When I'm a-walking, I strut my stuff

Sep 30, 2010 15:05

WHO: Rail Kainer, super duper open!
LOCATION: Outside on the lawn somewhere
WEEK: 67
TIME: Shortly after the Quidditch match on Saturday
WHAT: Rocking out on the grass like a bum

man I'm so strung out )

❧rail kainer, ❧cree winters, mulan fa

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Comments 15

notabride September 30 2010, 21:15:53 UTC
Barely hours ago she had just finished talking to him and the smile she had been wearing was beginning to break. His journey meant a lot to him, so she had supported it, wished him the best of luck and let him know that she would always be there for him, if he needed. There had, of course, been hugs and a kiss involved - on the cheek, but still. That was as close as Mulan had come to any sort of confession. They had just been friends, good friends and nothing else. Nothing complex or with any strings attached - except the one he had somehow hooked around her heart.

Whether Mulan wanted to admit it or not, her heart was breaking, maybe already broken, yet still she kept up the smile. He was happy, so she should be happy for him. It was the right thing to do... Right? Right. Or not. It still hurt. So much that she didn't think she could face anyone inside the castle right now, so she had just hung about outside. The weather was nice enough to where she could use the excuse of a long walk with no one the wiser, except maybe Jasmine who ( ... )


lied_ich_sing September 30 2010, 21:26:38 UTC
Rail was quickly approaching 'out of it' before he heard the footsteps that were making their way towards him, to the point where Mulan was almost standing over him before he caught her in his periphs.

His fingers didn't halt at all as he looked up, giving a short nod of greeting in acknowledgement. He recognized her, a friend of Kurt's. One who kind of knew German? Or at least, he thought maybe she knew German? Either way it was worth a try, Rail hated to admit it, but he missed his mother tongue from time to time.

"Gutentag," Rail muttered easily, fingers sliding down the fretboard.


notabride September 30 2010, 22:03:19 UTC
Mulan blinked in surprise as she heard Rail speak to her in German. Her smile grew a bit wider as she gave a soft laugh. He seemed so focused that she wasn't going to bother him, just listen to him play so when he responded she was quite startled. Maybe it was for the best. As long as he didn't mind, she could use a bit of practice and it really was a nice day out.

"Guten Tag. Mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut, eh... wie geht es dir?",she asked, admitting that her German could still use a heck of a lot of touching up, but happy she was able to use it more. Kurt and her had mainly conversed in English, except for a few phrases here and there and during the Hall of Mirrors fiasco. A soft pang echoed within at that thought, but she carefully pushed it out of the way. Happiness. That was her focus for today. Happiness and support.

Slowly, Mulan took a seat as her eyes closed a bit, the music filling her with warmth. It certainly helped in keeping the lingering sadness at bay.


lied_ich_sing September 30 2010, 22:43:44 UTC
He gave a small grin back, "Nicht schlecht. Der Schwerpunkt ist verrückt, aber sie lernen." Rail finished his strumming, halting his hands long enough to actually carry a conversation. Cree had yelled at him countless times about how rude it was to listen more to his instrument than other people.

"I'm not bad. A little pissed off about the game, but, not much you can do."

Rail sighed. Introductions.

"Mulan, right?"


(The comment has been removed)

lied_ich_sing October 3 2010, 08:14:09 UTC
Rail looked up over the fretboard, seeing a fellow spikey haired kid walking up to him, he stilled his fingers and nodded.

"Yeah, long as I can remember I've been playing something," he answered with a nonchalant roll of the shoulders. It only took a few moments, and he was back to playing again, before he paused and realized that the polite thing to do would be to ask a question back. He frowned in thought.

"Uh...you play anything?"


wantyoursong October 1 2010, 00:21:17 UTC
The sound of the guitar was the first alert Cree got in her epically long search for her best friend after the Quidditch match was over. Now, who told Rail who could just go off and leave before she could even say anything to him?

Creeping up behind the familiar head of orange hair, Cree leaned over until she was in his face, flashing Rail a small grin. "Hey, you." She was still dressed up in Ravenclaw colors from the earlier game, having been out there supporting Rail--who was the best player on that entire field, in her opinion. "I've been looking for you!"


lied_ich_sing October 3 2010, 08:16:09 UTC
Rail looked up into Cree's face, a sole eyebrow raising, "Well looks like you found me."

The somewhat caustic reply was made entirely moot by the fact that the corners of Rail's mouth were turned up in what suspiciously looked like a smile.


wantyoursong October 4 2010, 03:29:29 UTC
Cree plopped down in the grass next to him, playing with the fringe on the scarf around her neck as she looked at him. "Looks like I did. Jeez, you made a quick exit after that game. How are we supposed to celebrate it if you run off?" She leaned back on her hands, huffing out in annoyance. Silly Rail.


lied_ich_sing October 7 2010, 00:27:59 UTC
Rail rose a disbelieving eyebrow at her.

"Celebrate? Celebrate what? Ravenclaw getting its ass handed to it?"


chainedlotus October 1 2010, 01:42:31 UTC
The music started a while ago and Ren could tell who it was as he leaned against the stone wall with a cigarette in hand. It occasionally paused as someone came up to talk to him but Ren ignored all the conversations as he stood there happily, out of sight and hearing range.

Except there was one chord change that Rail was a bit slow on. Ren sighed as his cigarette went out and he walked over to where Rail was to give him some advice. Rail was likely gonna bitch him out because of it but, helpful critique from someone else who knew what he was doing was useful no matter where it came from. "You should practice that last chord change."


lied_ich_sing October 3 2010, 08:18:12 UTC
"You should mind your own business," Rail shot back quickly, and if Ren noticed how his hands slide faster down the fretboard that was his own problem.

Rail had to repress the growl that wanted to form on his tongue. The worst thing about Ren was how the guy was just so damn tiring to hate.


chainedlotus October 3 2010, 16:50:11 UTC
Maybe Rail should stop trying to hate him. It was somewhat pointless to still hate him when really, the two of them might be on friendlier terms because of their guitar playing.

"Music is meant to be heard and give people something to think about when listening," Ren said with a small grin, not caring that it was annoying Rail, "You're going to hear someones opinion whether you like it or not." Either way, as long as the two of them played, they were going to be given a lot of talk about how they play. It's how they could improve and, Ren could tell that Rail took his advice to heart.


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