Brittany S. Pierce; SuperGlee App

Aug 23, 2011 00:47

About You
Name: Squid
AIM name: squidded
RP Experience: several years LJ rp, more AIM, all told 7+ years
Did you read the rules and the FAQ? Yes.

About The Character
Name: Brittany S. Pierce
Graduation Year: 2012 (Senior)
School Activities: Cheerio Cheerleader, Glee Club member, (honorary) Brainiac
Class Schedule: English 10, American Government, Gym, Geometry, French II, Chemistry, Dance
After School Job: Store stacker (and occasional demonstrator/standard checker) at ToyS!
Sexuality: Bi-Curious/Bisexual
Birthday & Other Important Dates: Birthday: October 9th. Lord Tubbington's Birthday: January 12th. Charity (other cat) Birthday: June 22nd. National Cat Day: October 29th.
Supernatural Ability: Will be assigned randomly by the mod at time of acceptance.

Appearance: Brittany is a five-foot-eight blonde bombshell. With blue eyes and blonde hair, she's the stereotypical cheerleader type. She's slim and toned, something that comes from years of not only excelling in Cheerleading but also a deep love for dance. Brittany doesn't typically over do it with make-up, with her naturally pale complexion, she just adds a bit of a glow to her cheeks and goes -she's attractive without all those additives clogging up her skin.

Out of her Cheerio's uniform, Brittany has a rather colourful and eccentric sense of style. She likes to showcase her legs -because, they are pretty fantastic- and has a rather varied collection of questionable head gear. Although she does have a rather wild style, it has been proven that she can set trends with the strangest of outfits, even when they've been ridiculed before.

Likes & Dislikes: Likes: Cats, Dots, Ken and Barbie's epic romance, dancing and singing, Rachel Berry's My Hairband, lipsmackers.

Dislikes: Being called stupid, animal attacks, being at the bottom of the pyramid.

Strengths & Weaknesses: Strengths: Choreography, Hairography, Fashion Trends.

Weaknesses: Intelligence (or lack of), Santana, child like beliefs, very gullible.
Personality: While it is easy to believe that Brittany, as a Cheerio, could or can be mean spirited, it's not exactly the case. Brittany is a sweet, kind hearted if somewhat simple girl. At times, Britt can be a tad blunt, occasionally being mean with her words if not her intentions. As best friends with Santana and, for a time, Quinn, Brittany often made fun of the lower classmen and the 'gleeks' before she joined with her fellow Cheerio's to spy for Coach Sylvester.

Britt is a compassionate girl, as seen by her genuine friendship with Becky Jackson. Although proudly promiscuous, Brittany has an innocent and fragile demeanour. She tends to rely on the guidance of others, most notably her best friend, Santana, to the point that during the summer holidays, she gets lost in the sewers. She has an aversion to violence, particularly between her friends, a love for animals, especially birds and cats, she has been known to have kept a bird in her locker.

Possibly the ultimate 'dumb blonde', Brittany is aware of her failings intelligence wise, however she is very sensitive to being called stupid. She has only recently learned the end of the alphabet, doesn't know how to turn on a computer, cannot read a calender, presumably has no sense of direction (she was lost in the sewers for the summer) and regularly gets words mixed up with similar sounding ones. Additionally, Britt has a somewhat childish belief in make-believe and fairy tales, to this day she still believes in Santa, thinks the stork delivers babies and that magic exists. Mostly, Britt gives of a rather child-like nature which fosters a sort of protective nature in her friends, mostly noted in Santana and Artie's attempts to keep Britt's belief alive.

Relationships: Brittany boasts that she has made out with or had sex with every male at McKinley -including Kurt, who is gay, and Mr Kindey, the janitor. However, while Brittany is rather sexual promiscuous, and has had relations with female classmates, it doesn't exactly mean much to her.

Santana: Santana is, without a doubt, Britt's best friend, no matter what. Brittany loves Santana, possibly as more than a friend, but they've never been at the same stage at the same time to really try to be more than what they have. Britt loves that Santana understands her, never makes her feel like she's dumb and doesn't question what comes out of her mouth. Britt can admit to feeling a little lost when Santana isn't talking to her, she really hates when that happens.

Artie: Still hurt that Artie would call her stupid, Britt isn't exactly sure how she feels about him. He was nice and fun and treated her better than anyone else -once she got over the whole robot-alien-scary thing that she thought he had going on for a while. And he is really sweet. She still cares, she's just not all that impressed with him right now.

Boys: Britt is more than happy with her perfect record concerning the New Directions boys.

Girls: While not close to many of the girls, Brittany does/did share Cheerio's with Quinn and Mercedes, giving them a little oomph over the others. Although Rachel wrote Britt's favourite song and Tina used to date Artie before her.

Background: Brittany Susan was the first child of recently married Diane and Jeremy Pierce. Both with well to do jobs -she as a manager at one of the only high class hotels in Lima and he as a project developer for a housing company, the Pierce's felt that then was as good a time as any to start a family. Brittany was, quite easily, a little bundle of joy. Bright natured and easily soothed, Britt was any first parents dream child.

When Britt started getting older, Diane noticed that she tended to 'play' with imaginary friends and decided that perhaps Britt would be better off with a sibling. Britt was five when her little sister Christina was born. Brittany only got into troube once for leaving Christina at the toy shop, since they wouldn't exchange her for one of the crying Annabelle dolls. Brittany liked Christina fine, but she wasn't exactly 'fun' to play with -there were too many rules. So Brittany mostly played with her Barbies and Fruitbat -the cactus on the landing.

School was fun; her teachers regularly questioned her ability, but Brittany always had a vivid imagination, so she got by mostly without worrying too much about things like 'spelling' and 'tying shoelaces'. For her downfalls academics wise, Brittany had a great sense of coordination and a passion for dance. She was nine when she was signed up for dance classes and that was where her genius really came through. Britt excelled, taking multiple styles of dance and showing signs of being a great performer, although Brittany occasionally felt over shadowed by her class mates. While she didn't have many friends, Brittany got along with most people, but still felt somewhat lonely. Her Mother found the solution in a shop window and then Brittany got her closest ally to date; Lord Tubbington. Although her loyal feline friend occasionally reads her diary and smokes in the house when he knows its against the rules, she's never had someone so willing to listen to her.

When she was enrolled in McKinley High, Brittany already knew what she wanted to do. She wanted to be a Cheerio. It was the closest to being a performer as there really was in McKinley; they were champions, and Brittany wanted to showcase her talents, because she knew dancing and performing really was the highlight of her abilities. Cheerio's made her the first real friend she ever had -sure there were real people through the lower grades, but none of them really got Brittany. Santana, however, didn't see the oddities of Brittany's personality and the pair were fast friends with the bond of cheerleading to start them off.

Much of Brittany's high school life was spent securing her reputation -Cheerio's had to be popular, or they weren't Cheerio's, making sure Coach Sylvester never cut her from the team, and working her way through the male population of the school. Santana and Quinn's causes became Brittany's causes by extension and where Santana led, Britt was sure to follow. The close friendship developed into, what Brittany simply accepted as a casual sexual hook-up from time to time, mostly when Santana was between partners.

Under Quinn's leadership, Brittany joined with the Glee club to spy for Coach Sylvester, although it slowly built into much more for all concerned. For Britt it was another chance to dance, she was easily the strongest female dancer which she enjoyed, and found a skill in Choreographing routines.

When they returned for junior year, after spending most of her summer lost in the sewer, Britt was just as glad as most that Glee survived the year. Although Coach Sylvester made her lie about the football Coach, and Mr Schue made her tell the truth, Britt was mostly caught up in the tug-of-war for power between Santana and Quinn. The relationship with Santana got more nad more complicated and Brittany felt somewhat lost when Santana pulled away from her. Prompting her to strike up a friendship with Artie -who she'd previously believed was a robot- to do a Duet project with her for Glee. It didn't end well, she took Artie's virginity but lost his friendship and it left her bummed out a bit.

It turned out okay though; making up with Santana and Artie and her making up and being boyfriend and girlfriend -most people didn't bother being her boyfriend after they'd made out or ha sex, but Artie was really great to her and everything. And although Brittany really liked the Cheerio's, and she didn't want the Mama Cannon to go without food for the Baby Cannon's, she really didn't want to die at the cheer Nationals, so she gave up Cheerleading for Glee with her friends. Although it did knock her popularity, she still had glee and Artie so she didn't mind too much. Brittany got to feel smart for a while too, when she was drafted -or bribed- onto the Brainiacs and got to answer a bunch of questions about cat diseases. It felt great being smart for once, although the alphabet is still a little confusing and she still has trouble with figuring out the calenders.

But loving Artie and loving Santana got complicated, and not wanting to hurt Artie hurt Santana and then Artie hurt her and they all broke up. They almost feel like friends, and even though they didn't win Nationals in New York -Santana says it's because Finn and Rachel got gross on stage- Britt's just excited to be back, because 12th isn't that bad.

Plot Intentions: Brittany wants to sort out her relationships -her time with Artie showed her that relationships aren't the same as 'just sex' but they can be just as good. She needs to figure out what she wants from Santana, and if it's even an option or not, and she needs to get enough of a pass grade to graduate at the end of the year.

And the power thing; she needs to figure that stuff out too. If she can. Or get someone to explain it.

Sample Journal Entry: I spent three weeks of this summer trying to find Dutch-land on a map. I can't find it, I even asked at the library and they didn't think it was real. They kept talking about ho-land. Coach Sylvester probably knows, but that's where the prostitutes go.

Fondue for Two has been cancelled until further notice -Lord Tubbington ate through the cable for the fondue fountain. We had to put him and Charity into a cat home for two weeks when we went on vacation, when we came back he hid for two days and then ate the cables on all the kitchen appliances. I think he's developed a drinking habit. We're seeing a specialist tomorrow before school starts so that we can get a head start on his rehabilitation.

The raccoon came back too. Or someone is raiding the bins again.

I need to check up on that restraining order again Bobo.

Sample Third Person RP: While this summer was much better than the previous one -there really aren't many ways you can make a summer worse than spending it trapped and lost in the sewers of Lima- Brittany wasn't exactly thrilled for it to be ending. Pool parties and shopping trips were always more fun that sitting in classes and not following what people were saying.

But Brittany even had an itinerary for the year; her mother had made it with her. She had goals and objectives, a purpose to reach. She had to pass her classes -although getting a C in all of them was going to be hard work, and Britt was looking to get back on the Cheerio's, so long as Coach Sylvester didn't want to launch her out of Mama Cannon again. This year she wasn't even going to make out with any of the Freshmen, because while she did have goals and targets, her mother said that 'spreading it around' wasn't one of those things to be doing. Which was okay, really. Brittany still had things to figure out, and if she really got bored she could just steal boyfriends on the football team.

"It's always hard being popular," Britt had to explain things to Lord Tubbington sometimes, because he just didn't get it. Cats had it easy, she thought, because they didn't have to jump through hoops or learn how to speak French. "Everyone expects so much of you, and when you don't want to, they make you feel like you're doing it wrong." Lord Tubbington didn't respond. "Just because you have like, a court of loyal subjects. It's not easy when you don't have four legs."

Truthfully, she didn't know where their conversation was going. Tubbington was too good at that, he twisted things until they were talking about what he wanted, and that wasn't fair. "I'm going to see if they'll give me a going back to school present at the store. Barbie's car needs an upgrade and Mr Hummel says he doesn't have the parts. We'll just need to trade in the old model for a new one." Spinning on the chair, Brittany watched as Lord Tubbington got up and walked from the room.

"That is very racist. Just because you don't like the Japanese doesn't mean Barbie can't have a Toyota. She found out about Ken and his secretary, she wants the brakes to fail." Britt looked over to the house where Barbie and Ken were living separate, deceitful lives. "She's going to leave you if you don't stop, Ken." The dark haired Theresa doll was sitting in the kitchen with Barbie. "She has options you know."

Standing up, pulling her ToyS! uniform shirt on, Brittany left the room and the twisted love affair of her Barbie's, off to earn some more summer money before the start of school. Maybe they wouldn't yell at her today if she set up the Snakes & Ladders to play.

Other Samples: Thread Sample, from an X-Men based game, me = Rogue.
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