(Skin Deep) Chapter 6: Sweaters/Scared (6/10)

May 09, 2011 13:09

Title: Skin Deep
Part: Chapter 6: Sweaters/Scared
Author: Squeeka Cuomo
Rating: PG-13
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt/Puck, Kurt/OMC, OFC, OMC and appearances by the glee kids.
Author’s Note: This fic takes place both in the future and past.
- I know there are tons of spoilers out for the upcoming episodes. Please don’t post them in the comments.
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(character) noah "puck" puckerman, (chaptered fic) skin deep, (character) kurt hummel, (fandom) glee, (author) squeeka, (ship) kurt/puck

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Comments 40

hey_doey_doey May 9 2011, 18:45:30 UTC
Aaaah new chapter! I flailed when I saw it.

I just want to cuddle both of them. Or possibly knock their heads together and then make them talk.

Looking forward to their dinner. :)


keeper_of_stars May 9 2011, 20:08:53 UTC
LOL, yay. :)

Honestly, I think that both of those options seem like a good idea. :P

Thank so much!


tainted_w0rld May 9 2011, 19:03:00 UTC
That was a nice chapter...
Still the "i was scared" excuse doesn't work for me è_é I hope he has another one because pfft.
Well...I'm waiting to see how their rendez vous will be...(and how it will end.)

But...I stil can't understand the reason why they broke up "life" whut...like you can't have a long distance relationship without breaking not even officially with the person you used to loved a lot? Aish, I wonder if everything will be explain later because duh- I really can't get his point of view. (Ok you'll say that...Kurt hadn't explain his point of view yet but well.)
And yeah...I can also understand that they were busy with their own life and school and everything but...Then...Why did he say something like it will work blablabla XD...-x: sorry-

"But part of him was desperate to spend time with Kurt, if only as old friends."

Aww, that was so...desperatly sweet. I really liked this part XD.

Well I end this comment with saying I can't wait to be next monday ! :)


keeper_of_stars May 9 2011, 20:15:47 UTC
Hmmm, I'm sorry that Kurt's reason didn't work for you. But that is the reason. There won't be any other explanantion.

As for life and long distance relationships... They just fell apart. They promised to stay together when the seventeen. So they were just children. Being that far apart, at that young an age will effect relationships. I'm not saying all long distance relationships are doomed to fail, but this one couldn't take it.

Have you ever heard the expression "life is what happens while you're making other plans"? Becuase that's exactly what happened. They had all kinds of plans, but then reality set in and they just fell apart.

Perhaps it's an age thing (I'm 28), but this makes sense to me. I've been there. I've had quite a few strong relationships fail becuase of distance. That's just life. :shrug:

Hopefully that helps you understand my view point a little.

I'm glad that you liked that part. Thank you. :)


tainted_w0rld May 9 2011, 20:36:49 UTC
No well I totally understand your point of view and what happened in the fic. This what sadly happens everytime (or almost). When you live so far, you...Well even if you used to be so close and everything it's a time who...you just continue your own life, and keep going on...I already lived that thing and well..I totally understand ( ... )


keeper_of_stars May 15 2011, 04:25:12 UTC
Ah, ok. I see what you mean. I'd love to have things be different, but I strive for realism. And to have it be that easy for them just wouldn't be realisitc. And it wouldn't make for a very interesting read either.

Thanks again. I'm glad you liked it. :)


thynameislove May 9 2011, 20:33:05 UTC
I think I get it. I mean Kurt's reason. They were to young to stay together forever. I also thinkthough that the reason why it meant so much more for puck was that during highschool puck had a lot of relationships and was already quite mature for his age. Whereas Kurt only had puck. To b held down like that at such a young age without meeting other people is insane and nearly impossible. I'm sure some people manage to do it but I'm thinking thy most don't.

Distance is also a big factor. Life pulled them into different directions and gave them different plans or better plans than the ones they already had.

I hope Kurt and puck end up together again. Kurt shouldn't be with Biff. By the way what kind of name is that?!


el_gilliath May 9 2011, 23:21:45 UTC
Biff is the Norwegian word for steak if that helps any :P


thynameislove May 10 2011, 01:15:06 UTC
Steak? haha love it XD


keeper_of_stars May 15 2011, 04:28:35 UTC
YES. Exactly. You totally get it. :) They were to young and the distance was to much for them. So life happened. That's all there is to it.

I totally agree that Kurt shouldn't be with Biff. :P LOL, Biff is just an awful name. When I came up with him, the name Biff came instantly to mind. I was reading this book by Christopher Moore called "The Stupidest Angel" and the angel's name is Biff. And he is... stupid, lol. It seemed appropriate. :D

Thanks so much!


littleleggylulu May 9 2011, 22:37:58 UTC
Like so much...I was very excited to see you updated! I want to see this in movie version...desperately!


keeper_of_stars May 15 2011, 04:29:22 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it. Ooooh, a movie version would be a lot of fun! :D

Thanks again.


el_gilliath May 9 2011, 23:22:22 UTC
Oh author, how you break my heart with this story. I love it, it's just absolutely amazing.


keeper_of_stars May 15 2011, 04:30:07 UTC
*tries to glue your hear back together* Thank you so much. That's great to hear. :D


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