One, two, three- Let's go

Dec 19, 2010 20:31

LOCATION: Outside~!
WEEK: 73
TIME: Early afternoon
RATING: PG13 maybe for people's mouths at the highest

It's a snowball fight~! )

grell sutcliffe, milly thompson, dita liebely, jayne cobb, yui hirasawa, hope estheim, !open, ataru moroboshi, james 'castiel' novak, mulan fa, lightning farron, basch fon ronsenburg, serah farron, vanille dia, lucy heartphilia, snow villiers, bridget guisbourne, lluvia loxar

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Comments 76

gunsngrenades December 20 2010, 01:34:47 UTC
Despite the fact he was packing for his trip home, he was all too eager to accept the invitation. He threw on some winter gear- also known as a light jacket, his cap, and a pair of knit mittens- and headed down the halls. He wasn't going to be missing out on all this fun. Especially if he got to nail a few deserving suspects in the face.

He bounded outside, picked up a wad of snow, and threw it at the nearest victim. "Oh, yeah, now this is what I'm talkin' about!" he crowed, already in the process of making another snowball.


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gunsngrenades December 20 2010, 03:14:23 UTC
There was a moment where he felt bad about it, but it passed quickly. He was going to wait for her to at least lob a brick at him, but his patience was short. After waiting a few seconds, he grabbed another handful of snow, packed it together roughly, and lobbed it at her.

"Gotcha again!" he hooted. Boy, this was a lot of fun.


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iluvaliens December 20 2010, 01:36:56 UTC
Dita laughed as she ran through the halls. She had on her winter finery and was excited to play out in the snow. There wasn't real snow where she was from. She had been diligent about classes the past week and hadn't skipped out on homework too much to play outside in it. She hoped there would be lots of people to play with.

"Hi!" she stated as she ran out into the snowy landscape- right into a burst of snow.


delbosqueverde December 20 2010, 03:08:35 UTC
Yellow was excitedly trotting toward the doors as well, his Raticate bounding at his side. This would be fun! The two of them didn't see too much snow in Kanto, so the opportunity to share it with some other people was appreciated.

He saw Dita heading the same direction and was about to call out a greeting, when she opened to the doors only to immediately come under fire. Was the snowball fight that intense already? "You okay?" Yellow called, just a bit worried.


iluvaliens December 20 2010, 03:11:39 UTC
"Wah!" Dita cried in surprise. She hadn't been expecting to get walloped as soon as she opened the door. Still, she couldn't help laughing. A little snow never hurt anyone.

She turned around and smiled at Yellow. "I'm okay. Come on, let's go find somewhere to hide and hit a few other people!"

She grabbed his hand and raced around the corner of the steps. Hopefully it would be a good corner to hide in. Now she just had to hope her aim was decent.


delbosqueverde December 20 2010, 03:15:50 UTC
Yellow, bemused, found himself being dragged outside and into a relatively safe-looking spot, for the moment. Ratty followed a second later, looking chipper.

"Ah, I guess we just grab as much snow as we can and...throw it?" he asked, picking up a handful experimentally.


the_rapturing December 20 2010, 01:40:40 UTC
Castiel was content to spend his break in the library. There were plenty of books and he had a few things in mind to study. Plus, with the addition of the book from Eagle, he was certain to have a quiet little holiday.

He was currently sitting in one of the windows of the library looking down at the snowscape. A few people were starting to trickle out. They were probably responding to the notice he received over his journal. It'd been quite some time since he had played in the snow like that. Hopefully they all enjoyed their time. He cast one last glance at the hi-jinks brewing before turning back to his book.


hasthebesttaste December 20 2010, 04:07:46 UTC
"So tell me, do you ever actually leave this place?"

Obviously Madison knew the guy left, on occasion - he'd just stopped by her office the day before, after all. But if a girl couldn't make use of a well-placed hyperbole ever now and the, what could she do? She shifted the books under her arm, redistributing the weight, before leaning past Castiel to look out the window at the chaos in the grounds.


the_rapturing December 20 2010, 05:08:36 UTC
He looked up to see Madison near by. Things hadn't been too awkward since their dance, he guessed. He gave her a perplexed expression. "Of course I do. However, his is one of the better places to read," he said.

He followed her gaze and saw she was looking down at the snowball fight. "Did you participate in those when you were younger?"


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savesthesky December 20 2010, 03:10:05 UTC
[Unfortunately for her, Snow had decided to heed the call of the snowball fight (hey, it had his name in it, he had to)and he was already stockpiling snowballs as he hid behind a tree. And granted, it probably wasn't the best idea- but then Snow and good ideas weren't exactly on speaking terms most days.

Especially not when it came to Lightning. Which was why, as Lightning passed in a path where he could target her, he let a snowball fly, hesitating for a second before shouting:]

Heads up sis!


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savesthesky December 22 2010, 04:43:48 UTC


[Here Raito- have a barrage of snowballs, ♥]


avengesthesky December 20 2010, 03:19:17 UTC
( hope has pressed himself against a big wall of snow, making snowballs as he peers out over the landscape. he's been practicing a lot with light as of late, so that has to account for something during this sort of thing, right? either way, as soon as he spots someone within his throwing range, he'll shift behind the wall and let the snowball fly. )


asolemnchild December 20 2010, 03:46:27 UTC
[Presea is just...minding her own business...

...and a snowball flies into her head. She blinks.]


avengesthesky December 20 2010, 04:01:17 UTC
( oh jeez, he hit someone in the head!

apology mode: get. )

Oh, um, sorry! ( hopping from behind his wall and approaching, feeling terrible and hoping haha she wasn't bleeding. ) Are you okay?


asolemnchild December 20 2010, 04:08:38 UTC
[Presea stares up at him and dusts off her hair, and then her clothing. She assesses his body language: clearly he did not mean for the attack to hit her.]

Yes. I am fine.

[after observing the wall:] Is a battle taking place?


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