Final Fantasy VII (Cloud/Sephiroth)

Jul 29, 2007 21:12

Title: One Winged Angel
Author/Artist: queenoftheskies
Rating: G
Warnings: uh...humor?
Word count: 424
Summary: Sephiroth comes back to haunt Cloud
Prompt: #14. Final Fantasy VII, Cloud/Sephiroth, Postgame snark - "I did die a painful death, if it makes you feel better."
A/N: I'm very sorry I'm late posting this. I hope you meant humor when you said you wanted postgame snark, because that's the kind of story that came out.

One Winged Angel

“Yes, I did die a painful death, if it makes you feel better,” Sephiroth said with a snort. “No thanks to you.”

“I was just doing my job.” Cloud sounded defensive when he turned away, refusing to meet Sephiroth’s even gaze.

A normal person would have been frightened--or at least suitably startled--to have a ghost--or in Sephiroth’s case, a one-winged angel of darkness--appear in his bedroom. “What job? You’re not even a real SOLDIER, Cloud.”

The dark-clad blond turned with a snarl on his lips. “I was good enough to kill your ass.”

“Not without help from your friends.”

“When it was just you and me...” Cloud strode across the room, fists clenched, to get into Sephiroth’s face. “Down in the crater, I kicked your sorry ass from there to Cosmo Canyon and back again.”

“Did not.” Sephiroth turned away, arms crossed. “Nowhere near Cosmo Canyon.”

“To Midgar then.”

“You are such a liar.”

“And you’re a spoil sport.” Cloud turned his back on Sephiroth, tapping his foot impatiently on the wooden floor. “You were beaten fair and square. You lose all rights to come back and haunt me.”

“Do not.”


“Do not.”

They both jumped at pounding on the door. “Are you two at it again?”

“Tifa!” Cloud leapt for the door, throwing it open to reveal the stacked warrior, wrapped in a bathrobe, her hair in rollers, face painted in cold crème. “Make him go away and leave me alone.”

It didn’t take an Ancient--or a dead angel--to tell she was pissed as she looked from one to the other.

“Look, if you guys want to dick-size, more power to you, but can’t you do it during the day when the rest of us aren’t trying to sleep?”

“Shut up!” Barret yelled from down the hall.

Tifa glanced over her shoulder. “I’m taking care of it, Barret. Go back to sleep.” Her gaze returned to Cloud, who hung his head in appropriate shame.

When it turned on Sephiroth, he shrugged, pointing at Cloud. “He started it.”

Cloud’s head snapped up. “Did not. You’re the one who decided to haunt me.”

With a sigh, Tifa asked, “Listen, could you just come back and haunt him in the morning? Please?”

Sephiroth sighed. “You take all the fun out of dying.” He wrapped his one black wing around himself as he strode toward the window. “I’ll be back tomorrow, Cloud. Count on it.”

“Yeah? sword’s bigger than yours, Sephiroth.”

“Is not.”


“Is not...”

final fantasy vii, queenoftheskies

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