I would really like to use the "metal" Shirley Manson one as a header. Of course I would credit :P Please let me know if it's okay. Thanks so much. You have a great talent for this.
You're welcome. I noticed you're using some of my icons...and that you've altered them. Please, I make icons the way I do for a reason and I don't appreciate it when people alter them. If you'd like me to customize any for you, I'd be more than happy to. Also the Shirley icon you're crediting shirleebee for is one of mine. So please, either use the unaltered versions or stop using them. Thanks.
I got them from Femme Noir (check resources page), which I think might still be down.
Also noticed you're using some of my icons...and that you've altered them. Please, I make icons the way I do for a reason and I don't appreciate it when people alter them. If you'd like me to customize any for you, I'd be more than happy to. Also the Shirley icon you're crediting shirleebee for is one of mine. So please, either use the unaltered versions or stop using them. Thanks.
I didn't mean to credit the wrong person, but the altering of the icons? I haven't touched them. I'm not sure what you think I altered them with or how or whatever but I haven't touched them at all, I swear. Which one are you talking about?
Comments 50
i would love to use it as a header, but only if that's okay?
Sure! Just credit me in your userinfo.
i will definitely credit!!
Also noticed you're using some of my icons...and that you've altered them. Please, I make icons the way I do for a reason and I don't appreciate it when people alter them. If you'd like me to customize any for you, I'd be more than happy to. Also the Shirley icon you're crediting shirleebee for is one of mine. So please, either use the unaltered versions or stop using them. Thanks.
You can look at my journal...I'm good at crediting people! Just look at my icons page!
LOL Yes you are! Crediting me for all my icons I noticed :D
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