Title: Learning Curve
Author: Scrolls
Rating: G
Warnings: None Really
Pairings: Reno/Reeve
Word count: 117
Summary: Every Damn Day!
Disclaimer: Don’t own, just like to play with from time to time.
Prompt: Final Fantasy 7, Reno/Reeve: Tattoos - Learn something new every day
The day before yesterday Reno learned that Reeve Tetsui knew every inch of the plate’s design, as well as the location of every engineering access, and how to open them without a Keycard.
Yesterday Reno had met Cait Sith, and discovered some rather interesting aspects of Reeve’s personality.
Today Reno was viewing something even more educational. A tattoo, on Reeve’s lower back, in a style and pattern similar to his own.
“South Fives?” He asked, pointing. At the other man’s raised eyebrow, Reno turned his head and pulled back his hair enough to show the tattoo hid behind his ears.
“Well, what are the odds?”
“Got me man.” The Turk told him, then handed him a beer.