Class Log

Aug 09, 2010 18:26


How this will work, is that professors who wish to hold an OOC log post a thread for each year of their classes, labelled with the year and class. Then, students reply and we carry out one of our OOC logs. For examples of how our OOC logs are carried out, please go hereIf you find that events are carried out in the ( Read more... )

sylvanas windrunner, grell sutcliffe, reno flynn, !ooc log, ❧namine snow, !open, thomas raith, rinoa heartilly, mulan fa, kadaj sorel, lightning farron, ❧ta'a chume, vanille dia, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, ❧usagi tsukino, szayel aporro granz, ❧tifa.lockhart, ❧shalice tilman-sinclair, ❧jaina solo, ❧galatea godeye, chourou hunter, sebastian michaelis, oc - ambrosia sterling, asch grants, catty turner, hope estheim, ❧luke skywalker, ❧ilforte granz, ❧kusuri iuri, !class, squall leonhart, ❧lulu draupnir, alyss heart, ❧cree winters, ❧tidus ascalon, hank venture, ❧orihime inoue, ❧elizabeth middleford, ❧taokaka, fang yun, oc - lilith dupond

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Comments 473

Visual Arts misplacedqueen August 9 2010, 06:30:52 UTC
You will notice today that Alyss is a little more tired than usual.

Oh, and that the Shuckle will be present again all week.


Years 3-5 misplacedqueen August 9 2010, 06:34:10 UTC
Today begins the lessons on pottery!

There will be plenty of notes for this class. She knows it's boring guys, but the fun stuff will come soon, she promises.

There's history in the art of pottery, different uses in old cultures, magic that can be used. Please feel free to ask any questions during the lectures.


Pacifica castawaykitten August 9 2010, 07:57:34 UTC
....Why does Art have lectures? Pacifica is kind of just..hanging off her own hand while trying not to fall asleep. She tried to take notes in the first 5 minutes of class, but...this is pretty boring. Its nice to finally have classes and have the time to be bored but...this is really boring.


misplacedqueen August 9 2010, 08:01:53 UTC
Alyss continues on with the lecture, acting as though she doesn't see Pacifica nodding off over there.

The Shuckle floats closer, opens his mouth, and "TIME TO WAKE UP!" comes out.

Alyss might be wearing a slight smirk as she nods to Pacifica.


Theatre Arts bloodycinematic August 9 2010, 06:44:26 UTC
Hope you're well rested. Grell gave due warning in advance to sleep the night before~


3rd - 4th Years bloodycinematic August 9 2010, 06:53:32 UTC
Come in darlings. Grell has been waiting for you. On the stage before him is tons of feathers and furry outfits. Yes, that's right. You're going to be wearing them. He smirks a little, shark teeth gleaming at all you cute little youngin's. He waits until you're all seated. NO WAIT.

Where are all the chairs. There isn't any. They've been shoved against the wall and he's not letting you use them.

He taps the speaker with his wand as the song begins and swishes his wand, the air thickening, the heat beginning, and the air is filled with jungle sounds.

Time to Dance, my little furry ones. Because you Just Can't Wait to be King~!. You'll all have your shot at the lead voice if you want. He'll sing it first time around now ! Begin!


5th Years bloodycinematic August 9 2010, 06:59:47 UTC
Whoo he's out of breath, but not for long.

Ignore the chairs shoved against the wall. On the stage is a lot of underwater costumes. He'll wait til you're all inside and then his wand begins to move, winking as he twirls around with bubbles suddenly popping everywhere, himself in some mermaid getup, licking over his teeth a little.

Because life is so much better Under the Sea~!. Once the music starts, he'll show you the cheorgraphy. Anyone is allowed to sing the main lead. You'll all have your chance, or be back up. Doesn't matter!

Have fun! Magic is allowed for enchancements!


6th - 7th bloodycinematic August 9 2010, 07:09:38 UTC
Grell's not wearing his robes and instead is decked out in his usual red patterned outfit. He's not wearing his coat though as he's just in the vest. His hand rests over his heart as he waits for everyone to come in. The doors suddenly slam shut, locking on their own with a swish of the wand. He always locks you in, just for this class.

A few swishes of his wand and the temperature lowers a little, almost nearly ball room costumes set all over, though they are more like muggle student clothes. Hopefully someone managed to kidnap Sebastian like he asked. He wants him to sing lead the first time around. Put on the costumes and get ready. This song is from the heart and he expects a lot from you.

He'll begin singing unless a certain dark haired man takes over Dancing Through Life~! Skimming the surface. Gliding where turf is smooth~ You'll all get a shot if you want at singing main.

Pair up for the duet if you wish!


Government 3-5: highbornlament August 9 2010, 07:23:15 UTC
Sylvanas is particularly linefacey today. It would likely be wise not to irk her.

The usual applies: Keep your uniform straight, anyone late is locked out.

Oh and anyone that's going to bring up this... blood purity discussion is basically going to be linefaced straight out the door. She's not fucking around, don't bring it up.


All years. highbornlament August 9 2010, 07:30:34 UTC
These years will be working about the same as they have been. Though their regularly scheduled Daily Grind was interrupted last week by a test, it seems to be back to normal here.

Notes, lectures, the usual. There's discussions on feudalism for third years; fourth years are going more in depth with it with early kingdoms and the influence of the Catholic Church on the laws and regulations maintained. Fifth year gets to be more fun! They're discussing the British Empire and the way things were ruled from one end of the world to the other when obviously the King and Queen couldn't be in all those places at once.

Whatever the case is there's not really anything special going on and lectures are going to be a little short, with more studying and bookwork time because Sylvanas is a little on edge.


5th year; Pacifica castawaykitten August 9 2010, 08:08:27 UTC

Pacifica is going to raise her hand.


Re: 5th year; Pacifica highbornlament August 9 2010, 18:22:59 UTC
Well, Sylvanas knows that clueless look. To Pacifica's credit, however, the lineface doesn't get any more severe as it usually would.

Probably because it can't.

In any case, yes, you have a question?


Elemental Arts belteddress August 9 2010, 11:07:31 UTC
Hoooly shit, kids. Tread very lightly. Lulu is in a bad mood. She's much quieter than usual too, and looks tired.

The usual today: you're late, you can gtfo. You're missing supplies, then gtfo. Uniform out of place? gtfo and fix it before she notices.

Oh, and an addition: if she hears you gossiping about shit that's gone down this weekend, you are both kicked out for the day and you have detention.


3 - 5; belteddress August 9 2010, 11:13:35 UTC
Bookwork! For like, the first time ever.

You're beginning essays...on famous Elemental Magic benders users in history. Pick a specialist of your choice and go from there. Your handwriting better be neat, (if she requires a deciphering spell on your penmanship, you lose points) and you better have sources cited and so on from the various giant books on the topic Lulu has out today. The assignment itself is due later, mainly because it is super long and exhaustive.


Re: 3 - 5; timeinback August 9 2010, 21:13:08 UTC
Oh thank god. Chao really likes the class, but its a little depressing to fail so much from something she really couldn't control.

Anyway, Choosing a fire element magic user would be easy, so she's going to try someone on the opposite scale. Would the professor know any famous ice specialists that she would recommend? (besides lulu herself of course :) )


Re: 3 - 5; belteddress August 10 2010, 04:31:20 UTC
Lulu raises an eyebrow and passes Chao a book on some ice specialist or something. Kids are on their own today in terms of research. She's not in a talking mood.


Weapons Mastery; Years 3-5 tearsthesky August 9 2010, 11:25:50 UTC
Professor Yun is absent, but there is a note pinned to a tree with an arrow.

"Classes are canceled today. Enjoy the rest of your day. Try not to kill each other.

Don't bother me at my home unless it's an emergency.

- Fang"


After Class; tearsthesky August 9 2010, 11:28:34 UTC
If you reeeallly need to talk to Fang, she is at the Estate of Sapphic Sadness. Took the day off to be with her waifu.

It is not likely she'll give you the time of day if it isn't an emergency, or if you aren't someone she really likes.


brightensthesky August 9 2010, 12:33:47 UTC
Vanille, who has also canceled her classes for the day, is hanging out at home with Fang. She's all emo, though, so she's sitting in one of the armchairs with her feet up on it and her knees drawn up to her chin, looking sad.


tearsthesky August 9 2010, 14:35:34 UTC
Fang is making tea, the way Vanille likes it, and kind of nudges a cup into her hands.

She sits down next to her, and is really quiet for a while.


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