Nightminds ~ Chapter 16

Mar 22, 2009 08:24

Title: Nightminds
Chapter: 16 of ?
Author: spygirl690
Disclaimer: Wow I wish they were mine, but they aren't. So don't sue me.
Rating: NC17
Paring: Batman/Joker
Warning: drug use, language, sex, graphic violence in later chapters
Summary: This story examines the months Bruce spent at Princeton before returning to start his journey in Batman Begins. The title was inspired by the Missy Higgins song Nightminds.
Beta: me. just me. sorry kids. my betas seem to drop off the face of the planet for no reason. I couldn't hold this chapter any longer. Hopefully it was worth the wait and the possible grammar errors within....

Find all previous chapters of Nightminds here

Chapter 16

All Bruce could hear was the thumping of his heart and the sound of his breath. His head rested against the cool mahogany of the headboard, eyes closed. His brain was trying to recover after experiencing, if he was honest, the most intense orgasm of his life. He thought last night was good, but a fluke at best. Bruce wasn't sure if Jack would want him again. Hell, he wasn't sure if he wanted Jack again. But when those Cheshire cat eyes looked up at him while Jack's tongue shot electricity across his skin, there wasn't anything he wanted more.

“Still alive?” Jack's morning voice sounded rough and unused.

Bruce slowly opened his eyes. Jack flopped next to Bruce with a lazy smile. Even though Jack's smile was meant to put him at ease, Bruce felt the exact opposite. His eyes stared at the maroon sheets and his thoughts took over. He was unsure of how to proceed. Last night, well - he'd gotten himself off before and what they did was pretty much the same thing. But what Jack did just now...

A finger plopped onto the middle of Bruce's forehead, “stop.”

Bruce looked up to see Jack still smiling at him in a mocking sort of way.

“Do you think I'd make you do anything you didn't want to?”

“No, but...” I want to...

Somewhere in Bruce's head a voice shouted What?! He slapped a steel plate over the voice's mouth. What was the point of even trying to make sense of this? Jack made him feel good, better than he had felt in years. After everything he had been through he deserved to be a little selfish. Why pull against the current? He wanted to get out of his life. Jack wanted him to forget, at least for a little while, and he was happy to oblige. Forgetting was as close to escape as he would ever get.

Bruce felt the sheets constrict around his body as he twisted in them, straddling Jack's waist. He leaned in closer to Jack, the skin of their chests barely touching.

“I'm not a virgin, Jack, don't treat me like one.”

Bruce leaned forward, his lips meeting Jack's. The kiss was like the one they shared the night before, hungry and filled with need. Their tongues' fought for territory in each ones mouth. Bruce ground his hips against Jack's and felt his arousal starting anew.

Bruce broke the kiss so he could get out from under the blankets and straddle Jack's hips without the fabric to interfere. As his thighs settled on the warm skin of Jack's legs, Bruce remembers this was the first time they'd seen each other naked. Bruce chided himself for feeling self conscious, ignoring the heat in his face. He had been naked with other men in the locker rooms at school. Then again, he hadn't just gotten sucked into oblivion, literally, by one of his teammates either. Bruce's eyes returned to the body beneath him and he felt his cock twitch in response.

Jack was definitely different.

Ceasing his thoughts there, Bruce wrestled his feelings back into the box inside him and focused on mapping out Jack's body with his fingertips.

Jack skin was not as pail as Bruce thought it would be, but it still looked luminescent in the light. Bruce traced down Jack's neck, muscles tight under his fingers and alive with the hint of a pulse. The pink digit assault team swooped over Jack's collarbone and eased down the center of his chest. Bruce wondered if this was how Jack always saw people, perfectly dissected and sprawled out before him. He was so good at reading everyone...

Jack's breath hitched as Bruce gently circled his nipple with his index finger. Bruce's exploration moved from Jack's chest across to his shoulder and back again. His flat chest seemed like a barren landscape compared to Bruce's physique, toned by years of sports. The billionaire couldn't help but think Jack looked almost imp-like, pinned to the bed by Bruce.

This was good, Bruce liked going about this in this manner. Not too close to Jack, but still in the moment enough to pick up on the dealer's reactions. Through it all he could feel the hot press of Jack's cock on his body as he moved. A part of him wanted to rush to the task at hand, anxious to see how Jack would react.

Just keep studying, his mind urged him on.

Lips replaced fingertips as Bruce continued to study Jack. He moved his mouth from neck to shoulder, then down to flick his tongue over Jack's nipple.

“Ah, Bruce!”

Bruce looked up to see Jack biting his lip, eyes still closed. He wondered if he kept his eyes shut to add mystery, not knowing where Bruce would touch next. Bruce was not one for power plays but he had to admit he liked seeing Jack like this. Completely at his mercy. Now he knew why Jack started the morning the exact same way - only fair he should give his teacher the same treatment. His lips moved further down, dancing through the thin trail of dark hair starting below his belly button. Bruce closed his eyes and rested his mouth on the skin on Jack's hip.

He smelled like the musky after tones of yesterdays wall-play. Bruce couldn't help but smile at the memory.

Bruce lifted his lips and hovered there for a moment - there was only one place left to go. Actually, there were many places Bruce could put his mouth, but only one place he knew it would end up. Apprehension built inside him as he kissed his way down the crease in Jack's flesh where leg met torso. Bruce looked up when his lips finally met the soft nest of blond curls surrounding Jack's cock.

Again, Bruce treated this like a science experiment. Taking his time studying Jack's cock from every angle, feeling less intimidated with every new edge calculated and curve accounted for. He ran one finger along the underside of Jack's cock and the dealer nearly jumped off the bed.

Jack's eyes flew open and Bruce pulled his hand away.

Bruce swore he almost heard a soft whine escape Jack at the loss of his touch. Understanding what Bruce wanted, Jack growled and shut his eyes again, his hips moving upward slightly - inviting Bruce to continue. Bruce grinned and leaned forward, parting his lips and taking the head of Jack's cock into his mouth. He tasted like stale sweat, it wasn't intolerable but it certainly wasn't as delicious as some girls made him think it was.

He started to move his mouth and Jack's reaction made him forget all about the taste.

Jack moaned, the noise bouncing off the walls of the bedroom. The series of noises that followed confirmed Bruce's suspicions that Jack was anything but quiet in bed. Unsure of what to do next, he looked back on what Jack had done to him earlier. Following his memory, Bruce wrapped a hand around the base of Jack's cock and began stroking in time with his mouth.

Bruce circled his tongue around the hot flesh in his mouth, focusing on the noises coming from Jack. It made sense he was like this in bed, it was probably the only place he would allow himself to relinquish control.

“Bruce. Fuck. So good. Please...”

Bruce thought of the amazing experience with Jack a few moments ago, what had Jack done that felt so good? Flicking though mental images, his mind suddenly jumped to the memory of accidentally chocking Jack and laughed. It wasn't really a laugh, his mouth was too occupied, more of a sound low in his throat.

Jack cried out a string of words that sounded like another language. Jack's reaction jogged his memory - humming. That's what Jack did that drove him over the edge, would he like it too? Only one way to find out he thought. Bruce started with a low note, relaxing his throat and letting the noise fill his mouth.

“Bruce, please... don't.”

Bruce interpreted that to mean, please Bruce, don't stop and continued to hum. Eyes closed as he focused on the task at hand, Bruce only knew Jack's reactions by the sounds.

The squeak of a sweat slicked hand trying to grip the mahogany headboard.

The tearing of fabric and the muffled thump of hitting a pillow or the mattress.

Suddenly, Bruce got a small taste of something different in his mouth, bitter and thick. Precome, he thought to himself and readied himself for Jack's release. He hummed steadier and tried to relax so he could take more of Jack into his throat.

“Bruce! I'm gonna...”

Bruce didn't have time to think, he pushed Jack's cock to the back of the throat and swallowed several times. Jack screamed, his body pulsing with relief. Bruce sat back and swallowed once more to rid his mouth of the taste. It wasn't that bad. Plus seeing Jack in his current state was worth it.

Jack's legs were spread far apart while his arms held a tatted pillow close to his chest. Several feathers already escaped through a hole in the fabric. Jack's eyes were still closed and his head was against the headboard. Beads of sweat gathered on his forehead and his mouth was open as he gasped for air.

Bruce leaned on the pillow beside Jack, and poked at the other man's bicep.

“Still alive? Or did my pillows fight back?”

Jack opened the eye closest to Bruce.

“Better than alive...”

The eye slid close again.

Bruce looked at Jack, trying to get back in the scientific mindset he had mastered a few minutes ago. The grin on Jack's face betrayed his closed eyes and Bruce wondered what he was thinking. He got the feeling Jack was waiting for him to do something. His mind paused.

This didn't sit right with Bruce. It was too familiar - too close. The glow, the smiles, the amazing exhaustion after release. It was a scene he'd played out many times before. He knew what was suppose to happen next. If Jack was a girl, he would have kissed her. But that seemed almost out of place here.

Besides, he didn't want to. Two people who each needed something, that's what this was. They needed a distraction from life, an experiment. It didn't mean anything. If he kissed Jack now it would be different than before. All of the other times were in the moment, to help things get started. Now it would be just a kiss. No mischief, no heat, no analysis - just pure emotion. He couldn't -wouldn't allow that.

Bruce's body leaned forward, betraying his mind. Just once, said a tiny voice, hidden inside him. He could feel Jack's breath on his face as his lips inched closer.

Just once.

The annoying buzz of Bruce's alarm clock echoed through the bedroom. Bruce quickly turned from Jack and turned off the alarm with a forceful smack. He got out of bed and walked towards the bureau, his legs still feeling the aftershocks of Jack's amazing work.

“Where are you going?” Jack asked in a sleepy tone.

“To class,” Bruce picked through the top draw, “a place you may want to show up too now that you're not behind bars.”

He heard the sheets shift behind him and a muffled guffaw.

“Not until eleven.”

Bruce turned to see a maroon lump of sheets where Jack's naked body just bead. He laughed, “so are you going to sleep the morning away under my sheets?”

“Mmm hmmmm,” the pile of blankets answered him.

Bruce answered with a laugh as he shut the bathroom door behind him.


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