I thought LJ would be a welcome relief from all of the anger that people seem to have but everyone is so caught up in how smart they are- it is really annoying. No one can laugh or take a joke.
I read some nice poetry today. There are some talented people out there.
This HP obsession is going to be my undoing. Up until 1 a.m. reading a fan fiction story. Thought it awesome to find a writer who does fan fic so similar to my fav, greengecko. Had to laugh when I discovered the "new" author was not new at all. I am so pathetic.
I was up until 2 a.m. writing on my story. It is so frustrating to have to write it out long hand. The revisions are endless. It just doesn't work well rewriting over and over - no continuity. I am sure I will get frustrated and give up. Still not feeling 100%. Another trip to the doctor likely in order.
I have a story stuck in my head. I have managed to lay out an outline of what I think should happen but now...... now I am paralyzed. I am not sure I am clever enough to do this. My writing is crap.