
Jun 30, 2010 19:39

WHO: Luke Skywalker, EVERYONE
LOCATION: On the grounds, heading toward the school.
WEEK: 61
TIME: Early Saturday morning, after the ball.
WHAT: Master Skywalker joins the Squares and Warts.
RATING: G~ ...unless Han shows up. :x

Totally most dramatic non-dramatic entrance ever. )

❧luke skywalker, !open, lightning farron, ❧jaina solo, ❧leia organa solo

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Comments 17

youdontgotdbuns July 1 2010, 00:14:42 UTC
One minute, Leia was dead to the world, enjoying another night in what was proving to be the first run of undisturbed sleep she had had in a long, long time. The next, she was sitting bolt upright in bed (probably elbowing Han in the face in the process) because there was a disturbance in the Force and he hadn't told her he was coming.

It was a matter of seconds for Leia to struggle out of bed and grab a robe, completely ignoring her husband as she shrugged into the garment and ran out the door, barefoot. For the second time in as many weeks she found herself running through the halls of Hogwarts without paying the slightest attention to where she was headed, letting the Force guide her to the Entrance Hall and then outside where she arrived in time to see a cloaked figure draw back his hood to reveal--

"Does no one in this family know how to make use of an owl?" she demanded, racing down the stairs as fast as her feet would carry her.


force_fully July 1 2010, 00:18:32 UTC
Sorry, Leia; he really wasn't trying to look amused, and he almost succeeded in keeping his small smile until she spoke. His face broke out into a grin, a small chuckle escaping from him.

"I thought the surprise would be a welcome one," Luke replied, spreading his arms for the impending hug.


youdontgotdbuns July 1 2010, 05:01:41 UTC
She was usually one for more decorum, but with the long separation from so many members of her family, she had decided that decorum could stand by the wayside for now, all but launching herself into her brother's open arms.

"That was rather optimistic of you," she informed him, pulling back slightly so she could lean up and kiss him on the cheek. "As surprises go, though, it's one of the best."


force_fully July 1 2010, 17:45:21 UTC
Whoa, easy there, Leia; he needed to breathe! Luke hugged her back tightly, letting out a faint, happy sound; clearly, his choice to come here was a good one indeed.

"I hoped you would think so," he replied, before nodding up to the school. "So, how is it being a professor here?"


(The comment has been removed)

I am so totally failing right now. I'm sorry. DDDX force_fully July 3 2010, 17:36:48 UTC
Luke gave her a pleasant smile, returning her seriousness with a solemn nod.

"Lightning, good to see you," he replied, before shaking his head. "Nothing's wrong, unless something happened in the last few minutes."


abovetwinsuns July 1 2010, 20:48:46 UTC
Jaina ran out into the field more than a little breathless. Upon sensing her Uncle's presence on the grounds, it suddenly didn't matter where she was sleeping or the person next to her, she was at a dead sprint.

She took in her uncle's figure across the grounds and the smile almost split her face in two.

"Uncle Luke!" Jaina called, waving her arm and jogging over to him, before catching herself and taking on a more, reserved stance, "...Should've known you wouldn't use an owl." A pause as something mischievious lit her eyes, "Mom know you're here?"


force_fully July 3 2010, 17:41:58 UTC
Luke half expected to be pounced on with the way Jaina was running toward him, though she stopped before that could happen. He wouldn't have minded; he couldn't really blame her for being happy to see him. And for now, he was here as family.

"Your mother already gave me her greetings," he replied, smiling.


abovetwinsuns July 4 2010, 06:59:39 UTC
"Let me guess, Magical Twin Bond?" Jaina replied with a knowing smile, herself having been on the receiving end of such a thing. The smile fell a little though, at the realization that Jacen wasn't here with her.

Still. Her mom needed her brother, and Jaina was happy to see Uncle Luke. Even though...

"So I guess giving me a heads up when I was in Peru was out of the question?" She said flatly.


maverickspiced July 2 2010, 03:33:10 UTC
Qui-Gon was deep in meditation when he felt a stir in the Force. It seemed familiar, though not anyone he'd met before. It took a moment to place, and recognise the Master Jedi, Luke Skywalker.

There was no urgency surrounding him, so danger back at the Academy was unlikely. It also seemed that Qui-Gon wasn't the only one who'd felt the Jedi Master's approach. Various other force sensitives showed up to greet him. That brought a smile to his face. It was good to see so many attentive to the Force around them, even at this early hour.

Qui-Gon decided to wait, letting those he knew be the first to greet him. As he waited, he mused on the prophecy he had believed true of Anakin- that through him balance would be brought to the Force. The ways of the Force were strange indeed.

When the Jedi was alone again, Qui-Gon approached him at last. He gave a formal bow.

"Master Skywalker."


force_fully July 3 2010, 17:48:29 UTC
Luke turned when the spirit finally approached, aware of the man's presence, but respecting the fact that he kept to himself until his family was gone. He gave the man a pleasant smile, returning the bow.

"Master... Jinn, correct?" he asked, a bit pleased to finally put a face to a name he had heard of on rare occasion. "It's an honor to finally meet another Jedi from the old order."


maverickspiced July 4 2010, 03:13:57 UTC
"Likewise." Qui-Gon smiled. He'd chosen to keep out of the majority of the new order, intervening only when the Force prompted him. The past (especially the part he'd played) was not always a welcome reminder to some Jedi. Qui-Gon guessed Luke would not be one of these.

"I've heard a lot about you from your old Master. Nothing too terrible, I promise." he added.


OF COURSE HAN IS SHOWING UP FFFF. hesgottheguns July 2 2010, 04:08:43 UTC
Being woken up by an elbow in the face and a knee to the stomach could really only mean one thing. Family was afoot, and Han could count on his thumbs the number of family members that hadn't already made their way over to Hogwarts. And Han may or may not have decided to hold said family member personally responsible for those injuries as he rolled over and went back to sleep, grumbling about the Force and irritating women.

Although really, he only stayed in bed for another twenty minutes maybe. It was hard to get back to sleep when half one's face was throbbing painfully.

So he got up and yanked on some clean clothing, and made his way down to the Great Hall and the entrance to the school to see what all the fuss was about.


Oh sh-- *updates the rating to R* :P force_fully July 3 2010, 17:51:33 UTC
Oh, hey, old buddy; that would be your brother-in-law everyone's making a big fuss about. Luke can't help but grin as Han comes out, eyeing his sleep fogged expression.

"Good morning, Han."


Han should have his own rating. hesgottheguns July 3 2010, 20:26:00 UTC
"I should've figured it was you." Despite his obvious irritation at being woken so early, Han looked pleased to see Luke. "About time you got here, kid."

Han would always call Luke "kid." Forever. Jedi Master or not.


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