Title: The Woods Fandom: BSG P/C: Boomer/Gaeta, Adama, Chief, Layne Ishay, Doc Cottle Rating: PG-13 for brief sexual refrences and some graphic descriptions. Summary: She was the enemy, a machine.
I like Adama's memories of her at the beginning of this, and how he keeps stopping short, remembering, "Oh yeah, she's a Cylon," and then trying to reconcile the two sides.
I also liked the description of the Chief's harsh breathing in the silent room, and how Gaeta is trying so hard to be calm and collected. Again, I see the theme running through this fic and the other Boomer POV ficlet you wrote recently, where you contrast the Chief and Gaeta's personalities. The Chief here comes across as he should - as much more earthy (pardon the pun) and visibly emotional, whereas Gaeta prides himself on distant coolness.
He knew that he fell in love with her a little bit that day. This is a lovely line. I like the idea that Gaeta would fall in love with for her personality first, and specifically for the sweetness in her.
The issue with having Gaeta paired with anyone, is that most of his personality is kind of shadowed. He seems like a flirt but is also pretty shy. But at the same time, who the hell was not surprised by that tattoo moment in "Final Cut"? I love that his relationship with Sharon kind of frays his edges.
And you know what a HUGE Boomer/Chief shipper I am. I just haven't really been feeling a Boomer/Chief vibe in my life lately. I like to contrast the two of them, to sort of give the Gaeta/Boomer relationship more depth.
Comments 6
I also liked the description of the Chief's harsh breathing in the silent room, and how Gaeta is trying so hard to be calm and collected. Again, I see the theme running through this fic and the other Boomer POV ficlet you wrote recently, where you contrast the Chief and Gaeta's personalities. The Chief here comes across as he should - as much more earthy (pardon the pun) and visibly emotional, whereas Gaeta prides himself on distant coolness.
He knew that he fell in love with her a little bit that day.
This is a lovely line. I like the idea that Gaeta would fall in love with for her personality first, and specifically for the sweetness in her.
Oh, and wow, great ending line!
And you know what a HUGE Boomer/Chief shipper I am. I just haven't really been feeling a Boomer/Chief vibe in my life lately. I like to contrast the two of them, to sort of give the Gaeta/Boomer relationship more depth.
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