Title: Escapades (3/10)
Pairing: Booth/Brennan
Spoilers: none
Rating: NC-17
Summary: He is such a dirty, dirty man... luckily he has a partner that goes along with him.
Word Count: 1,869
Prompts: Metal table, lab coat, submissive Brennan; place: the Jeffersonian
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Comments 4
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and thanks for the heads up on the beta comments thing. you know when you check the same thing so many times that, at some point, you can't even see it anymore?
I love the way you wrote this story, telling what happened from Booth´s POV while he remembered, touching himself. It was sexy :-) "He found himself horribly hard for the rest of the day" Naughty Brennan! LOL. I loved it!
And the moment he arrived at the lab to find her only wearing her lab coat, I loved it! It was a very hot story, and the end was priceless! :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing!
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