Nightminds ~ Chapter 14

Feb 09, 2009 18:16

Title: Nightminds
Chapter: 14 of ?
Author: spygirl690
Disclaimer: Wow I wish they were mine, but they aren't. So don't sue me.
Rating: R to NC17
Paring: Batman/Joker
Warning: drug use, language, sex, graphic violence in later chapters
Summary: This story examines the months Bruce spent at Princeton before returning to start his journey in Batman Begins. The title was inspired by the Missy Higgins song Nightminds

Beta: A.S. you are the bomb baby!
Dedication: Let them eat cake! (I'll let purplev explain this if she wishes....)
*NOTE* I have my midterm in my Masters 500 Marketing midterm on Saturday so the chance of there being a ch15 next week is about 50/50.

Find all previous chapters of Nightminds here

Chapter 14

“Napier, fun time's over.”

Jack opened his eyes and sat up on the hard steel bed.

“Over so soon, officer Tulley?”

Of course Jack knew it wasn't over soon and the cops had squeezed as much time out of his release paperwork as humanly possible. They were waiting for a last second miracle that wouldn't come. When Jack made plans, he made sure they were air tight. From the moment they put the handcuffs on him, he knew it was just a matter of time. He amused himself pissing off some guards and befriending others, knowing having some friends in this place could come in handy later. For example the nice rookie who let him sneak in a shower before he was released back into the wild. Days staring at a wall and fucking with the cop interrogating him were growing old. The gray walls were so boring, they needed color. Why not a happy shade of green? Jack suggested this to a guard and was promptly ushered in for a psych evaluation. It was like being a teenager all over again. Stupid doctors so easily fooled by the answered he rehearsed from textbooks. Who were they to judge what was sane anyways?

It had taken long enough for Jack to be slightly annoyed when Cesar's drawl spoke to him through the rusty bars of the cell.

“You're getting out tomorrow. Come straight to Knuckles, we have business to take care of.”

A pithy command; Cesar didn't even give Jack a chance to respond before walking down the hallway. Jack wondered what was in store for him at Knuckles as Tulley unlocked the door.

“Oh, I'm sure you'll be back here soon enough,” Tulley sneered at him, long strands of dark hair covering a sallow face.

Jack put his hands in his pockets and took his time strolling to the doors. He smiled at Tulley, who gritted his teeth and pointed to his left.

“This way.”

Jack was amused by Tulley's anger, but he didn't toy with the man anymore, he was too close to the outside for pranks. A plump officer stuffed into an overstretched uniform behind a counter handed Jack his belongings, listing off his effects as he placed them on the counter.

Jack's thoughts were somewhat far more ascetically pleasing as he slipped his jacket on and walked towards the exit of the station. Tully was still following him, ever the dutiful lapdog to the badge. Just as he reached the doors, Jack turned suddenly.

“Gentlemen,” Jack dipped into an exaggerated bow, “it has been a pleasure.”

With a laugh he turned and walked out of the station and into the sunlight. Jack hailed a cab while he skipped down the steps.

“Knuckles,” Jack said as he slid onto the cracked leather seat.

The cab and the destination reminded him of the last cab ride he took with Bruce.

Wayne... he had thought about him quite a bit while staring at those gray walls. Kissing him had been a bit rash but Jack was sure he'd made the right move. Bruce was practically begging for it; dilated pupils, rapid heart beat, shallow breathing - it all gave him away. Jack leaned his head against the seat and remembered how the billionaire tasted. Only his thoughts strayed a bit from reality, Bruce opening his mouth and welcoming Jack's tongue inside. The supposed playboy pulling Jack close with a wanton sigh escaping between kisses.

The cabbie slamming on his break ejected Jack from his dream and into the smoke scented leather seat in front of him.

Jack looked into the rear view mirror, “easy there hot shot.”

The driver’s eyes were focused on him and the only response Jack got was a grunt before his eyes turned back to the road.

Sat back into the seat and stared at the passing scenery until it finally neared into Cesar's territory. The car came to an abrupt halt outside of Knuckles. Jack threw some money at the cab driver, “seriously, you suck at driving, even for a cab driver.”

The cabbie's shouted response rebounded off of the noise that hit Jack as soon as he opened the door to Knuckles. A half dozen people, all Jack's most loyal customers, were gathered in front of the doorway cheering his arrival. Jack quirked up his eyebrow, “so this is what being a celebrity feels like. I can only imagine what you would have done if I actually went to jail.”

Cesar walked out to shake his hand. “Don't get a big head, you're not that fucking special.”

Jack shook his bosses' hand with a laugh. Jack realized the few guest were wearing multicolored cone
shaped hats on top of their heads. The green and purple one perched on top of Cesar's head looked so out of place with his street rough exterior, Jack couldn't help but burst into laughter.

While catching his breath Jack patted Cesar on the shoulder. “Nice hat.”

Cesar grinned and ripped it off his head, crumpling the paper in his hand. “He said you'd get a kick out of it.”

Jack looked to the place at the back bar where Cesar gestured. It only took a moment for him to lock eyes with Bruce. The billionaire was leaning up against the bar with a smile, tipping the beer in his hand towards Jack in a congratulatory gesture. The world around Jack went mute as he felt his mouth water. Bruce was wearing a tight black t-shirt on top of jeans that just screamed “grab my ass.” Leaning up against the bar in that casual pose, he looked good enough to eat. Jack squeezed his nails into the palm of his hand as he felt the erection he had in the cab attempting to make another grand entrance.
Making sure to put one foot in front of the other, Jack walked past Cesar and made his way towards Bruce.

Cesar’s hand clamped on his arm.

“Do not forget, we have business to discuss,” the Mexican's tone was harsh and Jack nodded, if only to get Cesar's hand off his arm.

Talk about a way to kill his erection.

“I'm not going to forget, Cesar.”

“Ok, kid, I just know how you get when you start thinking with your penè.”

Jack turned to his boss with a mischievous grin. “Why Cesar - what makes you think that?”

Cesar chuckled, backing away from Jack. “Whatever esè.”

Jack gave Cesar one last look and sauntered up to the bar. Bruce gave Jack a half smile and handed him a beer. “Hey, stranger.”

Jack couldn't help but return the smile as he leaned against the bar.

“Oh, if anything my stint in jail has made me stranger.”

Both men erupted into laughter which gradually died into an uncomfortable silence. Jack sipped his beer and looked around the bar. Everyone had removed their hats and was settling back into their old selves. Ah, it felt good to be the king, if only for a minute , he thought before his mind turned to the situation at hand. He knew the reason for the silence, the unfinished business in the stairway. He wanted to finish it. All he could think about was finishing it. But now wasn't the time.

“Did the school survive without me?”

“It almost didn't, the memorials dedicated to you started crowding the hallways.”

Jack turned away from the crowd and rested his elbows on the bar. “Women crying in the hallways?”

Bruce followed suit, placing his empty beer on the bar before leaning on his shoulders.

“Oh yeah,” Bruce said with a laugh.

They were close enough that their arms rested against each other, huddled in their own private world. Jack liked it this way, tucked away from everything else that didn't make sense. The conversation continued filled with their typical jabs at one another and the people around them. Laughing like this Jack had to remind himself of the game. It feels like this because it is so effortless, Jack told himself.

Bruce turned to look at him, their proximity on the bar allowing them only the breath of a moment between their faces.

“I'm glad you're back.”

Jack grinned, a small victory dance starting in his head. “It's good to have someone to come back to besides the pushers and the users and the walking bags of flesh that fill the gap between.”

Bruce tipped his beer in Jack's direction with a smile. “The dynamic duo?”

Jack laughed at Bruce's exaggerated sarcastic tone, clinking his bottle on Bruce's. “To the dynamic duo.”

Come to think of it, when did he get that second beer? How many has he had? Jack thought about how little Bruce usually drank and made a mental note to subtlety cut him off somehow. He wanted him to be sober for what was going to happen. He didn't want any crutches for Bruce to lean on in the morning.

“Hey, boys, having a good time?” Cesar appeared in front of them and Bruce took a sidestep away from Jack.

Great timing, Jack sighed as he stood from the bar and turned to Bruce. “I'll be right back.”

Bruce nodded and Jack walked along the bar. Cesar held the small door to the back of the bar open with a smile. “Let's chat.”

Jack looked back at Bruce who was watching him intently, a hint of worry in his face. Jack gave him a reassuring smile before disappearing into Cesar's office.

* * *
It was about fifteen minutes until Jack reemerged from the back room with Cesar. Bruce knew because he had been checking his watch impulsively since Jack had disapeared behind the stained green door.
Bruce filled with tension as Jack walked towards him; did Cesar tell him everything? He asked Cesar not to say anything but, in the end, he couldn't control what the Mexican would do behind closed doors.
Bruce moved to take a drink, but Jack put a hand on his arm, stopping the bottle before it reached his lips.

“Wanna get out of here? I'm starting to smell like this place,” Jack slid both hands in his pockets and smiled at Bruce.

“Is everything ok?” Bruce spied Cesar leaving the back room, shaking his head - not a good sign.

“Cesar?” Jack glanced behind him, “he's a business man like myself. He's just pissed my time in the clank took money out of his pocket. I don't really want to stare at his ugly mug right now anyways.”

“Well I did just get a copy of The Blob...” Bruce tried to look innocent and Jack could only laugh at his attempt.

“A gigantic pink pile of goo that eats people for dinner. How could I resist?”

Bruce slid on his jacket, still wondering if Cesar told Jack anything. One thing Jack was good at was putting on a false face. They walked towards the door together and Bruce wondered how Jack would react if he knew how much it had taken to free him. The chill of the night air went straight to his bones. Bruce huddled in his jacket standing on a corner while Jack hailed a cab.

Jack was a proud guy who really trusted in his own power to perfectly play out situations. He must have had something up his sleeve to get him out of jail. But for the life of him Bruce couldn't figure out what that might have been.

The cab pulled up and Bruce slid in the back with Jack. They talked about what happen since Jack was gone, easy banter Bruce could participate in without really thinking.

Whatever Jack had planned Bruce had decided it was taking too long. On his own he had sought out Cesar's help to fix a problem Jack may or may not have been on top of. Would Jack be mad? Grateful? Insulted?

Bruce wouldn't know until they were alone.

* * *

“So, what about the work you've missed?”

Bruce stepped out of the elevator, feeling slightly relieved. They had been alone since the moment they stepped out of the cab and Jack hadn't said anything.

“I'll work something out.,” Jack shrugged.

Bruce opened the door, standing aside to let Jack in. Only the recess lighting on the kitchen was on, giving the living room a soft glow. Bruce tossed his keys towards the bowl on the counter, they slid of the side and clanged across the floor.

“Wooo, nice job Shaq.”

Bruce smiled and shook his head at Jack's teasing as he bent down to pick up the keys. Suddenly Bruce was slammed on the floor, coughing as the air was forced out of his lungs. His world spun as he was flipped on to his back.

“Jack what the fu-”

Bruce's words were stopped by Jack's mouth. Jack's hands pressed Bruce's shoulders into the floor as his lips began their assault on the billionaire. Bruce felt Jack's lips soften just as they had in the stairway, the boy's tongue tracing his lips, begging for permission to enter. Bruce's eyes tried to focus but all he could see were strands of Jacks hair and the pail canvas of his skin.

This was crazy. What happened in the stairway was a fluke, two people caught in a fucked up moment. It shouldn't happen again. It shouldn't....

Despite his rational thoughts Bruce's lips were starting to lose their stiff, unyielding persona. Clenching his fist, Bruce tried to protest but Jack just took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Bruce's mouth.
This was too much - Bruce pushed Jack aside and slid away from him.

“Jack. Just wait,” Bruce held his hands up in a stop gesture and leaned his head against the walk at his back.

Bruce had pushed Jack a little too hard and now he was against the barstools around the counter. Jack was staring at the floor, breathing heavy.

“No,” it was almost not audible.

Bruce looked at Jack, his face a mixture of wonder and panic. “What?”

Jack pushed his hair out of his face and locked eyes with Bruce. “No.”

Bruce scrambled to his feet, Jack's face looked the same way it did in the hallway. He didn't know how to respond to that look. Although his body did. In moving from sitting to standing Bruce noticed he'd been getting hard under Jack's touches.

Dammit, he didn't want to think about this. He didn't want this.

Jack didn't give him time to think. In a flash he barreled into Bruce's stomach, tackling him to the ground. Jack pushed his lips back on Bruce's as one of his hands snaked down Bruce's abdomen. It slid under his shirt, Jack's cold fingers teasing the skin beneath. One of Jack's lengthy digits ghosted over Bruce's nipple and he told himself that was enough. Bruce hooked his arm and leg around Jack and rolled to pin the boy beneath him.

“Jack, stop!”

Bruce was shaking and breathing heavy. He looked down at Jack, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. Was he mad? Was this his way of getting back at him for paying off Cesar?

“Stop it!” Jack shouted in his face. “Stop thinking.”

Jack wiggled his leg out from underneath Bruce and rolled towards the living room table. He stood and started pacing. Bruce stood up on shaky legs, he had no idea what was going on or even how he felt about it.

“Stop thinking. You've lived a life where you do exactly what other people expect of you every step of the way. Even what you think of rebellion was something expected. You're going to graduate from this place, put on a suit and be a slave to your name forever?”

“You don't know what you're talking about,” Bruce was pacing now too, “besides, how is that going to help?”

Jack stopped pacing and came at Bruce again, crowding him into a wall. “Why did you come after me the day the cops arrested me?”

Bruce couldn't think, too many things were screaming through his mind at once. His parents, school, what Jack said, and the past few months where he felt like he could leave his last name behind and just be Bruce. The simple fact that he shouldn't like having Jack's body pinning him to a wall. Underneath everything was the heat he couldn't ignore when Jack was near.

“Why did you have that stupid party for me?”

The anger was gone from Jack's eyes, only the lingering heat from before mixed something else Bruce couldn't identify.


Jack's face was inches from his again. He wanted to push him away but a part of him was beginning to agree with the points Jack had made. Bruce risked so much just going to Cesar... he couldn't explain it away. Bruce's eyes focused on Jack's t-shirt, while his mind sank into the unknown feeling in his chest.

“And why do you look like you haven't slept in weeks?”

Bruce looked into Jack's eyes. The answer was all there. It had been there since the time they talked in the courtyard. That strange wanting that rumbled around in the box Bruce kept his emotions in. They were two of a kind, both misunderstood and stuck in the escapable rolls life had carved out for them.

Maybe that was it. After a lifetime of empty relationships Bruce had found someone he actually wanted to be around. It wasn't falling for someone, it was his desperation to stave off that final moment where he would be lost to the name of Wayne forever.

So maybe, just for now, trapped inside these walls, he could do something completely crazy and selfish. Something he didn't understand - something he didn't want to understand.

Bruce closed the gap between them and caught Jack's mouth in a kiss. His lips weren't hard this time, parting easily to let Jack's tongue inside. Letting rational thoughts drip from his mind, Bruce could focus on the heat coursing through his body and pooling low in his belly.

Jack kissed like a starving man, changing the pressure and position frequently, not wanting to let a corner of Bruce's mouth go unexplored. With every nip of Jack's teeth Bruce could feel his jeans becoming more and more uncomfortable.

Jack pushed Bruce further into the wall and straddled Bruce's right leg. Bruce could feel Jack's cock, hot and hard through his jeans. Jack wrapped his arms around Bruce's waist and rubbed against his thigh.

Through it all Jack's kisses were still just as relentless as they were the first moment Bruce brought his mouth to Jack's. Every once in a while Jack would nip at Bruce's lips and then trace them with his tongue.

The only noise filling Bruce's ears was the sound of their heavy breathing and the drumming of his heart.

Every time Bruce felt his mind trying to think about the situation he bucked his hips forward and filled his mind with the sweet sensation of the fabric pulling on his cock. Whenever Bruce swayed his hips, Jack would groan softly and return the gesture. It became more frequent until Jack had Bruce pinned against the wall - both men groaning between labored breaths while they rubbed up against each other.
Jack's hands were the first to move, following the waistband of Bruce's pants before dipping down and cupping his erection through the denim. Bruce's breathing hitched at Jack's touch, but after a moment he arched upward into his palm.

Bruce did allow himself to think about how amazing Jack's hands were, twisting and pulling his cock through the fabric just right.

Bruce copied Jack's movements and groaned with pleasure when he curved his fingers around the hot length of fabric.

Jack's mouth moved along Bruce's jaw and down the side of his neck, every nip of his teeth and caress of his tongue was pushing Bruce further from sanity. The wanting was tearing around in the box inside him violently now, straining to come out.

Bruce rubbed Jack's cock through the fabric the way he enjoyed touching himself, starting as close to the base as he could get with long quick strokes. The heat beneath his hand had a touch of moisture behind it, damp with pre-come.

Jack lifted his lips from Bruce's shoulder grunting as he thrust his hips in time with Bruce's hand, “need you. Now.”

Bruce barely registered the words before Jack was flicking open the button of his jeans and pulling his fly down. Jack looked up into Bruce's eyes and dragged the billionaire's pants down his hips. Bruce moaned as his cock broke free of his underwear and was touched by the chilled air of the room. He had stopped stroking Jack, all he could do was look into his smoldering eyes.

Then Jack's hand wrapped around him and Bruce felt his world shatter. He moaned and buried his face in Jack's neck while he thrust into his hand.


Jack's plea helped bring Bruce back to the surface and his hands moved from the front of Jack's pants to the fastenings that held them in place. He was quick with the job and it wasn't long until Jack's thick shaft was in his hand, the tip slick from the pre-come weeping from it.

It was so hard to concentrate on what he was doing when Jack's hands were on him. He stroked long and fast, trying to match the pace of Jack's hand.

“Nnggg,” Jack grunted, pushing their hips together so their cocks rubbed against one another.

“Fuck,” it was the first thing Bruce had said since it had started. His tip was flicking up against Jack's every time their hands moved back down their shafts and it was driving him towards the edge.

Jack's hand movements were becoming more erratic as he thrust their cocks together at a frenzied pace.
Bruce moved his head from Jacks neck and opened his eyes. Jack's eyes were closed, beads of sweat condensing on his brow and his mouth was open in a silent moan. He'd never seen the boy look that vulnerable. Bruce tipped his forehead so it touched Jack’s, their collective pants and groans combining in the inches of space between their mouths.

Bruce suddenly felt the familiar tug starting low in his abdomen, he could barely breath. “Jack I'm...”

“Me t...” Jack didn't even have time to get the words out before his hot seed was spilling onto Bruce's hand. Jack's come slicked across Bruce's cock and he topped over the edge. Lights exploded behind his eyes as he cried Jack's name into the darkness.

Bruce's legs gave way and he slowly slid down the wall, taking Jack with him. They huddled against the wall, breathing heavy with their heads on each other's shoulders. Finally, Jack broke the silence.

Bruce had to agree.


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