WHO: Dita! Open!
LOCATION: The Kitchen
WEEK: 71
TIME: Wednesday, after classes
WHAT: Dita has been dying to cook and finally elbowed her way into the kitchen. She probably sent out a journal if anyone wants to come cook, or just stop by and enjoy some food!
Because she heard baking is the way to a man's heart. And she wants to know if they really are aliens. )
Comments 24
When he saw the journal post, he thought that it was a perfect opportunity to put his culinary skills to good use. So he had gathered his things and headed down to the kitchens. He hadn't been surprised to see the young girl in there.
"Hello. Are you the young lady that sent out the invitation to cook?" he asked, moving into the room.
"I'm Marron. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dita," he said. He glanced at the bread she was making. "What kind of bread are you making?"
Rinoa stepped carefully into the kitchen so that she didn't get in the way of the Moogles coming and going and working, and she went straight over to Dita once she spotted her. "Hey." She noticed the apron the other girl was wearing and pointed toward it. "I forgot about the cooking dress code."
She glanced down at her apron when Rinoa pointed and laughed. "I brought a few extras in case people didn't have any. Feel free to take one! I'm making some soup right now."
It wasn't until he went to get some things that he needed that he paused, noting some to be missing from where he last checked that they were. Looking around he soon spotted someone in a apron, he didn't remember being informed of anyone needing to use the kitchen, at least what he could remember and that was if they do tell you about people coming here in advance, he still wasn't sure yet. So coughing slightly to make himself known he asked. "Oi kid, what exactly are you doing in here?"
"Oh, sorry," she stated, "I was just hoping to make some food. I just love cooking so much and haven't been able to do a lot of it. I hope you don't mind."
"If they don't have lessons I guess next time ask and I'll make sure I set something up, so next time I won't wonder if Moogles have been nicking the food again."
She felt bad that she was in the kitchen and using all the ingredients. She just wasn't sure where she could get all this for herself. Maybe a trip to a store during Hogsmeade was in order. "If I find my own ingredients, can I come in here and cook? I promise to share it with everyone."
Trying not to startle the other girl, Hikaru smiled and greeted her, "Hey there!".
She hoped it was as fun for the girl as it was for her. She didn't always used to be good at cooking, but her enthusiasm kept her going until she was pretty decent. Hikaru reminded her of herself when she first started.
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