I never post here

May 25, 2009 19:44

But I will check for SGABigBang!

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Comments 7

amothea December 21 2009, 02:02:34 UTC

I'm writing to ask if I may have your permission to host your co-written story Stricken in the Ebook Library? The first two stories of the Gifts series are hosted there with Springwoof's and Leah's permission.

Thanks for your time!


squeakyoflight December 21 2009, 18:38:18 UTC
Dear Amothea,

If Leah is cool with it, so am I!

Thanks so much for the request. :)

Did you want the other stories in the Gifts AU as well?

Take care,



amothea December 22 2009, 04:42:58 UTC
how many other stories are there in the Gifts verse? :) I have Aegis and the one written for 2008 SGA Big Bang I didn't know there were more?

Thanks for responding so quickly!


squeakyoflight December 23 2009, 20:54:53 UTC
There are three posted on Wraithbait (and one that was written for SGA secret-santa shhh!) I've linked the Wraithbait ones here:


And the Secret Santa one is here (but it can't go to your web-site until after the reveal Jan. 1st...) and it needs a bit of editing before it is reposted anywhere... But at least this way you can decide if you would like them as well.


Thanks again for your interest in these fics!

Take care,



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