Title: Moving In, Moving On
GryvonRating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex!
Word count: 1003
Summary: Finally, no more interruptions.
Prompt: June 6 - Card Captor Sakura, Touya/Yukito: Moving in together - "The whole house for ourselves: no little sisters, no plushies..."
Touya set the last of the cardboard boxes down with a heavy thud )
Comments 1
This is the first CCS fanfiction I've read and I'm glad to have stumbled upon this one in particular! >:D
Since they're so horribly, teasingly, wonderfully innocent in the series, I'd normally find it a bit hard to see them in a, um, *cough* [XD] situation like this, but your Yukito and Touya sound very canon, indeed ^o^
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