WHO: Ciel, Grell, Luke/Luke's Cheagle, Ilforte Granz; CLOSED
LOCATION: The Kitchens
WEEK: 61
TIME: Midday
WHAT: Sebastian has left unfinished business and Ciel is left to his own devices in his absence. He's gone to the kitchens to fulfill Grell's request while simultaneously trying to babysit a Cheagle.
RATING: F for Frickin' Hilarious. Probably
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Figuring he may as well get a snack for being so good, his fingers flipped his hair over his shoulder, heading inside the kitchen with a startled blink, fingers curling in the air, "Ciel Phantomhive?"
Stopping a bit away from the kitchen door he grabs Mieu mid float and holds him in front of his face. "Now remember Thing. No sneaking off when the kid isn't looking. You are to stay with him for a whole night. Got it?" He said sternly giving the creature a look until his blue ears drooped and he let out a soft: "Mieuuu..."
"Good." With that the redhead let the rodent float back onto his shoulder and stepped into the kitchen. Granted there was nothing particularly unusual about the scene before, yet somehow these two looked completely out of place in this room. "Uh..."
Ciel Phantomhive? The hair on the back of the boy's neck stood up. WAS THAT?. Why yes, "Grell". Ciel returned the greeting without turning towards the man until he had assumed the appropriate indifferent expression.
The moments seem to pass in slow motion, as both seemed to be silently assessing the situation. The earl was thankful for the distraction when Luke appeared. Half-smiling towards the other boy he extended a greeting, "Good afternoon, Luke. I assume this is the cheagle that requires babysitting?".
Could Ciel even bake? Didn't Sebastian do everything for him?! He whined absently, turning around greet the other with a tiny wave, "Hello, Luke. A cheagle?" And now Ciel was going to babysit? Maybe he had the brat figured all wrong.
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