Title: "Desperation" Artist: sjen Rating: PG File size: 750x638, 195k Prompt: Desperation - "Even if someday you die, I will remain yours." Note: Late again, I'm sorry, RL bit me! But late is better than never... TT
You know how much I love the silly aspects of their relationship, being the fan of no-luv and teasing and grumping that I am-- But I dunno, this prompt just made me wanna capture a serious side to it, with Seiryuu being cutely clingy and stubborn. ^^ I'm so glad you like it! It was a fun prompt~ <3
Comments 12
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I love both the glow and the dynamics of the picture. And I also like the contrast of Seimei's smile and Seiryuu's desperate and angry expression.
Very nicely done!
Beautiful. Wow.
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