Title: It's Twelve O'Clock And I Need Your Attention
reversedhymnal Rating: PG-13? Uhm, no harder than a soft R?
Warnings: SILLY D:
Word count: 890
Summary: His heart was thudding really loudly, but this was like, the second time they'd made out sober, and Lavi, well. He really liked the kid. A lot.
A/N: ........Fffffff lmao. Ahahaha right. :| ♥? The Cab was my musical inspiration lol.
Kanda had promised to remove Lavi's head if they kept him from passing his Accounting test in the morning, and Allen's room was out because Link was still kind of scary despite being half a semester into the term. So Allen and Lavi were watching their movie down low in the lounge, and it was late, so late, nobody else on their floor was awake.
Which was good, because Lavi and Allen had stopped watching the movie about fifteen minutes before and were busy sucking hickies in places it'd be a little difficult to hide come morning. They had a habit of doing this. Once it'd happened when they were coming home a little too drunk and were riding the elevator up. The door had closed and they'd been alone in a little room and Allen had just smirked at Lavi and laughed, and his laughter was so delicious as to be edible, surely, and Lavi tried to lick it out of his mouth in great lewd swipes. They forgot that elevator doors open, so when they opened they'd been a little shocked to hear the catcalls.
But now there were no interruptions, just them on the couch, and it was easy to ignore the weird smells the couch always gave off in favor of pressing his nose to Allen's hair and breathing in panting gasps as Allen scraped his teeth lightly over his pulse. Lavi, really, was quite pleased.
He was probably going to fail his acting class tomorrow and he had an assignment in history that he still hadn't finished, but really, he could care less. He was cradled against Allen's body, nestled between the smaller boy's strong legs, his hard dick pressed tight to zipper but more importantly to Allen Walker's dick. The clothes hardly seemed to exist, to be honest, and Lavi rocked in tiny little increments against Allen because Allen made this pretty little wanton purring noise and looked at him with dangerous gray eyes out of mused bangs, and he was perfect.
Allen traced tantalizing lines sharp through Lavi's t-shirt, and Lavi moaned real soft on a jagged edge that was pleasure, and bit Allen's bottom lip to smother it. He sucked it in right after, his tongue teasing gently, and was gratified to feel Allen shudder beneath him.
And then, of course, Lavi had to open his big mouth and ruin it. Because he just couldn't help himself.
He pulled back just enough to try and catch his breath (which would have been easier if he wasn't busy losing it at the sight that Allen made beneath him) and his heart was thudding really loudly, but this was like, the second time they'd made out sober, and Lavi, well. He really liked the kid.
A lot.
He couldn't help himself, not when Allen smiled up at him in a way that meant that Lavi couldn't help but match him, joy for joy. He said, "Hey," and laughed rough and soft, and said half teasingly, testing waters, hoping and half serious, and wanting.
"We had popcorn and a movie, and now we're- mmn, y- yeah, that." Lavi had to blink a couple of times so he could see around how good it felt when Allen arched up like that, god, the boy was absolute sin.
"And?" Allen said, with his cute british accent, arching an eyebrow, his thumb moving slow against Lavi's nape. "Is there a point, or can we go back to the kissing now? I was really enjoying the kissing, you see."
"Well," Lavi said, amused, "This kinda counts as a date, doesn't it?" Allen stared at him, and Lavi grinned. "What? I even bought you dinner!"
"No," Allen said primly, "I bought you dinner."
"But still," said Lavi with a triumphant leer, "dinner was bought."
To which Allen firmly replied, "You make no sense. But, okay. Yeah, I could see that. A date.” Lavi grinned manically down at him, pleased as anything, so thrilled, so hard, so horny, and so honest to god delighted that his heart was practically tingling, and really, could this night get any better?
Allen smirked.
And Lavi remembered who he was dealing with.
“But if this is a date,” Allen purred.
And the next thing Lavi knew he was being bucked off the couch and off of Allen’s warm, lean body of delicious awesome, and thrown with an indignant, quite embarrassing yelp to the floor. He looked up, horrified, and Allen was sitting up, elbows on his knees and a sly wicked smile on his face.
He said, “I’m not the kinda girl who puts out on her first date.”
“But you’re not a girl at all,” Lavi whined.
Allen got to his feet, and brushed himself off, laughing a little cruelly, if Lavi’s still mostly erect dick had any say in it. “But my standards,” Allen grinned, “are just as high. Dinner’s on you, next time~”
Lavi, watching Allen walk back to his dorm, groaned, and flopped back onto the floor in defeat. He’d just have to jack off really really quietly in the bathroom, then, so that Kanda wouldn’t wake up. And he’d have to keep taking Allen out on dates, he thought, with a grin sliding onto his face that was just a touch too silly. Eventually, he’d find the lucky number.