Title: Scenes from the Hog’s Head Inn (2/2)
fugacious_loveCharacter(s): Aberforth Dumbledore, Sirius Black
Rating: PG
Warnings (highlight to view): a bar brawl, a wee bit of language
Wordcount: 11,341 words
Summary: Aberforth wondered if he’d ever had a handle on Sirius Black. Had he ever seen the boy, or merely the shadows of things
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Comments 25
I'm sorry it's taken me this long to reply. I've been on vacation. :)
I liked the way you split the narrative up into the different times, and the fact that everything ( and everyone) is so complicated. I loved the dynamic between Sirius and Regulus, and then my heart broke for them both in the scene where Sirius confronted the Death Eaters.
I loved the fact that you didn't hurry things here, but let the characterisations unroll gradually. The scene in which Aberforth bought the mirror, and then the brief glimpse of a young Sirius running past the window, is heartstopping.
The ending is so beautiful; I'm slipping it into my own personal canon. A perfect way to tie everything together. Thank you for writing this.
I'm so happy that you liked the story, and thanks again for taking the time to review!
And I'm sorry for the delay in my reply. I've been on vacation. :)
A superb story; thank you!
My apologies for the delay in my reply. I've just come back from vacation. :)
I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to respond. I've been on vacation. :)
And just an aside - so that's how the mirror got there! I really liked that detail. Brilliant work, the whole thing.
My apologies for the delay in my reply. I've been on vacation. :)
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