Screw theatre girls! Seriously. I tried to fit in with them at first, but then I realized why do I want to fit in with people who annoy me? Try out for the next show and forget about them. Do what you want. Working crew is fun too. I did that a lot if I didn't get a part in a show. I even stage managed, which I also enjoyed. But don't make your decisions on what you will audition for based on them. Do what you want to do.
They did it again today, but then acted disappointed when they FINALLY asked if I'm going to the cast party and I said probably not. >> I'm going to do crew and focus on losing weight. :D Half of them are transferring to main campus in the fall, so if their plans go through then it'll be so much more fun. :3
Comments 2
I'm going to do crew and focus on losing weight. :D Half of them are transferring to main campus in the fall, so if their plans go through then it'll be so much more fun. :3
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