Title: Phoenix Author: misura Rating: PG-13 for language Warnings: Language. Summary: Matt had a one-track mind and a one-word vocabulary. A/N: Nothing comes to mind.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Like many people Mello had met, Matt had a mind that spent most of its time lying in the gutter. It was, perhaps, one of the things that kept Matt from being more like L, Mello and Near; it wasn't that Matt was dumb, precisely (although he was that, too, from where Mello was standing) it was, quite simply, that he got distracted too easily.
"Fuck." Matt backed off a little and shook his head. He reminded Mello of a puppy sometimes; all teeth and clumsiness, with a tendency to pounce on anything that moved and in need of a firm hand to keep him from making a mess.
Comments 2
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Like many people Mello had met, Matt had a mind that spent most of its time lying in the gutter. It was, perhaps, one of the things that kept Matt from being more like L, Mello and Near; it wasn't that Matt was dumb, precisely (although he was that, too, from where Mello was standing) it was, quite simply, that he got distracted too easily.
"Fuck." Matt backed off a little and shook his head. He reminded Mello of a puppy sometimes; all teeth and clumsiness, with a tendency to pounce on anything that moved and in need of a firm hand to keep him from making a mess.
Nice line.
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