Title: All the Things That Are Lost
Chapter: 9
Pairing: S/B
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Post-NFA. When Buffy discovers that Spike survived the destruction of Sunnydale, she heads to L.A. looking for answers; however, her search eventually leads her to a strange place that is more than a world away.
Previous chapters here Author's Note: This is horribly,
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Comments 10
Psst. I think the LJ-cut was mean to you. I'd kick it if I were you. ~_^
P.S. Yes, I think I'm falling in love with Illyria a little bit.
Before I knew of the existence of fanfic as a notion (which actually was just before summer) I googled the 'word' Spuffy and came up with a series of results.
As I didn't realize what exactly the links I was seeing were, I clicked on one at random, and guess which fic it was...? Yup, that's right! 'All the things that are lost'! I read up to what you had written and fell in love with it, so I bookmarked it (had no idea what livejournal was either!!!), only for the link to be lost along with everything else when my PC crushed. I was so upset I couldn't find it again:(
A few weeks ago (having found out what lj is and how to create an account:P) I joined this community... And now I'm squeeing and bouncing for having found this!!! :D
And that's all before I read it, cuz I have to go to a family thing and will probably read tomorrow... (Darn! but at least now I know what 'tracking' is too!!!)
You got me thinking, and I realize I can't quite pin down my first awareness of fanfic, as my mom was a Star Trek fan way back in the days of the "zines" and had a big collection, and I was often reading some of her Star Trek/Star Wars fanzines (yes, she monitored what I read!). Back then, I thought that writing a fanzine would be the funnest thing ever. And then when I finally got on the Internet: complete fanfic overload. Something for every TV show or movie you ever loved, every pairing you enjoyed, or hoped for, or wished could be (not to mention a healthy dose of what you DIDN'T want to see). Not enough time in the day to keep track of it all - but it's so much fun to try!
And Google + Spuffy is a wonderful thing, isn't it? :-)
P.S. I've been on LJ for over a year, and don't know what 'tracking' is. I just count myself lucky when I don't screw up my LJ-cuts.
I sooo loved it! You have their voices down to a 'T', the interactions were so true to form, it was like watching them play them out on TV! I hope Buffy hasn't royally screwed things up by asking about Angel, and I definitely hope that Spike lets her tell him what she wants soon, cuz it frustrates me when love is in the air and the only ones not seeing it are the people in love!
Oh, and 'tracking' is following every new posting under a certain tag (ie. keyword)all you have to do is click on the pin icon at the top that says 'track this' when you put the pointer on it and you can be notified every time something with the same keyword is posted! This way I won't have to cry my eyes out if this laptop crushes as well :P
Thanks for the info - I'll have to try out that feature. I need to spend a little more time exploring LJ.
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