Jan 09, 2010 00:34

Name(s): Demyx, anyone. This will be done party thread style. That is, multiple threads as people see fit. Thread jacking is go and expect Demyx to be freaking everywhere, because that's just how he is.
Location: Entrance Way Stairs
Week: Week 48
Time: Friday, Midnight
Rating: PG


❧demyx waters, ❧konohamaru sarutobi, ❧namine snow, ❧ritsu sohma, ❧vash t. stampede

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Comments 12

be_notnobody January 9 2010, 05:48:35 UTC
Namine had tried to help but Demyx had insisted on carrying the mattress the whole way. She looked a little worried that he was out of breath...or maybe it was because she was out after hours. Either way, Namine kept glancing around, half expecting one of he scarier professors to pop up and send them all to detention.

She'd never been in trouble before and she was still a little skittish about being caught. 'You've made it this far...everything will be okay,' she told herself.

"I hope so," she said in response to Demyx.


waterwand January 10 2010, 07:03:58 UTC
Demyx only smiled more. It wasn't hard to miss Namine's uneasiness about the situation. It was to be expected, of course. His first time out after hours he had complained the whole time about how he was going to get in trouble. He did, of course. But it wasn't nearly as bad as he was expecting.

"Hey, don't worry. I'll take the blame if we get caught. I'll even say I..." he paused, thought for a second. "I'll even say I kidnapped you if I have to."


be_notnobody January 10 2010, 08:05:37 UTC
Her eyes widened and she looked up at Demyx in surprise. "Oh no! Don't tell them that! It...that might get you into more trouble. I don't want that to happen on account of me."


angelwand January 10 2010, 06:46:59 UTC
Vash was the living definition of covert, even though he wasn't one of the students breaking curfew. That didn't mean he didn't act like he was sneaking out from his room, tiptoeing down the hallway and slipping under the portraits lest they see him.

This man obviously needed to be introduced to adult hobbies.

He wore a wide grin and raised his hand in greeting as he entered the entrance way. Before anyone who didn't know him better could get alarmed, Vash took a feather out of his pocket and transfigured it back into his mattress.

"So what's the plan?" He asked with an even wider grin.


rasenganparty January 10 2010, 06:53:31 UTC
Konohamaru gave a loud yawn as he stretched and made his way towards the Great Hall. He had read about the mattress surfing in Demyx's journal and it sounded like pretty much the coolest thing ever, however it was still kinda late and future Ministers of Magic needed their rest just like everybody else.

Plus this mattress was getting really heavy.

Yes, Konohamaru had lugged his mattress all the way from the Gryffindor tower to the Great Hall, instead of transfiguring it like a normal person. This became apparent to him when he saw that one guy take a feather out and transform it into a full sized mattress.

Konohamaru flung his away in a huff, "Crap! I shoulda thought of that!!"


angelwand January 10 2010, 06:58:56 UTC
"Hey, just think of the good work out you got carrying that thing down here. Magic can't build muscle, you know!" Vash flexed his scrawny arms as an example to encourage the young boy.


rasenganparty January 10 2010, 07:06:22 UTC
"Yeah I guess," Konohamaru said with a scowl, clearly not all that impressed by the consolation but trying to ignore the fact that he had just spent half an hour dragging his mattress down, "Now my arms feel like noodles and stuff though."

He sighed, his face falling when he took in the very high stairs, "And NOW I'm gonna have to lift it all the way up again!! Stupid mattress!!!" He growled, kicking the thing and then yowling when his foot caught the tail end of his scarf, causing him to land on his bottom.

Konohamaru huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, "This whole stupid thing better be worth it."


airisyours January 16 2010, 20:43:40 UTC
Ritsu didn't bring a mattress or anything. In fact, he didn't even know about this little activity. Ritsu was just too tired to go to sleep and needed to walk around a bit. The fact that there were so many people by the stairwell perked his curiosity.

He stood at the top of the steps quietly and watched as others zoomed down the stairs beside him. He wrapped his arms around him, too afraid to join in but too intrigued to leave.


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