined.

Appearance: Sarah stands at a grand total of five foot eight (she boasts another two inches when she stands on her tippy-toes) and weighs little more than ninety six pounds. She's typically a petite, waif, underweight little thing, which makes her a slightly skittery girl. Her eyes are light grey and a brought out brilliantly with her dyed bright red hair, (naturally she has light brown hair, but she finds that tragically boring) and porcelain pale, almost talc white compared to some others and often giving her the ghastly appearance of a corpse.

Sarah dresses for the Victorian era; bloomers, corsets, underskirts and all. Although she maintains a 'modern' wardrobe at times, all of Sarah's clothes have a red heart stitched into them. Her boots are usually a size too big and never tied properly thus, often thump rather loudly. This is mostly her throw back to her great-grandmother's wardrobe and playing dress up as a child. She could live in thrift stores and is not unknown to wander around in little more than a night shirt or a sheet.

Additionally, Sarah has a few scars. There are slight burn marks along Sarah's ribs from and accidental electroshock incident on terribly delicate skin, small scars along her wrists from injuries which are never spoken about, a tiny scar on the left side of her bottom lip which she bit through stopping herself from crying and a thick gash on the inside of her left thigh which she will never explain but was self inflicted.

As a sufferer of tachyphemia, Sarah's speech is fairly distinguished. Sarah often refers to herself in third person, speaks in rhymes or riddles, interrupts herself with an answer to a question she asked herself in a thought process, diverges on tangents mid-conversation, and has been prone to quoting random poetry or verses from plays. This is often called 'cluttering' in therapy groups but Sarah has never sought treatment.

When clear minded, Sarah displays an excellent grasp on the English language and a well mannered and annunciated ability with words. She is well spoken, well learned and articulate.

Played-By: Emilie Autumn;

Likes & Dislikes: likes; liquorice, baths, running around bare foot, classical music, classic literature, sunsets, graveyards and multicoloured socks.

dislikes; noon, artificially flavoured liquorice, Spanish, high heels, rules and blank nails.

Strengths & Weaknesses: strengths; open minded (like, no one shut the barn door), suspended belief of reality, well off, flexible

weakness; accepts things at face value, suspended belief of reality, may be batshit insane, speech-mental-personality disorders by the bucket load

Personality: Complexity at its finest, Sarah is a walking contradiction as far as personalities go. While she can be a little socially awkward, she tends to always be in the thick of things. An only child, Sarah is used to having her own way and always having attention when she wants it. While this changed for a while, Sarah soon learned that when she wanted attention, she just had to turn her powers to the person in question and she got it.

Sarah tends to lose herself in emotions, she feels things so purely simply because she lacks the will to judge people for their lives, as such she is wholly accepting of everyone and their belief or opinion and chooses simply not to care about draw backs. This sometimes takes a toll on her usually easy going nature. Sarah can go from zero to sixty in less than ten seconds and usually push herself to a mentally unstable limit thanks to her dependency on people and their presence. It makes her cautious of connections but dependent on company which is difficult to balance.

Sarah's speech disorder; known as tachyphemia or cluttering, means that she regularly flits through conversations at an alarming rate and often with little structure at all. She's prone to speaking about herself in third person and usually rhymes things. This may hinder her social interactions of a face to face level, however through a screen she can function perfectly normally.

Relationships: Mother&Father; Sarah isn't particularly 'close' to her parents, although loved and cherished, she is more like a prize example of their ability to produce a child than any love for the person she is.

Nan-Nan; Sarah's great-grandmother Charlotte, who passed away just three years ago, was Sarah's most loved person in the world. She misses her Nan-Nan every day like a limb, and often resorts to having imagined conversations with a hallucination of her.

Background: A single child in a fairly affluent area, Sarah Mayspring was the pride and joy of her parents when she was born. Doted on and loved dearly, the young, wide eyed girl was exceptionally outgoing, displaying prodigy like abilities in numerous areas of her sophisticated life. Classical music was a passion, and throughout her childhood she learned to play numerous instruments at the encouragement of her loving parents. Her favoured instrument was the violin.

At the age of twelve, her parents noticed she was somewhat 'odd', but they put it down to the eccentric lifestyle of Nan-Nan and moved on. Sarah's life revolved around literature, violin and fantasy life. When Sarah hit fourteen, it was easily seen that her speech patterns were not as 'normal' children's would be; she used third person, out-dated words, riddles and rhymes. She was diagnosed with tachyphemia, but never treated in any licensed manner as her parents felt the time off work was a waste. It was during this stage in her life that Sarah suffered severe bullying due to the abnormalities in her personality. She was fifteen when she took her Papa's old razor to her thigh for the first and only time.

From her enrolment through to her junior year, Sarah attended Madame Fairweather's School for Girls in Elizabeth, New Jersey. It was a private run school and thus standards of achievement and behaviour were very high. Up until the beginning of her junior year, Sarah had no problems at the school. However, during the summer, while home in Lima with her parents, Sarah took unwell and her parents believe that perhaps that fever is still somewhat affecting her. It further highlighted certain oddities about Sarah.

Madame Fairweather claimed that Sarah was no longer welcome at the school following several incidents where she claimed 'ghosts made her do it' to justify her shocking behaviour. Deciding that perhaps home was the best place for Sarah, her parents enrolled her in their old high school, William McKinley, to finish her last two years.

Plot Intentions: Anyone got a dead relative? Ideally, Sarah's little oddities will come into play if/when there are deaths within families or around Lima. Otherwise, she'd like to creep make new friends and experience public school for the first time ever.

Sample Journal Entry: Mother claims that emotions rule the logical components of the relative mind. Father claims that experience and learning shape the logical thinking. Papa believed that human nature was to consume and destroy without restraint. Nan-Nan says, and her reasoning is perhaps the most easily comprehended for the illogical mind, that the universe is an all reaching and ever adapting place, that logical and science has no place in the adaptable reasoning.

She tells me, little mocking bird, that the solar system has plans.

We do so dearly wish to be included, it's terribly lonely, gaseous planets and molten rock, playing the revolving game all alone, waiting for the fence to fall. Nan-Nan promises for it to be soon.

It's not soon yet, but soon is coming.

Let's have tea ready for him.

Sample Third Person RP: For what Sarah had always believed, beyond the now and the then and what she believed still to come, she always held the regard of those around her in high esteem. Sitting in Madame Fairweather's office, abashed and scolded, she felt that perhaps they were over looking the all encompassing picture here.

Her tales and fables never extended past the romanticised fairy tales of the darling literary world of old. Her flights of fancy often sparkled with the make-believe and extra ordinary. How could they not see, why would they not listen.

"They don't understand." She wished so dearly that Richard would just bite his tongue for once. The child was ever so forth giving with his opinion in matters which oft did not concern the interjections of a wilful nine year old. "It's not them, it's you." Naturally, he was a terribly kind boost to her own ego. Mayhaps the reason entirely for her putting up with him.

"Now, now, little Dick, we mustn't interrupt the Madame," Sarah shot a look at Richard, ever ignoring the half glare on the lads face, "'tis tragically rude." Madame Fairweather indeed did not look pleased. Her arms crossed over heavy bosom as she evaluated Sarah there in her office.

"Ms Mayspring, as accepting as we've been of your eccentric nature due to the talent with which you display and the funding in which your parents offer, there is a line, and I'm afraid you've crossed it."

"You see, you see what you've done." She held Richard entirely responsible for this. "Ever so sorry, Madame, we are. It won't ever happen again, we promise it so." She tried to plead, hoping that she could dig them out of the situation Richard and his little stories had got them into. "No more scavenger hunts, we promise."

She'd stop digging, she would. Richard had to be lying about the treasure anyway, all they'd found were rocks and dirt and old bones.

"Sarah, I'm sorry." Madame Fairweather shook her head, sighing softly, "you're parents are picking you up at the airport in Ohio, we're sending you home with the recommendation to see a professional about this." They were making her leave, they'd kicked her out. Richard got her banished!

"You made them see and they still won't listen," Richard hissed at her, angry from the corner, his little face scrunching up, "they aren't going to do anything!" He hit his fists on the desk, going straight through and Sarah sighed.

"Now you've upset him, Madame. We're so sorry, he just gets a little insecure sometimes. It's hard for him you see, only having half a face." Richard just pouted, his left eye glaring while his right side remained impassive, blank and rotting. "We'll pack our things, we understand." She stood from her chair, head bowed. "Do tell the cook we're sorry, no one meant to leave the body. He said it was treasure and we thought it gold, although understandably, he was probably getting cold."

Sarah left the office, Richard trailing behind her as they went.

"You could've told me what we were digging, silly little lamb, I'd have brought a warmer coat."

Sarah Mayspring left Madame Fairweather's School for Girls with wild stories about buried bodies and murdered stable boys. Richard watched her leave from the window of her former room.
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