Chimpanzee that!

Apr 23, 2006 13:00

I impulse bought The Beatles: Unseen Archives a few weeks ago, which has "over 200 photographs...never previously printed". I was hoping to find some gems, but there's a reason most of these never saw publication. They aren't terrible pictures, just a fair number of bad angles, half closed eyes, goofy faces. Lots of candid shots of smoking, eating ( Read more... )

hbo, tv, ipod, drinking, internet

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Comments 4

Norfolk Villager anonymous April 24 2006, 08:15:09 UTC
Hey! A picture of my mother!!!



Re: Norfolk Villager squee4242 April 25 2006, 18:47:05 UTC
Wow, a comment from JonnyB himself! I'm chuffed (to use one of my newly adopted Britticisms)!


ex_sangioves469 May 9 2006, 17:58:07 UTC
I had a dream we were fighting ninjas together. It was most righteous.


squee4242 May 14 2006, 06:53:09 UTC
That is wicked awesome.


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