Happy Halloween!
Moey and Zsenya have dressed up the Tenth SQodcast as a blue Police Box, dedicating it to the Tenth Doctor. He can trick-or-treat at our houses anytime. ;)
- Intro: Special Evil Guests.
- Halloweens at Hogwarts.
- Blubber, Hobos, Gardeners & Raisins: Halloween Trivia, plus Halloween costume and candy
- Ghost Tours: The Good, the bad, and the CHAINSAWS!
- Voldie in a Mumu: Scariest HP moments
- Fandom: The REAL HORROR!
- Canon: Can fans really decide?
- The Seventh Year SoundtraX: Here we are now, entertain us!
- Breaking News! Earth Invasion! Someone call Harry and The Doctor! And while you're at it,
Sarah Jane. She can kick some ass with those awesome boots!
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If you would like to sponsor a SQodcast, read any of our fan fic recommendations or have something you want to say, e-mail us at sqodcast@gmail.com or visit us at The Sugar Quill www.sugarquill.net.