Sep 16, 2018 21:21


lazaruswakes Dean Winchester.
raisedyoufrom Castiel
robosam Sam Winchester
shelikesitred Ruby
spunkysidekick Delaware Singer
unditchabledate Bobby Singer



05/27/08 :: "Me and Oregon? We're like this."
05/28/08 :: "So once I met a guy who fucks dogs."
05/28/08 :: "I could really go for a cheeseburger."


06/01/08 :: "I met a guy who choked on some cotton candy once."
06/01/08 :: "How about something that doesn't involve anyone dying?"
06/07/08 :: "You're spoilin' the bonding. Don't spoil the bonding."
06/10/08 :: "You have a bag of knives, Sam! Knives! In a bag!"
06/12/08 :: "Mmhmm. Dooo doo doo."
06/13/08 :: "You're uh. You're still sitting on me."
06/14/08 :: "Yeah, okay. Knock knock?"
06/18/08 :: "I just--I can't believe you'd even think I wanted that from you."
06/19/08 :: "You let my friend go, or I'm gonna shoot you in the face."
06/19/08 :: "I'm not some fuckin' Julia Roberts."
06/20/08 :: "Did you sleep out here?"
06/20/08 :: "I mean, not that you're flashin' kids. Please don't start flashin' kids."
06/22/08 :: "I wanted to be a fire truck when I was a kid."
06/28/08 :: "C'mon. Let's go talk to hookers."
06/28/08 :: "Nobody gives a shit about dead hookers."
06/29/08 :: "Man. When you decapitated the fucker. That was awesome."


07/02/08 :: "People die in stupid ways without any kinda supernatural assistance."
07/02/08 :: "Sam. Hey, Sam. You're outta the water now. You can breathe now."
07/07/08 :: "Recap. We're taped together. Under a shelf."
07/10/08 :: "I did what I had to do."
07/10/08 :: "Y'can't eat ice cream in your clothes."
07/10/08 :: "If I had a dollar for every guy who's said that to me... I'd be really fuckin' cheap."
07/11/08 :: "This is probably a bad idea, right?"
07/13/08 :: "Give me a clue, dude. How many syllables?"
07/15/08 :: "Caw caw caw-caw!"
07/15/08 :: "Bobby, this is my-- friend, Delaware. Della, this is--"
07/15/08 :: "I changed a lotta things."
07/15/08 :: "Who in their right mind jumps to the conclusion that a guy they picked up is their buddy's estranged son?"
07/15/08 :: "Why doncha stay for dinner at least."
07/16/08 :: "We kinda add up to two average-sized dudes, and two average-sized dudes could totally fit on this couch."
07/16/08 :: "Hey, just so long as you're not runnin' off to Canada to get hitched."
07/19/08 :: "We're in public. Think of the children."
07/20/08 :: "I don't think this is gonna work."
07/20/08 :: "And then, y'know. You saw him go. End of story."


08/01/08 :: "Alright go on, get out of here."
08/09/08 :: "You're the one with Azazel's blood inside you. You figure it out."
08/10/08 :: "Don't screw with me, Ruby."
08/13/08 :: "You think Dean would want this?"
08/15/08 :: "And here was me thinking Dean was going to be the gay one."
08/19/08 :: "I'll go. You guys have fun tipping cows, or, or whatever."
08/19/08 :: "If you want to find him, I know where he is."
08/19/08 :: "I love you."
08/19/08 :: "Y'no that was almost kinda romantic."
08/20/08 :: "Young love, Sammy. It warms the heart."
08/24/08 :: "I don't care about you eating my fries but you mind not throwing them at me?"
08/27/08 :: "The hell've you been doin'? Readin' Latin in the dark for five hours?"
08/29/08 :: "When'd you exorcise it? I didn't hear you exorcise it."
08/30/08 :: "So, you're psychic."


09/02/08 :: "Not many guys would stick around after you tell them you kinda might be the antichrist."
09/03/08 :: "I know he's not with Ruby. He'da told me if he was."
09/05/08 :: "Della. We can't have a puppy."
09/06/08 :: "Not that the serial killer look wasn't workin' for you, but look at you now."
09/06/08 :: "Hey! No canoodlin' on my porch!"
09/06/08 :: "You're like family to me, kid, you know that."
09/07/08 :: "If Dad comes in again, we're gonna haveta get shotgun married."
09/08/08 :: "Don't you ever get sick of the whole. Constant movement thing?"
09/09/08 :: "My life sucked before I hitched a ride with you."
09/11/08 :: "Gee, Sam, I turn my back for five minutes and you turn into Donna Reed."
09/14/08 :: "I think it might have something to do with Lilith."
09/18/08 :: "h-help?"
09/18/08 :: "Hey, it's my pizza. You gotta earn it."
09/18/08 :: "You look in my grave, I'm not there."
09/18/08 :: "Dean, this is m-- Delaware. Della, this is my brother Dean."
09/18/08 :: "I tried everything to get you back, Dean. Everything."
09/19/08 :: "I just wanna wait a while, but I'll tell him, I promise."
09/19/08 :: "My name is Castiel. I have been watching you, Dean."
09/20/08 :: "I picked up Delaware and we did some jobs together, and now here we are."
09/21/08 :: "We've been travelling together three days and you're telling me he's our other brother. What the hell, Sam?"
09/21/08 :: "But Dean - he's not good at sharing."
09/23/08 :: "I don't wanna come between you and Sam or anythin', y'know?"
09/25/08 :: "You're a hooker? Man, I didn't see that one coming."
09/25/08 :: "Angry spirits, the apocalypse, pimps apparently?"
09/25/08 :: "I know you don't like him, but just. Be nice."
09/26/08 :: "Hey, whadda ya call a college boy who can't do crosswords?"
09/28/08 :: "Go braid your hair or whatever the fuck you want. I am going to bed."
09/28/08 :: "Looks like you guys had a prety good night."
09/30/08 :: "Do you get the feeling like Sammy's hidin' something?"


10/01/08 :: "Wow, could this get much more Pretty Woman?"
10/02/08 :: "Sam's too busy flirting with librarians to play good cop bad cop today."
10/02/08 :: "I'm telling you, man, he's got a crush on you. A big un."
10/02/08 :: "It's not what it looks like?"
10/03/08 :: "Stop calling him a god damn hooker."
NEW 10/05/08 :: "I really don't need the image of Bobby in a dress."



omg wtf masterpost

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