And the science gets done and we make a big gun

Jul 07, 2010 23:13

WHO: Xigbar and you. Yes, you.
LOCATION: Outside in a Melonpault field
WEEK: 61
TIME: All day. The Monday before the ball.
WHAT: Xigbar trolling. What else is new
RATING: PG-13 depending on how colourful the language is.

For the people who are still alive )

❧xerxes break, chourou hunter, zak saturday, ❧cree winters, xigbar strelka

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Comments 20

cryptidwizard July 8 2010, 03:27:59 UTC
It seemed too perfect.

Zak watched the cake for nearly a minute and a half before taking action. Who would leave something like that out? And why? The whole situation was more than a little suspicious; did they think he was stupid? Still, he was hungry, and he thought he could handle himself in the event of a trap or some other nasty trick. He could run fast, right? No problem.

He approached the cake, stepping over a handful of vines-

and there was suddenly something enormous flying right at his head

Go time. He started running. He didn't look behind him. Rats.


eye2sore July 9 2010, 04:11:19 UTC
And Xigbar sat up on the roof watching as the melons stirred around him and started turning around to throw themselves at the small boy. Aww, little first years were always hard targets because of their small size and speed.


Xigbar is now just wondering if the kid will come back now after being scared off. They were always more fun when they don't learn their lesson.


wantyoursong July 8 2010, 04:04:27 UTC
Cree had done a lot of dumb things in her life. Piercing her own ears, dating that jerk, mixing drinks one night...

But falling for a sign that advertised free cake?

That one really had to be the worst, especially as she approached the stump where said cake rested upon. Okay, it was a little suspicious to have just a random cake in the middle of nowhere, but it did look good. Cree glanced around, pursing her lips as she still made her quiet approach.

The first melon that hit her shocked her enough that she couldn't even yell, just stare down at the mess.


eye2sore July 9 2010, 04:12:53 UTC
"Aaaaand, Hit!" Xigbar hollered, laughing as she just got hit almost right in the face and it just fall to the ground and the kid was still just standing there.

Maybe it hit her head a bit too hard. That just made it funnier.


wantyoursong July 9 2010, 16:04:10 UTC
And still Cree didn't move. What the hell was this? "Hey, who threw that?!" Finally able to use her voice, she looked around angrily. Seriously. Who threw melons at people? And offered free cake?

It took a second melon hitting her in the side to get her moving, cursing to herself as she ran. Stupid, stupid Cree and that stupid cake.


eye2sore July 11 2010, 16:41:26 UTC
And Xigbar watched as she started running with an amused grin. It was like a little blue blur.

Well really, free cake in the middle of a field. Kid's own fault for not knowing someone set it up. Someone just happening to be a very bored Weapons professor.


THE CAKE IS A LIE! sweetyking July 8 2010, 05:53:03 UTC
A cake in the middle of a bunch of Melons? It looked a little suspicious about why anyone would want to put a nice looking cake in the middle of practically nowhere.

He calmly walked up, calmly looking around with his good eye as he did, hand placed firmly on his cane as he spotted a mellon going for him, so he did what was natural of him...

To get his sword out of his cane and slice the melon in half with out missing a beat. Glancing around once more he looked for the cause of it.


eye2sore July 9 2010, 04:14:07 UTC


"Not cool, man. Not cool." Poor melon. Getting sliced. All it was doing was defending itself.


sweetyking July 9 2010, 06:33:47 UTC
He smirked slightly, as he got what he was another, but only a slice, for anyone else if they wanted to try and get to it.

He firstly ate the slice whole, swallowing it down before after putting it in his mouth, keeping his sword out in-case anymore defending melons came, if they were defending themselves he would defend himself.

He slowly left the vicinity of the melons, after having sliced up a few more along the way as he looked up at the hut curiously going to it. Upon closer inspection he finally saw someone as he waved "Hello there. Why are you on the roof?"


eye2sore July 11 2010, 16:45:45 UTC
"Thinking I was just gonna take a nap while trying to get a tan," Was the simple response, laced with sarcasm and no seriousness at all. But when was he ever serious, "Pass me up a slice of that melon you got."

Sure, poor melons that he put a lot of work into planting them and now wouldn't be able to use as much anymore because because they were now in pieces but...then again, melonpaults were supposed to be very tasty and he was getting hungry sitting up on the roof.


ya_ha_hiruma July 8 2010, 18:00:50 UTC
Xigbar will find out that he's suddenly not alone on that roof. Sweets were no lure for the 6th year, however pranks were. Remaining silent for now, with his hands on his hips, the boy's gaze was fixed on the scene unfolding below, the edge of his mouth quirked up into a smirk. How long would it be before the shenanigans ensued.


eye2sore July 9 2010, 04:09:13 UTC
Well ain't that a surprise, seeing someone else join him in watching the show. Xigbar looked back for a moment to see that one student who's name he didn't know that had the machine gun.

He'll think of something to call Hiruma eventually eventually but, right now Xigbar is just gonna go back to watching these people get pelted by melons.


What machine gun. That's crazy talk. *cough* ya_ha_hiruma July 13 2010, 03:19:26 UTC
The victims were beginning to trickle in now like a slowly leaking faucet. Some hesitated, while others went straight for the melons. You'd think after residing in Hogwarts after a period of time some of these brats would become a little more savvy about mysterious foods.

Ah well... Look at that kid.. about to come to terms with the error of his ways.


eye2sore July 14 2010, 19:08:36 UTC
You think a place that was catered with a full spread of deserts after each meal would have people not be swayed by the offer of another free cake when they can just go down to the kitchen for one.

Well, stupid people get hit with melons. Like that kid right there.


pokutechef July 9 2010, 03:57:42 UTC

Chourou ignored the cake sign. He was interested in the melons. He wanted to make a simple dessert involving fresh fruit and ice. Luckily, he had quick reflexes. Not all of the melons thrown at him hit.
He grinned and licked some of the juice off of his face.

"This is fun,"he declared."It reminds me of home!"


eye2sore July 9 2010, 04:15:23 UTC
Now this guy was just taking all the fun out of it. Who ate melons that threw themselves at you?! Who actually enjoys getting hit in the face with a melon.

Seriously, dude was whack.


pokutechef July 12 2010, 02:37:24 UTC
The juice was delicious. He grabbed two melons that didn't break apart. They looked great. Chourou was completely oblivious to Xigbar.


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