Title: Chocolates
Author/Artist: GW Katrina aka
icedark_elfRating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word count: 272
Summary: A present well welcomed.
Prompt: July 4-26. Firefly, Wash/Zoe: Chocolate - "it was cred well spent, as far as they were concerned"
It must have been a good haul. Not only had they actually gotten some much needed parts and supplies, but even a little bit extra. From the smell of things from the kitchen, maybe even some real decent food. Spices even.
Mal had also been handing out little gifts, which meant they must have done -real- well. Mal didn't do things like that often, because he was a good captain. If one person got a gift, he tried to make sure that everyone else got something as well. He didn't want no accusations of favoritism, and he made sure to keep things right among everyone.
Zoe wasn't sure what the others had gotten. Well, she knew Kaylee had strawberries. -Everyone- knew Kaylee had strawberries. She had that look on her face.
What she and Wash got, though, was the best. Just a simple box of chocolates, but the look on her husband's face told her just what those chocolates were going to be used for. They could both see it on Mal's face, too, and that their captain really didn't want to know.
"Keep it to your quarters," was the only thing he said, and Wash had almost teased him. But the man had held back, and simply looked at the chocolates.
"Look lovely on that skin of yours," he murmured, grinning up at Zoe with that little boy grin of his. Zoe had only arched a brow and smiled back and taken the box to store in their quarters. Chocolates. As rare as Kaylee's precious strawberries, and much more versatile.
That was cred well spent, as far as they were concerned.