Breaking Out [semi-open]

Aug 06, 2010 00:55

WHO: Luxord and Any Professors/Staff
LOCATION: Hogsmeade; Three Broom Sticks
WEEK: 63
TIME: Sunday, after the event.
WHAT: Drinking, food, and good times and avoiding all students as much as possible
RATING: PG-13 for the safe side
NOTE: I'm going to go with [action/quick log] on this since I don't think it's too serious of a thread.  Also, make ( Read more... )

❧xerxes break, chourou hunter, ❧miakis farfallas, basch fon ronsenburg, ❧kakashi hatake, reno flynn, joy, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, !open, ❧cynthia camilla, thomas raith, ❧setsuna meioh, ❧luxord holmes

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Comments 87

placeholder! because now i gotta head to bed ): explosivechef August 6 2010, 06:33:47 UTC
( if someone was in need of a drinking buddy then look no further, but in all seriousness he was starting to enjoy the fact he was simply a staff member and a secluded one at that. with everything concerning those mirrors effecting everyone's personalities and now this whole feud of the bloods bubbling up...

to be frank, everything was outright bloody annoying as all hell.

that and bard can't say no to a few drinks. so he can't help sighing as he enters the three broom sticks, taking a seat and nodding his head. )

So what's this I hear about first round being on you?


maestoso_tempo August 6 2010, 18:28:19 UTC
[Looks up, good so he wasn't going to be alone, that cheered him up quite a bit right there]

Just what it sounds like. [Luxord motioned the the bar maid and she soon brought out another pint of beer for his new friend] Everyone needs a pick me up as far as I can tell.


explosivechef August 7 2010, 11:45:15 UTC
Ain't that the truth of the matter if not the whole week. When the problems start reachin' the me and the moogles down in the kitchens, its time for a break.

( bard will happily take the pint from the barmind with a smile. ) Cheers, as they say.


maestoso_tempo August 8 2010, 03:33:48 UTC
A break would be nice. However, this is about as much as I can do. I almost envy the responsibility of being in the kitchens, it must lend you more free time than being a Head of House.

[he recalled Shalice's qualms about him coming here but he couldn't help it, he HAD to get out of that bloody castle]



(The comment has been removed)

Open~ sweetyking August 6 2010, 16:57:49 UTC
[Break had been here a little while before anyone else so was now on his at least fifth drink and not at all tipsy.

Spotting someone sitting alone in the corner he goes to them, smile on his face as per usual.]

You seem to be drinking by yourself. Is there a reason for that?


Open~ desert_bloomed August 6 2010, 19:57:32 UTC
Only that I had yet to arrive.

[Ashelia smiles at the two men as she takes her seat beside Basch and Luxord brings her drink.]

'Tis quite the treat to see you outside of the classroom, Professor Break.


Open~ sweetyking August 6 2010, 20:06:55 UTC
I have been recovering for the past couple of weeks so I haven't even been to the classroom in a while. Emily has been taking my lessons.

[He'll just take a long drink, pausing for a moment.]

But what I was suffering from and how it came across is a mystery.


Open! desert_bloomed August 6 2010, 15:00:01 UTC
[Ashelia enters, taking a moment or two to find the others. She sees Basch first, and heads in his direction. Her gown goes swish-swish as she sits down at the table and orders hard liquor. She turns to Luxord.

You have my utmost thanks for facilitating this meeting. The castle has become stifling of late.


catcrossedpath August 6 2010, 15:25:09 UTC
[It seemed like more and more of the old guard were gone, while the school itself descended further and further into chaos. With Sasuke gone, and Sakura off living her own life, Kakashi was finding himself increasingly irrelevant.

There was only one thing to do to deal with old demons rising up in a healthy way: Drink.

Kakashi nods to Ashe as she sits down.]

Almost like it was under siege.


maestoso_tempo August 6 2010, 18:29:47 UTC
[glad to see the party growing, Luxord brings over drinks for Ashe and kakashi, after all he'd promised the first round would be paid for by himself]

Think nothing of it. I am only looking out for our shared mental health.

[eye brow raise] Siege? Now there's a sobering thought. I believe I said to leave such things at the door.


desert_bloomed August 6 2010, 20:00:16 UTC
[Ashelia sighs.]

Perhaps this time could be best used otherwise, then, Professor Holmes. I apologize, but I do think the staff must speak about goings on, outside of the usual staff meeting.

[If it helps, she really does hate ruining the mood. :/ ]


Open~ not_quite_vegas August 6 2010, 15:45:11 UTC
[Okay, so not counting the crazy stuck up ones, maybe his coworkers here aren't all that bad. Drinks are always good.

Reno comes in, and takes a seat relatively close the bar and orders a beer. He couldn't get completely drunk tonight, but he could get damn close.]


Re: Open~ lustsexmagic August 6 2010, 17:29:24 UTC
[And he's not alone for long. Thomas orders an extra butterbeer as well, putting it on the table as he takes a seat.]

I now see why the professors seemed to clear out of the school about once a month or so.


not_quite_vegas August 6 2010, 17:37:42 UTC
Heh, yeah. Though I don't remember dumbass kids threatening teachers.


lustsexmagic August 6 2010, 17:41:50 UTC
[A slight smile as Thomas cracks open his bottle]

Well, not to their faces, at least.


champwithacone August 6 2010, 21:03:51 UTC
[Cynthia's set herself up at one of the side tables sipping a glass of wine. It's not that she's shy so much as she's spent so much of her life on her own that it just feels natural to her. She has, however, managed to attract a large cat who has taken a spot on her lap while she runs her fingers over its back. Maybe it's the bar owners?]


desert_bloomed August 6 2010, 22:54:08 UTC
Professor Camilla, was it?

[Ashelia sits down at hr table, smiling amicably.]

Professor B'nargin. Lovely to see you outside the castle grounds.


champwithacone August 7 2010, 14:54:13 UTC
That is correct, though you may call me Cynthia. It is nice to meet you Professor B'nargin.

[Polite smile, this woman seems very good company]

Same, I am sorry we have not had the opportunity to truly meet before now. May I order you something?


desert_bloomed August 8 2010, 20:20:08 UTC
It would be my honor. [Ashelia gives her preference, which is...surprisingly strong booze.]

Where do you hail from, Cynthia?


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